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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020017-0 SG1J JNC:)P:'(::)F I\t "?? SKEET CHANNELS ONLY ERV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT ........... . ..... . ................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .................... . . . . . ........... . . .......... . . . . . . . . . . WARNING I\l(::)"I" :I: (:::1:::: li INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND h11::"I"I-IC)DS INVOLVED CONTROL P.JC..JI"II=;(::RI; 871.1. .:?r?}..{..I (::)N::? SESSION: 24 Jul 87 REFERENCESN None DATE c:)F': RI::::I::'(.:)I:,.1.. ,i 27 Jul 87 ICI :I: (::; I':: N( 1 ivI i:ii: g None TARGET COUNTRYN Iran SESSION NUMBEQ 0:--.!: MISSION STATUS: Closed SOURCE I. ]7I::N_L.:f:1..::i: Iii::i:: N i::;-;;., ,o.." :.:r./ X11:??; sv) SOURCE f?S1.:::I:1.1G,i Prior to the session, Source was provided the "In t c:) t:a f::t y b session, we will work the same target has your previous session. I am still having some difficulty matching your descriptions ... (..'..t..) a map. To help me, 1 wan-(-,-. :: to examine some of the L.I"17 11t!tiii you ! t r4'S.I , i last a:5?'i'.. beginning I+i:~ 1~1 r GT a r t i b 4. m t, This place seems to you to have some relevance to the weapons mentioned earlier so (::: should be ? Xaaminf-.:?di more fully". NE/Em :I: P.I(:::L,.i:::.ME:Nc:::I:Iir::i ,i ..1..J..1i.Yr?-[?:, were no reportable incidents or .................................................................. anomalies which fYYa:t`/1"iii:i`it:'ri! I"i~' 3. U(:i'i"1c:(?:'d the data i?'re! c:{ :~l'!::.a:a provided in this session. source mistakenly assumed this .> session ? ... was scheduled for r.':t later time period and as ail result She was L:({?itl"1 minutes late and appeared a little, "flustered", as She prepared for the session. This early confusion did not seem to have an affect on the data subsequently provided in t h i s session. :..P.. ('?'?j:::'/..?i..) ... Y(.!l"Ili!''4Yij Source , (:.I'1E::}. , attached furnished summary which was initially is 1"' 4ciF'::) i:it P" tir! ca Her into ! 7. I"i longhand and subsequently transcribed i:::+ r t...le1' .i. tt'(:.t::) 't:.I"1tie! typewritten (:.,o{::) attached to this report. '!'he completeness of the final version has been compared to t . (::o the original .I. a... ;:.t r'1 and all chances deletions and i corrections have been verified as .. accurate and ..: acceptable by y the :I: r?1 addition to the interviewer. I\Ic:)I::?c:Y1 I\1 ???? SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020017-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020017-0 ii~lk:ak:?1:Jfthl f:;,l:::I.i:a:i""I" t: h(r?1ha11u::::l._.':+ ONL..Y J. r'i'f' r:;} I"' rri ic!'1'..:1. l::} i."1 f:! i,.l i"' :I. i"i C:1 '{:: I"i t :' cit t:.: '{:: i..l r.:t .f. ;r' s.,:::? ?.:? ?. 1...1 :I. :.:I- f:. f 1 t.... rjy ~tl:yrti:i. t:i _: i Yi tiff r n 7F %!:t f't t::k WJ {"t a. (::: k' 1 tll i!?. V :I. rYl }::} i;a t::: 'k c:} r?i 'I:: I tii?! ?tii' :i. !"t iia .k. ::i! i"i c':1 .1. }i '?;ii :i. iii; c:) ? ' ?l:: I'"t iii! t:9 tr i.1 , ,r't ... -- i..... ct .1. r.'it I-"" !:a c.-.a r- IN t:) Y" I i l I'' ; ? al "1 t:: t..4 n 1"t !,Il:::i a!';) Sc:: LA c't::: i::)1"i 'k':. J. ri ui}:??c.I f::) I"' t?! 1::1 c) r- L., 'l:: t tat-. you. fn u t.-. fra ri'%, r - t,!")fii? {::t.Lrl)?it? 1 S:r?i:. rrt 'i:'.hlt:~:! (on 'I_?.i?i " f:}L{clI't i;c:lfYl + ?::;nr'-'1:: c:)?f r?ot:%cat:i, r'1i:,3 iSt:: p car'.,ti '1.:1?tii:?rl t_I i::) W I" i :I. rt 'k': c) 'l:: !"1 tii? WJ CJ I i?:: a Y" fi:+ ii:t 5i; ,. S it ('i?! 'f U I" A-. !" 1 is I''" I"' G{^, ::1 t:a r.. td? c;l ! '.: !?'t ira "1?. %:~! :I. 'L?: !?i c:i t..t t:3 t'i {-.: !--1 i rs 1 r) ?C: 1'" 1'-1 :: t: c.) .. .1" ("t i ':i; a r o a J. a V 7, 1:..;J_ {::1 ~. k? -t: f) l..y 1:4 ?ii;?^i t?::. 1'.. )::1 y?iii 'l:: {"iii' !'l Gi" t t... 1.. 1.. ! 1 a:l l.. {.. { 1 t?:? I' q::? ii ! 1. a %::1 t::: '{?.:I. \ : ' :1. '1:'. y r:;) f::i :1. i'l t : . l 'c i 1"1 :I. I"i ?::i :I. t::l ?::! 'l:'. !"t t?:?! 'l:. i_t l"1 I"i rc t :k ! 'i ?::i ?" t:c) I. : . . l..{tilC. C:: %i:l t_(iii!.I. i:;i l::)?iiior'vmS.:+1 L:1f:i4.1I"'i?;:t?.:. ,,.. ) i..t r ) I 1 t-:: I i::. f::i V"i ':...f. I'S L.{ {i?? t a 'l:: t:7 1: I'l fi?! 1::1 r' ii:. Ici. r't t.:: t + t':1 ?f w _., + !....L t..) :i. rri :i 3 t s :I. VV !,., ) l l)1ari 1:1.f ! < {{; f,,l Ilh i' ~1::(') tAl:a11"i C) f er:I as ,..} -t. A-, t::i..i t.3 I l !-? l i. 5 ; I l as ca L.i f:?~+ is ~ 1?i i::; t.::1"' c:: i l !.':1 ? 'l:: i .?y 1::1.I, at "i as J. r'i (:.. {?i t: ?! r::: %1 {ii; tit rt:i. 1::1"i J. 1::.!. tii? c) Y r- r) I) (..k 1-1 ?i:; ? C.) hi lw'I I:: (\! ?C' E., rl t : c-) I--,, fi tz} Y? i + ri c: r?.::+ WJ :i. 'k !?t l:: !'l f-:+ Ch n I r' '{:::i 1 ri t: i :l. r' c:: 't ca r I'; !'^ ... -_ t_i i"1 .I.:I. ~ :: t?' .I. 'v '{:: i:7 f.:i I"' i::i f:1 t. t r::: i?' %1 ., -}~ f ~ i i 1 I ?,_( a 1'. a .. Tr) '1':, ri mml 1 t :i I"1 t:: (:: r , ?I .1 ! :i I"' i;:"..~ : '1'? l:'. I' i tic? ,.., t..l t_I. I-"' C:: ti' '1:. C:1 .{. t::} t::: i::l "l:'. t?.' L.A.-le I S"t . r I t:;l C:S i'i e i::t r, i:?? L't e c:i I. ci '1:: ('l ii:?? i:: t:: i t i t: i:?? }:a '1 c:i f' al.) t_i Ii t::f ti ? r" o r" r::) i_i 1" i t::! Si, t) r: :1. t::} I'1 w:!,1?t f r? o f:a 4..t r:i?! rl'I r? i 5 f c:! Y" i ? rl i::: t ?::> {:: ca a WJ ica'l:: ti'r? ?f i`? t::} r -i'{: .I. ?$' I..) i:i?? r r1:1. c; ':::I. .I. tnt F:;! 1"' [ii' %ia f::: 'l.: i..t +.'rl 1..!. V l:i tii! . I"t f ' fiii'1:'. t:a L tii?? c:I :I. r i t:a C:: ea \ ic:' ,, I_: LL L l r' ? cu.. iii; :1. mYl :i, 3. a t" t:a. 7iii'l:. ry :: .. 11 rl t i rn f) ~rt?:-t i r 1. V a t_t r r::: F) ., 1i. 1..t .!. C:! 1:1 3. pit J. I"1 1"t :I, ci. %i-1I::) t -i re 1--) I"' I"' t:a'l:. a. C:: vi C) 1 1 i t:::ici.+:: i 1 V :i. C'?;?. 4U to}. F"" ., i' -11. Si ?::; cit t::: t::} I"1 ~ :: i?:ifi 1::} '1?. 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