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Approved For Release 2001/00;;;;g - DP96-007888002000130009-8 3 October 1979 SG1J SUBJECT: Minutes of DOD Grill Flame Committee Meeting, 25 September 1979 1. (U) Meeting was held in DIA/DT Conference Room, 0930 hours, 25 September 1979. 2. (U) Attendees: See Inclosure 1. 3. (U) distributed copies of the minutes of the 12 July 1979 DOD GRILL FLAME Committee Meeting. The minutes were approved after minor clarification of a couple of points. 4. (S) Old Business: a. Dr. Vorona informed the group that a DOD Science Advisory Board, chaired-by Manfred Gale, GS-18, DA,. has been established to review the various GRILL FLAME Programs within DOD. Dr. Vorona reported that the committee would be meeting with him on 26 September 1979 and that he suspected that the committee would shortly visit all the DOD organizations involved in parapsychology. b. MAJ Stoner mentioned that he and Mr. Gale had visited with Dr. Jahn of Princeton and Dr. Lucky of Bell Labs. Dr. Jahn is still very much interested and involved in para- psychology--mainly interested in PK and-precognitive RV. 5. (S) New Business: a. Dr. Vorona requested that he be kept informed of various funding levels of the different GRILL FLAME elements. Dr. Vorona stated that Congressman Rose had erroneous impres- sion of funding that DOD had to support SRI efforts in this field but that he (Dr. Vorona) has straightened him out. Dr. Vorona will have the responsibility of keeping Congressman Rose up-to-date. MAJ Stoner indicated he will check on Army funding profile and let Dr. Vorona know what the level is. b. Dale Graff stated that he had updated the Intelligence Collection Requirements (ICR). See Inclosure 2. CLASSIFIED BY: Director, DIA DECLASSIFY ON: 25 Sep 99 EXTENDED BY: Director, DIA REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6) ,S07 0 -00788R0020001 3`89 -- .AlM 1 Approved For Release 20 - P96-OO788ROO2OOO13OOO9-8 SG1 H SG1I SUBJECT: Minutes of DOD Grill Flame Committee Meeting, 25 September 1979 c. Dale Graff briefed the committee on FTD JR# 1-570- 0092-79. Basically report concerned ongoing research in parapsychology phenomena in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Rumania. See Inclosure 3. d. Mr. Graff briefed the committee about a session he attended in Madison, Wisonsin recently. Two youngsters from Japan tried to influence images on photographic film. Whole session was far too loose to verify demonstrations. Japanese government seems to be backing parapsychology movement although they have offered no official statements to that affect. e. Mr. Graff presented two articles on parapsychology to the group for their review. Inclosure 4 is an article by J. B. Hasted and D. Robertson entitled "The Detail of Paranormal Metal-Bending." Inclosure 5 is an article edited by William G. Roll entitled "Research in Parapsychology", 1978. . f. MAJ Stoner recommended two books for the committee to review. (1) "The Divining Hand" - regarding dowsing. (2) "Science and PSI"-by Carroll Nash, Thomas Publisher, 1979 g, reported is trying to put a SG1H program together but that they have to proceed cautiously. Expect to have program of approximately 70K with SRI. He recommended to committee that they do the following: (1) Finalize a security guide. (2) Make SRI protocol more stringent and better documented. h. requested committee members to let him know about possible topics for next meeting. Please forward comments early so thatproper agenda can be arranged. Meetings will continue to be held at present location until there are other proposals. i. Scotty Watt expressed his concern with the apparent lack of good security practices at, SRI. Recommended that committee look into possibility of providing SRI with a secure telephone hook-up. Charlie Carter mentioned that they (MIA) had tried to get a secure line for SRI and all attempts had failed. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO2000130009-8 Approved For Release 2001/ P96-00788R002000130009-8 SUBJECT: Minutes of DOD Grill Flame Committee Meeting, 25 September 1979 j. Bill Jenkins (MICOM) presented an overview of their program concerning PK. All appears to be on track although protocol(s) are still being held in abeyance. $G1I k. stated that he was looking for people who can look inside of restricted spaces. Also, ones who can read a document or a message. 6. Vorona ex ressed the thanks of the committee _SG1J to for acting as recorder for the group. 7. (U) Next meeting will be Thursday, 8 November 1979 at 0930 hours. Meeting.was adjourned at 1220 hours. SG1I 5 Incl 1. Attendees 2. ICR # FTD-5456 Committee Co- hairman 3. ICR # 1-570-0092- 79, Parapsychological Research 4. The Detail of Paranormal Metal-Bending 5. Research in Parapsychology Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000130009-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000130009-8 SUBJECT: List of Attendees SG1J G11 SG1I SG1 H Dale Graff Scotty Watt ORGANIZATION TELEPHONE # DIA/DT SG 1 I FTD/TQTR HQ INSCOM Bill Stoner OACSI/DAMI-ISH Bill Jenkins U.S. Army MICOM Charles Carter MIA Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R002000130009-8