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0 0 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 IAGPA-F-SD 14 July 1983 SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Interview Summary - CL-1027/8307/01 (U) 1. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) On 130900 July 1983, source #01 was interviewed concerning personnel, activities, and equipment in two areas designated to him as areas "A" and "B" within a group of unidentified buildings. The project 8307 sponsor had provided geographic coordinates of the buildings, a photograph of the buildings, and a map showing their relative location (see Incl 1). 2. (S/CL-3/NOFORN) For this interview source was shown the photograph provided by sponsor. Other information provided by the sponsor was not shown to the source as the collection plan called for its use as "feedback" and cuing material for possible subsequent interviews. 3. (U) A transcript of the interview was prepared (see Incl 2). 4. (U) A DA Form 341 (Agent Report) was prepared for the sponsor. This report related the salient points of the interview. (see Incl 3). 3 Incl as CENTE C,44-~ /I M~411- FREDERICK H. ATWATER CPT, MI OPS/TNG Officer CLASSIFIED BY: CDR, INSCOM DECL: OADR SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/08: IA- 8 Q~1 p0 0.Q01-5 SG1C Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001600370001-5 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001600370001-5 UnnC,j Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CTA3MIUIpNO01600370001-5 #66: This will be a CENTER LANE Interview for 0900 hours 13 July 1983. Focus your attention now on the areas "A" and "B" in the photograph I've shown you and relate your perceptions to me. #01: (mumble) number of rooms and 4 floors. See filing cabinets. .... Ah ..mostly..ah military ..civilian mix. See bars, like cells..on floor. -Activities ....... see a..people answering phones, -reading folders... sense of interrogation, ah questions. #66: Clarify area of perception. #01: ...Large office. #66: Restate area "A" or area "B". #01: "A". #66: Continue. #01: Impression like a..internal police force, ...inside police not outside police. Ah....check in area,...originates control. #66: Tell me about the file cabinets and people looking at folders, again. #01: .......Some kind of personnel folder, folders, files of people, people's names, data. #66: Um, um. Describe the activity as they look at this folder. Describe the setting. #01: .......Large room, many desks,...sense, ..soft police,..not hard. #66: Break that out. #01: Can't a......... ah..... From internal police, not an external. #66: Would I be accurate in saying, we're not looking at a SWAT team police, riot control police, we're looking at a administrative control police? NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-R?QPA ; 8001600370001-5 yv C I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CI $F~' 8R001600370001-5 #01: Correct. #66: All right. Now, describe the individuals that sit at these desks and do this work. #01: .....Young, mostly, ... military, civilian clothes,...predominantly. ...Strong feeling of....sixty, forty mix a...actual activity verses training. It's a real job, but a, a ah, Ah, a watchdog type work,..internal . #66: Okay. Before we proceed, I would like to clarify a couple points. You made a statement, you said military, civilian and then you came out with one word and said predominantly. #01: Predominantly military. #66: All right. #01: --Civilian clothes. #66: Military people in civilian clothes? Is that correct? #01: Correct. #66: All right. They have a job to do, but there is something involving training here? #01: Um, yes. It's a ....can't define it, it's a strong sense training. #66: All right. Now, in this environment of desks, and personnel and files, describe equipment associated with this activity. #01: Just a minute .............See a, only phones, manual typewriters. #66: All right, describe telephones. #01: ..Very thick, heavy..It's base ....ah ...small handset, black. #66: Watch somebody use the telephone. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : C 1600370001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CI _ 001600370001-5 #01: ..Switchboard operated. .....Ah, appears to be internal, phone system. .....Sense of security,; ...control . #66: Watch someone use the telephone. #01: ............... Impression of discussion reference a ...visitor . #66: Describe individual using telephone. #01: ...44, ah..5'8", brown suit, ....very bland, matter of fact, ...strong police figure,..attitude . #66: All right. Complete your scan of area "A" at this time. #01: ......Just get a strong, ..a lot of features of..police station, a...more like campus than the city. ...Some internal security type police. . . . ............That' s all I get. #66: Move to area"B" when you are ready. #01: .........Got a...impression 5 floors upper two different from...area bottom 3. ....Top two ah...see lot secretarial activity,.. women, desks, typewriters, papers,..very much like secretarial pool, much activity, typing. ...Lower three floors,..strong classroom atmosphere,..identical rooms,..ah ...ah ....write wall ah, wall a..boards, blackboards. .......Tables, bench type tables, students,...don't see any equipment, dominant activity is lecture,..notes. #66: Okay. Personnel-- #01: ---No, wait, wait. #66: Go ahead. #01: ....Saw a strong sense a lectures or a...operation, theories,...ah...foreign techniques of some kind. #66: Raw data. #01: Ah..lot of input, ah..photographic evidentuary material, presented, concise statements of-operation techniques, all foreign, all observed, all ah...systematic presentation. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 01600370001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : C 8R001600370001-5 #66: I have a question for clarification. #01: What? #66: This concept of foreign, is it foreign to you or is it foreign to the students who sit in the room? #01: Foreign to students. #66: All right. #01: That's all I get. #66: All right. I have some questions for clarification. Personnel equipment activities on the bottom three floors appear to be, as you explained, student oriented, classroom oriented. In terms of the students, describe their clothing and soforth. #01: .......... #66: Characterize the student group. #01: Yes, just a minute. ...........A sense of suits, formal attire, civilian suits, but they're a...they're awkward in these, they're like new, attire to the students, . change in a. .change in a normal attire. ....Ah...there's a feeling of a ...unaccustom, ....different, ...feeling of different than normal. #66: Okay, understood. Continue to characterize the student group. #01: All a....young, ah...striking, striking resemblance in outlook,...particularly ah.... just a minute .... ah ..get a feeling like .. nationalism.. politic nationalism. ah...zeal, good word, zeal. #66: This similarity of outlook it's the same for all of them? #01: Correct. #66: All right. #01: Ah...all handpicked, a....specific backgrounds, family, acquaintances. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA=? 6bA8ROO1600370001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CA 'OSSM88R001600370001-5 #66: Okay. I have questions other than the student area, now. #01: Okay. #66: On the upper floors, women sitting at typewriters, describe typewriters. #01: ........All a.....manual,.....appear to be...standard type manual typewriters. #66: Okay. Describe the room setting again. #01; ..There's many desks, ...large secretarial pool, of typists. #66: All right. #01: --In boxes, out boxes, more like wire cages, drawers on desks, just tops, -everything very similar, one desk to another. #66: Okay. What is it that's like a wire cage? #01: Stack of in box, out box type things. #66: Okay. Now-- #01: ---Very, otherwise very sterile room. #66: Okay. Look for other equipment besides typewriters which might be there. #01: .........Ah...that's all that's there, just typewriters? #66: All right. At this time complete your scan of the area, we know as area "B", and then I have one more question. #01: Okay. #66: All right. This question references both areas, "A" and "B". I'm interested in the question of newness or age, in both the terms of function, as well of physical structure. #01: ....Both old in both, both areas. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 -~ =R6& "00788 R001600370001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : C #66: All right. These, they have been doing this function for a long period of time and these buildings are older buildings as opposed to newer buildings? #01: Correct, no difference function, no difference-areas. #66: All right. Now, I have now further questions, but I would like to allow you the opportunity to free flow for a moment. Do this now. #01: ..................Getting something, I can't translate, just a minute. #66: I will wait. #01: ...........Sense a...overall change in...a..command or responsibility in this place. Ah..change in-through the tasking a..requirements, new tasking cause, a, reorganization, large portion, very .... ah.... trying to see what drives the change. ......Change apparently has to do with.... wait ...... ah...... upper echelon command and management of....some kind of field controls. Ah....some significant change in flow or type of flow of information ..that's targeted . ....That's all I get, I'm getting-- #66: Yea, it's important to know what time window you're examining. #01: Past 5 months. #66: All right. #01: To present . change. ......Seems to be a push for a rapid #66: Okay. #01: .....That's all I get. #66: All right, fine. Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CI 001600370001-5 Approved For Release /08/08: 7888001600 01-5 AGENT REPORT For use of this form, tree FM 30-17(C); AR 381-20; the proponent agency is the office of the AsslStan t chief of Staff for IntaelIlgence. CL-1027/8307/01 On 13 July 1983, Source CL-O1 was interviewed concerning two areas identified to him as "A" and "B" within a group of unidentified buildings. Source stated substantially as follows: Area "A" was a multi-story building, perhaps four floors, which contained offices for some sort of internal police force (not further identified). Military personnel in civilian clothes occupied offices in area "A". Many of these personnel were young (not further identified). Some of the offices in area "A" were large rooms with desks, telephones, and file cabinets. Source described the telephones as being switchboard operated and as being used for an internal phone system in conjunction with "security, management; control." The telephones were black and had very thick, heavy bases and small handsets. The file cabinets contained personnel folders or files of people with names and other data (not further identified). In another section of area "A" (not further identified) there may have been jail cells or rooms with bars. Activity in area "A" consisted primarily of internal security, visitor control, and administrative management. There was also a training aspect (not further identified) to the activity in area "A". Area "B" was a multi-story building, perhaps 5 floors, which was divided into two sections. The upper two floors were offices or rooms with many women at desks with what appeared to be typewriters. Source described the typewriters as "standard type manual typewriters." Source stated that the desks had no drawers and appeared very similar "one desk to another." Source summarized his comments of this section by stating, "very much like secretarial pool, much activity, typing." The lower three floors of area "B" were classrooms. These rooms had bench type tables and blackboards. There was WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE CLASSIFIED BY: CDR, INSCOM INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND DECL: OADR METHODS INVOLVED NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS (continued) FORM 0% A s-ta-S. aarsrnn,wtu pr etiet? ofHas; 1e62-xft-04tA29e App o r RTe 2d8O/8 i'8$' :' &i '' _ '8001600370001-5 1,,vc, Approved For Release . /08/08 : For use of this form, see FM 30.17(C); AR 381 20; the proponent agency is the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for intelligence, 1. NAME. OP SUBJECT OR TITkE Of INCIDENT 2. DATE SUBMITTED not their normal attire. suits but they felt awkward in this clothing as if this was resemblance in outlook." This similarity was evident as a nationalistic zeal. The students were dressed in civilian family, acquaintances." The students all had a "striking specially selected, "all handpicked, specific backgrounds, identified). Source described the students as being young, theories and foreign techniques of some kind" (not further cture. here, students received lectures on "operation no equipment in these rooms and their primary purpose was for information that's targeted" (not further identified). controls ... some significant change in flow or type of flow of echelon command and management of some kind of field five months, reorganization. The change had to do with "upper stated that there had been a recent, perhaps within the past group of unidentified buildings in the immediate area, Source the buildings were not new either. In reference to the entire these buildings were not new and that the activities within . In reference to both area "A" and "B", Source stated that obtained from Source during this interview. No further amplifying information concerning SUBJECT was buildings, due to the nature of his access to a targeted area. buildings, or the position of a building within a group of unable to accurately relate the position of rooms within AGENT'S NOTES: Information provided by Source relevant to descriptions of rooms or offices may be accurate independent of their locations within buildings. Source is sometimes :: 8R001600370`d'ff125'er???"?" prlnthig Office, 1110112-_.3411-t;--4