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Appi',oved For Release 2000/08/08: A-RDP96-00788 R001700160002-6 IACP.A_-F-SD (27 Mar 84) SUBJECT: FY 85/86 USAINSCOM Command Operating Budget (COB)(U) TO: Hq Spt Actv FROM: Project Manager 1.6 May 84 CMT 2 Resource Mgmt. Div CENTER LANE Buzby/ncd17829 1. (U) Reference: a. Our 17 Apr 84 initial FY 85/86 COB input attached as Inclosure b. Ms. Madge Brothers verbal instructions to submit: CL input as 2. (U) IAW instructions issued in ref b, attached is feeder data for FY 85/86 USAINSCOM COB for CENTER LANE, Inclosure T. 3. (SIN0F0RN/WNINTEL) The compartmented and highly classified nature of the CENTER LANE mission precludes elaboration on the specifics of the project. The USAINSCOM Chief of Staff directed the CENTER LANE Project Manager to coordinate CENTER LANE COB feeder data with Mr. Richard Swisher, Deputy DtCSRM, USAINSCOM. Sufficient justification will be provided at that time. 2 Incl BRIAN BUZBY as LTC, MI CENTER LANE Project Manager CLASSIFIED BY: CG, INSCOM [)ECL : OADR Approved F 2/8/08 : CIA-F0801 60002-6 kJ V S-17 April 14 for us. o1 thiAP ,roveAF39z.gelgp~pbXQQP/QWQ$ I; c DP96-00788R001700160002-6 REFERENCE OR OFFICE SYMBOL 1SUBJECT I.AFM??EX-S TO SEE DISTRIBUTION Feeder Data for the FY85/86 USAINSCOM Command Operating Budget (COB) FRCMVI' IIq SIIt Actv J _. DATE 27 March 1984 Liar I Resource Mgmt Div Mrs. Brothers/mlj/6947 1. To meet DA reporting requirements and to assist this office in the prefp- aration of the FY85/86 COB, submission of feeder data in the format shown at Incl I is required. A separate IA(HQ) Form 813 will be prepared for FY85 and FY86. In addition, data will be prepared-separately for each Program Element as follows: 381011 Cryptologic Activities 381335 Automated Data Processing GDIP Spt 381398 Management I-Iq GDIP/HUMINT 381198 Management Hq 393998 Management Hq (Communication Spt) 385127 Foreign Counterintelligence Activities 385128 Security and Investigative Activities 385298 Management Hq (FCI & S Fa IA) 38539$ FORSCOM Staff Support Activities 814771 Military Training 878751 Civilian Training (Intern) 2. Realistic planning for operationally oriented mission requirements is essential. Upon compilation of feeder data, if unfinanced requirements exist it will be necessary for this office to request identification and justifi- cation in order to submit these unfinanced items. 3. Request required data be submitted to this office, ATTN: IAFM-EX-S, in duplicate, not later than 17 April 1984. 4. All addressees are to acknowledge receipt of these instructions and pro- vide their point of contact for this submission. This can be accomplished by telephone. 5. POC in this office is Madge Brothers, extension 6947/5315. FOR THE DCSRM: DAC Cli, IIq Spt Actv DISTRIBUTION: CMD Gp, FGGM. Hq Spt Actv ADCSOPS-HUMINT -I CF -- .1 j Adm/AV Spt Actv USASED AI)CSOPS-OPSEC Automated Sys Actv CSO-FGGM USASOD Staff PSYCH SSO ADCSLC)G Approved For Release 200Q[Q/ - QOQ0160002-6 FORM 0 PREVIOUS EDITIONS WILL BE USED .ut;ee+rrf+uewrraKin[;C U(t G~..7 .t /e5 AUG 80 yj Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001700160002-6 as 0 C wa w e CT\ .> r -? rn m -~wsd-as ~ w ~. r) rt rD 0-3 '?C :d O Ca. ru n'C9 W. +'D Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CFA-RDP96-0077801700160002-6 Approved For Release 2000/08J.H&-. -00788ROO1700160002-6 16 May 84 B 1A Justification for Programmed Expenses, CENTER LANE. (PE 385128) Justification: Foregoing requirements are necessary to provide for contractor's special support to operational activities and support of DA operational tasking (lf.), as well as personnel travel requirements in connection with that support (la.). These requirements will further provide for maintenance of currently installed word processing equipment (le.); rental of office copy machine and a TEMPEST approved graphics terminal and printer to expand present word processor capability (lc.), modification of existing sound monitoring, recording, and transcribing equipment (.Li.); acquisition of microfiche reader/printer equipment (1i); and general office support materials (1g.). Impact: If requirements are not met, the capability of this project' to accomplish its assigned mission would be severely degraded, if not totally eliminated. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIck 01700160002-6 ;;~'wa~,~l+a~:s~ ~ _ ~ ^ri~ ~.~~~I~'."'~~a~'~$~'rl":~?~'~i`$~ 1~' X11 ;~, t~1 Approved For PIdease 2000/08/0>13?60002-6 A1L%LY!31S OF PERSONNEL TRAVEL ($ W IIIOOSIAMI)S ). Schedule ? 1071 ':'t, t t",AND Project CENTER LANE -" Site Vis1t ( )1ncirs (;oni, LW Lonf, i`'1A11' Team, Lon r Neg, LU Du-j), (rer P nts) rr PE 1 5/2 A F784 FY 85 FL86 A.-I Operational Activities .w...?..@e+???a.e??