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Document Release Date:
May 8, 2000
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Publication Date:
June 3, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 02100170001-1
051630Z JUL 78
REVIEW ON.: r:76-0-6
Ecit F17
Approved For Release 2000/08/46."1 ,102100170001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : C 100170001-1
1. (S) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request from SOD, 33, OJCS, Pentagon,- Washington, DC.
The purpose of the session waste provide information relevant to the
hostage situation in Iran.
2: (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw
intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the informa-
tion provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document,
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the
remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer.
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
5. (S) The remote viewer was asked to locate Robert Ode, identify his
location, identify any other hostages, and to describe security at this
same location. The viewer described a large multi-story building with an
enclosed courtyard, located very near the US Embassy compound in Teheran,
Iran, Robert Ode was being held on the third floor of this building along
with five other hostages, one of which the viewer identified as being
Richard Morefield. He could not identify the others, but felt that they
were civilian and being kept two to a room on the same floor. The viewer
also described the security of this location in depth.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00 100170001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/08:
? #14: This will be a remote viewing session for 3 June 1960.
Mission time is 0900 hours.
All right #01, the time is now 0900 hours. Your mission
for today is to locate Robert Ode. I want you to identify
his location, identify any other hostages at this location,
and describe the security.
+04 #01: I got a, I got a corridor with windows down the side. I
got a left-turn towards the north end, and a right-turn
for the south end, with the war rooms. Appear to, appear
to be, used to be offices. There is steps at the end
of the corridor. South, south end of the corridor. This
is a, an area on second, second floor, second floor of the
building. Ode is in a room with another hostage.
Older, older person. Very recognizable, somehow. Something
familiar about the person.
+10 Think it's it's Moorefield. Think it's Moorefield.
There's there's a garden like area. Some k* d o gray
.....gray flagstone, patio under the wi,rt1owwith sm kind
of flowers or something along there. .like roses There's
there's other hostages in the roo snext to th rs.
There are also civilians, but I can't t lk..ypohey are.
#14: How many are there?
#01: Appears to be two to a room, and...3 rooms. Oh, one is is an important hostage civilian...some reason.
I can't, I can't tell who it is. There's...61 6 Iranians in
the hallway sitting in chairs. They're all heavily armed, but
they're not holding their weapons. There might..........
laying against the walls, and the doors in the rooms are
shut. Appears to be quiet for some reason.
+15 The, the corridors are blocked with alot of furniture on
both ends around the corners, and, it's packed solidly
....ceiling to floor. I get an impression you have to
cross the courtyard, and go through a ground floor door
in order to get to this second floor, and a third floor
by the stairs. And, there's....guards in the courtyard.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-R
And, there's a guard by the stairs. There's more
Iranians in the front of the building. The main entryway
of the building which is a little ways away from the
corridor. I don't see how that's arranged, though.
Iranians in the corridor are very heavily armed. Have
hand grenades as well as rifles.
There's a peaked stone roof on the building. Reminds me
of a square castle, for some reason. There's a
a room at the end of the hostages rooms that has 2 windows
that overlook the courtyard, and there's.....this is like
a place where the Iranians are staying, and there's
Iranians kind of hanging out the windows there. It's like
a man and a woman leaning over the edge. That's all I
#14: How do we identify this building and its location from all
other buildings and locations?
+20 #01: f it's very close to the Embassy grounds, but it's not, not.
Ii.actually on Embassy ground. There's a like a large
decorative fountain by the front. Made of some white stone
with a statue of some kind. I don't see any buildings
across the street, but I see trees, manicured trees, like a
garden or something. There's like a circular drive around
tIthe fountain. That's all I get. Think this is a used
'to be an American building of some sort.
#14: Okay. I have one further question. I would like you to
describe Robert Ode's physical and mental condition as you
perceive it.
+25 #01: His physical condition is very poor. He's watched very
closely. He's been given some kind of medicine, but, I
don't think he's concerned about thaking that. I think,
mentally, he doesn't care. No personal concern, for his
health. Sleeps alot. Very lethargic. Very severe
depression. I get a very, very, strong feeling of that
depression. Like it's almost a manic depression of some...
I think that, yes, he's very, very depressedl
mentally, hat's all I'm
#14: Okay. I have no further questions at this time.
We are now ready for debrief.
#01: Page 1. This long corridor had a turn in it, like this.
And, there was some kind of a room here with double
windows. I felt like this was an outside wall, for some
reason. Like 3 rooms in a row. These are windows, also.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP9
Doors, and, it was like 2 hostages to a room. Like there
might have been more than 3 rooms too, 'cause at one point,
I felt like there was 6 more hostages besides him; another
point, I felt like there was just him, and 5 more hostages.
I'm not sure which. There were.....G's are guards, and H's
are hostages. Two guards in this room....looking out this
balcony. You know. Hanging over the window sill. And,
this was like a overhanging of flagstone type patio. Like
gray flagstone. There was an entrance door on the ground
floor. There was like a group of guards out here. There
was the stairs or something right here. These corridors,
right here, were blocked. Furniture.
#14: Okay. In drawing 1. That's an upper story cutaway.
#01: Yeah. It's like a cutaway of the upper story. There was
a garden over here with a street. Some well-manicured trees
on the edge of the garden.
Ni kept getting this castle view. It was like a peaked roof
This kind of view, with windows. Three floors. Exterior,
of the building like this. Like a block house type castle
Almost like a square apartment building or something. -
This being a street side. Page 2.
Page 3. I remember seeing, what looked like.... I don't know
if I can do justice to this or not peaked roof, peaked
roof. I saw the front of the building Appeared to be like
this. With stone steps, very large ornamental type doorway.
Something funny about the way the entrance way was. Like
there was something decorative up here with a very large
fountain with a statue or something in the middle. This is
a circular drive type and went around like this with a
street. This is the front of the building. I'm not sure
if it was one wall of this or somehow connected to the
castle part in some form or another. This is a different
street than the side with the garden on it. Saw alot of
gray stone. You know. Like either a smooth concrete or a
granite type block. Down on the patio therewas two guards,
as well. I think you had to go through the main entrance to
getto this like castle area.While you would normally be
able to get to this castle area, alot of other ways, you have
to now go through the main entrance, and go across this
interior patio to get to this section. The only way you
can get to the floor they're on I'm a little confused
if it's the second or the third floor. I think it's the
third floor that they're on you have to go inside
the building, and up through a staircase that normally you
could go anywhere in the entrance, and up that third floor,
and reach that area. _But, in this case, now you have_to,
go to the...across that open patio in order to climb the '-'.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00ratC2OEIty
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RD
I don't know why. I feel like Moorefield's the guy
that's in the room with him. But, I don't get a clear
impression of him pictographicly and I just sensed there's
other hostages 4 or 5 other hostages, but I
can't get any identities on them. It's like...more like
a group identity than it is a personality type identity.
I don't know. why. You know. That's not something I'm
used to getting.
#14: I have no further questions.
#01: I don't have anything else I can add.
#14: Okay. End of session.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100170001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDF'96-00788R002100170001-1
I. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media information
well as classified overhead imagery and numerous photographs of hostage
personnel. He knew he would be working against the hostage?situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session the remote viewer was shown the attached
photograph- and was asked to find Robert Ode. He was asked to identify Ode's .
location, identify any other hostages, and describe security at this location.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100170001-1
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002100170001-1