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Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210021-9 SECRET NCFORN INFORMATION PAPER SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME (U) DAMI-ISH 27 Oct 78 ISSUE: (S/NOFORN) Use of USofA's name in conjunction with Monroe Institute of Applied Science (MIAS). FACTS: 1. (U) Robert A. Monroe is Executive Director of MIAS, Afton, VA. 2. (U) Mr. Monroe claims to be able to train persons in a technique that induces a so-called out-of-body experience, in which the individual perceives himself to be physically at some target site. 3. (S/NOFORN) Under the Project Title GONDOLA WISH, MIAS was briefly considered earlier this year to train three or four INSCOM Subjects. 4. (S/NOFORN) The only Army individual known by OACSI to have ever spoken with Monroe was the GONDOLA WISH project officer. 5. (S/NOFORN) MIAS was rejected as a training possibility after OACSI determined a number of facts: a. The technique used by MIAS involves senso?y depriva- tion, and the playing of rhythmic sounds to induce an "altered state of consciousness"--i.e., hypnosis. b. In the altered state of mind, the Subject undergoes some sort of interrogation by Monroe or an assistant. c. Several years ago the CIA determined that.Monroe is:~ not a security risk per se; but, for obvious reasons, they will not permit their people to undergo training at MIAS. CIA's interest came at a time when they were examining several alternatives to further the investigation of the phenomena. C1211Q C aT17 () r"ILEN 'SECRET T Cal C? C a fyt by n x Am 6.2 -1 7 EXEMPT FROM GENERA!, 1)ErJ_ASSTFrCATrON St:HEDT.;..t oI T:Xr:r'~,r ? /t^'~I;Ii 11'652 F.XEM TIO\ 1:.1: i:51' 2r DEG ?ASSIFY ON 31 gee 2003 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210021-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210021-9 SECRET NOFORN DAMI-ISH SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME (U) d. Altering anyone's state of mental or physical being comes under a Federal statute which covers experimentation on human beings. The Department of HEW is required to review all proposed experiments of that kind, and approve them before any Federal monies can be spent. e. Neither Monroe nor the Institute has had any sort of security clearance. 5. (S/NOFORN) Off the record, DIA and CIA personnel who are very familiar with MIAS and Monroe believe that he is a "nice guy" who is trying to cash in on some unique talent that he alone possesses. No one in either agency believes that time or money should be spent on MIAS. C~OLO,0~ E R. THOMPSON Major General, USA ACotS for Intelligence Approved For Release"ZOD 9/1D gaDP96-OO788ROOl 700210021-9