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Approved For Release'2001/03/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R QA~Q00~30915~ DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.G. 20301 S-1168/DT-1 Minutes of the DoD Grill Flame Committee Meeting, 27 November 1979 1. (U) The meeting was held in DIA/DT Conference room, 0930, 27 November 1979. 2. (U) Attendees (see enclosure'l). 3. (U) The minutes of the 27 November meeting were approved as written. SG1J 4. (U) It was noted that due to a change in her position, will no longer he able to serve as a recorder for the committee. 5. (U) The next meeting for the committee-was established for 10 January 1980. , SG1J 6. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) informed the group that the Gale report had not been completed but Mr. Gale had agreed to brief the group when SG1,J it is com leted. The best estimate for this was in a couple of weeks. and Dr. Vorona will be in contact with Mr. Gale and will convene a meeting of the working group immediately upon notice that the Gale report is ready to be briefed. 7. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) - questioned the substantive expertise of the Gale Committee. It was suggested that briefing the Grill Flame Working Group first would allow any erroneous or misleading statements to be removed prior to it being presented to higher level DoD officials. The workin}: group was in full agreement with that position. 8. (S/N0F0RN/ORCON) Major Stoner then made several points concerning the Grill Flame Steering Group meeting held earlier this month. The meeting was only for about 20 minutes and they agreed to not address any substantive issues until the Gale report is completed. 9. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) Major Watt briefed the group on INSCOM training and operational application of the remote viewing phenomenon. The program development, mission, and some of the recent results were discussed. SG1I 10. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) expressed his interest in finding a medical common denominator for persons displaying marked ability in remote view- ing. A contractor, Lovelace Medical Foundation, is available to interpret the medical data. $G1I Approved For Release 2001 03/PT, CIA-RDP96-00788R002000130015-1 .13. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) Mai Perry Towles stated that within the Gri-ll. Flame area there is 'a need for one central oversight authority in the DoD with responsibility for all legal, medical, R&D and intelligence issues. It was suggested that DIA should fill that position.. 14. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) Major Stoner informed the group that the Army is developing a new security protection for Grill Flame. data_ 15. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) asked the group if- ny one had attempted to correlate psychic functioning with time of day. Recent research indicates that there is a 90 minute cycle of brain activity. Primary functioning is believed to shift from the left brain to the right brain and back on a 90 minute cycle. 16. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) It was stated that the Grill Flame Working Group should accept the responsibility for the oversight of Dot} and Intel- ligence Community activities. A letter should be composed by the Chairman of the group and sent to each member informing the member and his Agency of the responsibility of the group. In addition, all other DoD and Intel- ligence Community agencies should be informed of the working group's acceptance of the technical oversight responsibility. 17. (S/NOFORN/ORCON) The following motion was made, seconded and approved: a. Dr. Vorona is to be asked to contact Mr. Gale and inform him of the working group's desire and need to see and be briefed on the Gale Committee's report prior to it being given to any other party or group. b. It is felt that to do otherwise would be extremely hazardous as this group represents the collective expertise, experience and back- ground of the entire DoD and Intelligence Community. Approved For Release 2001103/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R002000130015-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000130015-1 18. (S/NFORN/ORCON) The discussions described in points 16 and 17 took place while the committee chairman was not present.. Consultation with him reveals that his view of the Committee's goal and function is not one of oversight but one of coordination and liaison. All committee members are individually responsible for the oversight of their pro- grams and for keeping their command hi erarciyinformed on all aspects of their program. The committee's primary functions are to provide a forum, for the discussion of research programs, to coordinate research goals, to seek solutions to common problems and to permit the exchange of ideas and information. 19. (U) The meeting was ajourned at 1500. 4 Enclosures 1. List of Attendees (U) 2. CIA/PA ltr, 30 Nov 79 (U) 3. Viewing Magnetic Field Report (U) 4. Memo, 21 Sep 79 (S/NOFORN/ NO CONTRACT) JACK VORONA Chairman, Grill Flame Comiiii ttee 31itJl rl:...r:. 11:.:J J.. ~: ..!'-. . ar_r-al,,,i 4?_..' Approved For Release 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R002000130015-1 -Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO2000130015-1 SG1I G1J John W. Kramar Billy Z. Jenkins Charles Carter Bill Johnson CLASSIFIED MAILING ADDRESS Director, US Army Material Systems Analysis Activity ATTN : DRXSY --C( (Mr- J- al r2100 Aberdeen Proving Groun US Army Missile Command} ATTN: DRSMI--RDK (Dr. Jenkins) Arsenal, AL US Army Missile Command Carter) ATTN: DRSMI-YST (Charles Redstone Arsenal, AL US Army Mi ss,ile Command ATTN : DRSMI--YM Redstone Arsenal, AL 35809 ence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency ATTN: DT/J. Voron20301 Washington, D.C. J. Vorona SG1I Dale Graff SG1 H LTC Murray B. Watt Major Bill Stoner Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio 45433 ADCSOPS - HUMINT INSCOM HQ, 20755 Fort Meade, MD HO DA Stoner Ky: 2194 ATTN: DAMI-ISH (Mai SG1I _ Washington, D.C. 20310 SG1I Appro se 2.001103/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R002OObt ?E11 SG1J Grey: 9756 SG1I