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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 25, 1998
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Publication Date: 
April 15, 1986
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000100190008-3.pdf95.21 KB
Approved For Release 2~~$p$ ~i~R?PA~_00789R000100190008-3 Subject: Unsolicited Information (U) 1. (S/SK/WNINTEL) On 15 April 1986, LTC Kenneth Bell, Threat Instructor, US Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, a previous member of this office with a reputation of providing valid information, contacted the undersigned via KY-3 Secure Voice. LTC Bell reported substantially as follows: a. (S/SK/WNINTEL) At approximately 2130 hours EST, 14 April 1986, Bell entered a "meditative state" in an attempt to discover information relative to the location of the AF F-111 believed downed 14/15 April 1986 in conjunction with a bombing raid over Libya. Bell feels that the F-111 in question is located in the water in the vicinity of 09 degrees 15 minutes east 36 degrees 42 minutes north. This location is north of Cap Serrat. Bell perceived a gray container floating in the water but believes that one must calculate the tidal drift from approximately 2130 hours EST, 14 April 1986 to find the object. Bell reported the above geographic coordinate as a result of conventional military map analysis of his previous direct "meditative" imagery of terrain (a boot shaped peninsula). During his "meditative" access to the location Bell also felt the number 17 was important. He later analyzed this to possibly mean 17 degrees. As a result, Bell feels that the aircraft in question may be located nearer the 17 degree line perhaps off the village of Surt. Bell provided no further amplifying information concerning the location of the AF F-111 believed downed 14/15 April 1986. WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Relea~l DP96-007898000100190008-3 ..~ _. . Approved For Release 96-007898000100190008-3 b. (S/SK/WNINTEL) After accessing the above information, Bell, feeling that he was doing well, continued his "meditative state" and asked himself, "Where will the next terrorist attack be." Bell perceived a fenced or walled compound inside of which was building. This building reminded Bell of a consulate or embassy because to the rear of the building was a fountain and a landscaped garden area. Bell perceived three rocket or LAW type weapons being fired over the fence or wall. The persons firing the weapons appeared to be on a raised platform like a balcony either across the street or next door to the compound. Bell felt this event was imminent and would occur within the next two days. Bell also felt that this was not a controlled or directed act but was done at random, perhaps in an attempt to take advantage of the current situation. When questioned about the location of the compound described, Bell thought it might be in Bengazzi. But this concept did not "feel right" to Bell because it did not make sense to him. He assumed that any terrorist activity he perceived would be outside of Libya. Bell provided no further amplifying information concerning the location of the "next terrorist attack." 2. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Immediately upon receipt of the above SG1J information the undersigned contacted DT-5A on the "gray line"and an oral report was provided. This memo serves as a written record. SG1J CPT, USA Operations Officer SG1J CF: DT-5A Approved For Release~~'~ ~~~ pA6-007898000100190008-3