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Approved For Rel6asefyEv 0 RE P96-00788R001900620001-4 IAGPA-F-SD 03 July 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Interview Summary - HU-1079/8404/01 (U) 1. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) On 181045 April 1984, source #01 was interviewed by monitor #66 concerning the location of an individual identified as William F. Buckley. The project 8404 sponsor had provided a photograph of Buckley (see Incl 1). 2. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) For this interview source was shown the photograph provided by the sponsor and asked to focus his attention on the events and location of Buckley on 20 April 1984. No other identifying data was provided to source at the time of the interview but source had become aware that Buckley was a kidnap victim. All other intelligence information was withheld for use as feedback and cuing for possible subsequent interviews. 3. (U) A transcript of the interview was prepared (see Incl 2). 4. (U) A DA Form 341 (Agent Report) was prepared for the sponsor. This report related the salient points of the interview. Attached to the report were drawings provided by the Source (see Incl 3). Association with the below named individual and Military Intelligence is CONFIDENTIAL. SG1I 3 Incl as NOTE: Information of immediate operational value was provided to sponsor immediately, or as soon as possible, after the interview. CLASSIFIED BY: CDR, INSCOM DECL: OADR d" OGRA "M a TO TF ICSF Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA- tCR 0620001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001900620001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001900620001-4 Approved For Releas 0 ? C P96-00788R001900620001-4 TRANSCRIPT HU-1079/8404/01 #66: This is ROJ for 4/18/84, the time is 1045 hours. Okay, I'm going to shut my volume down and let you do your thing now. Reel time plus ten minutes. Plus 10 minutes. Reel time plus 24 minutes. All right, relax and concentrate now. Relax and focus your attention on the 20th of April 1984 on the individual in the photograph I've shown you and describe his location to me. #01: Ah . . . . . . um . . . two story residence .......It's embedded in ah..whole bunch of other residences, buildings all jumbled packed together. ......... Um..second floor's got balcony on the roof. Looks like the second floor is only 2/3 of the first floor, the size. There's a...side deck that opens, creates a roof on the first floor. ........ It's the color red. See red trim, it's a light building with red trim. ..... Garage under the second floor to the left. ........Get an impression of a couple tall buildings interconnected with these residences. One tall building's ah.... multiple stories and it's on a corner. And then there's ah.... um...ah...front room shop next to the garage underneath second floor, so the residence is a dual function place. It's ah.. shop, then home. .............. I don't see a back to this building, it's like ..... slant roof's coming off another building and facing the opposite direction. It's connected directly to it. ....... Ah ..... See ah..a main street...ah.."T" intersection main street..up the road from it. .......... And ah... ........break from it and go to the left. There's a courtyard a half a block down and across the street from it, courtyard with a ah.... um.... it's not a fountain, it's some kind of a decorative thing, sitting on a pedestal. #66: Go 100 feet above the decorative thing and look down. Describe patterns. #01: ......Many buildings all interconnected, target building'ss to the left, um..250 feet away. Big, big building on the corner is a bank. I see a lot of boards up over the windows, ah..big sections of boards. ..... I sense ah..going to the left from the courtyard with this statue or whatever it is, the "T" intersection if you hang a right it would go to the center of, center of town, which is in the shape of a "U". modified "U". Approved For Releas 96-00788R001900620001-4 Approved For Release 00788R001900620001-4 #66: Okay. 500 feet above the courtyard area, describe the shape of the courtyard area. #01: It's ah....The exterior outlines is perfectly square, but there's a ...ah..octagon outline that's within the square. It's an awful lot of bushes or trees or something inside the courtyard. House behind it's got slanted plates or slanted iron over the windows. It's horizontal,... recessed doorway, deeply recessed. #66: Okay. This courtyard area with something decorative in it? #66: Describe the road situation in relationship with this courtyard. #01:'s a little bit larger than three lanes wide and it's got a funny paving to it. I see lines, all criss-crossing lines in it. Cars parked diagonally across the street, but parallel, bumper to bumper on the side of the street of the courtyard. #66: If I was driving a car down the street, would I have to negotiate the courtyard in some way? #01: No, it'd be on your immediate right. I have trouble seeing a definition between the edge of the courtyard and the street however, so I suspect there's no curve there. Seems to be a continuation of the same paving. #66: What is the name of the courtyard? #01: ........ Ah...... Ah..F A Y E L L I A, E L L A E, It's like ya, ya ya, that kind of thing, fayell-yah, yah, yah that kind of thing. #66: Okay, now go down the road other direction from the courtyard and the building. #01: Well, I can't, I can only go as far as the "T" intersections, which is a four lane highway, high steep walls and buildings around it, large building with eleven stories, on the right is a bank that's closed, left to right at the "T" intersection. Approved For Release 200 I 96-00788ROO 1900620001-4 Approved For Release 2 88R001900620001-4 #66: Okay, the bank itself is the one with the boards on it? #01: Yeah, it's a corner up under the corner building. It's like the of the actual front of entry is the building. Um...bottom portion is gray stone, marble, upper portion is light, many windows. ....Right turn, he made a right turn there, it's progressively park adjusted, steadily going into the center of town, very steep high walls of buildings on both sides. Made a left at that corner, the road only goes about 2 blocks and drops to the left just a little bit. ............ There's ah ........ church very near by, it's a block and a half away. #66: Let's go back to the man himself, let's go back to the man himself and let's work with that for a minute. #01: Okay, just a minute ......... Impression of..ah....same problem as I perceived before, but I don't perceive it's his right side that's bad, it's his left, to the point of partial paralysis, ...... left ear, left side ....... health just continuing to deteriorate as before. .... I don't see him being held with anybody else, however, seems to be alone. #66: Okay, from time to time that happens. Let's go beyond his conscious awareness, down into his deep subconscious and ask him and his greater self to tell you where he is. 01: ................Um, I keep getting ah ..... um..ah..ah..this street is french name ah..something about holiday view or ah view of holiday or something like that in french. #66: All right, in the past we have dealt, not only you but others, that gotten an awful lot of french, we believe the subject in this case speaks french. Ask him to tell you what it is in Arabic, so we might find it on a map. #01: Um, um, just a minute. Two words, A L, second word D A M I E E L, L and then Damur. It's definitely an E on it but the front of the second word seems to be a little screwy,'s like missing a syllable, DA something ...DARAMILL or something like that. I think the A L, AL is just a prefix or something for the street. DA, DARMELIEEL. #66: Say again. Approved For Release 28 -00788R001900620001-4 Approved For Release 200 788R001900620001-4 #01: DARMELIEEL, something like that, it's phonic. It's DARMELIEEL, M E L I EE L , D A R A M A M I E E L. #66: Ask him to tell you more about where he is. Remember you must ask his deep, deep subconscious, hypnotize him, guide him deeper and deeper and deeper into the things he knows but doesn't realize consciously he knows. You guide him deeper and deeper and deeper. #01: .......... This is a section of town where there used to be a lot flowers sold. It's like a flower market area. It's off a side street in the flower market. #66: Describe that to me again, please. #01: The only thing I can figure out is that.. this is a specific area of the town where they used to sell, and I don't know if they still do, it's like an old market place for flowers. It's like a specific area you go to buy flowers. More flowers shops than anything in this area. #66: All right, we understand that. Go back in, go back in to him deeper and deeper and deeper and have him elaborate and tell you a little bit more. We understand that very well. #01: ..... The only other thing we get is ah ..... got to?do with some refugees. It's like a little section off to the side is refugees. Farmer types ah..all over country. ...Got a ah..input on the organization here that's ahh, masoon group that, that did something, they did something something in that town ah...a town on the coast, North, radical ah...ah...radical ..war like function or objective or something on the coast, in a town called ah....DAMUR, DAMUR or something D A M U R. R, DAMURRR, I keep wanting to add more Rs, DAMURR, something like that. They ah....They committed some form of atrocity there in the recent past, same radical group. (break and end of tape) or a religious stand point, ...the point of, you know, propagating or pushing a holy war type thing. We have an impression that this is like the southern, one of the southern most..Christian towns that they raided or something and they're known for this raid, this atrocity. #66: Group has been described a strongly anti-christian? ........ All right. Ask the man in the photograph what Approved For Release l'96-00788R001900620001-4 Approved For Release 200 Fq=-01?6-00788R001900620001-4 he can see, if he were to look out of a window in the room he was in, what he could see out that window? #01: ............ Windows where he's at. The window in the front of the building, he's been held in, has view of a three story building with triple garages under it, iron gates pull across the garages. ............ links around. #66: Ask him, the man in the photograph, to describe what he hears? #01: .............It's everyday noises, cars, people, traffic, yelling kids, banging around of things. #66: Has he heard his captors talk at all? #01: ...... Very rarely, and then one will come now and then to ..... harass him more than anything. ..... He still has no understanding for why they're holding on to him. It doesn't make any sense. #66: Okay, this sense you had of no windows in the building, describe the raw data that makes you say no windows. No windows in the room. #01: ......No light, no openings, smooth walls,... corner, ..closed, enclosed ...... almost a storage room feel to it. .............................................. Approved For Release 6-00788 R001900620001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIAg[]P6M0~,,88RQ94"0620001-4 -z