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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0002001 ii~iGlIOi-C7RN "- SKEET CHANNELS ONLY I riV E;iE:; i?:3:I: C:)N 1='1=tf::IC:;I:~l.)lJl?tk::W:i I..ii? WARNING NOTICE-. :C N'1"I'LL I SE'NC:E SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED C.",(I`+f"I"Rot.., (3715 DA"I"Fi: (,'.F SE:::sf i i cmi ,; None 23 Sep 1:3 D(1.1"[.':. is:IF' P%,E r?''(::lr:..,i" n 29 Sep J:37 I\iIM.1,NNNA1V1r.:.a i~lc:}r1t::~ "I-)`?1RCaE-i:'1" i::Il11V?CI?tY.- Unknown c:if::;:4:a.3:I:ON f~1t11VI tE:::F i::) ;l 111S,13MIN .. a I (1 I L?l,,.s u C:: e:) r'1 { : i. r') (..(i. I?1 {;~ iF:ci?I~1.T.C;it.JEr.", t..l'1":E L.. :tzI.:::X:)a 1::::1"iV c;f::it_lrit E.:: :EDE:1\1"F'1:1="1:C;:i iit:;): :I.' NTE?:RV1:1::_W[::.i k::I"I?1 is is the :ini.tial ~t?+t;;;G;;:i.i)rr of 1 """.........".........._..__..."" ............................... ...~._..............._.."....... r'1 i= w F?) r" (::) j ~ :~ (:: 't, {::, c:) r?1 t.l (..(t::: t e t.l t h7 i. t? S cxr"c:: r:? ., t h7 e.e Ir'1t.ti:?I"'v:i. eweI,?, :I. vi to task the Remote Vi t?wi. nq Source to provide data (")I-) ~_ t:. t.:) C1 l i? I"1 C'c+r" a .i i k i( 't F ? r" t'1 + .t and i'1 .t Lnt,ti:r" {::{on f i. J(_tl'"w:i, r c the riir?i c;)1"l iaiic:l f51 I:)fnn3, t.t.t:i?d to the is1) t (yY' V I. ew r" i ciayiiii f ca:t :t t::>wi. r'1( ra>iiii:1. on Ii'1e? t:cm:: ):l etc:;?r'1t??ss? to f k:t?)t? t:ylat:5wr?:i. t.: hcxr'Y ?iri l..ltYlfYli>tr"y 1"11:a?i5 1:1t?ti?r1 to the 1: rt t'.{:?i"'Vi. Gc+w(: r?' a r"1c:}'t:e,?s6 arid all c:7fYY:LE5ii3:I.C)rtiiS, c::hs:tr"1c(r}??."?s, and/or- t.::t")r"r'Fr.c:'t?,:i.c)rri 1"riv(": l::)-(?ii+rl Ver":1.4':i.ed as as c::: e 1::) nc:)t3t3)?y'tGai need by c th(?r S( targc:;tt::?t:i ?iii i. t. t ? 1. Y"Y f t"t t l..t r- t::? sa e s s i o rl :iii and i t t: 't". e m i::> t. w i. l I rn i>t ..e 't: C> gl:ath1 z r- ?f't:hc:?r? data c I"1 't I"1e?:?? ac.'t:: i vi ?t>'y w:i thY:l r'i the s;7l-r? c: and 't: c) ?'t?.he r" r.::1.l;:tr?i.?fy thi:;? c.)'f t:'he post 1---ietisi.c>I-1 s+C?nergy" c:71::>.je:c:A,.,. well. as., c:)'t:.1'1er" r?;1t:S_Jc:'c+c::'t':?i3/(:~fi?tiEi't".,i~.1.'t.S:ii c:>+ :i.r?Y?t"t??i"'l;i??^:>t< :r?l:. !st?ll:>1..t1rl I::YF.?i1 r?Yt?J?l:e:?("1 l:, l"1~:tt: f::3r>t?.tr c ci~'sr wr":i. ttc?r'Y sYumrnar"y I" eir^'tt:a:i.iiin to th:i. :i iii&"?riiiiiiii r)r"1 waisi fif?1. I-Ii ii:i I::1F??r"?i5l::)I"1r l :t r?1r t.'t:li>s1"Y'..i on and a ?i:Shor- t> ?int:::hc:?riLt:i c?:?c::I leave w I"1 i. c : hl He took ?f o i. 1. c:) w :i. r i the tics f:??i5 ?iii :i. r} I"Y and b e:? ?i? c:a 1"' F??:?? t I?? I"1 ci i. r q to 1-1i s l: r?tii:t:i. r"1i ng 'l:.c.J the k:SY"f:?l:}r_tr"ld't :i C:)r'1 fi:}r" thli s:i: sial.,trYlrYlr;tr?y? 1111:+ four. c:l-1 I--I :i. iii- c: c m m e; r"1't. ?iii :1. r"Y't:?. t:;) doubt iz+ i 1"i C:; ec? it t::: A cXz G. iN -A , CctQet)c/ i --~ p s o~--- cS GY1l~~ ~~ C.t v~ l ~G~ v S 3~Tt d1 t1T~~' f.~ ug "V 7 `'-~ ! ~' cPE'n~ A \5tn6 UP E , llitfl ca R~._ (DST LA Cpl C~ `SJei UV ~- t r L,46P~ \ . Q 1/1 0-4 ' / 11 LaC V1 CiQ l ~j~(iQ cQ f / V it f,~j -6 16-ecP L*- COCJ c.c 1 a Cj'na;iA q WYVV VIA alAk / -L" CYPPIt A6 c- ( J V l C e cvlC " cut u 6rce-At - QY U s l a ) t, V 17 , j -~ - crTe e ~ T cdzyri~. ~ s~ E D ar s - c. rn u -- cT ism Much 3uT P A-S~ U=, LO ca.& e- ( e edc- Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160001-2 -Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200160001-2 Sc-u Q G DTs ~~ t, ---L -n L S th - `f- e t o c U,l.F 00 t ~1 ~- iJU S> P16 U1" AU-S'1 ~ ! e 21 L&4' -S ~u - ?~nS l stn A t4- bas-z c. SU ~'Pu&, P',Pe-S /tnD SZU Wnd a/tie.- `i " w /vtec;ffsu ,( (M2. 6 LtsKtT !S ij I )T W U T` P.,- W h e ttS ~ kut-- A th M I Y1r1, -n US L r a Ij e. c. "t v1 e n