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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1982
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R002000200001-8.pdf62.7 KB
CONTROL NUNPEP COMMAND GROUP APPROVAL/RELEASL SHEET SUPJECT OFFICE SYMBOL DATE Termination of Project GRILL FLAME (U) IAGPC-G 17 Nov 82 ACTION REQUIRED ACTION-OFFICER-PHONE CG Approval and Signature on Letter LTC Jachim/7829 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD (Describe briefly the requirement, background and action token or recommended. Must be sufficiently detailed to Identify the action without rerour.e to other sources.) 1. (S) ORIGIN OF ACTION: CG directed a letter be forwarded to MG Odom notifying him of the termination of INSCOM's portion of Project GRILL FLAME and his intention to conduct a similar project within the CI/OPSEC Program. (TAB B) 2. (S) DISCUSSION: a. Congressional Intelligence Committees directed that Army curtail all GRILL FLAME operational activities conducted within the National Foreign Intelligence Pro- gram (NFIP) at the end.of FY 82 (TAB A). The OACSI GRILL FLAME Project Officer stated that the committees did not terminate the project but direct any future funding be out- side the NFIP. b. FY 83 funding will be provided from the Security and Intelligence Activities (S&IA) Program. 3. (S) WHAT THIS ACTION WILL ACCOMPLISH: a. Notify the ACSI that INSCOM has complied with Congressional termination of GRILL FLAME within the NFIP. b. Notify the ACSI that INSCOM will initiate a similar program within the CI/OPSEC Program. RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS YES NO A. Personnel ^ [ CLASSIFIED BY: MSG,DAMI-ISH B. Space Authorization ^ ^x 051630ZJUL78 C. Operating Costs (OMA) ^X ^ REVIEW ON: Nnv20O2 D. Investment Costs (OPA & MCA) ^ E. RDTE Costs 0 ^ F. Environment ^ ? (If "YES" coordinate action thru the Command Environmentalist ODCSLOG) COORDINATIONS APPROVAL/RELEASE OFFICE SIGNATURE PHONE SIGNATURE DATE. JJU S -H Y7/4 DCSRM DATE A HE 0 STAFF ELE rod., phone o ignotur.) ^ /^^ lot, 11111 fI 11 J. nn..u-m: _Jr"J To.FORKIG*NATIa s