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Document Release Date: 
June 25, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 6, 1987
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\ Approved" Forktlease 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0002000 1111 SG1J miliONOWNOFORN-SKEET CHANNELS ONLY tr,o1 PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) if WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED Session Procedures Report (S/NF/SK) PROJECT NUMBER: 8711 SESSION NUMBER: 6 DATE OF SESSION: 6 AUG 87 TARGET COUNTRY: IRAN REFERENCE: MISSION STATUS: TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: CRV SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 003 1. (S/NF/S Tasking: Using encrypted coordinates (provided), determine during the following windows: August, September, October, Novemoer December 1987. 2. (S/NF/SK) Source Tasking: Source was provided with new coordinates; no other cues were provided. Monitor intent, in anticipation of further tasking against this problem, was a further exploration into this problem. 3. (S/NF/SK) Summary: Source summary attached. 4 (S/NF/SK) Comments: Possibly a pre-emptive or retaliatory anti- terrorist action. SG1J CPT, USA OMMONOWNOFORN-SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIARIDE9Se00789110022110020005-3 SG1A 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-3 Site involves a blockish, masonry, largish building, white or cream color, inside which is considerable open space. There I s a group of individuals inside working together on something intricate. The sense of preparing, assembling, connecting pervades. Parts and wires are involved. The people are talking to each other, asking and giving suggestions and directions. An event Is involved here as well, which takes the form of some sort of-une04E-A7CiAr7441-terveon or .interdiction of this?aCtIvIty +rem t44utsAde. This intervention causes a complete change of plans of the group doing the assembling (group 1), or perhaps even an outright cancellation or total disruption of what was planned. Group 1 is "eclectic", "unofficial", somewhat heterogenous, but united by some particular purpose or goal. They are ."1:(ke", private citizens acting on their own not necessarily in the best interest of their government or nation. They are shorter and darker in physical appearance. They are clustered around an object, with the idea of putting subsystems together in a semi- permanent manner so that these subsystems can interact and fulfill the purpose of the overall system. There is an idea of access panels and wiring and setting of parameters and configurations. The purpose of the object being assembled is "to act." Its intent is to be used to someone's advantage. To gain power or .control over specific others. To change someone el so policy, plan or priorities.vert the course of events. Object creates influence away from its original position. Its action occur remotely, at atlistance. Provides lonq. di,stancjiL ni,g11,111:11" or 'effect. Projects power capability. AOL /S of weapons system. Assembly activity is interrupted by group 2 who look differentg bigger, taller, lighter complected. They are angry, resolute, determined, "like" "righteously.indignant." They all wear the same color of clothes, may be carrying weapons and throw things, then stand back. Group 1 is taken aback by this actj,v.i.tyand'is perturbed, off balance, and upset. AOL of fl Aft+-1. plosion. Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-3 Approved For For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0002W51005-3 IM itt) 5-1;5-'07 5 2- Wt :44 6C154-. \141ji 1/Virg AA trvull-- 4vvs.h% r?e-A 10,trvvv) ?LA-/-11A1 6 Approved For For Release 2000/08/08 : CiA46096-00789R000200020005-3 i'veitv.,? 0 v-e?KrAr.& 14/ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-3 pprovTd_for Rel aa2000/08/08 : CIA-RQ.P96-00789 2/00020005 cintA-A5 .5)96tfe/ 06,4A-rw (iv\ )tkf" 5rAA-4,4 ri2A4 yiArj1 ritfr?' .1/?fi'v\441 pdAAPArLi - Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08;_CIA-RDP96-0_0/89R00020002019?:3 ,p 102' paviiktAtat 0-0,Akvit r-r VAA?f-tair-c--bz"-- Cr7j/1-14.r VL /104tA, " ILk""f c,4 (IL v. ?4.4 ov-A44 pA44)7 reitA4A,) xt,vt,)4A 60. pv IN, . f7,(74-'ott4t, Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-3 cci okpprovednr Release/000)08/08 : CIA-RDP96-007819_R000200 2- A'64A1A4A) /2 /6 4A4,1 P L171'1" ( h,H 5tiA) 4'7 UAn, 712/-5/0"l'A- it& fr"-ootvt uutdvt) 549-4?' 9-ttruf '4 05-3 44- C 5-t 04AvtiAm rivk 1)'1L') L4r4'?1 4/744N - ?AAA MAL 43rhi frvo r 4,-z2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-3 treMAt3 tetor- tpproved r Relea*-100/08/08 : CINRDP96-00789R1g102000200 7k-di I avrivAto 2- 67' 2 A lfe,44444, ?e'en tete )LL 0A".ele 4-4 AAA Tvt) 1 s 1-4-P ypti4 ("14104Tilm) -01AA7b 14e-1/1 4.?,A4 6/itr at-lift-t3 frry " W, r (AN-) e LQ v,i143fx 9v-t4-14/ C,f71), 77v1H -frkrt-^' ``t/v?tA"5 -/7- 1L) tafmtk Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-3 L/ 7 113proved Fo71Iease 20LRDT/08 : CIA.796-0078T00020 i/(044,ic(-60,./>445(c) Fr-t/e-/AA-- kt ,/ ly mit-v-1 4,1 ( N9,1 tA t- )/1,,ve/i-01 IAtd 1/611-71/q--. 11>ffs(/`-)11-6 iN4VIAArti- if) j 05-3 14j1714.- id I >L7, 17t ?11:1AA-7v1,--fAe30_ ateitAAAtry\ -rw ArAAA (I) lsiNv-eA f?-? p./t1^^. , \i> I tvic)t- 4114- Idli,v5i q- i) 4 k A 74 1-4 -1-Avv\-te `` i ,olfAilI ' r_- -1141A->f ? PL,e--e/-6 e / I 02-VC 17 A 0?^-44ril 41t 1 et- 4711/betA Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000200020005-