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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210058-9
SESSION #76-520-5 ROMC
This explorer took eight minutes to get to
Focus Ten. She is now moving into the
Twelve state with the creation of the REBAL.
I built the balloon again and started doing
some rhythmic breathing which is like filling
the balloon full of my own air. I started
feeling that I was floating up and up. And all
of a sudden I saw this real blue area. It was
just as blue as can be, as if I had gone up
more than before. It is always sort of dark,
but then I saw a comical scene. I saw a cloud
floating by. And there was my brother, who
was always a "ham" in life. He was sitting,
playing a harp and just grinning. He is
goofing off. That would be the sort of thing
he would do.
It was a very light, light feeling, like I
floated way up into another atmosphere. It
feels very, very good up here. Very light.
Light and good. I feel lighthearted.
This is all I see. I see little saucers floating
in. One has a glass top bubble. A bubble top.
And I'm supposed to get in this glass-topped
saucer and I'm going to be taken for a fast
ride. I'll get in and see what happens.
Okay. Very, very rapidly in the center of
this is a light beam. I'm going to be taken for
a ride on various colored light beams. Right
now a white light beam is coming down. An
energy beam. I don't know where it comes
from or where it's going. But it's coming right
down the center of this little saucer I'm
sitting in with the bubble top. And I'm being
lifted now up through that particular beam.
Just being lifted higher and higher. I'm going
to be lifted up. I'm travelling, spinning, with
that beam coming right through.
Let's see what happens now. It's just like
-the whole thing is not just a beam-it's
getting up to where the source is. And I'm
being sort of flooded in with this white light.
Now, I'm being slowly let down. Let down on
this beam to where it is just a beam again.
Now, I'm going to have a blue beam
running through. Okay. I'm sort of spinning
around. Spinning around. And I'm being
lifted up through this beam which is now
coming right down the middle. But I'm being
lifted up through this beam and it is ex-
panding until now again, I am all washed in
blue. It is very cool and refreshing. It is all
I'm being moved over to another beam.
I'm being moved way over and I'm going now
to a yellow-sort of a yellow beam-and the
yellow is also relaxing, and I'm being lifted up
on this beam and through the beam until I
get up to the source of the beam and it is all
yellow light swirling around. Aahchew!
(Sneeze.) It made me sneeze. It must have
cleaned out my head. Okay. Now I feel like
I'm being let down again.
Now I'm being moved over. It's like I'm
being moved over on the spectrum.- It is a
nice, real orange beam coming through. And
now I'm being lifted up through the orange
beam. Orange is a nice, real good color. It is
giving a lot of energy. It is a pulsating orange.
Pulsating. Now the orange is turning red. It is
like a pulsating. Very energizing. And it is
like, orange-and-red, orange-and red. Now it
is like two beams together. So ... I'm being
let down now.
Okay. Now, I'm being moved over to
the purple beam. Purple is very nice. Calm
and cool purple. And I'm being lifted now on
that beam. Okay. Now I get up and it is all
purple and I'm swirling around.
Now all the colors are going to come in. I
am swirling around now on all the various
colors. All the colors now. I am going around
and around.
I am going to hear music ... music is
coming on, sort of lifting me up. I hear this
real nice music ... it is all blending in with
and part of the color. It goes with the colors.
Now I'm being taken out of the protection
of the saucer with the bubble top and I'm
going to be left to float a little bit. Now, just to
float. I'm just floating in these colors, these
beautiful colors ... it just keeps changing ...
and I can hear the music. I am floating now,
very, very relaxing and very energizing. I
want to float here for a little bit. I will just float
and listen to the music for a little bit. While
I'm floating and listening to the music, when I
look down I can see me playing the piano ...
like it is my own music playing ...
My little saucer is coming back. I'm still
floating, it is relaxing and very energizing.
I'm supposed to get in it now and I'm going to
be taken somewhere.
A platform now ... I'm put off on a little
platform. And I'm just standing there
straight up. I can see a circle of myself. I'm
standing there, but I can see a circle ... like
aspects of myself in a circle. I'm standing on
this platform, floating way out in space, but it
is very nice ... completely away from every-
body and everything.
I am floating up now, standing on this
platform. I'm supposed to stand here and
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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210058-9
one is working on my face ... like someone
exercising-helping to exercise, my throat
muscles. They talk about getting me 'pre-
pared' .. .
(After 1 min., 12 sec.)
(Voice quality change; BV-2, 3 Up 41 MV)
We are coming to help ROMC to see
visually that she is multidimensional and this
is why she is able to see the great circle of self
. of many forms of the self. It appears to
her to be like many selves extending from a
circle in between. We are trying to show her
that there are many, many dimensions of
one human self. As she can see and under-
stand that she is much more than the
conscious self that she sees in the mirror and
which she experiences in her waking state,
she will be much more readily prepared to go
into the multidimensional levels, or con-
sciousness levels. And this is why we are
working on various levels, not only the visual
... which is very important ... but we are
also working with the other senses as well.
As she realizes, senses and experiences
the light feeling of floating, this helps to take
her away from the heaviness of this worldly
self, and helps her to see more clearly that
she is not tied down, nor bound by this
physical self. At the same time, we are
showing her her human body: as each cell
glows, we are showing her that the cell is a
complete universe in itself. Every cell in the
human body is a complete universe of great
complexity, but yet, at the same time, of
great simplicity. And within each cell is a
whole energy level, and the energy is self-
sufficient within each cell. And there are
millions of universes within one human
body. The cells of the physical body have
many levels of energy patterns within them.
And as a soul is aware that the mind and self
can be very much in control of the use of the
energy within the millions of cells, it is very
awe-inspiring and it is a great sense of
responsibility. This is why it is important to
stand aside to look at the magnitude of the
universe that the self is responsible for.
But the greater dimensions are the many,
many dimensions of what we call the energy
body, the Universal Self, which goes beyond
the body which can be seen. And this body is
in touch with all levels of the highest forms of
energy. Therefore, when this body is re-
leased into its highest form, in its highest
working form, then all of the levels and
universes within the physical are put into
place, with great energizing and balance
between the two. There is no limit to what
the soul and the self could perform in this
minute second of a lifetime.
Once the soul is in control and releases
the levels of energy, it is in its purest form.
The human self is capable of the highest of
what you would consider miracles. But they
are not miracles. The human body would be
capable of appearing and disappearing at
any stage and any level of existence in the
earth, if the higher energy levels of the self
and the soul are in the right communion.
And, of course, this is possible as you well
It is possible for the energy body to travel,
but it is also possible for the physical body to
be capable of many very unusual feats. They
are all combined and connected. But we are
only saying this to use an example so that
this entity can see and know that there are
no limits put upon the human body and the
self, other than those limits that the mind
puts upon the self and the body.
This is why it is important to work in
changing the concepts that the earth level
puts upon the mind of man. Once a soul is
aware that there are no limits to the ex-
periences and levels of existence within the
physical body, then new frontiers open up
where all things are possible. But the great
work which we have to do first is to work
with the minds of human souls. And this is
why we are now working to clear the mind of
this entity from all of that which has put into
her that has limited her horizons. It is no
fault of her own that she feels limited. It is
only that kind of thought-form that is sent to
her from other thought-forms of earth levels.
And it is our main job to work with thought-
forms to release those false thought-forms
that hold down the soul from its true release
and its true activities. And this is what we are
working on at this time. We are going to con-
tinue to help this soul to see herself in the
many levels that she occupies. As she can
see and experience these various multilevels
of her existence, then she will be that much
freer to explore into the unusual and the
most amazing universes that exist right
within the Self. And we have a good
It is always our desire to help all who are
interested in being helped. All that we do is
to help as many as are willing to listen and be
helped. Therefore, it is not that we are
working with one entity. It is that we are
working with the earth level. And there are
many who are working to help the release of
those who are caught in the wrong thought-
forms on the earth level. Therefore, we are
most happy when anything that we do is
shared with all who are interested in learning.
Of course, all who are with you are growing,
and they are going into the many dimensions
and are learning. Much of what we are
saying is already known.
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210058-9