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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 26, 1998
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Publication Date: 
March 7, 1989
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000600840001-3.pdf87.24 KB
lout Soviets Announce MonEojia Approved Foa 2000/08/08 . CIA P00 789R00D60 ~~~~""''((~~ ((~~ 4 NO- MOSCOW, March 7-The Soviet Europe and Asia. Union said today it is.withdrawing fan satar* yin Western experts saw the move as 75 percent of its troops from Mon ONGOLIA a concession to China, which has goliati to Yan apparent concession ,to ~s ? ? , long urged the withdrawal of all China on tli~ eve of" May's Chinese- n f x s Moscow's forces from Mongolia, a o ul t d a l s p a e y p area as big as p re Foreign,- *Ministry,... ' e" :spokesman the whole of Western Europe sand- Gennadi Gerasimov said the ts cu was inaddition to an announcement t~l wished between the two,cornmunist by Mnnonila rbla ;.,o.~t giants. and trim its. military budget by 11 erOwecaoK-TNEwasH~NOroNPOSr Bona at the request of its Soviet- percent. backed government in 1966 at a "In agreement with the Mango- golia, although recent Western es- time when once-close Sino-Soviet Ilan government we are bringing timates put the figure at about relations had been soured by ideo- back to the motherland three-quar- 50,000, grouped into four divisions. logical and foreign policy disputes. ters of,'Soviet troops based there," Soviet President Mikhail Gorba- Amid signs of an improvement in Gerasimov' said' at a news confer- chev promised in .a speech to the these ties, the Soviet Union an- ence. "All airborne detachments United Nations in December to nounced in 1987 that it was pulling will be withdrawn and disbanded." bring home a "major part" of Soviet out some of the troops. Western Gerasimov did not detail the total troops from Mongolia, without giv- experts said 8,000 to 11,000 sol- number of Soviet soldiers in Mon- ing more details, as part of far- diers were withdrawn. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000600840001-3