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Approved For Release 2000/0upM _ V FIDP96-00789R000300240001-2 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20301-Gi11 ?20,010/ST-S87 DT-S MEMORANDUM FOR ASSISTANT DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Operational Report - Project 8704 (U) 1. (S/NF/WN) During the course of 15 remote viewing sessions, five sources provided the foreign intelligence information that follows below. SG1A 2. (S/NF/WN) a. (S/NF WN) Source 003 described the target area as an open, spacious graveled-area characterized by a warm climate (at the time of viewing). The jgXqa_wa&.re ,peatedl and intermittently graded and prepared for reuse. While in use, the area was ,p vibration', the presence of puffy clouds of translucent green, and the aroma of ammonia that cased a? i.T sensation in the nasal passages and a Tof the in .>g Ves; Black circular patches were observed on the around as a result of this activity. These same patches were the subject of rt scrutiy and measurement, In a subsequent session, Source 003 described the presence of a "green cloud" in the form of a fine aerosol spray that-produced a burning sensation. Source provided a sketch of the target area during the course of yet a third session. (SEE TAB A). A truck outfitted with safeguard devices transported sealed devices in the Ulgg~ r " The -i-on of -e- ; caused ,poping noise" and an ensuing presence of a grayish, green translucent cloud of caustic, corrosive precipitate that was inimical to human, biological functions and ed v. F F,0; The target area was :nilitary- related; personnel did not serve in this area by choice. They were~TM he, arejo. WARN'NG NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTr. -,L IGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNE]_S ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUI]~ED CLl1:.SIFIED BY: 'A, DT DEC ASSIFY BY: DR s Approved For Release 2000/o~inR ? rye-'0~ ' 6-00789R000300240001-2 Approved For Release 2000/ P96-00789R00030.0240001-2 b. (S/NF/WN) Source 021 described the target area as an open, somewhat isolated and barren appearing area with the 'presence' of "flat-topped, curved structures." Flashes of ''emerald green light" produced seam- on -%--of- weaknesses, a dra .nIng sensation, accompanied by it i=ta] _ _j aQ.r~ entatio~. c. (S/NF/WN) Source 018 indicated that .amotjQnsof revuls,iQ:n were associated with target area. "Active molecules with spikes" and transparent colors of green and grey were dominant in the area. Activity in the target area resulted in accompanied by an added 'Q f hey "d ,ing out taste,." ,AAA d. (S/NF/WN) Source 079 described an activity within the target area as a ',.g _ g (leveling) of large bumps, 9 a s_tripping of the land, (to clear and clean) a dirty environment." Odd appearing, square-shaped vehicles were observed in the area. SG1A 3. a. (S/NF/WN) Source 003 described a bizarre, oriental appearing structure involved in an g -ensive r-errganization of, t..iv,i:ty New equipment was already installed while the old equipment was strewn outside the structure and &waitjr),g tt4,portatior . Personnel at the site seemed aggravated, frustrated and particularly annoyed at the posed changes. requiring extra effort and extra duty. In a second session, Source 003 described the target facility as a massive, concrete structure tQx "contaminants" described as harsh, salty, granular, caustic and yellowish in appearance. Technically qualified personnel in protective clothing with hoods and face plates, 1re pulated, -transported and tord. the material. b. (S/NF/WN) Source 021 described the target facility as a huge, tall, broad structure, flat in appearance on one side and curved on a second side. There was a notable scarcity of personnel within the structure. hj,Zlg" sounds were associated with the ?activity within the structu T e. . he principles off c~nt,a_,inlnert and ~gemote- were in evidence. A ulsinto1 maintenances, p g, greenish light/energy appeared to result from the o articl from outside the structure. c. (.:/NF/WN) Source 018 described the target facility as a structure constructed in the form an "inverted drinking cup." One area within the structure was area for sweet ta`, foul smelling, warm liquid. An la we V,j-,- ;lit k~ y both natural and artificial light was ; : h ra t,. is .stical) y clean .ar~,~{, dr'v d. (S/NF/WN) Source 079 described the target facility -s being located in a hlprotected, isolated,.secure, circu7ar- Approved For Release 2 -RDP96-00789R000300240001-2 Approved For Release 2000/e?i!Eu m P96-00789R000300240001-2 shaped area. z, oga j?__wore jprotective c1.othing, and ,-a:d1ed; SG1A 5peared rycompartmente,d, The presence of a very dangerous ma - , n made substance was in OUR of development. The was manti by a neighboring group of foreigners. The presence of a communications systems maLn with the outside world was also noted. There was a continuing preoccupation with an object that un ioned itscpnnection -,with btm.ophere e. (S/NF/WN) Source 101 described the target area as a huge complex surrounded by a fence with a predominant L-shaped building. A servicing rail switch yard was in the area. Technicians and scientists held j? ngs,to address the use of light weight metals and alloys. The presence of chickens and pigs was incongruously noted. 4. (S/NF/WN) ORIGINATOR'S COMMENTS: There was a perceptible continuum of correlation in the information provided by the five sources. There was some difficulty in sorting the information as ,_ .v ud4,ion aneec t IL.,*) at your earliest convenience (SEE TAB B) . Request you complete and return the attac-hAdi Tn+,m1 1 4 tea.- - SG1J 2 Enclosures TAB A Sketches GS-14 TAB B IES Senior Analyst Approved For Release 2000/08/ 412- g ,I -00789R000300240001-2