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rapprbve~cf For.Reiiease. 20
THRU: Chief,OPSEC Spt DIV FROM: CI Studies Sec
902d MI Group OPSEC Spt DIV
TO: Commander
902d MI Group
0 (
1. (S) PROBLEM. To integrate the Soviet and East European para-
psychology intelligence collection threat into the all-source OPSEC
support scenario.
a. (S) The Soviets have a parapsychology research program whose
existence is classified and whose funding and control reside largely
with the Ministry of Defense and possibly with the KGB. This program
has been active since the early 1960s, is staffed by competent
scientists and technicians, and includes about 10 research units that
range in size from a single laboratory to large institutes employing
several hundred people. Soviet researchers have gained experience
with a greater variety of research methods than have their US counter-
parts and have completed more of the critical experiments needed to
evaluate adequately the applications of paranormal abilities.
b. (S) The Soviets will continue their attempts to develop the
paranormal abilities of individuals to the point that these abilities
can be used successfully in applied tasks.
c. (S) Based on the areas apparently chosen by the Soviets for
applications development and on the results of US research, the major
impact of Soviet applied parapsychology research is in the area of
intelligence collection.
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d. (IS) The CIA has successfully used parapsychological techniques
for offensive intelligence collection. US research has demonstrated
the ability to use paranormal sensory mechanisms f6r intelligence
collection numerous times.
e. (S) Based on US "state-of-the-art" , the advanced state of
Soviet parapsychology research, and KGB sponsorship of this effort,
the Soviets are believed to have the ability to conduct intelligence
missions using parapsychology. It is reasonable to assume that the
Soviets have exercised their ability.
a. (S) Although the offensive side of the intelligence community
has become involved in parapsychology, no agency has yet attempted
to assess the security impact of the Soviet threat.
b. (C) Based on discussions with CIA, the Soviet and East European
parapsychology intelligence collection threat would most likely be
directed against R&D of advanced weapons systems and/or upper echelon
military organizations.
c. (C) The 902d MI Group is the only intelligence organization
with the ability and the mission capable of providing meaningful
security support to counter the Soviet parapsychology threat.
d. (S) Initially MI personnel will require specialized training
to be conducted by a civilian institute at minimal cost. As a result
of this training these personnel will be able to demonstrate the
threat, assess vulnerabilities, and make recommendations concerning
paranormal intelligence collection methods.
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e. (S) The program,to be truly effective, would eventually require
a field operations team, trained in the use of parapsychology, in
support of spXcific OPSEC missions.
a. (S) Definition: GONDOLA WISH is a program designed to integrate
the Soviet and East European parapsychology intelligence collection
threat into the all-source OPSEC support scenario. This is to be
accomplished by training MI personnel to be able to collect sensitive
intelligence data through parapsychological means (such training has
been scientifically demonstrated to be possible and is available) and
then to utilize these trained personnel to perform the OPSEC cycle
(i.e. demonstrate the threat, identify EEFI exploitable by parapsychological
means, determine vulnerabilities, and recommend countermeasures) in
support of selected installations/projects.
In House Comment: This program concept has been
discussed with DIAO&MDM and the Foreign Technology
Division (FTD), USAF. They agree with the con-
cept, feel that the 902d has the best charter to
prsue it, and encourage continued emphasis of the
program because of its vital importance to national
b. (S) Classification: The term GONDOLA WISH is a nickname and
is unclassified. When GONDOLA WISH is used in conjunction with the
description of the project it becomes SECRET. The project GONDOLA
WISH is classified SECRET UP.of paragraph 2-303a,DoD 5200.1-R. In
addition to its classification, information relating to the project
must be maintained on a strict need to know basis and kept "close
hold" for the following reasons: First, over the years the study
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Approved For Release DP96-00788 R002000160011-2
of parapsychology has been plagued by religious and occult over-
tones. Because of this, many have been unable/unwilling to accept
the realities of parapsychological phenomena. Regardless of scientific
evidence developed by highly respected institutions, many feel that
to recognize the existence of extrasensory perception (ESP), out-
of-body experiences (OOBE), or psychokienesis (PK), undermines the
very foundation of their belief system. These individuals may be
compelled by there religious/moral aspirations to reveal classified
information with the belief that they are doing it "for the good of
the country". Still another source or resistance to accepting the
principles of parapsychological phenomena is social or peer pressure.
Many feel that if they express their interest in such a "weird"
subject that they will be segregated from their peers, fired from
their jobs, rejected by their families, or labled as "some kind of
a nut". On the other end of the spectrum are those individuals whose
belief structff is based on religious or occult concepts which foster
parapsychology. These individuals tend to lose their perspective
in dealing in this area and therefore would be d 'sfunctional to the
program. Additionally, these individuals may release project infor-
mation to foster their own personal philosophies which they'hold to
be more important than the classification criteria.
c. ('S) Background (U)
(1) (S) DoD Involvement (Ti)
(a) DIA is presently monitoring all DoD activities in
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parapsychology. While there is some DIA sponsored R & D in para-
psychology, there are no DoD agencies which are known by DIA to use
parapsychological techniques for offensive intelligence collection.
(b) MIIA originally had the charter within DoD to assess
Soviet parapsychology research. MIIA published two documents to this
end, one in 1972 and another in 1975.
(c) Foreign Technology Division (FTD), USAF, now has the
DoD charter to assess Warsaw Pact country activities in parapsychology
to include assessment of trends, current research, and potential future
achievements. The most recent report on this effort was published
1 Oct 7y.
(d) MIA receives briefings along with DARCOM personnel to
keep in touch with the "state of the art" in both US and Soviet research.
(2) (*S) CIA Involvement (U) SG1 D
SG1 D (a) (S) In 1975 the CIA contracted
to review Soviet research literature concerning para-
psychology. The results of their work were published on 14 Jan 76. The
CIA continues to assess the organization, scope, potential intelligence
value, and military significance of Soviet parachological research. 1W
The CIA's most current report was published in April 1977.
(b) (OS) The CIA has used parapsychological techniques
for offensive intelligence collection.
These missions
were conducted during the early 1970s. An "official" parapsychology
offensive intelligence collection program is not being p.'rsued at this
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V wlw~IiLl
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time. There are two reasons for this. First, the source (gifted
individual) they were using, Patrick U. Price, died. Second, the
department that was in charge of this program was the same one that
gn*n*^ ~aaa:..~a assassination plots. That department was disbanded,
the personnel reassigned, and much documentation was destroyed. DIA
postulates that CIA will be conducting an "official" collection
program in the future when the political climate is better. Additionally,
other DoD officials consider it possible that individuals within the
CIA are persuing parapsychological collection techniques on an
"unofficial" basis.
d. (OS) US Research (U)
(1) (PS) Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, CA, is
under contract from FTD to conduct experimental research to verify the
information which FTD collects in their attempt to assess Warsaw Pact
country activities in parapsychology. SRI conducts parallel experiments
to those known to be done in Warsaw Pact countries and thereby attempts
to determine their "state of the art". SRI has published a great
deal of unclassified information concerning parapsychology. A SECRET
report which addresses their contract with FTD was published in July 1977,
(2) (U) Numerous academic and research organizations have
investigated parapsychology. Some of this work is credible while other
work is not because of its lack of scientific principles. At any rate,
there is a great deal of unclassified "open source" literature on the
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. e. (S) Training (U)
(1) (S) Both US and Soviet research have shown that individual
paranormal ability is intrinsic and that this ability can be xnhanced
through training and practice. Such training can include reinforce-
ment techniques, meditative practice, self-hypnosis, biofeedback, and
in the USSR, drug induced altered states of consciousness.
(2) (U) The Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences (MIAS), Afton,
VA, provides relaxation training to industrial executives using advanced
biofeedback techniques. MIAS also provides a multidiciplined program
designed to enhance paranormal abilities for interested individuals.
Results of this program are documented and appear to be meaningful.
(3) (S) MIAS has been contacted and is willing to conduct
training of MI personnel on a confidential basis. MIAS is concerned
about the Soviet threat and has been briefed on OPSEC concepts. At
the present time we are working with MIAS to determine selection
criteria for trainees.
f. (U) Documentation: The project officer for GONDOLA WISH has on
hand documents relating to parapsychology from the following agencies,
as well as numerous "open source" publications: The CIA, DIA, MIIA,
INSCOM, FTD (USAF), NIS (USN), and civilian contractors.
a. (S) The Soviets have the ability to collect intelligence using
paranormal means and are believed to be doing so.
b. (S) The US Army is subject to exploitation by the Soviet para-
psychology threat.
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%J tmw 1% LW I
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up - 11110
c. (C) Action must be taken to counter this threat if the US
Army is going to remain effective in the accomplishment of its mission.
d. (S) The OPSEC mission of the 902d MI Group is best suited
to provide the US Army with security support designed to counter this
new Soviet threat.
a. Recommend that project GONDOLA WISH be continued.
b. Recommend that minimal funds be made available for training
MI personnel.
c. Recommend that the attached MBO plan for GONDOLA WISH be
as 2LT, MI
CI Studies Section
M4 occo"MM
Approved For Release MM8/07 IA- P96-00788R002000160011-2