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B;era rmed th Ti,eeeie' west, cnd Z-.1is1.6,PPrg.Y.94 F9r RPIPPWACIANA198 : CIA-RDP96-0MAR004:9005134)(11 1-3 rates may hid! higher in the next See BUDGET, A9, Col. 1. iet wife. I I see MEESE, All, Cot. I See ECONOMY, Al2, Col. 1 WA51-bro6:rog POST 1? AR 21 Disappearances G Plague Probe of Aquino Murder By William Branigan WesiVrigton Post Foreign Service MANILA, March 16?A fact- finding board investigating the as- sassination of opposition leader Benign() Aquino Jr. is debating whether to travel to the United States to interview prospective wit- nesses .as fears mount that a sus- pected military cover-up of the mur- der has taken a violent turn, accord- . ing to people working on the invee- tigat The board also expects to place more witnesses under protective cos- tedy in light of a trail of deaths or disappearances that followed the murder of Aquino at Manila Inter- national Airport Aug. 21 while he was in the custody of military guards. So far at least six other per- sons have died or disappeared as, a result of that assassination, lawyers Testimony about the disappear- ances has shifted attention away from questions about the actual as- sassination to suspicions about subsequent cover-up, and the need to protect witneeeee who can further the investigation. The trail begins with Relende Galman, a purported professional gunman who the government claims. shot Aquino on the airport tarmac on behalf of communist rebels before being gunned down himself by se- curity guards. Two weeks later, according to tea- See MANILA, AM, Cal. 1 unmen Seize U.S. Political Officer on Street in West Beirut By Herbert H. Denton Washington Poet Voreign Service , BEIRUT, March 16?A U.S. dip- lomat was kidnaped by unknown gunmen in front of his west Beirut apartment building as he set out for work at the el:1=y this morning. According to witnesses, William Buckley, first secretary of the polit- ical section, tried to escape his ab- ductors but two carloads of gunmen blocked his auto. An armed man leaped from a car, put a pistol to Bueldey's head, forced him into one of the cars and sped off. Robert Pugh, first deputy at the U.S. Embassy, said late today there had been reports that the car was seen south of the capital but there were no bard leads nor indication of why Buckley was kidnaped. "We are handicapped," Pugh said, "because as is the case with any em- bassy, we would deal with the legally constituted authorities, of which there are none in west Beirut." puozambiatie. S. Africa 'Sign Detente Accord "What we have is what I would call a precariously balanced anar- chy," he said. For help in finding Buckley, the embassy turned to the two dominant militia in west Beirut, the Shiites' Arnal and the Druze of the Progres- sive Socialist Party. Pugh said the embassy had also asked the militia to provide protection for American diplomats at their homes. Buckley was the third American to disappear under mysterious dr. ByGlenn Frankel Wwillington Pnot Foreign S4rvire ON THE MOZAMBICAN-SOUTH AFRICAN BOR- DER. March 16?The leaders of South Africa and Mo- zambique signed an accord today pledging "nonaggres- sion and good neighborliness" in the first such pact ever signed between one of Africa's independent black nations and its sole remaining white-ruled one. The Komati Accord, signed by South African Prime Minister Pieter W. Botha and Mozambican President Samora Machel in a colorful ceremony in a no-man's land on the bank of the Komati River between the two countries' borders, commits each to respect the sover- eignty of the other and to refrain from supporting insur- gents seeking to overthrow the other government. For both nations, the treaty marks a dramatic reversal of policy following nearly a decade of hostile relations that in recent years led to cross-border raids into Mo- zambique by South African commandos and warplanes. It is also the first formal step toward what American diplomats, who helped orchestrate the negotiations that led to the pact, hope will be a region-wide detente that sill result in indeptaPatvfhil fferailateilife4a206111/438/ trolled territory of Namibia and end a series of bush wars Popular Couple Died At Edge of 2 Cultures By Ken Ringle WaMiDirtM Fast SLar Writer In many respects, Bruce and Bonnie Glover were a couple right out of their time; young 8 tubfA-P112iPatc047138FROS4 00`0#608Trages and possibilities of Washington and the personal cumstances since the Feb. 6 militia takeover that aggravated lawlessness in west Beirut Shoot-outs on the streets, daylight holdups, break-ins and car and boat thefts are recur- rent. Unlike the random shelling of res- idential neighborhoods by warring sectarian factions, these crimes are often without any political dimen- sion but appear to be the work of young toughs taking advantage of the chaos. [In the civil war Friday, the As- sociated Press reported, Christian and Moslem militiamen traded mor- tar and rocket-propelled grenade rue from midnight until midmorning. The firing resumed at nightfall.] As of this eveniag, no goon had claimed responsibility for Buckley's kidnaping. There was speculation that it might have been carried out by a shadowy group calling itself Islamie Jihad that has claimed re- See BEIRUT, A22, Col. 1 Hughes Gets Bill Md. Votes to Limit Pensions By Saundra Saperstein and Michel McQueen waits:sass Post Staff Writers ANNAPOLIS, March 16?The Maryland House of Delegates re- versed its vote of two days ago and passed legislation today that will re- strict pension benefits of 80,000 state employes and teachers. Then," with extraordinary speed, the State Senate approved the bill, sending it to Gov. Harry Hughes, who is ex- pected to sign it. Reversing its dramatic 7040-70 tie of Wednesday which had de- feated the measure, the Howe ap- proved the bill on a 71-to-68 vote after Home Speaker Benjamin L Cardin (D-Baltimore) secured the victory margin with a deal for in- creased state aid to schools. Then, amid cries of foul play from the pension bill's stimned oppo- nents, the measure was rushed across the marble hallvay to the Senate chamber and introduced there. Employing a series ot.proce. dural maneuvers, the Senate (mt. short a process that usually takes, days or even weeks and its less than seven hours approved the bill, 29 to 18. Today's action provided an unex- pectedly swift climax for the issue that had turned the General Assem- bly into a battleground between the pension bill's teacher-opponents and legislative leaders, who made it the linchpin of the 1984 session. The bill became critical when the Senate threatened to kill a huge aid-to-ed- ucation package, particularly prized by Baltimore, if the House failed to pass the pension bill. Tonight, the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee held up its end of the bargain by approving, 11 to 2, See PENSIONS, Ale, Col. 3 ' a g; k4 AgrOVPd, gOrftil_10-0449191YGP:4: 04-R1-0 0 788 ROO 1 90053,g) 1 1-3 BEIT-i.UT, From spaineibility for the suiaide bocnb ., explosion of the U.S. Eoe.easy last, bombings of U.S. Marine a; and French military headquarters in October and the assasaination in ^ Jannerv or Meicolon. Kerr, the ores- ". Went of the American University of ??nafrot Buckley, 55, a native of Medford, Mesa, arrived in Beirut last July A : after joining the State Department ? f3112.7 ityear. The department said he worked previously as a civilian ? a- employe of the Army. He has no ? 1,1,4-zwresn7.4 nor do ondoe eeed, out- side the official compound. A bach- elor, he lives six blocks from the em- in a 10th-floor perdheese ef a once fashionable neighborhood that ' is now bonab-searred and slightly - seedy. The Druze militia operates in the neighborhood, as do two smaller Moclem Green Muscateers and the Mourabitoun (pronounced mow-ra-bee-toord. According to Mohammed Motma, concierge at Buckley's building, when the diplomat got into his car to go to work shortly before 8 a.m. a Renault with three gunmen inside .3 LI?_ dike/ IIC few yards. A second car with two more gun- men blocked the street further down, other witnesses said. They .. said Buckley thew his car in reverse but was trapped in the dead-end street. He did not put up a struggle when a gunman jumped from the Renault and forced him inside, the witnesses said. The two other missing Americans are Frank Realer, an American Uni- versity of Beirut professor, who was abducted at gunpoint from his home oa the school's campus on Feb. 10, mid Jeremy Levin, bureau chief for Cable News Network, who has not been seen since his wife left home to go to work March 7. French diplomats said a French engineer living in west Beirut disap- peared twe weeks ago, after telling a hotel clerk he was going out to take photkpgraphs. The embassy's diplornatif... staff now numbers about 50, half of its normal size. Many U.S. Embassy employes have moved into buildings used by the embassy on the seafront that are guarded by about 100 ma- ?a? :O.7.,..erde?eleddeeeieeeaWeaaa.. OR GRANDFATHER CLOCK SHOW --ddeatsete SPRINGFIED SHOWING . TODAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY MARCH 17, le, 19 Friendship Inn--Fonnerty Howard khnson's On f-95 at Intersection of i-495 & i-395, Exit 4S At Rt. 644 Exit ? !"';. oti C-44.4;ti Park - Ma% 20, 21 HoTiclay inn-10,000 Baltimore Blvd. $0, rmes. But there is no guaramee of Etcurity even in that area. On March 5, Marine Col Dale Dorman was shot in the cilt and arra he was walking along the seafront near the ernbssy. Marina embassy guards who have ver.tured a few blocks out of the compound said they have been threatened by carloads of young men and warned that if they go into town wear civilian clothes. One marine said one of the car- loads threatening him appeared sur- prised that not all of the contingent from the former multinational peace-keeping force had withdrawn to ships at sea. But Americans are not the only targets. A Lebanese contractor, a Shiite related by marriage to Areal militia head Nabih Berri, was stunned when he and his wife were held !.1e- ercemA noon Sunday by a gunmen who took their identification papers and o.r. Last Friday, two groups of mili- tiamen fought for several hours with semi-automatic weapons and rocket- propelled grenades in a densely pop- elated neighborhood two blocks ant of the prime minister's office. According to neighbors, the shoot- cut stemmed (rem an eight-year-old dispute between the owner of a SmoU shoe shop and a service-station car washer across the street,. In the past, the two men had merely shouted at one another, but this time each got militia friends for backup. Residents fejt some relief when three armored trucks carrying Leb- anese Army soldiers came, but the soldiers merely observed the fighting and continued on. Only when mai- ? ? ? ??.,s".-Yilte.,d WILLIAM BUCKLEY ... forced from car os way to work tiarnen of A_rnal's "police unit" ar- rived did the fighting end. "1-Vhat we have is a state without instruments of and militias 7.-ithout strategies," university Pro- fser here lamented the other day. He and others worry that factional leaders meeting in Switzerland do .not appear to be attempting to find any compromise for a security force. Without such agreement, these sources fear, political decisions will be rendered meaningless. The Progressive Socialist Party and Amai "have tried very hard to be cooperative and supportive" of U.S. Embassy personnel, said Pugh. "But they are not equipped to gov- ern or to carry out those functions of government that are important" in something like Buckley's kidnaping. A European diplomat said he had been told that Arne' and the Social- ists had killed 10 petty criminals in a show of force against the lawlessness. "It wasn't enough," he added. , BEIRUT, Nlarch 16?A S d-treyer treang the 6th ' off the Lebanese coast came cl colliding recently with five Ame ships conducting maneuvers. According to Capt. Robert Cooper, commander of the ane loos landing ship USS Trenton incident occurred a few days . the Feb. 26 completion of the t fer of U.S. Marines from Beirut the five ships. Cooper said the Soviet Kat type destroyer bore down on the unui and only turned away at last minute under the bows of lead American ship, the Fort S .ing, about 700 yards away. 'It looked awfully close,' Cc Lebanese noi unug alp LAUSANNE, C. ..L._.! 16 (AP)--Specialists worked ti to draft final political proposals mediators hope might win app. Saturday from the rival Moslem Christian factions at the Lehr peace talks. informal talks between facts leadere were reported making h way as Syria pressed both side reach a compromise on plans post-civil structural reforms. "Let's face it, it's Syria's sh said one West European dipic who dropped in at the luxury I where the conference began Mon Two committees of experts se by the National Reconciliation r BAR & GAME TABLE CLEARANCE 1 P.tiloarciktoaRpozoodiA8 1- ra !oh-watatv.