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Document Release Date: 
June 25, 1998
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Publication Date: 
May 6, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R002000260022-9.pdf68.43 KB
Approved For Release 2003 ,0002600-9` IAOPS-H-S 6 May 1981 SUBJECT: Grill Flame Automatic Data Processing Requirements (U) 1. (U) Reference Grill Flame Progress Report, April 1981. 2. (S/NOFORN) In the course of interim evaluation of the Grill Flame Project, a very clear need for Automatic Data Processing has been established. This is substantiated by the following generalized findings: a. Enormous volume of targeting material and the complexity of formal record keeping required in its use. b. The quantity of intelligence based material collected, the required analytic evaluation of that material, and subsequent formalized reporting procedures currently in use. c. Future requirements for real-time analysis of statistical, environmental, and biomedical inputs (both automated and non-automated), as a result of current scientific investigations. 3. (S/NOFORN) While a formal, unsolicited proposal for minimal automation development has been presented by SRI International (reference above), preliminary discussions with the Automated Systems Activity (ASA),.Arlington Hall Station, has indicated the approach and method recommended to be less than desirable or adequate. Essentially, the operating system suggested would be narrow in scope, overly expensive for the results provided, and lack very basic requirements for eventual expansion (reference -pars c., above). 4. (S/NOFORN) It is our recommendation to. pursue ADP. development as it pertains to the Grill Flame effort through normal Army INSCOM, ASA channels, unless in- ability to meet requirements becomes problematic. To this end a Mission Element Needs Statement (MENS) is being drafted to address Grill Flame requirements. The MENS will be developed in three specified parts; 1) minimal need for manage- ment control and processing, 2) idealized need for current Grill Flame efforts, and 3) out-year need to permit planning at current +2 year milestone. 5. (S/NOFORN) This does not preclude an understanding for SRI International requirements in-house during their ongoing. efforts on behalf of both Army and DIA. Their minimal automation requirements are recognized as necessary to some degree in support of ongoing scientific efforts. This office stands prepared to recommend joint (US Army/DIA) funding support to development of their in- house requirement, if and when it may become essential to success of the mission. MURRAY B. WATT Approved For Rff 9/1 T l- 2yf96-00788ROO2000260022-9 rojec anager CLASSIFIED BY: MSG,DAMI-ISH NOT RBL-EASABLE TO FOREIGN NAT'[AN'A'G9 R~ ~~T ~~ I ~7a6j~UL78