8914-I SESSION 01, CRV, VIEWER # 018

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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 11, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 20, 1989
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000500190008-9.pdf358.95 KB
Approved ,For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789I 0005001 P0008-9 P'R(::)JECT SUN STREAK f:RCIJECT NUMBER: (:3914...1: DATE OF SESSION: 890-1-10 START: 1c"0.0 METHODOLOGY: CRV SESSION NUMBER: 1. DATE OF REPORT: (:390420 END: :1. 103 VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 018 1. (S/NF/SEC) MISSION: I:)c:??s:iic::r?:i. l:ao t.l"7o most utrii clt.to i:auiil::}e: c:'t.: rani::! ?ft.tnc:t:!.earl of tl-it?;:?? 1ctr?c::lot s::ii.-t.e I:}r?cav:1dlo c:ivsr?I?io .c::l s:sl?:.et:r.::li cad: ?t:l'ie target ar-ea. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: (:'i:}c}r ci~.rtitt.t (t4tor? viewer- wi::tsi:i in /I., 't':I?ie cuss "ztsI; i rici i vi. duct1. you Iixave , the is, t t: t'. da c:: kl cc~ cl . 01.13 :!. t:i c?:, rY ?t::i.. f i s ci t h e::a most t..t ri i. ci t..t e 'f arlf:.''t".:1. orl as boi nt:1 t:'.he c:Irat I on of a mater ?:I. al :i rivc:}1 ve i::, a mol. oc::t..t1. iar1. eve1, c::!-,range t.t::} a b1. or::I:: Of si 1. vo'r"y : . f c:t r? i r1:s. r'i s;1 i:i r?i is n?i ca r?? I:a I?r {:Y t..t sia mat. eI"' :( as 1 .trlsitc:l t:. it., f ho miatsriia1 1sii rl {::Y'l". arid c:. a n be I?r f-:.51. cl :i. r'Y the hand . :I: t: a .f., I:ar cac:lt..tc:::1.rlcl tr?e=mencicn.u.:i amcm.tritsi:s of energy whore 4:t..?I ~i:at..t:?t.t,. It: dc)es: 't?. I ?'.:i. ?mi is n c) -t ?i i s 1::)y e: { p::} ancl :i. n c;1 tc:a tri