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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
WAsH! t4TO N STAR., 27 darn 8/
4or a' ime imprisancd in Mashhad, a city in
mrthweslerh Iran, wherc the kos'td gcs were kept in
b1 a Burnes gucs$eci that perhaps 2 hostciae were
!kept ,at .}Mashhad altar-then, but the dif f'ercn# rows never
C. ~` some hasta -s atlcr ,rotcd escape- by saeifii 5 ?*r?vjA
; prison bars . They 'd o out i+ 1, AWoPws, hcn yc ct caayh t and
j9~t bcc~en i4w # rubber hoses. 5owc o .$ers were beatc~
3 p d~ 'f~rcr,,t f-Cgsvns . '"
cA. `r s&w e hos'lgy's acre hxndcv d cvhf/e 7*cy sle of
ire me early slakes cr ~'l~crr- Con ~~'me 7 T~ar1o,~cfcf~r Z q7.5- k,-re?-
A data ,tom ,, .
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
WASklN MN STA'. , a7 Jan81
Irttntctn Captors opened ~trc when he t~ Icd to
c scope one r"aht and 'then 1cicVed hi-o '%rrjtrrtc leg as
pur isMmc(Ci when, he was c0ucjht?'" Noi:? / inftrr+ % ~Pa pe
. I tr;ccl fb e'scgpe in Tche rar- on a coup) e.
Fc~ C Q~tor1.~b
C . CJ is name is Angela " N
Ror .'~ CCC -37,
Scwrc e.0 tI
Dote : 27 Merck 1980
7R., See ' /me-o,/u "
.. ...he's can *hr, Second ?(oar tr1 Q cubicle ly
r set a Teelincl of renounced '1solcltQn. "
rnet '&tly pre ( rcd cor Cor ror%'krti ton .
He's ioc~#% , but he's u nde r a Iat 4 pressure.
God' 'f'e e !retf r ess~oh he- J u6 t cos r\t ~ ~ 41 i\.c in ar-cl he. wa s
c ivi*o3 thew, ?ne hell of a hard ti'me,, c nd They we-re 3ivtr~ him
a hard tih in retutrrt.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
..*. he's rebe11ions in h%s aiiitude. "es c3c-t't';%
Approved For Release 200 /08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
cc-42., cc-45, CD'59, CD?GCS, 00.65, CD-C7
pC-4o, vc-4t
WAs4fl4 TOR SThR , ,23 cla?, b1
q. " shoved1knew c ckround a lol in 'the btc %M tir3. "
WA%j4 LM G1t N STA-R , . " 7 JcLv%$ t
allowed tb rcctd , %'owcvcr \n Novem.bcE' reo ;rx
1rnaterta( ecrtsc,r 4, 'Only rr dtecl tb Mad ' EC tUh , '.
in N 6ve.mb e r w4S 91ciecd "m S tQry CorAne mert
'ari g r an which, ha 4 >76tjn` but a ire... "
C.. At me po;nt he wax w an "ther imrt ut m uck
a ite ttrmc he was clone.
etc-rr : C D -Go
SOOMe 4103
DcttG ? 24 Jvne- 1980
.... assvrne thui he's been re in~ ct lat
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
WAS141NGToa STAR , 27 JavN81
C71. Onle d SevettA hoslases 161 was 11ned
up c5citttist a VAtt or r ock C xcvVon. "
,cgort '-
Date -IF
13 May 1981
Nervaos, very nervous i can't sleep , can't co -t'
Yety upset. D's, air Yiervous shaktnt.... kind of nervous cx>+d+roan.
'. Report . D-5
Sources .0 o(o
Dale : Z6 AucSo4t 13 8c-
Three. dlhc rs ... no , ~rv~ore than 'three ? .. '~i ie
Kenr\ecly is one o e Others. "
Nbte '. Gerry an, Kennedy , Gq//cyos, 6r-ave s, //q// and Sher r
.Cart + csc,.Mtbe Ike ' W5kt J the Gestapo `r
r exec-A' r\.
Ppproved For Release
ke- evyir-n to c Mock
6-00788 R002100530002-0
1... R ~....Mi ccc "'.7() co " 55, 4. - II ,M CD-16, C -8 { / r)"5-1 V- Y.t
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
V I 1 t?L-
CCi{7, CC-B, cc-9, CC-11, CC-A, Ct -SO,GD?$2,c -9
WAe141HGTbt4 SIAK , 97 Jr)
ct. WQS c ne of the ROS s
Iined up agexinsi the 4t
,. ., ,-,,na-z. ram ?e+rul` .
Approved For Release
'Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
CCC--12, CCC-661 DC-19 , DC-Zc, PC-Z%
WASMINCrTOm 5TAK 1 27 Jgvti 81
ho cx rti8 otI er hastoges Were ioker. oot5 , fined
cxoarvt a w (L ?Lor mode execul'ion .
G .~ ' ~ s c ~C W C0 4d,Z4
Approved For Relea ~-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
jApproved For Release 2
L t`rIG- CCC 71 , CCC -7q 1 CO-2-61 CD-
W&sKj Thti STAR , 27 Ja,n81
aY " spend' -43 days 1r solitary Conct ement for a0erti ted
' ;VAaA amj
Approved For Rele - ~RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
U0111 ILJ
Approved For Release 200
HOI{ , ccc-36, 'DC-4
WASwI IMCMt STAR , 27 Jcxn81
Car it spent *r- Icts\' e * months 01 Captivity in A JCL%l
o tstcte T crar\."
4)1 A44 &~ol~W4e /1" q
4 ' . y
Approved For Releas ? C A-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
WASH l Mct"cax SrA%R , 27 Jqn 81
ca. had spent a rncrclh in a dur eo+n
i, l zpor~; CC-14
1)Qte : I per.. T9
CC -%4 , cc-I , cc 47, CC-1.Z, cc-321 CCC-69, A -8
Ii's 1;ke o4 cell
in a police 6tO'$,*On- 'I
l c's g1 one, ,tn khe room ?,
.. Report: CC'ZZ
Source'. ' It
Date'. 6 PEC79
..... bu` I sernsed em.ptiv ess, as i$ yoLA
were amore or less in isolottion, "
3 . Re?orfi . CC ?3 Z
Jcurc~-: ' fo
Date 14 PEc 79
Its ci row 9 like s matt
rooms . Alt very 5V%N0.
They-re like cell room. "
?ors~ Made of rAPAq,I. 111ot....-lhey're not
regular police cells. Is \ike.... ~'hesc are used -'or ... .
used fordetc,-ntt'or but they're YLot .. ; , nb regular ponce
I would .so-~r..,. tKotlc~r`s 1n`c in a room.
By l~,rrts~t~ Just' 31 "trtq.... VU.9~ c beck oar q 61;1 ftlcase,"
C. " ii ed to q do kr anJ bt nd 4okkc .
WAS4j INGTO)J SAAR , 23 Jan &(
CA, ', second mac-k execu1ion herd in (fr+tit~assy
bade meV\t r Sorhe.rt tm a in Fe.brt xwy
1. Rat : oC -38
~. So src~.'.
3. pate ~ to p~~' Sa
it J
7l e soo, e dCksc,,4 Lee a5 f;rV q foe a 'c/ 9'
SmQ/ j't'4 a Gf rec1''`cr ~'% ~'ui /d, ~r~ /4Q7 / s ~Ja wi -~o~cts , ~-
7'hr sdvrre 4rescrI.beq( Gee as tI f,oaren7`/X b" .y
w a,*ram 6y lr;m-selte Pcadt iy c hole. It
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
CC-4vt cc-41, Ccc -4, ccc ?7, '?c-62, PC-64
WASgtarxTb r4 .5r AP-1 7-7 Otxvt 81
U. `# ~.~ M solttwy con~tnerneni TO - trst 5 vt~t~or*hs it
. " kpct in o~ room A faces (one and e?"ct.sect
Ir^tr'r~rhas a c,y - 4'
Re or't . CC-46
Date ' 23 Dec 79
.. Sact) one lpcrsam, TGtssvme... i acvucne W7e.
h e bj t ly in an a S cavit dcscb e Zfi as ak C OA . IA's
> r Y
W004 nevi uV r%e~ct- to *"e wexti
al+~ Dst tke a s
VltC@ -tie, fImc-e ivom ctc 41he czthe,e
~r~F C~"3$~r; . ..'it's ??1 ? tC~C(~1"1t'ZG' f /~
i Co.tonet c+totlcir4j . .. and 1t scewCA
~tQrcs ~" We Gttd ....
tv be '1' sbtnv~ Q ~' . was at cx (duvmr \evc) .. ? otrv, it cis
C (%ke c~
Aar k , ~'aus G, , rd ttlh s~f o n,c. wags 1C irul ~ ttc,C. atr c i ~
'd ~rc~eor typc atr~ os P h ere . "
Atrnozt tcokec4 tike Vie, old... cih... t~rtsc1\ ypc -thwr
Was a ~o1 \ t Qtrnbs ere
"M t4tte
i t' ct.S Yen q ~rtSC~r1.
Fec~ i a (* w,6LI n %) he.'S ... Oh ... i;:% r i c3MY , t r 't4 d
2 . Re.p?rt. Cc-+I
Soorte. "at
>~atc 3: aca
very dark. Vcry uvcon Qortable. Very uvtcat Ecrtclbe.,,
App rr ,~~~I~OQQi : i6:ld-d 6 96 14r1^~3R~ A 3062-~ 9
smatt t'oc4n. Lab{~s Gk~ c~.bedi some( n@ 1019 -
c~Ur~cOr~ ? M M .
4pproved_For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
Yes 1t or*t eercetive anyone else Lu*& h;r-, in - e
Cvb~e.4~ .
H e seems to he tn`11 j cz(I at,jore.. "
3. Repori : DC-92-
Source 1 *63
Dole - 49 JAtV 81
O n 233M01 %e v- a weir wms vnmbte `to ( ovate
dC q 'pub1iG ~Q% x%
:Metr;r\,ko ~ The oraY `Ivn pression had way n
'he Smo sornc - ajs, mar,,) ptbpte in bleachers oL(\,cl some
P ete wti~h bowed heoAs .
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
pproved For Release 2000/0?W8 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
proved FO Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
;Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
FE`? 77! 1
ca. if x rY,ori 'hs in cx pt- sot-\ Q- with o ihrec -~~r -,,
mct`e s and i one ptc tir, e air.
b, 4rccd to wosh, car-er sy C tahcs "t n Cold usAer,
cdt' kP .
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
Approved For Release 2001Dl /QB; -D t RDP96-00788ROO2100530002-0
Pic Swwo, ER CCC - 75 , CD-?-S
1NAsti l Ms Ta $, TAR. 2.7 Joan F31
a. was pAi in a he ~ar severo. days 4 t
re uswn.
~~ i~- 4 .~v"<
1,6d /00- /hLl.~r~~ 7' 44
A? V
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
Approved For Release 2000/Q?~LQ$ , QIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
v _ CCc -91 , CCC-9Z, CCC-93
Q held i n Sal ry c&--'tne mend Tor G 3 days
b. ' had beerx moved aj le- st' nine 16nes g ter
Esc a ct'tte mpl-.
~. Report . CCC -9
Soo me- * it
t t'na' 80
V cry t very small rroom.. - ..dark ... , I , I het 'th e
9 p ~ a Ceti . ~ ~,~rtson
tmpresstorl d9 bars. 1 G`tc im r.ssi~sr,
4ec1l. Yery, very crude- accommo4dt ors,
E, .tren,,,,ely depressed . Term:, ie sense c9 't ktfion.
W tnd c r 6oruk e d over. "
~?. Repork : CC,C-9Z
Source: a?`'03
DQre,0. 1 ihaY 80
wme 4C-Ai it Roe er wars w`I-M ` Jew erthc r
~-ctsta es , Rocder e Dared ckepre ssed, -klt akone , art.d had
beery, made ct ~ f 4 by zbrme ~rre .'1
Approved For Release -2000/
-11-1 k .1
Approved For Release 2000108,E 8- 14-RDPP96-00788R002100530002-0
D-t4, D-it , t)-26, D -35
.~ . Report 1)-26
Source.' Oa
Qct~: 4 s# t 8a
Soor'c.c dctec "+Ytat 4\r-re Caere 'SIX c tker lnoat"aIe
cr ag Odor, with Sc6ae r, iKc4 were be ri~ wt6ved bock and
~rth ~ro-n the opfor ceL block. t? 1s&lcztuort curia, c 3-4 d
Approved For Relea CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
a. was moved rvtbre ihQn Z4 times , M
prtiro ners dlten were fakes on mys-terious cctr
C. cr ud st, - er rorn kit ut c ' 'bad otsoMIMI
R f, r - +l
Source ?*0I
bate ', 28 AOG 80
Source descr,hecl soha'j r
as be/n j an ct 'PWOVin~ bui
1,5'-20 o77rer h4Zct~eS ctf` Its 7/4'~rc of ? tr6 s
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
WAskfitACy-`Tb 4 STAR , ,Z7Ja-% 8t
de- t,cl o ,tar3 durt`r mock excccs`tt'or.. "
` ' .P,~'24cr. ,'r dt de7'raner q Cgpf,
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0
SU sC CC(:-37, CCC-7 , CD-90, CP- -11 O-'5
WAANtNGn N c rAt , .7 Jar% $l
4. %% Was nnovcci several limes 4rbm One QtAs orb to
. The moves 0lwctys were. trn groups 64 lkree to
a'lv e1~ t v ms's ! N
C. `k d idnt see sunl c ht cor e4sh,#` mo, lhs . C tares
Cove.rect ~ wtnc aws with blca n o s ?
,Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100530002-0