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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 7, 1998
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Publication Date: 
April 17, 1986
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000100210016-1.pdf164.7 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDI196-(789R000100210016gl31J PROBLEM # 3 2230 Hrs 17 Apr 1986 1. It is night. It is warm and the air is damp it may even be misting or raining. This is a mixed area of city. There are warehouses, shops and apartments. Majority of inhabitants appear to be middle age to old. The important structure here is the warehouse. 2. Warehouse is a medium sized to large building. Two corrugated metal doors facing street (See Skecth). The warehouse is high ceilined and there are no windows. Warehouse has a concrete floor. There is an underground storage area here,like a celler. Warehouse is longer than it is deep. It is cool inside and most of people working inside are wearing sweaters or jackets. 3. Men are working inside the warehouse. There are two different groups. One group is dark skinned. The other group is fair skinned and appears slavic. Dark skins are the workers and the majority of fair skins are supervising although some of them are also working. There are guards here. Guards are all slavic. it smells like oil and new wood in here. There are clanging noises. Place has the feeling of an armory. Men are storing weapons and communications equipment here. Weapons are rifles, machine guns and missiles. Rifles are in long boxes and packed in straw. Boxes are made of crude wood and have wooden handles. They are long, fairly wide and not very high. Missiles are cylindrical, about five feet long and four or five inches in diameter. They have fins on the rear. This missiles were packed very carefully. Each one is in its own cylndrical crate with packing and straw packed around. There is a lot of bustle and excitement here. Feeling that weapons and equipment were airlifted in and then brought here by truck. 4. Telepathic Contact. One of slavic men is 33 to 35 years old. He is dressed in a short sleeve shirt and slacks and is very non-descript. He is armed with a hand gun. He considers himself a Russian (Not Soviet). He is a military officer and his field is intelligence. His speciality is translation/interrogation linguistics. He has been in this country two days and immediately upon arrival came to this warehouse. He was one of the first people at the warehouse. He came from another country not to far away. He is here on a mission and the orders came from the Kremlin. He is to prepare this place but he is not aware why. He feels good about being here and he is excited. There are about forty more Soviets here. They are guards, communicators, translators and workers. They are all in civilian clothes. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100210016-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000100210016-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00018q10016-1 .eVro r ,or ReI a e 0a0/08/08: &A-4WP960? 9RQQ9100210016-1 L4.-L ,,41 c> v , ? .y 6_ ~'/7