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Publication Date: 
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Approved ForRelease2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0002001600V-6 C ) amomermoFoRN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY :::(")3 ECT SUN STREAK (U) ERV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMBER: 8718 DATE OF SESSION% 30 $ep 87 REFERENCES: None DATE OF REPORT: 28 Sep 87 TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: ERV NICKNAME: None TARGET COUNTRY: Unknown SESSION NUMBER 03 MISSION STATUSg Continuing SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 079 1. (S/NF/SK) INTERVIEWER TASKING: This is the third session of a new project provided to the Interviewer. Specifically the interviewer is to task the Remote Viewing Source to provide data on a specific site to include the general external and internal configurations, purposes of the various structures and objects at the site and data pertaining to the development and utilization of materials/objects at this. site. The Interviewer still has not hon made cognizant of the true nature of this site. As in the previous session, the Interviewer utilized the same encrypted coordinate of "1284/6712" which is a departure from accepted protocols of two six 'digit coordinates. The Source was able to quickly adapt to this rather small departure from past procedures. (S/NF/SK) SOURCE TASKING: Source was told that this was a, "revisit to a site you worked in the last session. You will be given. a set of shortened coordinates but as before, it should not affect your performance". In addition, Source was provided the same Z2encrypted coordinates cited above as per Extended Remote Viewing protocols. No other cuing. or descriptive data was provided to Source prior to this session. 3. (S/NF/SK) INCLEMENCIES: There were no reportable incidents or anomalies which may have influenced the data obtained in this . K. session. 4. (S/NF/SK) SUMMARY: Source furnished the attached summary which was prepared fon7TWE:cii the session and submitted to the Interviewer within '24 hours after the session. The completeness of the typewritten summary has been compared to the Interviewer's notes and all omissions, changes, and/or corrections have been verified as Approved faniiiiieStasef2000/08/OftECIAADR9.840017139R000200160016 0Y- Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 mmOOMMPP/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY acceptable by the Interviewer. The information provided in the summary was found to be a complete accounting of the data provided by the Source during the session and did not require further modification, clarification or additions by the Interviewer, In. post session interviews, Source detailed a strong image of what Si termed a, "factory like" atmosphere in an older facility who temperature. was hard to control resulting in a chilly, cold internal working conditions. Source further had a problem with an image of a large cylindrical object which she insisted was located outside the building itself. This object, as described by Source bears striking similarities to a central object reported by other Sourcest however in the cases of those Sources, the object is located in a large. open area of the building. The fact that this object, described as technical in nature, is in a large open area of the building may be confusing the images perceived by this Source who is then interpreting the image as being outside. cx; ? (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS3 It is planned to continue to utilize this Source on this target in the near future. Her data in this session bore strong correlations to data obtained by Other Sources targeted . against this site. In future sessions and attempt will make to gather further data on the activity within the structure and to further clarify the confusing images of the objects associated with this site. It is believed that once these objects are clarified both in Source's perceptions as well as the impressions provided to the Interviewer, this particular Source may well hold the key to the actual intelligence questions -rertaininc to this site. SGFOIA3 Approved Perineleasei-720410/080P :IEC1044ROPM007189R000200160016-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 30 SEPT 87 SOURCE 079 0,7_7 DURING THIS SESSION, I FIRST SAW MEN WORKING ON A VERY WIDE AND SPACIOUS AREA AND THEY WERE MOVING AROUND A_VERY_BIO_CIRCULAR OBjECT. THIS OBjECT WAS SITTING ON THE GROUND AND MEN WERE CARRYING SMALLER OBjECTS AND WALKING ON AND AROUND THIS BIG OBjECT. ON THIS LARGE OBjECT, THERE IS ANOTHER.OBjECT WHICH EXPANDS WHICH GAVE ME AN AIRY FEELING OR A FEELING OF FLOATING. MEN LOOK DOWN c 'ii LIGHT OBjECT WHEN IT IS NOT IN USE AND SOMETIMES THIS OBjECT IS FOLDED. I ALSO KEPT SENSING MOVEMENT SIDEWAYS. WHEN ENTERING THE STRUCTURE, I SENSED A LOT OF MEN DOING PHYSICAL WORK. THE INSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE REMINDED ME OF A FACTORY BECAUSE OF ITS SPACIOUSNESS AND IT WAS HARD TO KEEP HEATED. THE WALLS WERE LIGHT IN COLOR AND WERE SQUARE AND TRIANGULAR. THE FLOORS WERE UNCOVERED. THE MEN WERE DRESSED IN COMFORTABLE CLOTHING. THEY WERE LONG SHIRTS AND LONG PANTS. 'THE MEN WERE WORKING WITH MANY PIECES OF EQUIPMENT.- AND THESE Pfl.CLS SI LMED 10 BE OLD. THERE SEEMED TO BE A RATHER LARGE OBJECT WHICH WAS POWERFUL AND I" MADE A SWEEPING MOTION. IT WAS NOT A NEW MODEL AND I KEPT SEEING PIECES BEING PLACED ON THE OBjECT. ?SOME SORT OF READJUSTMENT WAS BEING MADE. ONE OF THE PIECES OF EQUIPMENT BEING PLACED ON THE SIDE OF THE OBjECT WAS A CRANK. IT HANGS ON THE SIDE AND IT GENERATES MOVEMENT. THERE WERE -.ROTORS ON THE FRONT OF THE OBJECT. OVERALL, THE OBJECT MOVED SIDEWAYS AND SLOW BUT THE PIECES ON THE OBJECT MOVE FAST-. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0002001 ? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 I COULD ALSO SEE THE MEN LOOKING THROUGH LITTLE BLACK _ CIRCLES AND THEY COULD THEN "MARK OFF" AN AREA AND THIS PROCESS WAS DONE FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES. I COULD ALSO SEE MEN CARRYING LONG, TUBULAR TYPE OBjECTS WHICH WERE RATHER HEAVY. THE MEN HERE WERE CONCERNED WITH CHECKING THINGS OUT, INSPECTING, GUARDING, AND SECURING. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0002001600 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 0 47 -r" f)) 6 -1) ,)) Approved For lkease 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 Approved For Release 2000/08(08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 itpP X kl IC 0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 ? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 \ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160016-6 6?-4ofs. i1-vo 9 2. wOraciAi C lhaowv A A- EiC COS OeVecr Velay io 7V-E eleJeer 16?z AimAi alS7 lert--4 .S'PActOtiS hOY 6arepJ ow-ss,Es, 772ces- 77m 68 e er 16 7-A-KINK UP A Lo- 06-r SPAcZ AiteRi wiA total 7-4-rn aVecT 14"zoi4,/Mall, kocl WA) tilik.4tiLl? ooki Paci. 1u6 T1-11A16S" Okf lir OF TIM 68o4 -D17-ze1z, is- 4-A1 e/tm-fko-ydii, Mein) 60E6 tdc OexCKu Dog.mic OT /6E, M6_A--sc1re,tAkt WOOZtAt6 Tb667)-1, 1140le-tN6' bowAl /AVONATMA)ili9grAIC CIF* eftletIVC 1161.6 Int? 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