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r Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : SUPJECI'. GRI'.LT_, J':[,AT1I; (U) JA,-RD P96~0.-0 88ROO2000140004-2 (S/NOFOR) FACTS: 1. Definition: Definition: on: To borrow a Soviet. term, Psychoenerget.ics (Yarapsychol0gY) inexplicably caused by or involving is that body of observed pbon i mental processes. Included are three aspects that may be of extreme mil.i_tary importance. They are Psycholc:i.nesis, Clairvoyance (Remote viewing), and Telepathy. 2. Credible evidence is mounting at an tncr cam Lug rate that 1'syc.hoener:eti cs is real and can be exploited to one's great advantage. No final conclusions can be reached, however, except to say that enough Ovid evidence is on hand to warrant serious study of these phenomena. . The Sov-iet Url,on and other East Bloc nations are known to b fnr'ahead of ;3 the US in Basic and Applied Research into P yChoen- rf etics. Soviet R&D in this field is pr. imaa i Ly con t rol i eel ~ancl funded by the KGB and mi 1 i l`iir.y. DOD officials, among thea the USo:fA and Director D IA, C+. aber of 'US A nu ' clroc n~:r,e tics. a need to at least explore the 1>oteul-iai offered by P y n M pcr.r c,c ivc Ttio general feeling is that we cannotiLford to ignore the possibility that tine USSR. has the capability to precipitate catastrophic defeat of our Manske forces, '.Close sane capab.i.1 Mes, in 1 t i.>.n dly hands, r,; `'bL an victory for the US and her allies. ';. K 'an it this most preliminary suzge of Army involvement in I s ycltopnerL;ctic s, an ad hoc oversight committee has been :formed: t1SoIA, ACSI., Director D:CA, DDli& 'g6 007888002000140004-2 Approved For Release 2QQOJQ1Q8 GIA-l .P96 OD7 8R002000140004-2 SG1I is concerned that the US pap .faLJ.en.._,hehind on this "survival i.srsue. lie has expressed his feelings to the DCI and has offered a over his signature. supporting any 1)01) effort. The CIA, 7. in the recent past- there were other US Government"j>_laycrs.' ng 1972 to 1..974, were act:Lvely: invest.igating the Remote e Viewing From about aspects of Psyclroenergetics. (Note: Remote Viewing is the ability of a Subject to project his mind's eye to a specific geographic point and describe in varying detail what is located there.) At the same time the US _ Navy. was conducting some su)nnari_nc t.:racking and communications experiments. Both o organizations dro}>ped, out; of the :Field in the aftermath of Watergate, te, when any sort of "exotic" project, no matter how promising or innocent in :fact,. could engender had publicity and political criticism. In popular jargon, this was the Proxmire effect. S. SOli1:'. e government agencies have stayed in the ? .lme.: a. The US Air Force Foreign Science and Technology Division has on-going, contracts with a reputable organization, Stanford Research Institute, to replicate known Soviet experiments in Psych.oencrgetics. It is not believed that the USAU intends to go beyond this modest effort. F TD, . to do b. The US Army. Missile Intelligence Agency, via .C~TD, lsrr used Si._ .~_ b lc. LILT Care and to ci~'t t'L[ i .,. C rC .naccl ]. a .inch'. s ~~ the frequency rang es at tslli.c.h the unexplained rl.e.n.t.a.l pr.oce:s;>es involved, occur. Approved For Release 2o?0:0"i,6'8'tO$-:,-CfA-Fkbl 96-00788R002000140004-2 Approved For Release, 2,000108/08 CIAA996 0078.:8R002000140004-2 c. In more of an Applied fashion, tiie Army ,Matc.r.:ial..._Sy. tqT _Analysi:; Activity at Aberdeen PG has contracted With SRI. to conduct a number of experiments to determine: (11 if enemy commanders can be "tracked" by a Subject can detect changes,V t lc. status friendly Subject; (2if a friendly _ of an enemy unit (i.c. , going on alert status), or changes area (i..e., enemy occupation of a forward assembly area); (3) if a friendly Subject can alter sensitive enemy equipment so that it will malfunction in some way (i.e., raise the internal temperatures of a missile warhead so that the guidance system fail s) ; and, (4) if a friendly Subject can break enemy com- munications codes or. nent-er'' secure computer systems. d. INSCOM is considering the training of several Subjects to try and determine the Counter Throat parts of l?sychoenergeti.cs. 9. A large number of prestigious civilian institutions, corporations and universities are exploring the PsychoenergeLic phenomena. Among them are Princeton, Boeing Corporation, Duke University, SRI and the University of Virginia. SRI seems to be the leader in the field. 10. SRI'S efforts, headed by two laser physicists, Dr. '.Cars and Dr. Puthof, involves a small stable of proven Subjects, the most notable being I1. 11. 11 has repeatedly shown an ability to perform a number of unexplainable a. In a widely reported experiment 11 ra_i_sed and.lower, at will., the internal temperature of a thermos--type container several rooms away. b. In what has become a standard procedure, 11 remotely views (given only the geographic coordinates) any point on earth, wiLh varying amount of details as to what, is located there. For example, in one experiment sponsored Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA*.RDP96-00788R002000140004-2 Approved For Release- QQOt-p /08 v7 by the CIA be could not concentrate on the relatively uninteresting target he was given (a vacation cottage in the woods). Instead he "wandered" to a nearby place that turned out to be a secret CIA facility. A great deal of cor:,mota.on was caused as 11 penetrated the installation, describing classi?- ..:..._,.._,._......._,.....,...,._...._ ied code word documents in a room. Some were even inside a filing cabinet. He was physically located in California. c. Details are not yet known, but it is understood that a few days ago 11 gained entry to a computer by mentally picturing, then using, the access code. 12. Other people have also demonstrated the ability to track and remote view: a.. Again, several days ago, an SRI Subject was given only a Xerox copy SG1B of the Pentagon badge that belongs to Dr. Kramar, head of AMSAA's labs. Details are not known, but evidently Dr. Kramai: was accurately "tracked" b. The Dean of Princeton University's Engineering Department described his first experience with. Psychoenergetics in a recent paper. (Note: copy to be provided to the CSA/VCS for personal use.) Although he drew no final. conclusions, it is clear that he is not a skeptic. (Note: At red markers are examples of a number of successful Remote Viewing exprriments.) (5MOI?ORN) RISKS: selsaLionalisL journalism. The possibility of receiving the "Golden Fleece Award" is also a factor. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 61A-RDP96.0-Q_ 7888002000140004-2 Approved For Release 2'000108/08 CIA-RDP96--00788R002000140004-2 2. There is a slight chance o:C :fraud, if reasonable care in the sel.ecti.on of i.nstituLi_ons and individuals is riot taken. Good experimental. design and this possil,il.i.t:y. dealing with quality institutions will. minimize 3. T:[: the set of phenomena arc real., the possibility of physical harm by hostile intelligence to Subjects like TI, must be considered. 4. Lax security precautions could provide ITOTS valuable information about ITS ini_l:i_tar.y capabilities in Psychoencar.geti.cs. (S/N0 ORN) GAINS: 1. These are too numerous to list, and for the most part are obvious. Tt is recognized, however., that all l)sychoenergeti.c applications are hardly known. 2. The capability to perform accurately even one of the phenomena like Remote Viewing, is beyond the normal. concept of worth. (S /d0T'OI:i~;) RT COMMIPM)ATTONS 1. That the Army develop a rational., comprchensaveL program to examine r,:i_L1_t:ary applic, "l-ions of Psycho energetics, and that OACST have DA Staff proponency. 2. That T);A,,RCOM should take the lead in developing the program, for Army, and that I:i:SC:O;^T work closely with DA:I:PCOM in that (:effort. 3. That:. Army, insofar as possible, work within a DOD framework, to insure t:itl l'i'C es ur s arc carefully tended and that ll:.? uc 1a.cessary dulii. LeaL:ion of work occurs. / t'laat: the euLi.i c pro ia.CL b;. I'. e': til? et_ri t. I C Lt cov lap , `i. Alt records should clearly reflect that Army is not sponsor in ; any sort of 1l _:li_tul controll. ? exper. is, deal lug only in those areas of le .Lim: to ~..mcnLs,brtt. m i_l itary concern. G. That ACST and staff keep the (,SA/VCS current as pro;rc~ :s is mode. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : cIA-RDP96-0078880020001 ,40004-2 Approved For ReIe 6b! 8108 96:00788 R002000140004-2 OJ?OI:N) SUMMARY: 1. The 'US military must not ignore or be swayed from involvement in 1'sychocnergetic research. and development. The 'issue at stake is far too important for that. 2. IL -is not an oversta,Lcmen- to say that successful development and use of 1?syehoenergctic capabilities are comparable ir.r import and impact as develop ment of the atomic weapon in 1944. NAJ stoner/55048 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00788R002000140004-2