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Publication Date:
April 15, 1981
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Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000260601
15 April 1981
SUBJECT: Trip Report 12-14 April 1981, Durham, NC
1. On 13 Apr 81, LTC.Watt and CPT Atwater visited the School of Engineering,
Duke University, Durham, NC in an attempt to learn more about a computerized
system of monitoring psychological correlates to PSI performance. An over-
view of this system was published in thee April 1980 issue of the Journal of
the Society for Psychical Research.
2. LTC Watt and CPT Atwater were received by Ed Kelly (Experimental Learning
Laboratory, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Duke University) and John Palmer
(JFK University, Orinda, CA). Dr. Kelly conducted a tour of the research
facility including the computer room, instrument room, and controlled envir-
onment room as documented in the inclosure.
3. After the tour, Dr. Kelly, Mr. Palmer, LTC Watt and CPT Atwater discussed
the present status of the "computer project" at Duke and other topics of
specific interest to LTC Watt and CPT Atwater. In general terms, there has
been no substantive progress with the "computer project" in the past year
since the publication of the attached article. It has taken approximately
5-6 years to develop the present hardware/software package now operational
at Duke. Dr. Kelly is now awaiting further funding towards a specific pro-
gram involving the indepth exploration of altered states of consciousness and
PSI under the-premise that altered states of consciousness can be detected/
measured physiologically. Existing capability of Dr. Kelly's "computer
project" is limited to the monitoring, recording, (6 channel polygraph) and
correlative analysis (by computer) of brainwave frequencies. Additional
capabilities such as nonintrusive blood flow measurement, psychogalvonic skin
response, myographic measurements, bipolar corporal voltage reversals and
other subject generated information have not been overlooked by Dr. Kelly
and can be easily adapted into the present operational system. Dr. Kelly's
project has the full support of the School of Engineering at Duke.
project appears to hold valuable prospects and is in a holding pattern
awaiting sufficient funding to insure a meaningful robust program insuring
the best results today's science can offer. The following areas of the
general discussion are noteworthy:
a. The long awaited funding for Dr. Kelly's proposed program is
expected (hoped for) from the McDonnell Douglas Foundation. If funding is
received the School of Engineering would (it is planned) establish a
separate institute on the Duke University campus the exploration
of altered states of consciousness and PSI. Dr. Kelly was of the opinion
that Duke would also be open to the idea of government funding.
b. When asked about the selection of subjects if he received funding
Dr. Kelly said that he would stay away from "superstar" psychics because
of their eccentricities and endeavor to screen subjects through simple PSI
testing (zener cards). Mr. Palmer was in general agreement concerning
"superstars" but preferred to select subjects on the basis of their ability
to achieve altered states of consciousness. As examples he mentioned indiv-
iduals who were practiced meditators or individuals who could achieve deep
hypnotic states. Both agreed that individuals who related past PSI exper-
iences may be good subjects.
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c. When asked for references on other people that LTC Watt and CPT
Atwater might want to talk to as to better understand the current state-of-
the-art in PSI research, the following names were provided:
(1) Robert Morris - University of Syracuse
(2) Charles Honorton - Princeton
(3) Dr. Jahn - Princeton
(4) Rex Stanford - St. John's University
(5) William Braud Mind Science Foundation, Texas
(6) Helmut Schmidt - Mind Science Foundation, Texas
(7) Stanley Krippner (Knowledgeable of Soviet work)
d. In addition to the published "computer project", Dr. Kelly has a
portable unit capable of recording brainwave frequencies in the "field"
using a telemetry system in conjunction with a conventional cassette recorder.
The cassette can then be returned to the laboratory for computer analysis.
With this system a subject does not have to go to the Duke lab to take advan-
tage of their "computer project".
4. Later in the afternoon of 13 Apr LTC Watt and CPT Atwater met with Dr.
William Roll, Project Director, Psychical Research Foundation, Chapel Hill, NC.
Discussion with Dr. Roll centered on the areas of PSI, phenomena for which
Dr. Roll is best known including OBE's, PK and poltergeist effects. Of
particular note was the revelation by Dr. Roll that he had been contacted by
the Chief of Police (not further identified) from Atlanta through the FBI
concerning the current murder investigations in the Atlanta child killings.
Roll stated that the police were initially very enthusiastic and sent him
a computer printout of "crime impressions" provided by both professed psy-
chics and others. Roll was to conduct analysis of these impressions. As
Roll was progressing it became necessary to get some minor funding (travel
and computer consultant fees) from Atlanta. As it turned out no one was
willing to fund the effort and as the news media picked up the story no
one wanted to pursue the effort. At present Dr. Roll is wondering what to
do with the data he still has and feels that all are passing up a unique
opportunity for practical application/use of PSI data.
5. The trip to NC proved to be very informative and valuable to both LTC Watt
and CPT Atwater. Dr. Kelly, Mr. Palmer and Dr.. Roll are all serious minded
scientists with valuable contributions to be made to the current understand-
ing of PSI.. Special emphasis should be given to the impression made by
Dr. Kelly and his proposed program. Dr. Kelly appears to be a straightfor-
ward, highly professional investigator of demonstrated expertise who has
proposed a program of research which must be pursued if the nature of PSI
is to ever be understood. Continued contact with Dr. Kelly is highly
6. In conclusion, this trip is further evidence of the serious research
being conducted by credible individuals throughout the U.S..; however, each
group has its own special interest(s) and as.a result we have a somewhat
disjointed effort (across the board) as far as centralized-research into
the field of parapsychology. Time and adequate funding levels appear to be
two of the leading deterrents in this field. If we are to settle the
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Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000260001-2
issues surrounding the field.of parapsychology then we must put together
a program which seriously examines all aspects of the field and puts
forward, once and for all, a paper on the value or non-value of this
1 Incl
Project Manager
Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000260001-2