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July 23, 1987
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020v'f~'h 7 /NOFORN-SKEET CHANNELS ONLY /''mar PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED Session Procedures Report (S/NF/SK) PROJECT NUMBER: 8711 SESSION NUMBER: 2 DATE OF SESSION: REFERENCE: 23 JULY 87 TARGET COUNTRY: MISSION STATUS: IRAN TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: CRV SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 018 Identify and describe the placement and SG1A 2. (S/NF/SK) Source Tasking: Describe the target area (identified in Session #1) on each of the following dates: 3, 10, 19 and 23 July 87. 3. (S/NF/SK) Summary: Throughout the period 3-23 July 87, the objects (missiles) remained in the large, grey room: 19 Jul: Missiles in opened boxes; contents being inventoried. 23 Jul: Missiles being assembled and checked out. 4. (S/NF/SK) Comments: Monitor has a fair degree of confidence that the session produced valid information. SG1J CPT, USA CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT DECLASSIFY : OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020012-5 Approved For Release 2IA-RDP96-00789R000200020012-5 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DATE, 23 July, 1987 REPLY TO DT-S memorandum SUBJECT, SESSION SUMMARY, PROJECT 871 1 (C-SS ) SG1J TO, DT-S (ATTN: Project #: 8711 Viewer: 018 Session date: 23 JUL 87 Document file: 8711.L01 2. (S-SS) Impressions gained from the session include descriptions of the site and various objects and activities on certain dates. These are: July 3, 1987: 1) An open green area where there appear to be two people. Both are male. One is blond headed w/ a soft (AOL: John F. Kennedy type) hair style. The other has dark hair, a dark suit, and seems to have darker skin than the other. 2) The previously described "object #1" (ref: 8711.L01) was located at this site. There was,;a man working on the object with a tool. The room at this time was the same as previously described, but appeared much darker. The man stopped work, straightened, patted the object with a tool (AOL: cresent wrench), and -then patted the same place on the object with his hand. The fact that this, place seemed a lot darker at the time of this viewing drove a strong AOL of suspicion that the work he was doing was not "authorized". further icIon at he might be there to sabotage the obj(;ct. ALL this is AOL driven, but seemed to "feel right" at the time, so is mentioned at this point. 4) Other objects on this same date seemed to be located in an open area, arranged in a small portion of that larger structure, and sitting on the floor in boxes. The entire place seemed to be quite dark, except for some small points of light high overhead (AOL: like light coming through painted windows). There was a person thereut this person had the EI of "I see nothing'." JORWISgt. Schulz would say on "Hogan's Heros", whenever he saw something he didn't want to Approved For Release 2000/08/08' OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.0 5010-114 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CK0789R000200020012-5 acknowledge ',4eYs?0 nbMIe for knowing) . b. July 10, 1987: There were no perceived changes in either the objects or their location. c. July 19, 1987: 1) The objects were perceived a '7PjneW boxes with flaps sticking up, still in the same location. 2) Activity at the site was perceived as the carrying of the contents of the boxes to a location (off to my right), where they would be listed and checked. No other activity was perceived at this time. d. July 23, 1987: The tasking for this part was to describe the "objects", but I was again located in the grey room, this time back to its originally perceived brightness. was there with what was perceived to be any open square or rectangle in its top (see manuscript, P.7). There were umming, homing, and Inking sounds. are seen as being "scattered" to at least 3 locations: 1) Several objects (the majority of them) are perceived las being located at an area of interface between the d r dry, sandy, barr _&d a.-,large body of w -r. erceiv-ed as being' on board'-Ii s irp. 3) A few objects (1-6) are percieved as being on some kind of a boat which has widely spaced planking running along its deck. This was first AOLed as a submarine, but might also be a small surface craft of some kind. 3. Viewer's critique: The information gained during this session had a very "good and valid" feel to it. The trouble is that even the AOLs had the same feeling. I am therefore not really comfortable about placing objective evaluation about validity on the information gained. Approved For Release 2000/08/0 _ usion on my part whether or not the T e_ ~s sone=, anf t' ons received here are AOL or valid. The Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020012-5 SG1 J V Jug- k7 FT, M&-A0c- / py2 Hx.J, SG1J P7. SG1J A-V, S 2 00 W7 6-7 / 1-,'f c5 y) 5 l d6)) fit. lc Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898000200020012 /CA Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020012-5 do 3 rrT acv U&7 7 i 7 ~}c;'3crLl~`~ / p It? C -Li c 6- - #J F I O J `r (-//-t I ? A /cj-j 6"- AA- c LV 9,6-1'-J L,j q-74 1,