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SG1J Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 mOMMIWW/NOFORN PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROjECT NUMBER: 8717 SESSION NUMBER: 02 DATE OF SESSION: 30 Dec 87 DATE OF REPORT: 6 Jan 88 'START: 0915 END: 10-'0 METHODOLOGY: ERV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 018 (S/NF/SK) MISSION: Access the target site at 589'281/856562 and identify/describe the new structures of high intelligence interest. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: Based on data previously furnished in Session 01, provide overview, an overhead sketch of the target structure(s): indicate target structures in sequence of X-1, X-2, X-N. Revisit tall squarish (target) structure, describe interior,, purpose, and dimension,::::,; provide supporting sketch. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: Physical inclemency noted. Viewer 018 had a bad cough that proved distracting; the cough notwithstanding, 018 accomplished more than 70 percent of his assigned mission. Cd HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY aMMWOMPIWNOFORN CLASSIFIED BY: DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY: OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 DATES Approved ForRelease2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96 -0(Er89414000200-MWYL"mINT 4 January, 1988 LrLY TO ATTU OF, S suniEcT: .SESSION SUMNARY (C/SS) SG1 J To, , DT s (A TTN: (S-SED Statistics: Viewer: Spssion Mode of mcmoranc 018 date: 30 DEC 87 operatI on: CRV (8 ..... SS) Tasking: Describe the general area around the target site, with any specific descriptions of the exact structures, called "X 1" and "X-2". :3. (S ..... SS) ,Results: 'a. The area around the target site (see drawing #1) is perceived as being generally flat land. To one side of the site Hi4E a waterfront (perceived as a sharp, irregular dividing line between land and water; doCk or wharf area.) The/water area is not perceived as continuing on out (as out to sea),!but is :perceived as only a strip of water between two areas of lorld. To the other side of the taF.get structures, a large city is perceived. This city seemed to be a lot of. ?very low (one-story) structures, with. very tall structures placed randomly among them as opposed to what I think of as an American city, with large buildings g6nerally clustered together in "zoned" areas). The smaller structures had a very junky and/or run-down appearance. b. X ?1 was perceived (see drawing #2) as the same structure I_had visited in a previous session: It is smaller than a nearby structure, seemingly in its shadow. X 1 seems small from the outside, but inside, appears large. The inside of the structure was perceived as having two front rooms, then the rest of the building being large and open. There seemed to be -a lot of medium-sized machines (lathe size) which I could not recognize usesofor. At the time of this vieWing, the entire building appeared dark and lacking any activty. c. X- the side of but once ?:'i" 1: to contain a everywhere, the overall things, but -covering -for perceived as being physically located off to X 2 seemed smaller than X- from the out: gave the impression of beilg 'huge. It appeared floor-to-ceiling machine with lits of lines running and possibly many catwalks. In this same vein, I got impression that X 1 was a building which contained that X 2 was not so much a "building" as a simple the protection of the large machine. d. Twlo or three times during the session, there was another structure which I "popped into". This structure is separate ft' can X I. and X 2. It is white, small (about the size of OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 Approved ForRelease2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0002002000fig= .41 CFR) 101-11.4 6010-114 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 a moving van), and covered inside with what appears to be aluminum-+oil all over the walls, and re+rigerant pipes running all along the walls and ceiling. No particular purpose was perceived +or this structure, but its location is marked as well on drawing #2. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RD.M-1(40789R000200200008-0 1:7 it_4 ez.) /1-14 L A 7--(17)A, A- A c? e 7" 151.573- c ii / Approved For Relf1?9,M0/08708?:(ZIA-RthiVA0789R0002002000pw Approved For Release 2000/* At CiA?tRIDP9a)e-89R000200200008-0 F/e V /i 14/ ? T/1- t'e 6 el? S rfevC1 6Y/ 6P 7/7 6at-d_ 6= 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 0 cf 7 d. /4.4"' cov-/m: 4-?,0? (s) ?-17 7=1/ 7 oles-63a, /1- 6 .2 2 ? ett--41- -> 64,a/2,0-LeA,vy hte/d-te, c,vvt.d e 144 &(--c-ka-cdt FoiZee,a;e 2000/08/08 : C16-418A-R 196-00789R000200200008-0 0 .61 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 6 00/ n.,//4/27- c4,4--evet ,"21,a414 1---6/41 dvarbe4/ ce," e) 5 .1-e.-6-A---ee 7/6-gel a/2_14., ez?er4 e,e61,a(_4 ezoczi .-2,1,tdde/ At.ej-jja-z-LarY /fok. 02,0k-441, c-aee-eA-4 > X t---6/6-ae) Z-610-641.1 L1-- cteu-It4?,? 6,,ext,e,e/c (>(- 4-ce, L Abp elea'-seaff/D020--8t?ClA-RD e 0-v&e e)-1-?J2strde 9R000 00200 08- e-rtg-Celer-r-e_eotzer Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 --?- 9i- "C.6 -1? /fekee-, 4 ,e-e6e121?24q- AW) /d/d-//'Af'4/ ke-e9L-ee ziid& ame, 02,614/2.02_a % /-2 67,Lb t Th2. pr ved For Releasg=8/0MrDP96-00 9R000200200008-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200200008-0 ear-tait.e, x ?-