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DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UNITED STATES ARMY IN7tLLI6tp AND $ CURITV COMMAND ARLINGTON HALL STATION ARLINGTON, VIIlta.NIA #uta WOWLY To Arruxr-op op MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT B USA INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND AND THE DEFENSE rNTELLICENC -ACy INSCM EN I, . --- ? TE C LANE Project OPCON to DIA (S/NOFORN/6+iN1NTEL) t (S/NOF'OR I/WNINTEL) PUR ' POSE thi Mdg e .semorana r of 'Arelt.lnt ` 1 places the US Army Intelli gence and Si ecurty Command psychoenergetic intelligence collection caabilit `INS v`0 the operational control p p (CEO i. 'E a .. urn g (OPCON) of the Defense I (DIA) M. ntelligence e OPCONi g Ai. . acton will attach all INSCMt CENTERgetc. (ICLP) personnel, documents, equipment, and office space to DIA to efo the nucleus of a prototype operritfnno> `L CS C: AIViI i ,.e;E'r or the U.S. .I~>te lf~ 1e+ ,.. Community. This course of action is an Interim measure until :- Congressional approval is obtained f `.,,.-. ..-- or 2. (U) REFERENCES. .~. CENTER LANE +,cwvL ncauum, 1r45COM- IACG, 17 Jul 1984 y ; subjet Project (U) (TA It c:B A).~C (U) Memorandum OACSI, DAMI-ISii 1 Augus t , CENTER LANE (U)--ACTION MEMORANDUM (U) (TAB IIIt 1984; s Ub,) ee c? (U) Letter OACSI , DAMIISH 10 S ,-,eptember 1984, sub ect: INSCOM CENTER LANE Project (U) (TAB C). d. (U) Letter OACSI DAMIISH 4 Ob ,-,ctoer 1984 subject: Memorandum of Agreement (U) (TAB D). lto S yy l ;:.t' e, (U) Document b ? 1 , une 984 sbjt ,uec:. Training and 'Applications Procedures (U) (TAB EINSCOM CENTER LANE Prcaj~te+t' 3. (`'/NOFORN/WNINTEL) BACKGROUND. r , effort and resources since 1977 to Alde, el has invested considers 1 ~. ,, ti Intelligence consumers In `the. US--Aran Air Force , DIA, NSA, CIA and NSC , 9" havell tkdy augment other intelligenc aase this c abtlit - ? ' ' t e Systems I recoi, . value and potential of the intelligence eapplication of y?syc hoen?ized t w ' it is likely they will ~...._ - --.-_. .. .. ua.?cu LTIYSJ~YC LANt i -, --~~..F1IIG.W xv,5t;L h ...;, -~tir~. .. lag:5'r g resources must be put uncer the,,... Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001500060001-0 ~'`~ I,- A% r-% WARNING NQTIC( Approved For Release 2003/09/09 IA-RDP98R001500060001-0 b L G 1-;1 Approved For Release 2003/09QE0188R001500060001-0 operational control of DIA capability will t o exist e ex oenere. ti ti be done in such a wa The transfer of ICLP to DIAL OPCONd Muetc'. y as to maintain continuity andstn as well as state-of-th t en eartxi uW of effrt; o- epertse. 4. (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) SCOPE. The transfer of operational control ICLP to DIA affects DA (ACSI), INSCOM, and DIA. ;o 5. (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) AGREE " MENT S SUPPOR ,T, AND RESRCE JCLP has been an active intelligence collection unit sine R 978 REM is therefore intended th t i 8 a and t willi nd it , contnue as an . operationalelamint;, under the operational control of the appropriate organizational el*men of DIA. Defense Intelligence ence Agency accepts the entire responsibilit t for mission-related training, mode of emp1oytIent, applicable of the "human use" issue, and the operation and security ~:' the former ICLP and its assets for the OPCON period. T'h ritir of operational control will be no longer than one calendar a period th implementation date of this MOA. If. year from the successful in obtaining requisite positions e and ffundiris period, DIA fors continued ps~ychAeanerJetic activity, g allocated personnel and other project resources SC oM Dagr to IAeas will assign appropriate and mutually agreed upon. A _ med be dee eefeCted~ separate MOA. if the aforementioned tundin aas~ ~nmeso will be by a, approved in the FY 86 General Defense Intelligence sProgram are not submission, ICLP will. revert to VSAINSCOM to be reassi a (CDIP~ at the discretion of the CC, INSCOM. fined or aatix#~ a. (S/NOFORN/krNINTEL) P encouraged to continue er sorar)el.. All ICLP Personnel will be devo1ves Direct participation in psychoefer.getic activities by LANE personnel is strictly voluntary and falls DoD Directive S24a1 und under DIA N er R AP 381 .~,,-10 Ode the guidelin :I 45, Part 46. The ICLP manager will ensu of Federal Regulation, 'ftle personnel und erstand ththi a tewill be performing operational tonal viewing in support of the DIA psychoenergetic program under remote under the guidelines of established procedures outlined In reference 2 e . wxllb. ( /NOFORN/`INSCOM NINTEL)c Documents. All documents maintai separate agreement be con luded taransfe as t~e as need dined cta t~p,~ rrin DIA. Upon the event of such a contin enc g p tinent documents to ll permitted to retain access to commandg and pcontr documents any case $ D . ocuments o and hiti sorc el fC~l generated after transfer of property and responsibility of DIA, but may be ad OPi to DIA are thy;; project manager of i h ni m t e INSCOMl nistered bh eement at DIAy te +'J1', direction. Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001500060001-0 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CA-0 -0j 788R001500060001-0 4. C. (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) E ui m ent . q p All ICLP equipment, rentl..agreements, and on hand supplies '':? OPCON period . pp will remain INSCOM property dur ing .th 'r ' ?: , 1st. d . (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL,) Facilities. The ICLP will remain at fi"t,, George G. Meade, MD during the OPCON peeriod e. (S/N()FORN/WnINTEL Funding. Funding for all project-ref ed training and operations is th e responsibili ty of DIA. Funding for personnel, administrative functi,,)ns and Army career development training remains the responsibility of INSCOM. i5 f. (S/NOFORN/WNINTf;L) Security. as a Secretary of the Army-directed Special EAc ei's' will SAP) tlt the nickname CENTER LANE will he deactivated upon Initiation (of1~ WP~CENt status. Responsibility for proJec s i . effective date of OPCON. e cur ty passes to DIA on the g. (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) Administration. During ICLP military personnel will re all i e CO' m quarters, administration n assigned to INSCOMfor ret ' i ( , 1 personnel fi ,nance, and medical records),;:'_" UCHJ. Civilian personnel will t C)i't nu to be 'supported by their eu civiliar~.personnel office. 1~dEt~t h. (C) The Project Manager of the INSCOM element will all. appropriate, update CG, INSCOM concerning current developments relatin to the program and the involved INSCO1 assets. g 6. (U) RESPONSIBILITIES. a. (U) CC, USAINSCOM will: (1) (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) Attach the ICLP to DIA. (2) (5/NOFOItN/WNINTEL ?. ',``~'; eventual transfer of ICLP to DIA. Appoint the TCI,p Manager as Pte: f0,; t b. (U) Director, Defense Intelligzce Agency will: (I) (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL < ) assume full responsibility for thAccept con o trolf ICLP ~it f CENTER LANE dl oertionsi an assets di trai ourng the attachment pe od b INSC(*4: (2) (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) Direct the development of a will permit the eventual total assignment of 'rill plan that:'. operations l p to an that willed Z_ manage, operate, task and evaluat operational an an psychoenergetic activities. Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001500060001-0 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001500060001-0 (3) (S/NOFORN/WNINTEL) Notify Congress operational control of CENTER rAMV 7. (U) EFFECTIVE DATE. HARK py Major General, USA Commanding General, USAINSCOM -&16---KA ~&~- .,. .~.~ P . W L LL IAMM$S Lieuted nt General USA ~ Direct or, Defense If ~Iligence Agency Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001500060001-0 f-T