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August 11, 1980
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Jk U Approved For Release 2003/&/' 003/0 / W : C A-RDP96-007885RO01700280019-5 OLPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Orr ICL oc " 141_ Aric.ISTAN T cittuF OF STAFF FOn INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON. D.C. 20310 t1F:ti1:IfANI)UM FOR DIRECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ;;UIIJECT: GRILL FLAME Program (U) i I P.!JG 19!) (U) Reference letter, DIA S-1922/D.1T-1, 7 Aug 80, subject, as above. 2. (5) This is an interim reply to referenced letter. As you are r,c?tre, Army has been particularly active with regard to this program. riv,-r the past 18 months the results of our in-house effort (INSCOM p, ?gram) have been somewhat impressive and call for continued support. J, I e&'ent. trip (28 Jtrl --. l Aug 80) to SRI , and FTD by OACST action ,ifficc'rs revealed that although some progress has been made, the joint FBI : ,gr?rom still. remains fragmented and disorganized. Your personal .,I t, r,t ion as outlined in your 7 August letter is a positive step to r, erect the situation. (;;) Recauso cur in-lnase program is directed at refinement of RV, w,. are primarily concerned with the Advanced RV Technique training as 1,t ; c tc:ci by an SRI consultant to Army ACSI on 28 Jul 80. It should be n,Ied how:ver that. according to that consultant. SRI will not be prepared u.,: assume this training task until December 80 - March 81 time frame. tvf? concur that because of the time constraints and expertise involved, :'I+1 should remain as primary contractor. Further study/coordination will I.,- required to determine if SRI will be able to support Army's efforts in the Advanced RV training. We believe that since the program was !;I rc,rRRFly criticized by the Scientific Evaluation Committee, followed-. 1,. cut-off of all Program 6 funds by Mr. Perry, USDRE, an in/out-house program should be funded for a continuous systematic program review to c ?c:! :urea we maintain a solid effort. (5) Army, specifically INSCOM, has budgeted $150K, of which we can (',)[limit $120K to a joint, service effort, i cone r by MG Roiya, r,cm P3 funds for FY 81 GRILL FLAME, program. stated above, our 11111phosi:; will continue to be directed at Advanced RV training techniques our INSCOM program. At this time we expect to MIPH $120K to DIA to ;:cll~p?r t this effort: with SRI. We plan to use the remaining $30K to support 1h,' INSCOM operational effort. () LL, r ^r Classified by DIA-DT r,l ~ ~~}nnll SECR I4 Review on 11 August 2000 MIX Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700280019-5 Approved For Release 2,( ~ Lg1 CIA-RDP96-00788 R001700280019-5 DAMT-ISH StMJFCT: GR]LL FLAME: Program (U) ' ' n.')a 19V 5. (S) The positive action taken by PIA with regard to the joint action review proposal is commendable; however, we believe this action is pre- mature. Although we could concur with much of the mission and objective -l atcment: and MOU, we see some room for disagreement. To comment on the }'t ~~Po:ired contract with SRI on such short notice would not do justice to tl,.? program. We will study each aspect of these documents and reply early ri : possible. 2 Approved For Release EMU :~I -RDP96-00788 R001700280019-5