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Approved For Release 2 Q ! CERTP96-00788R001500100006-0 IAGPA-F-SD 1 August 1984 SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Meeting with MG Rapmund 1 August 1984 (U) SG1J 1. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) On 1 August 1984, CPT(P) Ray, and the undersigned met with MG Garrison Rapmund, Commander, USAMRDC, Ft. Detrick, MD, at his facility in Ft. Detrick. The purpose of the meeting, which was an initiative action on the part of the CENTER LANE (CL) project office, was to officially inform MG Rapmund of the decision of CG, INSCOM to transfer all CL psychoenergetic activities out of INSCOM; specifically, that all operational activities be transferred to a national level agency such as CIA, NSA, or DIA and that any R&D aspects be transferred to USAMRDC. 2. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) MG Rapmund stated at the outset he had spoken with BG Soyster, had visited SRI-International on 19 and 20 July 19 4, and had been considering the future role of USAMRDC in psychoenergetics. MG Rapmund went on to say USAMRDC and DIA were presently formulating a MOA concerning roles and responsibilities of both the Office of the Surgeon General and DIA. MG Rapmund related his perspective of the philosophy which should drive his future psychoenergetic effort: An intelligence short fall in foreign chemical warfare technology (a responsibility of the Office of the Surgeon General) has developed. It would appear that this short fall can be overcome through the use of remote viewing intelligence collection. WARNING NOTICE: CENTER LANE SPECIAL ACCESS PROGRAM RESTRICT DISSEMINATION TO THOSE WITH VERIFIED ACCESS TO CATEGORY TWO (2) CLASSIFIED BY: CDR, INSCOM DECLASSIFY ON: OADR COPY / OF 7 COPIES Approved For Release 20SEC ff R~q~R96-00788R001500100006-0 Approved For Release 2 i8/t!g I TP96-00788R001500100006-0 IAGPA-F-SD 1 August 1984 SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Meeting with MG Rapmund 1 August 1984 (U) MG Rapmund sees this philosophy as his justification for funding and managing a psychoenergetic R&D effort. The initial steps identified are as follows: a. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) Establish a contractual R&D effort designed to validate the remote viewing phenomena and identify its physical, biological, and psychological characteristics. b. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) Support the contractual R&D effort with state-of-the-art physiological monitoring available within USAMRDC. This would be something which has never been done in US psychoenergetic research. c. (U) Establish a scientific panel of qualified personnel to review the findings of the contractual effort. These panel members must be of sufficient reputation that their testimony will satisfy the criticism of skeptics. d. (U) Establish a "human use" review committee. e. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) Encourage the continued momentum of effort of CL personnel by expressing the need for trained intelligence personnel to remain active in remote viewing so they may participate as volunteer R&D subjects and satisfy the driving requirement for intelligence on foreign chemical warfare technology. 3. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) MG Rapmund envisions a 5 year, multimillion dollar R&D effort in psychoenergetics with emphasis on external contracts (most likely at SRI-I and subcontractors). He will be appointing a COTR to monitor the contractual effort but for the first 6 to 8 months he will maintain personal supervision to ensure proper direction of the effort. MG Rapmund sees this contractual effort being assisted and augmented by existing CL resources, but he neither wants nor can support military intelligence spaces within USAMRDC. He plans this contractual assistance/augmentation by existing CL personnel to be performed at the operational activity's location (DIA?). If existing CL personal are not to be included in any future operational activity, he feels that selected valuable, volunteer personnel trained in remote viewing would be made available to USAMRDC on a priority basis. 4. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) MG Rapmund plans to be in contact with CG INSCOM, DIA (possibly 3 Aug), and NSA within the next two weeks to talk about his concepts and plans for the future. MG Rapmund was invited to contact the CL project office for inclusion in all future planning and discussions and for any Approved For Release ER EATRDP96-00788R001500100006-0 SG1I Approved For Release 4$EQ : - DP96-00788R001500100006-0 IAGPA-F-SD 1 August 1984 SUBJECT: CENTER LANE Meeting with MG Rapmund 1 August 1984 (U) assistance or consultation he may require. The undersigned also offered to share with his action officer our experience and expertise in psychoenergetics and in dealing with SRI-I. 5. (S/CL-2/NOFORN) The undersigned informed MG Rapmund the CL project office had been holding discussions with DIA. On 20 July 1984, as part of these discussions, the CL project office recommended to DIA, in the interest of continuity, the entire ongoing CL effort be transferred to DIA. DIA, however, had no personnel spaces and suggested that Army (INSCOM) provisionally detail CL personnel to DIA for FY85 while they SG1J would ensure appropriate personnel spaces would be made available in FY86. MG Rapmund ended the meeting by expressing his appreciation and gratitude for the initiative action on the part of the undersigned in setting up this meeting and in opening dialogue between the CL project office and USAMRDC on the future of the DoD psychoenergetic effort. BRIAN BUZBY LTC, MI CENTER LANE Project Manager Approved For Release avag RE-P96-00788R001 500100006-0 Approved FqTj@pjgase 2000/08/08 : CIA-R INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND CHIEF OF STAFF eql ,a A- /-rg Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-, 88R001500100006-0