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To Unauthorized Exports to Libya W. Germany Sets New Control Measures By Robert J. McCartney Washington Post Foreign Service BONN, Jan. 11-The West Ger- man . government today acknowl- edged for the first time that inves- tigators have uncovered. "indica- tions" that two West German firms may have made unauthorized ex- ports to Libya. The statement appeared to rep- resent a reversal by the Bonn gov- ernment, which had insisted for more than a week that it had seen no indications or evidence' to sup- port U.S. administration allegations that five West German companies helped Libya build a chemical weap- ons factory. Customs investigators and other export-monitoring authorities have obtained information indicating that two of the five companies impli- cated by Washington may have been involved with a Belgian trans- port company in making unautho- rized exports to Libya, a govern- ment spokesman said. Yesterday the government an- nounced a major package of control measures for new arms shipments abroad that commentators here said was a clear admission that the Bonn government had been lax in enforc- ing its own ban on military exports to regions of tension. (In Washington, a State Depart- ment spokesman "warmly wel- comed" Bonn's move, adding that the administration would have to study the new restrictions careful- ly.] The two West German compa- nies implicated are IBI Entering of Fran furt, which has been linked to an Iraqi businessman identified as Ihsan Barbouti, and Imhausen- Chemie Gmbb j off, say' d' h go-nn government spokesman in a telephone interview tonight. The Belgian firm is Cross Link of Ant- werp, the spokesman added. Imhausen previously has denied that it delivered chemical arms equipment to Libya, while IBI En- gineering has not publicly re=. sponded to the allegations. Cross Link refused comment when con- tacted today, Reuter news agency reported: West German officials said that customs investigators a week ago confiscated 12 containers of docu- ments belonging to IBI Engineering as part of an inquiry into the U.S. allegations. West German and Bel- gian authorities were cooperating in the inquiry, the Bonn officials said.- It was too early to say whether investigators have obtained "evi- dence" of illegal exports to Libya; the government spokesman, said tonight. Earlier in the day, Reuters quoted Bonn government sources as saying that West German author- ities had evidence that West Ger- man firms helped Libya build what the United States says is a chemical weapons plant. "We are in possession of evidence which shows that the American al- legations are not groundless," Reuters quoted a source as saying: "Imhausen will not be able to extri- cate itself from the matter now," the agency quoted a government source as saying. But the government spokesman said that the sources quoted by Reuter went "too far," because "we have no formal report with evi- dence from the responsible author- ities." Chancellor Helmut Kohl's gov- ernment reacted with a mixture of deep embarrassment. and irritation, after' U.S. officials leaked the name of the Imhausen firm to U.S. media late last month. U.S. officials main- tain that Imhausen, a chemicals and pharmaceuticals company belonging to a group with 350 employees, See BONN, A32, Col. 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000500070001-9 E~DP789QU.5D4070Q01-9 y pp ~". C y5~~ C 1,20 -4 M "' GL .C "~ ~. ~+ C fi ~n N v~ O' ro v! O ^~w o w y bCO 3r" y 4J aw 'C'O ~ o ~' 'e~piti~j'~OW ~ O~va?a~?~~O'~a.~' . 44 ++ N~ O S~~ o V r, ~y v cGQ .~ r3 Tf ODD 78 0 0) 2 .^ ark Cam.' O [d tCI a+ + .d 44 -SAW C3440A 2, 5 X 03 aa~o~a w co ~~ .S a `~ eca ~o ~i R ~'asi 3 a ;vzs o N4. C C. y V1 3 ~efn~s' ca V1 ~~ p [ : ? 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'a te Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000500070001-9 Approved for Reheas 200,0/08/08 CIA-RDP96-0078 8000500.070001-9 Bonn concedes Libyan Plant wiaon Punt Fore Servke ,ucal Weapons information until October of last VIENNA, Jan. 16-West Ger- many's government, said today for the first time that it believes that a controversial factory . in Libya will be able to make poison gas, but it continued to insist that it only has indications that West German com- panies helped build the plant. In comments to reporters in 'Bonn, Finance Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg also disclosed - that Bonn had obtained information as early as August of last year that raised suspicions . about possible West German corporate involve- ment in building the factory. Pre- viously, West German officials had said they were not aware of such Stoltenberg's statements repre- sented another step back from West Germany's initial, irritated rebuff of U.S. administration allegations that five West German firms helped con- struct a chemical arms factory at Rabta, Libya. The minister's remarks were made in part to a news conference, and in part, afterward to a corre- spondent of the Reuter news agen- cy in Bonn. His comments were confirmed in a telephone interview with his-.chief spokesman, Karl- Heinz von den Driesch, in Bonn. "We have to assume that at this factory there is a section that will be able to produce poison gas," Stol- See GERMANY, A18, Col.1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000500070001-9 Apprcyel~a~en28 C,, `C9 ~'905~QQA7~p 0 ro:= --3w .4 r m env, ?q' y o~ ..yy lna ~ o go M::~ 0 1.4 2 CD C3. ,?.,, p? 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