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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001500170008-1 TAB Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001500170008-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R001500170008-1 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE -1 CONTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION THIS SPECIFICATION IS FOR: b. SUBCONTRACT(Use loom 15 for subcontracting beyond second tier) c? REQUEST FOR BID. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OR REQ FOR QUOTATION 7s. Name. Address & Zip Code of Prime Contractor SRI International '333-,Ravenswood Avenue - Menlo Park, CA 94025 MINA OF THE DOD INDUSTRIAL SECURITY MA DAMD17-85-C-5130 PRECEDING CONTRACT-NUMBER DATE COMPLETED is not, transferred to this follow-on contract. !a. Name. Address & Zip Code of Second Tier Subcontractor, or facility associated with 1F80 RFP OR RFQ e b. FSC Number 94025 p . MMn actual performance is at a location other than that specified. identify such IS.. General identification of. the Procurement for which this specification applies Enhanced Human Performance Investigation 0. Are there additional security requirements established in occordence with paragraph pertinent contractual documents in Item IS. c. Name, Address & zip ode of ognizant Security O ice Defense Investigative Service Director of Industrial Security Presidio of San Francisco, CA E. b. DoDAAD Number of Procuring Activity identified in item 16d. W23RYX d. Are any elements of this contract outside the inspection responsibility of the cognizant security office? r-1 Yes n No. If YES, explain in Item 13 and identify specific areas or elements. a. Access to Classified Information Only at other contractor/Government activities. b. Receipt of classified documents or other material for reference nnly (no generation). c. Receipt and generation of classified documents or other material. d. Fabrication/Modification/Storage of classified hardware. e. Graphic arts services only. t. Access to IPO Information. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS (Continued) to SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION. it. Access to other Special Access Program Information (Specify in item IS). Access to U. S. classified Information outside the U. S. 'Panama Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, U. S.'Possessions and Trust Territories. m. ? Defense Documentation Center or Defense information Analysis Center Services may be requested. I. Cryptographic Access Authorization required. 12.. Refer all questions pertaining to contract security classification specification to the official named below (NORMALLY, thru ACO (item 160); EMERGENCY. direct with written record of Inquiry and response to A CO) (thru prime contractor for subcontracts). a. The classification guidance contained in this specification and attachments referenced herein is complete and adequate. b. Typed name Ut1 d , a an signature of program/project manager or other designated officl l a Peter J. McNelis Project Manager/COR HQ, USAMRDC rC/tF 119tAy,rtgmn I.C II 1.1 o~Ca bra orynumber P 333 Ravenswood Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 (415) 859-5389 ,NOTEi Original Specffleaf/on (item Sa) is authority for contractors to-mark Classified Information. Revised and FI authority for contractors to remark the regraded el...1n. r net Speelflcatlone (Items Sb and e) ar. [] Yes No. If YES. complete the following: NUAL APPLY TO ALL SECURITY ASPECTS OF THIS EFFORT. THE FACILITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED IS: SECRET 4. DATE TO BE COMPLETED (Estimated) 30 Sep 1990 (See "NOTE" below. if item oleo enter date for item a) a. ORIGINAL (Complete date in all cases) b. REVISED (suposad.. all pr vlo e speCItIcafion?) REVISION NO. 1 22 Jun 88 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001500170008-1 13s. Information pertaining to classified contracts or projects, ever though such (niorma on is considered unclassified, shall not be released for public dissemination except as provided by the Industrial Security Manual (paragraph So and Appendix IX). b. Proposed public releases shall be submitted for approval prior to release Direct Through (Specify): None authorized. to the Directorate For Freedom of Information and Security Review, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) ? for review in accordance with paragraph So of the Industrial Security Manual. e In the case of non?DoD User Agencies, see footnote, paragraph 5o industrial Security Manual. 14. Security Classification Specifications for this sollcitation'contract are identified below ("X" applicable box(es) and supply attachments as required). Any narrative or classification guide(s) furnished shall he annotated or have information appended to clearly and precisely identify each element of information which requires a classification. When a classification guide Is utilized, that portion of the guide(s) pertaining to the specific contractual effort may be extracted and furnished the contractor.. When a total guide(s) is utilized, each Individual portion of the guide(s) which pertains to the contractual effort shall be clearly identified in Item 14b. The following information must be provided for each item of classified information Identified in an extract or guide: (1) Category of classification. (II) Date. or event for declassification or review for declassification, and (III) The date or event for downgrading (II applicable), The official named in Item 12b,-ts responsible for furnishing the contractor copies of all guides and changes thereto that are made a part of this specification. Classified information may be attached or furnished under separate cover. a. A completed narrative is (I) E] attached, or (2) [.] transmitted under separate cover and made a part of this specification. k(,j b. The following classification guide(s) is made a part of this specification and I. (1) [J attached, or (2) _j transmitted under separate cover. (List guides under Item 15 or in an attachment by title, reference number and date). [X] c. Service type contract/subcontract. (Specify instructions in accordance with !SR/1SM. as appropriate.). [] d. "X" only if this is a final specification and Item 6 is a "NO" answer. In response to the contractor', request dated B i enn i aletentian of the identified classified material is authorized for a period of [] e. Annual review of this DD Form 254 is required. V "X'd", provide date such review is due: 7 Oct 88 15. Remarks (Whenever possible, illustrate proper classification, declassification, and if applicable, downgrading instructions). Classification Guidelines and Secruity Procedures are classified at the SECRET-level, and will be transmitted under separate cover. The DD Form 254, the Statement of Work, as well as the Contract, itself (DAMD17-85-C-5130) are also classified at the SECRET-level. Access to any of these documents is on a strict need-to-know basis. Access to any of these documents will be only permitted to those individuals included on the Master Need-to-Know List (ML) 'in accordance with their approved level of access. The relationship of the User Agency and the User Agency Contractor is also classified SECRET. 16a. Contract Security Classification Specifications for Subcontracts issuing from this contrarI will be a roved by the Office named in Item 16e below, or by the prime contractor, as authorized. This Contract Security Classification Specification an tachm a referenced herein art approved by the User Agency Contracting Officer or his Representative named in Item 16b below. REQUIRED DISTRIBUTION: Typ`1ddnaAme and ilia f provl o is I `hona dams ]Prime, Contractor (item ,.) EN Cognizant Security Office (Item 7c) Foreign Science Information Officer Administrative Contracting Office (Item 16e) c. Signature Q Quality Assurance Representative Subcontractor (item 8a) LJ Cognizant Security Office (item Sc) d. Approving official's activity address and Zip Code ~. Program/Project Manager (item 126) US Army Medical Research & Development Cmd U U. S. Activity Responsible for Overseas Security Administration ATTN: SGRD-OP Fort Detrick, Frederick, MD 21701-5012 ADDITIONAL DISTRIBUTION., DT-5A e. Name address and Zip Code of Administrative Contracting Office dean v. Smith, RI IN: SGRD-AC L~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : C$AAR P 6 iQQY8 1 0Q1e99P ' O m ent Cmd `P#o ?'eatrick, Frederick, MD 21701-5012