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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100450001-1 GNOMEM/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NYMBER: 8610 DATE OF SESSION: 21 July 1986 REFERENCES: SPR,-001-86, DTD 21 July 1986, SAB DATE OF REPROT: 28 July 1986 TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: ERV TARGET COUNTRY: Unknown MISSION STATUS: Continuing SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 101 ---------------------------------------------------- 1. ( ) OPERATIONAL DATA: a. ( ) Targeting Material Provided to Interviewer Prior to Session: No further data was provided to the intervaiwer prior this session except the actual targeting noted in the reference section above. The interviewer was told however, that a cursory review of the material provided thus far indicated that the Source had successfully acquired the general area of the target and some key components of the site. It would be necessary to further specify the target by directing the Source to actually acquire it the i te, (as noted in original tasking referenced above). SG1A b. ( ) Targeting Material Provided to Interviewer Prior to Session: Source was told that he was to reacquire the same site as the previous session (referenced above) at encrypted coordinate (304701-139346). He was further told that after acquiring the site he was to specifically report on the activities S G1A of at this location. As dictated by protocols, Source was provided no further new data on the site prior to this session. mac. ( ) Feedback Provided to Source Following Session: Source was told that the data provided during this session would be used to compliment preious data provided by him. An evaluation of this material would be conducted prior to the next session to enable Source to be fur`her directed to specific areas of interest in subsequent sessions. No specific date was provided for the next session. ) UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES: None. 3. ) SYNOPSIS OF RAW DATA PROVIDED BY SOURCE: A. (U) A well maintained compound. Grass, sand and concrete areas~as well as buildings. b. C/NF) A multi-story building with an underground portion containing men/women dressed.casually. Some wear white lab coats. People are of above average in intelligence, common sense and talents. These people consider themselves to be elite. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100450001-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100450001-1 c. (C/NF) People are divided into two mair/groups; theorist and appl-igatigmIs . Within these two major sub- ,,elements there are groups or working cells who work semi-independently. The results of their work is combined and coordinated at a higher echelon within their establishment. The nature of the work conducted in this facility is such that overall progress requires each step to be completed before the next phase can begin. d. (S/NF) The word "CHEN SING" (phonetic) is related to this facility and has some impotance to the site. C e. ( ) Other words descriptive of activity in this facility include: inkage, growth, combustible, shielding, shell, interaction/reaction, stress, tensil strength, contracting, heating, expanding molecules, stretching and compacting. f. ( ) A separate image of a shiny, metallic object. Rounding and elevated with an oval shape and hollow "feel". Exact purpose unknown, however, it is related to darkness and water. An image of this object and sparks or warm, gushing, bubbling water was described. g. ( ) Within this facility other room3were noted; some used as administrative and clerical sites and others as work areas for the two separate sub-groups, the theorists and the "applicationist". In one area table resembling slanting draftsman tables were noted. Documents observed at these tables consisted of, among other assorted maps, charts and written material, manuscripts written in standard western letters with accompanying oriental appearing characters. h. ( ) In many of the operational work areas an abundance of pipes, valves and duct work was seen thorughout the room. This gave an impression of a plumbers shop although the actual purpose of the pipes was not discerned. i. ( ) In one area of the facility many of the workers were conducting activities related to a large, complex machine. The machine was metallic, with wires connections different areas of the device. Workers in the area of the machine, describejas similar in appearance to an X-$Qay machine, wear masks, while viewing or working around the machine. It could not be determined if these masks were simple surgical masks or something ore complex such as CRR protective masks. The purpose of this machine couldi`15e discerned kowever, descriptives such as focus, lock-on, set-up, ray, shift, contOol and sequencing were in some way related to its functions. movable arm was also perceived. j. ( ) Another room contained separate work cubicles, each with a sparate set of devices or work machines. In this area there was a row of basins or sinks along one wall giving an overall impression of a beauty parlor. 4. ( ) PRODUCTION DATA: a. ( ) Source provided a brief handwritten summary of his perceptions immediately following the session. Included with this summary were several hand drawn sketches of key facilities and pieces of equipment noted at the target. These sketches and Source's personal summary are retained in the mission field dossier at this location. b. ( ) A detailed Session Operaitonal Data Report (SODR), will be prepared outlining the specific informaiton of intelligence provided by Source during this andor any other subsequent sessions pertaining to this specific target. This report will be prepared for distribution within controlled SUN STREAK (U) channels SG1 J Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 0450001-1 GS12, Speical activity Officer 5. ( ) OPERATION OFFICER'S COMMENTS: