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Approved For Release 2000/08/085 SG1A - 007888001900530024-9 (S/NF) The data generated in reponse to this task were forwarded to DIA (DT-5A) for appropriate evaluation and disposition. } search"`f ask, L S, . Envoys. to Beirut, Buckley (JS #44) (U) RVer #009-Experienced RVer #009 was targeted in a standard RV format, using an abstract targeting method (the word "target"). The initial response was performed entirely in the blind as to the purpose of the task, which is typically the case in the use of the abstract targeting procedure. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001900530024-9 (SINE) A requirement was forwarded to SRI from DIA (DT-5A), to conduct an RV search for William Buckley, U.S. Envoy, who wasrsiezed in Beirut, Lebanon, on 16 March 1984. For targeting information, reference*was made to a New York Times article dated 17 March 1984, which contained known data, along with a photo of the target individual. (S/NF) 'hree experienced RVers provided data in response to this requirement: Numbers 009, 198, 537. Each was briefed at some stage of the operation about the goal of the task, which was to determine the location and other particulars concerning the status of the target individual. The RVers responding to this task each used a specific (and different) technique developed in other tasks in the Psychoenergetics program. The information developed was forwarded to DIA (DT-5A) for disposition and evaluation. Approved For Release 2000/05(p 96-00788 R001900530024-9 %0 M (S/NF) After providing data on the characteristics of a location intended to be responsive to the overall task requirement, the RVer was then told that the task involved a missing individual. At that point, without further input, additional data were provided as to a description of the individual and his location. (S/NF) RVer #198---RVer #198 was fully briefed on the task requirement, and was given the NY Times article and maps. Using a binary-tracking technique under investigation in another portion of the SRI program (Search), considerable information was developed on the present status and location of the individual. (Binary tracking: A or B, A or B,...? through a "tree" of possibilities--e.g., alive or dead? health good or poor? Beirut or not? ...). Follow-up debriefing by DIA (DT-5A) personnel to obtain further information was pursued. (S/NF) RVer #531---Fully briefed, RVer #531 conducted a search using a computer-assisted-search (CAS) technique being developed on the Search Task. For this approach, a map of Lebanon was divided up into 20 roughly-equal-area segments, randomly numbered. A. computer program (basically a ring counter) is initiated, which counts 1, 2, 3...21, 1, 2, 3... at a millisecond dwell time per number. The numbers 1 through 20 represent the 20 map areas; the number 21. represents the option "none of the above." The task of the search RVer is to interrupt (blind) the ring counter by button push at the (unknown) "target" bin. This is done on a repetitive basis, with selections accumulated in a memory register. After N trials (50 in this case), statistically significant *bumps" in the distribution of potential target bin entries are read out as candidates. In this task, a statistically significant (p < 0.05) accumulation of entries was collected in two of the bins; these choices were passed on through proper channels. (S/NF) With regard to the overall concept of operational RV tasking, remote viewing by SRI and SRI-trained client personnel has, in many cases, provided useful descriptions of, for example, East-Bloc targets that are of interest to the intelligence community. Evaluation of the results by appropriate intelligence community specialists indicates that, by this process, RVers have been able to generate useful data that have been corroborated by other intelligence assets. Documentation for these conclusions can be found in the following references: --9- Approved For Release 2000/0> :I - 96-00788R001900530024-9 Approved For Release 2000/08 I 96-00788 R001900530024-9 Date 1.6 Jul 1984 (Session 1); 17 July 1984 (Session 11) Series OP Search Session No. Target No. JS #44 Target Wrm Buckley, ryU. Remote Viewer #k198 Interviewer H. Puthoff Beacon(s) Targetahoto ra~h_L mks of 1. Requirement received from DIA (DT-5A), by telecon on 7/1.6184. 2. RVer developed following scenario using binary question technique. H. E. ?'utho'ff~~, Ph D. Addendum: Follow-up interview conducted (date unknown) by at RVer?s location. 1Ito a Approved For Release 2000/08 . C- 196-00788R001900530024-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 jfjA -00788R001900530024-9 Session I 16 July 1984 RVer provided the following initial data: Individual of interest was alive, in Lebanon but not in Beirut proper. Rather, he was located to the south of Beirut with an initial estimate of 8.7 miles (see later). He appeared to be in a 3-story house, located in the third floor. Individual appeared to be in fair health (some trouble with-the res- piratory system), was emotionally depressed, but had not been tortured. He is being guarded by 5 people (Syrians) on a r8tation basis. lie has been moved three times. Session II 17 July 1984 With newspaper article (including photo) and a map of Lebanon available, RVer provided the following additional date: Individual is still alive, at same location as yesterday. He is not going to escape, but will be released by his captors in September, around the 22nd. He is being held in a small village, not a city. It would not help to contact people in town because, although they know someone is being guarded, they do not know whom. The building is of concrete block type con- struction. Although the captors holding him are Syrian, the people who live in the house are not. In the opinion of the viewer, the location will not be discovered by Americans, although they will be close. The individual has been in the present location for 19 days. (The RVer thinks that one of the previous locations may have been in Syria, S.E. of Damascus.) Present location as determined by map tracing work was given as a town S.E. of Beirut, called Jdaide. This can be reached by following the coast road south from Beirut, turning inland (east about 2 miles south of Damour, and going east through Deir el Qamar to Maaaser Beit ed Dine. A right turn to switch back S.W. turns into a road going south to Beit ed Dine. South from Belt ed Dine a few miles leads to Jdaide slightly to the S.E. RVer says that individual will be released in Beirut proper just south of (across the street from?) the Cosssnodore Hotel. 1 Inter . l v~N fgT kAcF!'00788R001 900530024- Approved For Release 2000/08/08 9 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 ? - 00788R001900530024-9 Date 20 July 1984 Series Session No. Target No. Target Remote Viewer Beacon(s) Abstract Targeting "Target" 1. RVer targeted blind by abstract targeting method (the phrase "target.." 2. After providing data on location intended to be responsive to overall task, RVer was told that task involved a missing individual, at which point, without further input, individual was described and further detail on location prided. SRI bteronati R Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001900530024-9 OP Search JS #44 Wni. Buckley, U.S. Envoy, Beirut. Approved For Release 2000/08 6-00788RO01900530024-9 Date Series Session No. Target No. Target 22 Ju11_1984 24 July 1984 JS #44 kiln Buckley tl.5 Bnv-,_Beirut in_ C. May, Ph.D. Radio Physics Laboratory 1. Computer-assisted-search (CAS) technique used, in which map of Lebanon is divided into 20 roughly-equal-area segments. A ring counter program in a computer is initiated which contains numbers 1, 2, 3 ... 21, the number 1-20 representing the 20 map segments, the nltmber 21 representing "none of the ab5ve." The task of the ItVer is to interrupt (blind) the ring counter by button push at the (unknown) "target" bin as they firculate in the ring counter with one-millisecond dwell times. 2. A collection of fifty trials resulted in a statistically significant "bump" in the distribution of potential tar et bins. This, and a close second choice were forwarded to DIA (DT-5A).. SRI i 333 Reuenswood7 Rue. ? W-+-do Park. CA, 94025 ? 415 32f-6200 ? TWX 910-373-2046 ? Tel" 334 466 ? Facs.m:le 415 320-5512 __ 21 __ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 . - -00788 R001900530024-9