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RKING PAPER Approved For Release 20 a 01/0 -RDP96-00788R002000240026-7 DOD Evaluation Committee Briefing - 27 September1979 1. Introduction/Background a. Tasking and my background b. Early visits to SRI and AMSAA 2. Mission 3. SRI Visit: 15-17 Nov a. Initial orientation b. Work statement/training c. Criteria for selection of subjects Well thought of Adventurous Above average intel open minded Thinks well of himself Successful Articulate Muture and stable "Artistic" d. Witnessed session 4. SRI Visit: 12-15 Dec a. Screening potential subjects b. Review recent SRI experiments c. Review of tapes d. Relationship of subject/interviewer e. Role of outbound team f. Factors that inhibit success (1) Prior knowledge of target possibilities (2) Absence of feedback (3) Doing trivial tasks (4) Use of repetitive target sequences g. Factors that enhance success (1) Interest factor (2) Seriousness of purpose (3) Monitor/interviewer to ask questions (4) Practice with feedback 5. Selection of Individuals: Target: 3 individuals a. Considered - 251 b. Interviewed - 117 c. Initial Results - 30-35 potential candidates d. 14 Feb - SRI visited - results e. Intelligence background of individuals Approved For Release 2001/04/02 CIA-RDP96-00788R002000240026-7 NG~ ~__ ..~ WORKING PAPER WORKING PAPER Approved For Release 2001704702 CIA-RDP96-00788R002000240026-7 6. Began training late Feb - s topped March 7. Training with SRI - 13 May Second phase of training ju st started 8. Training problems a. Environment b. Work related situation s c. Availability d. Frequency e. Time of day 9. Target Selection Process 10. Current Program(s) a. Training at SRI b. "Beacon" situations c. Coordinate work - 3 le vels d. "Real" situations e. CDEC training 11. Development of TCC .12. Future Objectives: a. Continue development of individual abilities b. Complete training at SRI (Dec 79) c. Apply RV techniques to "live problems" d. Determine tasking procedures e. Align resources properly 13. Evaluation Report Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : C!4 . 88 R002000240026-7 WORKING PAPER Approved For Release 2001/041/GVA3P96-00788R002000240026-7 (S/ORCON) To establish a program using psychoenergics for intelligence applications. Specifically, utilizing that field,of psychoenergics referred to as REMOTE VIEWING. The program encompasses the following: - Establishing a training program in REMOTE VIEWING utilizing selected INSCOM personnel. - Establishing procedures for intelligence collection techniques utilizing REMOTE VIEWING. - Establishing a mechanism for responding to intelligence collection-requirements (tasking) using REMOTE-.VIEWING. CLASSIFIED BY: Director, DIA DECLASSIFY ON: 17 Mar 99 EXTENDED BY: Director, DIA REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6) A r ed For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96- i o 19cAPAME Approved For Release 200t~4'4-RDP96-00788R002000240026-7 TARGET SELECTION PROCESS 1. 2. 3. Location Activity Time B. METHOD OF TARGETING 1. Beacon (Human and objects) a. b. c. Initial target pool Random (local) Operational designate (i.e. A6E) 2. Geographic Coordinates a. Target Pool (1) "Fun Targets"/Initial' Orientation (2) Series 200 Map Targets (3) TK Targets b. Operational Designate 3. UTM Coordinates V C. DEVELOPMENT OF TARGETS 1. Beacon - Initial Target Pool a. 50 Targets selected b individual outside project. b. Secured by another individual. c. How utilized. 2. Beacon - Random 3. Operational Designate 4. Geographic Coordinates -- "Fun Targets" a. Pool designed by NCOIC b. Stored in Safe -- Access limited 5. Geographic Coordinates - Series 200 Map Targets a. Pool designed by Project Manager b. Stored in Safe - Access limited Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000240026-7 ~'t H Approved For Release 2001 ,IO2~IpA RDP96-00788R002000240026-7 6. Geographic Coordinates - TK Targets a. b. Pool designed by IIPD Stored in SSO Area -- Access controlled by SSO. 7. Geographic Coordinates -- Operational Designate a. b. "Customer" Request Data stored in safe - access controlled by Project Manager. 8. UTM Coordinates a. Weekly targets provided by CDEC b. Data controlled by COL Moses, CDEC 2 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 CIA-RDP96-00788R002000240026-7 Approved For ReleaaQ,0a~4/.TJ STA Target Iden ti ication ~'~ r GJN Ql Q1 Ql ~ QJ~ GJw ~ ~ Q! Q,~1, .(~~ Pl ' lb Q-1 Status Remarks _ IDAUGI ALL ALL N/A 1-3 UTM/EVENT X X Qf~i- 1NG TRt-4G ONLY 1STP ALL ALL s'ics~v o 4 GF.O X bN- GotNG TS ONLY 26SEP TBZ' TBD TP~D OACS1 SPECIAL 5 T3D 3 F S T$D AWAIT fk4FO FRO;A D a~ MT Cs? toss? S S 8 1 TSD Ot4-GoiNG C51 1 5EP79 7 3 P c F 4 EO POL X DATA UNDZ'RGO1NG ANALYSIS t)C 7. 7 P sE TBA 3 Co F S TBD TS3D AWAIT+uG INITIAL GUIDANCE Approved For Release 2 01/0 102 : rl ",r'4 6- 607 0240 b8ROO9000240096-7 CUT- FF r .Approved For Release 2001 /0M 019 P j j 96-00788R002000240026-7 TARGET CORRELATION CHART (TCC)* DESCRIPTION 1 Absolutely no target correlation. Drawings, narrative, and feedback reaction have minimal target correlation. Increased target correlation, identity of target could not be determined. 4 Many target correlation factors readily recognizable. Target identity possibilities narrowed. 5** RV data shows-unmistakable cor- relation to the target. Target possibilities can now be typified. Little or no extraneous RV data present. Target identity can be readily matched. 7 Correct naming of the target. Q RATING None (0 %) Low (15%) Low-Moderate (30%) Moderate (50%) Moderate-Hig (70%) High (80% Direct Hit (100%) *Target Correlation Chart (TCC) was established not to prove or disprove Remote Viewing (RV), rather, it was designed to measure RV learning trends and to provide Project Management personnel a readily available management tool. **Current state-of-the-art indicates this level of expertise is the norm. for an experienced Remote Viewer. CLASSIFIED BY: Director, DIA DECLASSIFY ON: 31 May 99 EXTENDED BY: Director, DIA REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6) Approved For Release 2001/04/02: CIA-RDP96-007 2 6-7 J-dij ,a: z i, A "roved For Relea se 20 31/04/0 2 Cl -FAD 96=00 88R0 2000 4U 7dg1 d3 9 -d3S G lwyl, Aov 9-S V) d3SR -d3S j; d~51 -'G'19z xtgsz - JnV 61 I 31I 15;'4auzlt3 -;ISiCT1 !,4~:~I' JI1Y 1111 V (\J 7777(g,