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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 23, 1998
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Publication Date: 
May 14, 1984
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R001900530022-1.pdf61.94 KB
Approved For Release eECbP9600788R001 900530022-1 SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION SG1A STTBJECT: WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY 84-04 7aj' $Y 4 ~~I 1? l.((;/CL3/NOFORN) From 21 March to 20 April 1984, INSCOM CENTER LANE Proiect (ICLP) conducted 11 Remote Viewing interviews at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) concerning SUBJECT. On 20 March the CIA provided ICLP with the three following essential elements of information (EEI): a. Determine the location of William Buckley. h, Determine his physical and mental condition. c. Determine the identity of his captors. On 10 April a fourth EEI was added: Determine who the CIA should contact to arrange for Buckley's release. A photograph of Buckley, taken before his apprehension, was used as cuing material for the first few remote viewing interviews. Subsequent interviews were cued by using-,Buckl.ey's name, date and place of birth, and by a photograph of Buckley allegedly taken by his captors. The photograph was provided ICLP by the Q%~A. WARNING NOTICE: CENTER LANE SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM RESTRICT DISSEMINATION TO THOSE WITH VERIFIED ACCESS TO CATEGORY THREE (3) SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED BY: CDR, INSCOM Approved For Release 2 6?R 1P96-00788R001900530022-1 Approved For Release 20 SG1A EGRET9600788R001900530022-1 4. (S/CL3/NOFOPN) The difficulty inherent in a "search problem' such as the Buckley case is in identifying precisely where on the earth the object or person is once contact has been made. During the course of the Buckley case ICLP personnel used several new techniques to resolve the "search problem". These new techniques appear to have been successful and will add to the state-of-the-art knowledge of the problem. Research is currently ongoing in the R&D Community on the search problem. This should offer help in this area in the future. 5. (S/(,T,3/NO FOP N) No remote viewing interviews have been conducted on. the Buckley case since 20 April because the ICLP exhausted all current leads. Additional interviews will he conducted when the CTA provides information from other sources which needs to he confirmed or when additional EEI is provided. Approved For Release 26 8 $ RERTP96-00788R001900530022-1