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PAGE -PROTEeTctr Releree,0/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00""9 ATT Os/4 DATE: Nov (F6 SESS I ON SG1A COORDINATE FRONTLOAD: SANCTUARY : vg2s/ TARGET m30 //pits is A Reu 154i, 7ha- clevred ama &scarfed Ae-Are, 17' eovii-ettoc SeA)ef-ete rtorikiced 9es-dcuar, rou need 14-0 accurria? i These_ 'fritil--1;47 fe4rsturir decervidary need -eb laearr7e. ac-f LiatirrteJ tvyyThrasrel7is- tAie (Ai cd niAt-e t6 -the cloorionobs. minukc c.&c7truy - (AfoRkacie 1-- iladarea. 4,?-17-1,t12 7 5 Th-e- minvi-es &ref, ?cry peal niv6 voiee OTE 0 10(5 61-41 krIOW Weerd- GAM itce Lel" pyteters. A edae peuideca, 14rarri Iczve brectlets'L. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100300001-7 DRAFT : T1 P1 NG: PROOF': COR RE C.-1 _ OP s IApproved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100300001-7 S G A 11111111 CieOrrc0 OPegy owt sopar-Azd 1 fetri-Moreal kneel1 frni rote areq. 070the, arlynd , " Oma. 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