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Approved For Release 2003/0 -007ll~L7tId19LE70 FOi C:G J I ATIONALS INFORMATION PAPER DAMI-ISH 12 Sep 80 CT: GRILI, FLAME (U) P I? P0 SE, (S/NO ORN) To inform ACSI DA of a potential situation with regard to GRILL FLAME and offer recommendations that will prevent possible embarrassment to the Army. FACTS. 1. (5/NOFORN) BACKGROUND: In response to LTG Tighe' s 7 Aug 80 letter to MG Thompson, a GRILL FLAME Committee meeting was held on 18 Aug 80. The purpose of the meeting was to approve the Joint Service GRILL FLAME Memorandum of Understanding and Objectives Statement, and with , Torr proposed contract t with SRI (TAB C). (U) DISCUSSION: a. (S/NOFORN) In order to ensure support of Army INSCOM's -interest in this matter, MAJ Hay provided the proposed draft documents at TAB C to LTC Watt's organization at Fort Meade for review and comment.. This resulted in a response from MG Rolya (letter with 1 Inci) at TAB B. Because LTC Watt was on leave, rr representative from his organization, LT Fred Atwater, was invited to attend the 18 Aug 80 meeting at DIA to present INSCOM's r ccomn-iended changes to the proposed draft documents. After the m, MAJ Hay asked LT Atwater if he felt LTC Watt and INSCOM c'0uld concur with the proposed changes made at the meeting. LT Atwater replied he thought they would. 1-). (S/NOFOIIN) MAJ Hay met with LTC Watt on 27 Aug 80 and he informed MAJ Hay that he and INSCOM could not concur with. the MOU. MAJ Hay and LTC Watt then drafted ns proposed MOU (TAB A) which we plan to table at a proposed GRILL F"I,AMB Committee meeting at DIA during the next meeting, date unknown. C. (S/NOFORN) INSCOM's major objections, and MAJ Hay agrees, are as follows: (1) (`>/NOFORN) INSCOM has $150K total to fund the FY 81 GRILL FLAME effort. INSCOM needs $30K to fund the operational effort. This would leave $120K for external contracts with whomever Classified by DIA-DT Review 12 Sep 2000 v,ra /nn"~ Reason: 2-301.c.3 ~Ap rv@1 for, W2 ftM 00 P96-(~b$$I6(1'0108117 -7 Approved For Release 2003/09/16: A-RDP96-00788 R001700280017-7 NOT REL.EASACLE TO N Ei,GN rya ric,NALs I.I,M I - I S H :,UBJECT: GRILL FLAME (U) - can be determined can meet INSCOM's requirements at the least I,c>ssi.ble c(ast.ZW~i iesi.r-?as_icSvO~'re.n. cc) ncc~?~t:xatiaaa. armetrs . -Cost _ of- t -~-rzcrC' t~-'- ~~T.ihe .? (NOTE: DIA proposal states $120K from Array INSCOM :I.l to be funded for an SRI effort. DIA maintains that Army had I?a'eviousi.y agreed verbally to provide $150K, then $120K and now possibly even less than $120K. Both LTC Watt and MAJ Stoner (tis.agree and LTC Watt has a Memorandum for Record to back up $;{:.atement. ) (2) (S/NOFORN) DIA Made a unilateral decision to send t.Tae DIA primary contract monitor to SRI, Menlo Park, CA on Thursday :' or Friday 22d of August. This was done prior to the MOU being ,approved by Director, DIA; Army, and Air Force ACSIs. NOTE:: DIA ates no one objected to the primary contract monitor going to the 'lost Coast at the 18 Aug 80 meeting. Both LTC Watt and MAJ Stoner have gone on record. previously objecting to the need for the contract mt>n i for to physically locate himself at SRI for the following ea rotas . (a) (/NOFORN) If the GRILL FLAME Committee is in i wt joint, t;he DIA has no right to make a unilateral decision such .13 they have prior to the MOU being signed. NOTE: DIA feels since 5j ",a', is funding Salyer's move it is no one else's problem. We feel t' this decision is critized, DIA, Army, and Air Force will jointly held responsible since we are a joint committee. (b) (?,/NOFORN) If the primary contract monitor is :,~c:',rt.ed on the West. Coast with SRI, we question how he can best monitor all additional contract efforts elsewhere. NOTE: DIA t-elg since SRI' is best qualified in this project they will now, .+ ad probably ccnt..irnue to receive most of t;Iie contracts, therefore, makes s,,nse to maintain the contract monitor at that location. (c) (S/NOPORN) The move of the primary contract monitor '.:> `CHI totally disregards the recommendation of the Department of ,e l\rmy 0111.1, PT 11MI} Scientific Evaluation Comrnit.tee Report, dated iai>cOmber 79, page 1.0, para :3b. "Dependence on the SRI approach anal r.I be phau.;ed out . " NOTE: DIA feels the Gale Report is biased ,Ad GRILL, FLAMES was doomed before it started, therefore, no one is e,:'ing to accept: it.,., recommendations (especially when we are using ':-ogram III funds vice Program VI. i~ ro', r T DP96 -7P,&~P91,7O,Q SJPj17-7 FORE Gil WA 'a 16 +ALS Approved For Release 200 I).;MI-ISF! h'.7F3JECT: GRILL FLAME (U) P96-0c177 FG1EGN NATIONALS (d) (S/NOFORN) The move of the contract monitor to S;,I potentially decreases the operational security of the project. Ii-tl. Puthoff and Russ Tarq lire well known as so-called experts in tine PSI area. To move a DIA contract monitor to work closely with Uiem makes it difficult to deny DOD interest in PSI. NOTE: It SG1 J `:a'.'pe gars D1A believes both LTC Watt and MAJ Stoner "have it in" f -)r Dr. Verona ` s office, Spec' Y and all of these SG1J o.,;ect;ions are directed at At Me risk o : being accused of parochialism, MAJ Hay does no believe this to be the case. I3cxt is LTC Wat and MAJ Stoner, believe that Salyer from the vt ry bec'nning con +tructed imself a position at S I for perso ..l gains, ar,d that he s i.ll.fuil,/ sold the idea that he hould be tty "man" at :3 F? I . " co JJ_ I U t N % :i rc U,~, +, c 1 vo w3 A/ P, (U) IMPACT: a. (S/NOFOIRN) If our proposed draft MOU is approved, INSCOM will likely fund $70K for contracts with SRI. SRI initially felt I 'iat; it would be necessary to fund $500K to maintain an adequate proclram in PSI but; reduced that figure to $650K. That figure was I'L.rt.her reduced to $39OK for FY 81 by the GRILL FLAME Committee. R , c?e'rd i ng to D'f.J1, this will cause SRI to reduce the number of per-- .: raraerl working the project. If Army INSCOM further reduces the d~~l l ar figure }t SRI' may pull out of the program. DIA firmly be I a eves SPI, as configured with current personnel, is a national ls!-set. MAJ Hay thinks that is stretching things a bit far, but cI e ; believe SRI efforts should continue if they can produce DOI.) requirements better than any other contractor at the least possible cost to DOD. If SRI did pull out, DIA's primary contract monitor wcOul d be left on the West Coast to monitor nothing,D,W-ssibly causing I he contract monitor to bring civil suit. against 13D for creating i roily hardships, loss of funds, etc. This would cause an embarrass- rlq situation for LTG Tighe and Dr, Verona. Although Army and Air I erce are riot formally a part of the Joint Services GRILL FLAME "cammlttee (no signed MOU) we have been very informally involved i nce 1978. This could cause some embarrassment to Army/Air Force. I) . (S/NOFOUN) If RI does not "pull. out" and the DIA monitor remains at SRI, there may be at a later date some question dealing i i t.b the objections listed in paragraph 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) above. i',.cldi t.ionally, there is the potential for questions to arise dealing t~Jth possible conflict of interest, e.g., other contractors question f ho D"CA pri.mar,r contract; monitor located at SRI offering work to I her contractors without bias. t~orlp`? ~20~ _ ~Cfl bP96-0078 p1 m62$ '( -A () er GN A IONALS Approved For Release 2003/09/1cp v. DAMI -I SH SSUBJECT: GRILL FLAME (U) (U) CONCLUSION: 788R001700280017-7 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIOrALS a. (S/NOFORN) Dr. Verona is angry because he believes Army 3-NSCOM is backing out of its commitment of $120K. His main concern appears to be the loss of the $120K from Army to go with the SRI program for FY 31. He feels strongly SRI will pull out if Army reduces the $12OK further. b. (S/NOFORN) The changing of the proposed MOU does not appear to bother Dr. Verona, except he does not feel, as program manager, he has to clear through the GRILL FLAME Committee before talking with Congress or anyone else about the program. G1 ? (U) a. OPTIONS: (S/NOFOI?N) Advanta(les Army withdraw from the Joint Service Program. Disadvantages (1) Freedom to spend Army money (1) We get less for our money when and where we desire. as Joint Service contracts provides benefits fro-m.DIA/USAF programs, i.e., exchange of information. (2) Manage our program without coordination/approval of DIA. effort. (3) If SRI as presently staffed should be considered a very valuable asset to Army, the program would suffer if there is no joint service contract. 1). (S/NOFOHN) Army remain in the Joint Service Program as it I 4J o "*1&t n v_ $?'"cl /'V dey ea A/ ltirtiU~ Advant