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approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001700280012-2 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY W/%SHINCTON, r) C. 20301 7 AUG loan S-.1922/DT-1 Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, IIQ Department of the Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, HQ U.S. Air Force SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME Program (U) References: a. DIA letter, 5-1107/DT-1, 19 May 1980, subject: GRILL FLAME. b. GRILL FLAME briefing, 9 April 1980. c. GRILL FLAME Conference, 30 June to 3 July 1980. d. GRILL FLAME briefing, 7 July 1980. e. GRILL FLAME briefing, 9 July 1980. 1. (C) To undertake the GRILL FLAME program described by the references, it is requested that the following actions be taken: review the mission and objectives statement (Enclosure 1), the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (Enclosure 2) and the pro- posed contract with SRI International (Enclosure 3) and forward your recommended changes to DIA. DIA will the;: make the necessary revisions and issue a formal Statement of Missions and objectives, an o.i=ficial Memorandum of Understanding and a formal Joint Sarvicc Contract to SRI. 2. (U) DIA intends to issue the contract no later than 1 October 1980. This will insure that a full year's-effort will be pro- vided by the contractor. To facilitate-this objective the DIA requires from each Service a statement of the exact amount of `ands that will be MIPR'd to DIA to support the FY 1981. effort. 3. (C) It is DIA's belief that the entire first year effort should be at SRI International. the need to have more than one contractor in this field is clearly recognized, the funding level and time constraints preclude such course of action in the FY 1981 contract year. ;)ccw*sli'y ~ ._.. W_ Hoylow 'N 1 ,. `W.'?'r:? d~ Y vra Extend d by t 1....+-/.-~..:~ 9.. Approved' Release 9 96-007888,1 ~~,00'26001~? C T ~!~: Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700280012-2 SG1J r. (C) To insure that the subject of multiple contractors receives the accessary attention, it will be placed on the agenda of the first >:'Y 1981 GRILL FLAME meeting. Another subject to be then considered is the scope of the GRILL FLAME group's responsi- hiii.t:i.(!s. At present, its scope is limited to the monitoring of .external assistance contracts. . . , s cm d reach us no later tha 11 August 1980 7'hc~ next meeting of the action officers with the przmaYy- -t ?act monitor: is scheduled to begin on 11 August. This session will refine the work statement of the SRI International contract to include time phasing and prioritization of the contract elements. (C) WIai7.c the DIA would appreciate receiving y r~ resgoz~_, carly cis Doss ibl e i h 1 6. (U) The DIA action officer Ind primary contract monitor for this effort is 17 ILIA/DT--1A, telephone 3 Enclosures 1. Mission and Objectives Stat-.ement, 1 Cy (S) 2. memorandum of Under? standing, I Cy (,q) Proposed Contract with SRI International, I Cy (5) EUGEN 4 F. DTI aHL;, JR. Li.eut nant`-general, USAF Djrs for 60~4~. &-a- SG1J 411 Approved For Release 2003/09/18: CIA-RDP96-00788R001700280012-2