PROJECT CY 8608, INGO SYTLE 1405 TO 1437

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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
April 25, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 19, 1986
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000100250011-2.pdf265.7 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100250011-2 ( 20 June 1986 Project CY 8608, Ingo style 1405 to 1437, 19 June 1986 Bill SUMMARY: Site is in an area that is far, wide, around, open and also enclosed in some way. At site is a man made structure there are also a series of man made objects (NFI). There is also something at site which is around and airy in the middle. Temperture is hot and sticky. Colors are red, white, orange, blue and green. Latter I sense charcoal, black and gray. There are musty, musky and sharrp smells at site. Site feels textured, rough, bumpy but also smooth and laminated (NFI). There is a metalic taste and a sharp tangy taste here, sounds are "clank," "clunk," Ker-plunk," and Ketch-em." One of structures is tall, large, slanting, thick and closed. I also get tinny but that was out of structure and is probably AOL. There is also something at site which is large, around, hollow, steep, down and maybe empty. Something at site is bounded, situated and captioned (NFI). There is a tub here (NFI) which has something to do with controlled and controlling. Something is lateral and side-by-side. There is a box here that is secured, contained, chained and guarded. I get a sur-realistic feeling (NFI). Something is charged and intoned. The word Delaware comes to mind. At this point I feel uneasy, out of place, watchful and alert. There is a feeling of something being super-imposed. deceptive, cloy and chanelizing. There is a man made tunnel that is low, damp and lit. There is a stautory that is both bound and binding. At this point I feel lost. There are a few people who feel muddled and misplaced. Transport comes to mind. There is a covered pit. I get the German word "los." At this point I feel excited. There are tangled possibilities which are hidden concealed and diverted. There is a hodge podge which I believe is cross referenced. There are silohutes. It is empty, deserted and blackened. There are bus loads, parameters and guide lines. There are feelings of jumbled up, of something not being right. There is a feeling of something being guarded. A feeling of confussion and no plan. A feeling of being tired and being forced to "wing it." A tremendous feeling of no hope of no help of having to rely soley on oneself and one's own strength. When I ask why I got the word charged I get altered and bands. Something that is linked, inter-dependent, deep and dangerous. It is alternating and intermittent. The topics of charged are green, red, blue, tunnel, light, links and generator. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100250011-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00010025 ZIF fitic plio5 a 73 .444 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100250011-2 4 ay,e4-te4g kae,-1 4 ote4? 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