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Approved For Releas4 990(! }81+@8'": c-OO788ROOl 500100022-2 P1200 1W
SG1J FROtlo& A
PURPOSE: (S/NF) The purpose of this memorandum is to document requirements
and a ments of understanding between VP/DT and VO/AT in regard to
psychoenergetics activities within DIA. 3! o,
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DEFINITIONS: (U) Psychoenergetics refers to classes of human capabilities
that are parapsychological in nature. There are two main categories,
information and energetic, that are sometimes called PSI phenomena and can be
defined as:
1. Remote viewing (RV) /Extrasensory Perception (ESP) -- ability of an
individual to access and describe remote geographic areas or to access
and describe concealed data via undefined transmission mechanisms.
2. Psychokinesis (PK) -- mental ability to influence physical or
biological systems via undefined physical mechanisms.
GOAL: (S/NF) The over-all goal of these psychoenergetics activities is to
develop an in-house operational capability involving various aspects of
psychoenergetics. Initially, remote viewing (RV) will be emphasized.
BACKGROUND: (S/NF) The starting point for developing this capability will
be based on accepting from HQDA an already-existing psychoenergetics group
now based in an INSCOM facility at Ft. G. Meade, MD. Administrative Control
of Personnel from this unit will be transferred to DIA by 1 January
1985. They will initially serve as a prototype whose modes of operation will
be established during extensive scientific evaluation and operational
development in DIA. During this formative period, scientific and operational
control will reside with DT, the Program Central Manager for Psychoenergetics
in DOD and the Intelligence Community. Due to their extensive experience in
managing "field-type" control activities, administrative (personnel,
logistics, etc.) control will reside in VO/AT. As the RV technique matures
into a reliable collection tool, operational control will also be transferred
to VO where appropriate collection management can be applied. During the
formative stage, VO will be kept apprised of the program status by the
Central Manager.
(S/NF) When an operational capability has been achieved and RV has become
another "INT", close cooperation will continue to be maintained between VO &
the Central Manager to insure that the RV collection teams are updated with
evolving technology & techniques that will continue to be investigated by
VP/DT. It is envisioned that similar such units will be replicated at the
various Commands.
(S/NF) Development of a psychoenergetics operational capability within DOD
and the Intelligence Community was one of the recommendations made to
Congressional committees and to key intelligence and R/D personnel, following
a 3-year psychoenergetics evaluation effort conducted by DIA/DT and HQDA
under projects GRILL FLAME and CENTER LANE. (Details are reported in the
GRILL FLAME project report, dated 19 October .1983). The possiblity of
continuing psychoenergetics development totally under DIA control occurred
recently when HQDA initiated transfer of an existing prototype operational
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group in HQ INSCOM to DIA (see HQDA memos/directives on file in DIA/DT).
Using these existing partially-developed capabilities, and developing them
further, will permit DIA operational-oriented goals to be more quickly
realized. At this time, it is planned that the INSCOM unit will remain
housed at Ft Meade; control of the personnel will be transferred to DIA, and
arrangements will be made for DIA to assume responsibilities from HQDA for
their administration and support.
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1. (S/NF) During the existence of the prototype operational group, the
following terms of agreement will apply:
a. VP/DT will be:
(1) Responsible for all scientific and technical aspects, to
- Developing data evaluation techniques;
- Investigating possible explanatory mechanisms (in conjunction
with RID organizations);
- Evaluating technical limitations (ie., distance, shielding);
- Identifying variables of the PSI process;
- Identifying RV data characteristics (ie., resolution).
(2) Responsible for capability developments of the prototype
operational group, to include:
- Identifying methodologies for personnel selection and develop-
- Developing training techniques;
- Identifying ways to improve RV data utility and reliability;
- Develop methods for evaluating operational effectiveness and
- Develop data base management and retrieval methods.
(3) Responsible for all operational investigations of the prototype
operational group to include:
- Identifying and prioritizing task requirements (in conjunction
with an IC task coordination panel);
- Initiating QRT's as required;
- Review and approve use of the prototype operational group
resources in support of R/D requirements;
- Assuring that all activities are compatible with over-all
goals, that human use issues are satisfied, and that security
guidelines are followed.
(4) Responsible for some personnel issues, to include selection of
personnel, determination of optimum skill-mix line review and input
to personnel effectiveness reports.
b. VO/AT will be:
(1) Responsible for all issues relating to transfer of personnel
from INSCOM to ID/VO, and will:
- Appoint a P.Q.C. for accomplishing this transfer;
- Identify and implement all necessary military and civilian
personnel, property, security, and logistics requirements for
this transfer.
(2) Responsible for establishing a mechanism to insure that
adequate day-to-day operations can be maintained once the transfer
is accomplished, to include:
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- Appropriate administration support (TDY funds, organizational
accounting, security billets, personnel reviews, preparation
of personnel effectiveness reports, etc.).
(3) Responsible for appointing a P.O.C. for insuring that VO/AT can
be kept apprised of project results on a timely basis, and who can
interface with VP/DT developmental and evaluation activities.
c. Both VP/DT and VO/AT will:
(1) Maintain close coordination of all activities during the
transfer phase and the subsequent prototype operational period.
(2) Develop close working relations with the prototype evaluation
group housed at Ft. Meade to insure that the team project manager
can draw on resources and expertise fom both Directorates.
(3) Jointly review progress, discuss problems, and attend to a
variety of mutually agreed upon project issues.
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1. (S/NF) Additional details on technical aspects of psychoenergetics are
contained in a separte memorandum of agreement signed by DIA/DT and a
government research organization (on file in DT).
2. (S/NF) Details on psychoenergetics activities within the Intelligence
and the R/D Communities will be contained in a subsequent "Memorandum for
Operations and Research in Psychoenergetics".
3. (S/NF) Details on other relevant issues (Human use, Security, Science
Review, etc) will be contained in a separate appendices to this memorandum of
4. (S/NF) Special security procedures and a project code name will be
established in order to enforce strict security control and to limit access
to project activities to a strict need-to-know basis.
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Concurrence: (C/NF) The undersigned concur with the operating concepts and
terms stated in this memorandum of agreement.
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