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Approved For Release 2000/08/0SEgRET96-00788R001400450001-8 ) INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM SESSION REPORT CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI-ISH 051630Z JUL78 REVIEW ON.: NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS ORCON Approved For Release 2000/0SECREIDP96-00788R001400450001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08% ? P96-00788R001400450001-8 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING SESSION #903 1. (S/NOFORN) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing session conducted for training purposes only. 2. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 3. (S/NOFORN) Post session analysis on target viewing indicates the viewer had very little or no correlation. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings and narrative made by the viewer. At TAB B is target cuing information. Also included is available target data. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08SEDRIMP96-00788R001400450001-8 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 Sal TRANSCRIPT 6-00788R001400450001-8 REMOTE VIEWING SESSION #903 #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours 14 May 1982. Relax now and concentrate solely and completely on the target area for today. SG1A Focus in the present time on the target designated: Focus now and describe the target to me. #63: A very flat area, hills, mountains on left and right. Flat area goes entirely to the mountains, shinny, like smooth river, slow flowing, mountains of side, dark. #66: Your position as you observe them? #63: In the valley, looking left. #66: Describe what is at your feet. #63: Curved lines, disks stacked on a box, curved lines are at edge of disks. #66: Now move, slightly up and away at the oblique, face the target, only the target, and describe it to me. #63: Squarish object, a light on the bottom, dark peaked roof, smaller cylindrical object on top, center peak. Cylindrical object has horizontal lines, space between the roof and the bottom, light bottom section has vertical lines. #66: Move around to the other side of the target and from the oblique on the other side, describe the target to me. #63: Looks like it's rotated 90 degrees, the disks, disks are vertical now, sideways , instead of on top. There's horizontal lines coming from, looks like a tire or a turban or something. I think they turn. #66: Describe the area surrounding the target. Era_ Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : -00788R001400450001-8 tpt Approved For Release 2000/08/07: I i DP96-00788R001400450001-8 Sit , #63: Hills, green, dense vegetation, trees generally not very tall. Hills have long slopes, most steep vertical rises. #66: All right, now the area immediately surrounding the target, immediately surrounding the target. #63: A lot of images. #66: Describe. #63: Bright light. Looks like a lot of small buildings maybe, parking lot..maybe a small city or outbuildings from a lot, from the main structure. #66: Now position yourself directly over the top of the target, and describe it to me. #63: I have my disks on top of each other again, see a dome, city around it. #66: Concentrate on the target, only the target. Watch the target, observe the target and describe it's function to me. #63: #66: Monument, sightseeing type monument. From this position, over the target, move down on the ground and stand next to the target. Move down on toy the ground, face the target. #63: Vertical lines, like columns, round, dome top, different from what I originally decribed. I don't know why. #66: Move over to the target and place your hand on it and describe. #63: Hard, warm, very hard like concrete, smooth texture though, very solid. #66: Describe the size of the target. #63: Big, 50 feet in diameter, 80i feet tall, this doesn't mean anything, the number. #66: Consider the word quantity and describe. #63: One, the target stands alone. Other things around it, but this central focus of area. #66: All right. Once again, describe the central focus to me. #63: Dome, pillars? things built around it. 2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : -00788R001400450001-8 MI Approved For Release 2000/08/07c; 96-00788R001400450001-8 ' #66: Describe the pillars to me. #63: Cylindrical. #66: Quantity? #63: Many, eighteen or so. #66: Describe the size of the cylinder. #63: A couple of feet in diameter and I don't know how high. #66: Describe the bottom of the cylinder. #63: Sitting on a little stand like, flares out. #66: Touch and describe and describe. #63: Pillars flares slightly, then sits on the disk, what it sits on like a square support, all one piece. Looks like the dome of the Capital, but it's not, It just looks that way. My initial impression of valley and river and wooded area, you wouldn't think this was there. But I think they're all right. #66: I have no further questions. Take a moment now to explore beyond the confines of My questions and describe as you dee fit. #63: I don't see anything else. #66: All right. Focus your attention now back on my voice in the present time here in the room and let's prepare to draw the perceptions you've had. SECRET 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400450001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400450001-8 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001400450001-8 Approved For Release 2000/08SE TP96-00788R001400450001-8 DRAWING NARRATIVE REMOTE VIEWING SESSION #903 #63: This is a narration of the drawings. Drawing #1 was the initial impression I got. I got a very flat, I said, 4'AI-tat very flat area was so flat that it had to be a river or something like that. And it seemed to be shinny, so that's why I say river and then I saw the hills on each side of the area. I was told to concentrate on the target. #63: Initially drawing '42, sheet #2, is the target that I came up with. You see the disks on the top of each other that are sitting on the top of the peak, squarish roof, a space under the roof, with the light colored object underneath, light colored walls underneath, with vertical lines on them. And that's side one. And you say go around the other side, and describe it and that's when I got this sort of turban, like the top of side one turned sideways sort of thing. I really don't know what that indicates or what it is. Maybe that was phase one of becoming my dome, which you see drawn in drawing #3. But I feel more certain about the dome, But I have a feeling that they are both there for some reason or another, maybe one inside the other or something. #63: #66: #63: Drawing #3 shows my dome with the pillars that have sort of flange at the bottom or a disk at the bottom, sitting on a little square box. And there is something on top of the dome. When trying to put all these drawings together, I come up with drawing #4, which is the river, the hills on the left and right and a hypothesized a flat area where my dome abd everything is located. I was drawing sort of a squarish figure around the dome and I have a feeling that there is something like there, something around it, a road network or something. And there are other buildings around this dome. The dome does not stand alone, it's a city or some sort of complex there or something. But the dome is the target. Okay. When you were in the target area, perceiving the target, the dome appears to be somewk prevalent to you. You really stick to that. Tell me about the area around, then you said there are other buildings around. There are other buildings or structures of some kind. They're whitish, there's kind of a gap between the dome and where they begin. You asked the size of the dome, I have no earthly idea of this. It.was pretty big. It wasn't huge. And that gave you 50x80 or something like that But then I told you that doesn't mean anything, because I have no earthly idea as to the size. In real life I can't tell you the size of an object. I got a very bad distance thing. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 -00788R001400450001-8 it Approved For Release 2000/08/07 6 _ a -00788R001400450001-8 #66: It's something you could walk into opposed to a thimble sized object. #63: Right. So I don't know how big the space was from the dome to where the city was around it, but there was something around it. #66: Okay, there are things around it now. I'm really interested in having you tell me more about the things around the area. #63: I didn't pay much attention to them. All I remember is they were whitish, some were taller than others and they were divided,. they were like roads or something going between them. Could be ruins or something, they were just, lots of things. #66: Okay. If you can now take a moment to regrasp your idea of the target, from about 10,000 feet in the air, looking down at the area, what does it look like? #63: A flat area, aflat valley area, with mountains, trees on the mountains and for some reason or another this dome area with these little buildings around it and stuff, it seems to be kind of isolated sitting out there by itself. #66: Okay. And looking down now,in your mind,on the area, from 4kimi0/ about 10,000 feet, looking down at that bigger area, what goes on at that area? #63: I had the feeling this dome was a monument or a sightseeing type of an object. The area seems to be very slow, very isolated. I have a dark feeling about it for some reason or another, I don't know exactly what that means. I don't know if means dark in color or dark in feeling, but I have that feeling aobut the area. #66: Okay. Is there anything else you want to add? #63: No, that's it. #66: Okay, fine. 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