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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 25, 1998
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Publication Date: 
May 13, 1980
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ppr ed For- Release-200fl/0&/08- C-IA-RDP96-00788R002000100003-7 SG1J 7/AT-I A, 48235/g /13 a Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, HQ Department of' the Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, HQ, U.S. Air Force SUBJECT: GRILL. FLAT ( 3) Reference: RILL FLAME meeting on 9 April 1980. 1. (S/NOFOR) At the referenced meting the UTA proposed a progra for investigating the feasibility applying paranormal phenome"a to the solution intelligence problems. It was emphasized that the program's goals would not Involve basic research into the underlying mechanisms. Rather, the focus wt'sllr be on gaini reliable performance when applying the phenomena against operat- Tonal targets. As presently structured, the progr calls for a three year effort, to begin in FY 81, at about S45O, per year. The per year cost Would he, equally shared by the participating agencies under a ;Joint Service contract issued by D IA and would contain those requirements deemed necessary by the individual Service. It Is believed that such an approach would provide the assurance that the DoD has structured a cohesive, integrated prograu. 2. (S/M1FO H) As suggested at the referenced meeting, a committee of part ic_ i nra agencies is now twi n t fora-,ed. The charter members (Army,, Air Force, arse CIA) would subsequently decide who else should participate and in what capacity. SG1J The UTA ap oints Dr. Jack Vorona as Chairman of the GRILL FLAB Cormiittee and r^ecor nds be desiwnated as the primary contract :a:nitor. 3. (U) Any questions and/or cocents you have in retard to the progr proposal should be addressed to y action officer, telephone by 2 June 1990. Once established, the first order of business for the Comsittee would be structuring of a three year research program and a contract proposal designed to meet agreed upon goals. 2 FWD COOP o[3 CS VP OT-A UT-1 STYBK Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :'CIA-RDP96-00788R0 1 V 1 I NOT RELEA:;ALLE TO P.'>Ftrlic it tax Cio 3 i.~, g" SG1J SG1J