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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210035-4 Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences P.O. Box 57 Afton, Virginia 22920 MEMO FROM ROBERT MONROE We invite you to participate in a study designed to measure the kinds of changes that take place in people who receive the M-5000 Training. All trainees are being asked to complete four Profile of Adaptation of Life (PAL) Questionnaires - one prior to initial training, and three following training. From these questionnaires, we will be able to determine the kinds of changes that take place in people's adaptation to living over a 12-month follow-up period. Collaborating in this research with me is Dr. Robert Ellsworth, a research psychologist at the Veterans Hospital in Salem, Virginia, who will be sending you the follow-up questionnaires. The questionnaire that you are asked to complete pertains to some aspects of your adaptation to life and your life style. Because this material is personal, steps have been taken to insure your right to privacy. For example, your name will not appear on the questionnaire, only a code number will be assigned to your questionnaire. If you agree to participate in the follow-up part of the study, sign and return this form at the same time you send in your questionnaire. Dr. Ellsworth will send you the follow-up PAL Questionnaires for you to complete and return to him. All questionnaires will remain in his research files, and will be destroyed at the end of the study. The results will be reported only by group averages. If you are interested in the results of this study when available, check below. Your decision to participate in the follow-up study is entirely voluntary on your part. Your participation will help us understand better the effects of the M-5000 training on people's adaptation to life. For this reason, your participation is important to us and greatly appreciated. I CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS STUDY UNDER THE CONDITIONS THAT MY IDENTITY WILL REMAIN ANONYMOUS AND THAT THE RESULTS WILL BE USED FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY, AND FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE. Signed Date Name (please print) Address Town and state Code # Assigned: Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210035-4 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210035-4 BACKGROUND INFORMATION TO PAL SCALE Fkom time to time, people become ,involved in expexLences that may change the -& .P.%va in certain ways. The attached ~scate ptovLde4 in6atmat on on yawn. PROFILE OF ADAPTATION TO LIFE (PAL), and w tt be used on!y to measure the e66ecto a6 out pto- gtam6 oven time. The An6otmatI.on you ptov,ide will temain stAic.ty con6 dentiae and the tesu to wilt be tepotted in group avetage6. you, o6 couture, ate 6tee not to pa- tLc,Lpate - that i6 your choice. Please comp.Lete th i o baclzgtaund in4atmation 4L't t. Then go on and to the PAL Scaee -items themsetve4. YOWL in thL evaluation ob our pnagnam ,us very much apptec,i.ated. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Name Today's Date Street Phone City & State Zip YOUR MARITAL STATUS (Check one) (1) Currently married (2) Separated, divorced, widowed (3) Never married SEX (Check one) (1) Male (2) Female AGE EDUCATION (Check one) (1) Less than high school (3) Some college (2) High school graduate (4) College graduate Type of degree ) HEIGHT: feet inches WEIGHT: mounds 27 28-30 31-32 DO YOU SMOKE CIGARETTES? (Check one) (1) Not at all (3) About 1 pack per day (2)_ About 1/2 pack per day (4) Over 1 pack per day 33 HOW MUCH COFFEE DO YOU DRINK EACH DAY? (Check one) (1) None or rare cup (3) 3-4 cups per day (2) About 1-2 cups per day (4) 5 or more cups per day 34 DO YOU WATCH TV? (Check one.) (1) None or rarely (4) 3-4 hours per day (2) Less than 1 hour per day (5) 5 or more hours per day 35 (3) 1-2 hours per day AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP PER NIGHT (Check one) (1) 4-5 hours (2) 5-6 hours (3)- 6-7 hours OCCUPATION OR ForlRei (5) 8 or more hours 36 37 210035-4 3(80) Prog. Subj #-