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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200110001-7 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON. D.G. 20301-Gill 19 Nov 87 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Operational Report - 8713 (U) 1. (S/NF/SK) During the period of 5 October 1987 through 29 October 1987 inclusively, four remote viewers conducted eighteen sessions in an effort to determine the nature of current activity at 14752/1213 with results substantially as follows: a. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 079 perceived the target site as a large, rectangular, multi-level, concrete-reinforctruucture. Additional smaller structures in the target area played supporting role. Located immediately adjacent to and directly behind the main target structure, is a circular-shaped area harboring smooth, round, cylindrical, pointed, heavy devices that men prepare for launching. Once launched, the rocket-appearing devices "unfold and spread out" (See sketch at TAB A). In an ancillary action "a man-made light, from a (second) man-made vehicle, hits the object (device) with rays of light. The light has the ability to slice, cut, or sever the object initially launched (See sketch at TAB B). The exterior of the rocket appearing device is dull in color. "Silver blocks and padding" were observed within the object. The overall site activity is military-connected and shrouded in secrecy. Viewer 079 repeatedly observed the presence of a "handful" of an elitist, VIP-type group selected to learn, observe, and report on the ongoing activity. Members of this select group appearsonality politically involved and subordinate to a high-level per of significantipolitical stature. Viewer 079 remarked that WARNING NOTICEI: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CLASSIFIED BY: DT, DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR 0 9R000200110001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200110001-7 members of this elite group all wore warm, black coats to counter the cold, prevailing Nordic weather of the target site. b. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 011 perceived the overall target area as being located at the foot of a hard, rough, jagged, high, land feature with a dark, flat surface in a mountainous area. The target area consists of a land-water interface with the presence of a grey-domed, hard, structure constructed on top of a square, hard, chalky, structure described as a mountain fortress built on some sort of platform (See Sketch at TAB C). There is a notable presence of a vertical shaft and an elevator. An overview of the area reveals a body of water bordered on three sides by land (See sketch at TAB D). The concept of ships, submarines, and underground areas remind one of activity associated with the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Within the square structure are arched tunnels and caverns associated with a warehouse atmosphere (See TAB E). This entire complex situated in a very cold area of the world, seems to be underground. The target site radiates energy that ultimately results in propulsion and a star-burst explosion. The target activity is functionally related to propulsion as well as the placement and motion of a cylindrical appearing object with drooping wings (See TAB F). The surface is black and gritty (like carborundum). While focusing on mission objectives of this apparatus, Viewer 011 stated, "I perceive this apparatus as originating from a very northern base (like the USSR), traveling through the Bering Straits, south into the Pacific Ocean (area) and then (traveling) in a north-south zigzag pattern somewhere east of Japan and west of Hawaii (See TAB G) . c. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 003 described the target site as a dark, quiet area, a land and water interface located in a cold northern area of the world. The target is a black, rounded cylindrical, tapered, metallic, windowless structure (TAB H) that conveys a cavernous feeling and the presence of a tall airy tower (TAB I). Cyrillic writing is associated with it. Personnel working within the structure wear dark blue coveralls. The multi-level structure is of heavy metal construction with ladders, rails, and catwalks. The structure operates in a dark, cold, rough, body of water, in an atmosphere of quiet amid crunching sounds. Allied with the targe},, activity is the presence of a plotting table (TAB J) and the notion of a central control facility responsible for the direction of a special, regulating activity. It is a military related command and control activity dealing with contingencies surrounding friendly and unfriendly zones. The activity takes place over an extended period of time in terms of hours and days and involves a series of small successful encounters. The mission is considered secret, crucial, intricate, complex and has the potential to cause political embarrassment in an ongoing political power struggle. Viewer 003 concluded by stating, "The entire apparatus is (established) to provide support to a special group of five to seven people in the accomplishment of a specific mission. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : Cl Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200110001-7 d. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 018 perceived the target site as a massive, immoveable structure (TAB K) set on the ground in a salt water environment (possibly ice). The target activity is related to the controlling influence of a console (TAB L) regulating the activity of a missile-appearing device that leaves a tell-tale contrail from the horizon to an object in space. A predominance of male personnel is responsible for the conduct of this activity. 2. (S/NF/SK) COMIKENTS: The activity of intelligence interest appears to focus on a foreign-flagged submarine operating from a secretive northern cold weather base and is responsible for tracking the activity of ships and objects launched in space. Viewer transcripts and summaries are available for review at your convenience. SG1J 12 ENCLOSURES LTC, USA TABS A thru L SKETCHES Branch Chief M Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA- Approved For Release`s E O6&6 .,-r- O"6- 89R000200110001-7 i Approved For Release 2000/0 /08 Approved For Release 2000/08/MNp Approved FbI ReleVs62b00/0f0d:.' 1'A'l2DP &2 O R"'200t10001-7 C-4 ~4 ~ilC SG1J Approved For Release 2000/08/08.V: C A RDP96-00789R000200110001-7 1 3 I 2 ?- l~~s Al ovC P-i FAD T ' rock. CZ ~V( ct ~(. 5, u cq-e.. Tfi 6 6 _i Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIAF+1O67'66R000200110001-7 I\0 L All, t 4911vz~ R G// 7 O ,-Ad cL'7 5l,k,^S Approved For Rele zDOO/0$f08- CIA--RDP 69 0078 f~GLtno G-r -TM ICO AC_T(VITtr--6 F,-- 40 1 v3G o%ru Approved For Release 2000/08/ 00110001-7 7 6 6 ~-- - / mmBowip 00110001-7 . f-vA OP Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :`CI7C RDP96-00789R000200110001-7 - D UN wrd , OT g(r ,f 1 Approved For RAase 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP9 - 07841 2 fOL- :IA-R9P96=00789R000200110001-7 ,l 011" K"'T ~ i -.ate>~ ?-~3 ~ ~'~~? ?~y~~- L ~~ AA4-;-14 //sjig t? / Cl /w C, kl~ A I AL A Approved For Release 20 : CZf RDP96 ~{~ Q~ ~~. ~,~,~,~ ~R.PJ,.3~-try-`--~? ! _ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-1 Approved For Reese 2000/08/08_ 0 -V A-RDP96=00789R000200110001-7 AL ' -/.S t ~iCSC~ C/ ? 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