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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300540001-9 SECRET/NOFORN SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) ERV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE::: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES .AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMBER:: 8708 DATE OF SESSIONt 4, June 87 REFERENCESN None DATE OF REPORT:: 9 june 87 NICKNAME:: None IARGEF COUNTRYN UNKNOWN SESSION NUMBERN 01, 02 ? MISSION STATUSN Continuing TECHNIQUE UTILIZEDN ERV SOURCE IDENTIFIERN 07(? vio 1. (S/NF/SK) TASKING::: Initially the Interviewer was provided only a sheet of bond paper on.which the following tasking had been prepared:: "Project 8708. Additionally, Source was provided the encrypted coordinates listed above, as per Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) protocols to preclude', even inadvertent geographic cuing. Prior to the second session, Source was provided key phrases or terms provided by Her in the I nitial session, i.e., "large area, several buildings one with a compartment area...", and told that this is the area She would be reporting on in this session. No other descriptive data or cuing except that stated above was provided to Source prior to this. session. SESSIONN There were no reportable incidents or anomalies which may have affected or influenced the data provided by Source in this report. (S/NF/SK) SUMMARY:: SECRET/NOFORN SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300540001-9 SG1A SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300540001-9 SECRET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY a. (S/NF/SK) In Source's initial_sessjsx", She moved to a general site which had numerous, .?structures" of varying sizes and shapes. The general gestalt of this area, according to Source, was ' one of, "structures...cement...slab...rough...low structures...". , Source perceived the presence of an, "open ball", on a roof top which was further described as, "curving outward, not closed, manmade...heavy...placed on- 8 "A" frame...". The "open ball", was later sketched by the Source and resembled a radio or I adar dish antenna which correlated well with Sources additional descriptives of this item as, "reaching out, dijferent directions, leaving, seeing...going out, picking up...rotational...a linkage...". b. (S/NF/SK) Other structures at this site were briefly described by Source based on their external appearance only, since Source was not directed/permitted by the In to focus Her attention on the interiors of these structures. When She finally began focusing Her at. to the interiors Source began by describing one structure which contained a, "compartment" and the feeling that men here were, "building something...this could be a "rest" place (storage?)...a feeling of building something new nearby...". At this time no real significance was attached to this description since the Interviewer was still unknowledgeable of the true nature of the target. In the course of directing Source from structure to structure, She continued to provide only general data as required. c. (S/NF/SK) One structure of some interest was described as, "well lighted...rows.of lights...long, thin, moving tables (conveyor I:: lts or assembly lines?), very smelly, musty, noisy area, powdery...oily, dirty...producing heavy placed into systems...". This concept of heavy metals and assembly was then pursued further resulting in more descriptions of people working in this area, "cutting circles, small circies...something very 1.ppg. aPd. . thin...machines cut right through, electronic machines, spin at the top...metal shields...people at the table work with small pieces, refining...cut into sheets...". According to Source, these metals were being cut and refined, "to be used by man...associated with some firing...government....". A closer examination could. not explain this concept. Continued "exploration" at the site revealed the presence of different activities including a somewhat intellectual group of people intent on learning, "how to cope, how to live with, how to deal with (something?)...ahead of their 1: :1. with (the) new...thinking about how the land will be destroyed...thinking is for the future...they are wrong and should start over again...". There were some final comments concerning the efforts/ideas of these men in, "putting things in the ground...tunnels.....drops (liquid drops)...concealing...". d. (S/NF/S() A final attempt to target the Source o,t.he SEMI 1/NOI-ORN CHANNI LH ONIY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300540001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300540001-9 SECRET/NOFORN SKEET CHANNELS ONLY thing that interest me", resulted only in a collage of data pertaining to something which had, "light zig zagging...within a , compact area, a zone, intensities...light shines out, enormous, 's\ measuring, density...power...pure .energy ...heat, could bRoisonous), could hurt, "they" will use it to hurt, could kill many peof.) time, it's been around +or a while. Not new...natural energy...". e. (S/NF/SK) In the Second session, Source again quickly moved to the site and soon began desCribing a structure that was, "square, rather small...built fast...paths extending out...big roof...hard, white.cement...uncovered floors, not comfortable, a work area...thick walls, a barrier...(not everyone) can get in (here) ...narrow (door), metal, hard, locked, thick...". Within this structure, which Source later called a, "bunker like structure" in post-session interviews, contained, "the thing of interest to me which Source described as, "round, framed....two parts, placing together...circular part open (the object) is not complete...the stand is underneath...grooves, small workings...power here...". f. (S/NF/SK) Source was told to, "stay with this object and describe it in detail". She began by describing the "top portion" as being, "rounded...(with a) hard covering, underneath the top portion (it) is not normally seen with the eye, cross wiring..?precision +or distances, exact firing out on straight line...inside (it's) warm, workings inside...little parts...while working on it, it is placed on a hoop, clamping down, big clamps and little clamps...rough edges, moveable...there's a point in the center...a radiance, moving back away (from the center) gets thicker, thin wiring, different sections, panelling (protective shielding/access panels?)...the way you cover it...plastic, heat...". Source was permitted to continue with only infrequent questions to clarify a generality or ambiguous word. Source continued Her description of the object by stating that "will produce a source of heat, a fanning out...generated, a cool down system, radiating out...the bottom is thick, very thick but light in weight...there are portions added on...a twisting on the bottom (threaded area?), an adding on...". g. (S/NF/SK) Source was directed to continue to remain with this object and to describe it in detail. She continued by describing a, "circuLar motion, a fanning motion, the heat is the secret, metal...holding it together, not pipes (later described as probably bolts or rivets)...a hardness, all of this will be placed around it, towards the exterior...clamped down when it's not in use...placed in a shell...". At this point, Source began describing the "shell like" covering holding this object in terms which closely correlated to the photograph of the, "packing/storage crate". Sho perceived this box as, "protecting, a sliding portion", it's not the core, it's functional but not important for the working...the object stands straight up and down (and) the top is pointed...the inner SECRET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300540001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300540001-9 SECRET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY working are plastic...". To make the object funCtion', the workers, "remove something large, a circular part, a man is turning, marking, reading...something on the gadget is placed behind the gadget which will be able to pick up the hitting...the power is small components...casings, you just put them inside, it's programmed...a heat source around a 'certain part (or) area, it's powerful with a "soft" energy (a motor or delivery system?)". When in use this object, "follows charts...exposure will make people feel funny (toxin?) radiating out...waves in the air...I don't see it hitting the ground...". SG1A SG1J Interviewer SECRET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000300540001-9