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Document Creation Date:
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
September 5, 2003
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Publication Date:
January 21, 1982
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Approved For Release 2 0 ILCF-RDP96-00788 R001400050001-2
0516302 JUL78
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Approved For Release 2003 Q9IU9 ; C~t2i-[ DP96-00788R001400050001-2
1. (S/NOFORN) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing
session conducted for training purposes only.
2. (S/NOFORN) Post analysis of target viewing indicated a considerable
degree of correlation with the viewer's impressions of the targeted area.
Impressions were gestaltic but clearly represented specific items which
are found to be at the target local.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document Standard Remote-Viewing Protocol (Remote Target) by Harold E.
Putthoff and Russel Targ, November 1978.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewers impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A is the drawing and drawing
narrative by the viewer. At TAB B is a map from which the target was
extracted, and the specific quing information utilized to target the
Approved For Release 200,N,,09. ~-c1 RDP96-00788 R001400050001-2
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 PP"0788ROO1400050001-2
#01: This will be a remote viewing session for
21 January-1982 with an on-target time of
0930 hours.
Okay #25, your target for today is located at
the following coordinates:
30 degrees, 56 minutes, 55 seconds North
094 degrees, 08 minutes, 00 seconds West
30 degrees, 56 minutes, 55 seconds North
094 degrees, 08 minutes, 00 seconds West
I want you to relax, relax, relax and describe
your perceptions concerning this target.
#25: When you first read the coordinates get a flash
impression now...this comes in as overlay. I'm,
also getting an aerial-view, like a map. I think
that's overlay. I'm over Mexico. I think that's
overlay because of the coordinates. In fact, are
we using coordinates for targeting?
#01: Just concentrate on the target. Don't worry about
the coordinates, and describe only what you perceive.,
concerning the target.
#25: I got an impression of a light ..... blue sky, I think
I'm seeing sky...turned over to look at the ground,
I see green trees, thick green jungle Like.........
I asked for a view, general view of the target and I
got a silo outline, like a rectangular shape with
rounded end connected to the-ground on one end...
rounded end on the other end. Also getting dishes,
disk shapes. All of this is in the trees. Trees
are growing up all around it. I think I'm painting
in the trees. I.feel that's overlay.- Come from.
the wrong place .....................................
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#25: Things are white....... figures are white.....
dtia:ks.- are probably overlay too, from this morning.....
talking about 'em this morning.
#01: Go down to the silo shaped object and touch it,
feel it. Describe your perceptions in detail.
#25: First I got concrete feeling, sandy feeling,
scratchy feeling...then I got corregated plastic
or metal over on the side. It sits like it doesn't.
sit on metal ground on a slight slope.....
that goes into the ground a little ways,.that's. all,
not very far ..................>.......................
#01: Sitting on the top of this object, let your perceptions
sweep around it 360 degree arch and tell me, describe
for me what your perceptions tell you about the area.
#25: Near water, near a large body of water ..............
Keep getting this impression of Central America.
I got a real vague impression.of Canal, Panama Canal...
like concrete on both sides ........ water in the middle
..little shacks that control .th`e_.i'ocks....
asbestos siding on the shacks.......
#01: Let your mind perceive the dominant function that
goes on this area of the country and describe whatever
that function is.
#25: Well, I'm fighting off all kinds of overlay from the
last session, and that transportation, that water
transportation comes in again. However, it's Government
run whatever this is, and it's. not the US Government,
#01: I have all I need about the target #25, what I want
you to do now is to take your time and. relax and just
allow yourself to drift on this target, and report
anything that you feel will be of interest to me
concerning the target.
#25: Okay. I think that silo has something to do with
weather..... weather measurements, weather.........
Now, I'm not sure that's the major function for it.
I think that's........ that's part. of the function.
I just.tried to walk inside it.... or saw myself from
a distance walking inside it...looked like a cutaway
of it. I don't see anything inside it. Saw stairs
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Approved For Release 2003/09/09:?^6-007888001400050001-2
"q J
...leading up, L shaped stairs leading up.....
walked inside and there's. nothing there.......
(mumble) a long ways up to the top. Top is where
the weather committed.
#01: Okay, #25. What I want you to do is remember very
clearly only your perceptions concerning the
target. I'm going to put the tape recorder on hold.
- - -------- '71 _M
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#01: Okay. We're back and `We're now going to describe
the drawings that #25 has done here.
#25: Okay. Drawing I is an attempt to show a general
view of the area with the silo shaped object and
the thing over here on the right of the page that
I've labeled antenna is a disk shaped.
#01: I have a question. You mentioned numerous disk
shaped objects in the ground in the session.
Is that what you are attempting to show us in the
antenna there?
#25: Yes. That's the disk.. I'll just write disk shaped.
Antenna, and there were several other...three or
four....... On the bottom of the silo the sort of
sloppy L shaped, upside down L shaped coming out
as the stairway...up the best entrance to the silo....
try and cut it away as I'm talking. Inside there
just seemed to be nothing but a big room inside.
However, up in the roof in the dome shaped-there was
some equipment... weather equipment I think. It
sat in a valley. .The line at the top, which I'll
label right now...ridge line, and I believe beyond
that ridge was the canal. The squiggly marks
are an attempt to show jungle area, and I didn't
draw in enough. It was much denser than I've drawn
#01: Okay. Let's go to page 2.
#25: Okay. Page 2 is an attempt to show the canal shape
...sort of a.concrete, reinforcement thing, water
was in the canal ....the two V shaped objects.were....
the two objects come together to forma V...these
are locks. There was a shack up here. It had...
a roof on it like that and it was to control. the locks,
and it had asbestos shingles on it. I remember that.
#01: And, this canal was man--m.ade.....natural.
#25: Yes. I think it was man-made because I saw......
well, at least this part of it was. This is concrete.
#01: Okay. Very good.
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Approved For Release 2003/0 'Q961jR;?* IRVFP96-00788RO01
#25: I.don't know about the rest of it. I got a glimpse
#01: Do you have a feel for how wide it might have been?
#25: Well, let's say 20 feet, but I think it's. more
than that.
#01: Well, if you're guessing, then don't worry about it.
#25: Well, let me try and guess it......22, 50 feet.....
That's a guess..
#01: Okay. Let's. go to page 3.
#25: Page 3 is an overhead...... of what I thought was
Mexico, Bahama...the water is drawn in, north is
indicated towards the bottom of the page...and my
perspective drawn by lines up...lines extending out
.......indicate the view that I had which would be
looking directly at the word water ...... seems-to me
that there was water beyond. here. I don't have enough
room on this page to draw it....and that would be
more water.
Is there anything else you want to add?
We'll call this end of session.
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