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WARNING NOTICE -IntelligenceSources
rind Methadr In~rolved
Mid-Year Grill Flame Meeting
Defense Intelligence Agency
27 April 1982
REVIEW ON: 22 April 2002
This document consists
of 61 pages.
Copy No. 7
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :-Cb*?JWM%&0MjQQ4WWk#j&ALS _.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788r001300300001-5
I STATUS OF THE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , * ,
II PROJECT TASK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
III OPERATIONAL REMOTE VIEWING . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, 40
IV INTELLIGENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
V GRILL FLAME FINANCIAL STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VI GRILL FLAME GOALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, 55
VII PROPOSED PROGRAM--FY'83 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, 58
Appendix A--MAJOR SRI REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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A. Introduction
This mid-year report addresses developments in the program covering
the period 1 October 1981 to 1 April 1982.. The previous history and all
background data from the program's inception in 1980 to mid-year 1981 may
be found in the DoD Grill Flame Progress Report dated April 1981. This
document traces government involvement with psychoenergetics research
beginning in 1972. The amounts spent, goals pursued, publications
produced, intelligence data gained and the evolution of the current
program are discussed. Another publication, FY'81 DoD Grill Flame Progress
Report dated November 1981, reviews all the work done in FY'82.. In addi-
tion to these, there are technical reports covering each of the individual
tasks pursued at SRI International. These are listed in Appendix A. Only
the work done by SRI is reviewed in these publications as funds have not
been sufficient to develop and task other contractors.
The tasks in progress at SRI are shown in Figure 1. The RV enhancement
task includes the training of Army personnel to carry out remote viewing
with the most recently developed SRI protocol.
S G1 D In the DIA program an intelligence study on the USSR has been
The data base management system (DBMS) under development is expected
to result in an improved capacity to store and manipulate RV-derived data,
management data and intelligence data.
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? Intelligence
RV Evaluation
? Operational Sites
DBMS Systems
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Project task sheets on each individual task have been prepared and
are presented in the next several pages. These sheets include data such
as project descriptions, goals, highlights, sponsor expectations and
current status.
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Attachment #1
Statement of Sponsor's Expectation
1. Improve, through practice, the reliability of remote viewing.
2. Work with selected individuals to gain better and more reliable
data from remote viewing sessions.
3. Continue research on any facet of remote viewing that offers promise
of being improved by training.
4. Work toward the development of a training program that will accommodate
future DoD needs.
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Verbal Description of Project
SRI International is tasked with working toward the development of
training procedures that will accommodate future DoD needs. Under investi-
gation is a training procedure developed by an SRI remote viewer consultant,
1. Swann. The procedure focuses on improving reliability of remote viewing
by controlling those factors that tend to introduce noise into the RV
The Swann procedure is based on the observation that, with the appli-
cation of a "stimulus" (e.g., the reading of a coordinate) there appears
to be a momentary burst of "signal" that enters into awareness for a few
seconds and then fades away. It is at this point that imagination appears
to be triggered to fill in the void, producing noise due to associational
and analytical overlays.
The techniques designed to handle the above noise problem involve (a)
repeated coordinate presentation and quick-reaction response on the part
of the remote viewer to minimize imaginative overlays, (b) the use of a
specially-designed acoustic-tiled featureless room with homogeneous coloring
to minimize environmental overlay, and (c) the adoption of a limited monitor
role behavior to minimize monitor overlay.
The training proceeds through a series of six stages of proficiency,
hypothesized to correspond to six stages of increasing contact with the
target site. These are outlined in the following table.
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;.0 5t RKCC~~
(1) Major gestalt
(2) Sensory contact
(3) Dimension, motion, mobility
(4) Quantitative aspects
Land surrounded by water, an island
Cold sensation, wind-swept feeling
Rising up, a panoramic view
Three large buildings, clustered
together as a facility
Scientific research, live organisms
Scientific research, live organisms
BW preparation site
(5) Special qualitative.aspects
(6) Significant analytical aspects
During FY'82 these procedures under development are being transmitted
to three inexperienced SRI remote viewers and to three INSCOM viewers
selected by the client. The purpose is to investigate technology transfer
to new trainees (as contrasted with the FY'81 program in which the technology
was transferred, with success, to experienced viewers). The theory sessions
are complemented by practice sessions consisting of extensive targeting
on sites around the world by coordinate remote viewing, with feedback being
given on the basis of material available from National Geographic magazines,
world aeronautical charts, etc. Both the Program Leader (Puthoff) and DIA
observe the theory class and act as monitors for several of
the RV sessions in order to monitor progress of the training program.
"Exams" on the progress of the training program are then provided periodically
by selection of special targets by and by operational RV tasks
(See Section III).
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Statement of Sponsor's Expectation
Targets that are both real and of much interest will be submitted
to SRI as they arise. SRI will access RV channels and report results
directly to DIA.
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Verbal Description of Project
The Operational RV Task has as its requirement the generation of RV
transcript material in response to client-generated requests for data on
operational sites or events of interest to the client. Such requests are
forwarded to the RV group at SRI International through the on-site DIA
COTR, who maintains control of operational activities on the program.
Responses are obtained from the SRI RV consultants, often on a quick-
reaction basis, and the results forwarded to the client for use and
evaluation. Evaluation sheets prepared by the user are then returned to
the SRI evaluation team for use in assessing overall RV performance as
determined by this form of "field testing." Such results are then entered
into a computerized data-base-management system to provide information useful
in selecting RV consultants for certain tasks, etc.
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Statement of Sponsor's Expectation
Develop a method/technique that can be used to evaluate data derived
from coordinate remote viewing. The method will allow for both absolute
and comparative measure of the success of each remote viewing session.
It will deal with both the amount of correct data and the degree it is
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Project Name: RV Evaluation Method Attachment #2
The goal of the RV evaluation project is to provide the sponsor
with a technique to assesIthe accuracy and reliability of RV data. To
accomplish this, however, it is necessary to define the problem within
the context of the client's needs. It is also necessary to account for
the particular abilities of the subjects under evaluation.
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Statement of Sponsor's Expectation
Develop a database management system that will accommodate all
project needs (training sites, operational sites, intelligence data,
management data, cost data). The DBMS will be able to both store and
manipulate the data.
MW 31
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Project Name: Data Base Management System. Attachment #2
Verbal Description of Project
The DBMS project is to provide the sponsor with a data base management
capability. If possible the project is to use "off the shelf" hardware
and software items. Various application programs can then be writen to
address the specific project requirements. The goal of these programs
is to provide the non-computer oriented person easy access to the growing
amount of project data.
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Attachment #2
Verbal Description of Project
Many costs on a large program with many tasks do not fall into the
purview of any specific task. These include general telecons, project
report preparation and mailouts, etc. Therefore, a separate task is set
up for such expenses so that they can be accounted for separately.
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Throughout the year SRI was asked to contribute RV-derived data in
response to real operational requirements. Those that were conducted
under the DIA program are summarized in Figure 2. Complete documentation
(transcripts, messages, evaluations) can be obtained through SI/SAO
channels on a need-to-know basis. In addition, we also computed the cost
of each site investigated.
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The budget for Grill Flame research is shown in the next two charts
(Figures 3 and 4). The first one gives an overall look at what was
budgeted for FY'82 and the second shows what was spent on each project.
It may be remembered that in May 1980, it was stated that continuing
to support psychoenergetics in the manner its history reveals, is not very
productive and neither DoD money nor SRI personnel's time is getting
maximum utilization. The suggestion was that enough time and money to
do a thorough evaluation of the field's potential application to intelli-
gence problems should be provided. This was agreed to and a conceptual
three-year program developed. Since then, there have been major problems
in the amount and timing of funds in both FY'81 and FY'82. It would be
a major effort even to list the problems. Many of you are already familiar
with the difficulties and did indeed spend much time and effort in solving
the problems. This is appreciated by both myself and the SRI personnel.
However, I must report that the perturbations in funding have prevented our
attaining all our goals in FY'81. It further appears that our FY'82 goals
may not be realized until perhaps mid FY'83. The final goal of thoroughly
evaluating the phenomena by end of year FY'83 is still possible but requires
money, time, and no further turbulence during the remainder of FY'82 and
all of FY' 83 .
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The stated goal of the Grill Flame Program is to determine if RV-
derived data can be included in the tools of intelligence analysts.
If it is a potential source of intelligence, then we are also interested
in developing countermeasures. In addition, work in the USSR and other
foreign countries is and will remain of great interest.
It should be emphasized, however, that data derived through psychic
means is not intended to replace any existing intelligence collection
systems. It will be no more than one more tool an analyst uses to develop
his estimates and reports.
The three-year effort suggested in May 1980 will expire at the end
of FY183. At this point the results of the program will be reported to
the appropriate decision makers. Their guidance will then determine the
future activities in psychoenergetics by the DoD. Therefore, a number of
questions must be answered, certain problems need to be solved and certain
issues resolved. For instance, can the reliability of remote viewing be
increased? How should people be selected and trained to produce data?
How is the data to be evaluated? In addition, numerous research and
development programs are needed to both maintain and advance the state-of-
the-art in remote viewing. These are all needed, just to advance the
remote viewing program. There are, however, many more areas in psycho-
energetics that are of potential value to the DoD. This could be an entire
study so I will not attempt to pursue it here. If anyone wants such a study
it can be produced.
The more important issues for remote viewing and their status are
presented in Figure 5. These issues are presented in an organizational
fashion in Figure 6.
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Approved For Release 2000/0~Q7C RffDP96-00788r001 300300001-5
Not begun
Begun, excellent results
Begun, variable results
In-progress, complete FY'82
Training research only
In progress
Not begun
Not begun
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t t t t l t_ I I. L. I I t_ l I l_
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- Washington based
- Responsible to DoD
- Supported by Research
- Respond to customer needs
Washington based
Includes selection
Responds to program
SRI based
Support all other
Includes other
research contracts
Responds to program
Washington based
Contribute to
intelligence studies
Responds to customer
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It is difficult to design a program for FY'83 when many of the FY'82
tasks have not been completed. This, however, must be done now to allow
enough time for the contract cycle to be completed. The data presented
below is intended only as a guide to the things that can be done in the
FY'83 program. Additional factors, like funds and goals of the sponsors
would need to be settled before the program becomes final.
Training has thus far received adequate funding and has produced
excellent results. Informal observation reveals a substantial rise in
the accuracy of remote viewing data. The program seems to confirm that
individuals can be selected and then trained to produce highly reliable
data. Not only are the reliability and accuracy increased, the depth
of data is much improved. In the latter stages of remote viewing the
viewer achieves much greater contact with the remote site. This area then
must be continued if Army personnel are to obtain the best available
state-of-the-art training.
A second area that must be pursued in FY'83 is the intelligence effort.
This, of course, is important considering the DIA charter. In the past
Also, in the past year a number of operational sites were examined
by SRI. In the future, it is likely that the number of sites examined
will be even greater. So, this must also be carried into FY'83.
It is expected that operational and training sites, management data,
intelligence data and project historical information will be stored in an
automated system that will permit manipulation and retrieval. If more
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work needs to be done it should be some part of the program. If the system
is operable, funds will be needed only for maintenance.
Among the new areas where work is needed, search/tracking has the
highest priority. Much of the current effort has been dependent on using
coordinates. That is, the viewer is given a set of geographic coordinates
and he is asked to describe the area. The search for people, aircraft or
naval ships, followed by a description of how to find the objects has not
been researched enough to have a well defined methodology or procedure.
This area must be included in the FY'83 program.
To complement the training program work must begin in FY'83 to
provide criteria of general use for selecting individuals to receive RV
Countermeasures is also a very important, large and complex area that
has received but little attention. A major effort must begin in FY'83
to detect intrusion and to counter it.
There are certainly many other aspects of psychoenergetics that
should be investigated. The ones discussed are merely a sample. It
should not be interpreted as the only things SRI is capable of doing.
They are very capable of carrying out many other tasks in either appli-
cations or basic research. They simply await guidance and funds.
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"Perceptual Augmentation Techniques" December 1975
Final Report to CIA, Secret
"A Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer ..." March 1976
Proc. IEEE, Unclassified
"Advanced Threat Technique Assessment"
Final Report to FTD, Secret
"Sensing of Remote EM Sources"
Final Report to Navelex, Unclassified
"Psychoenergetic Research: Suggested Approaches" May 1978
White Paper for Grill Flame Committee,
"Advanced Threat Technique Assessment"
Final Report to FTD, Secret
"Novel Intelligence Collection Techniques"
Progress Report to DIA, Secret
"Special Orientation Techniques"
Final Report to INSCOM, Secret
"Electronic System Perturbation Techniques"
Final Report to MIA, Secret
"Experimental Psi Research: Implications for
AAAS Selected Symposium 57, Unclassified
October 1978
January 1980
June 1980
September 1980
January 1981
"Feasibility Study on the Vulnerability of the MPS February 1981
System to RV Detection Techniques"
White Paper for AFTEC, Secret
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Approved For Release 2000/0S(~j'CNI- fDP96-00788r001300300001-5
"Review of the Psychoenergetics Research Organization September 1981
in the Soviet Union (1960 to 1980)"
Final Report to DIA, Secret
"Database Management Feasibility"
Final Report to DIA, Secret
"Countermeasures: A Survey and Evaluation"
Final Report to DIA, Secret
"RV Reliability, Enhancement, and Evaluation"
Final Report to DIA, Secret
"RV Detection Techniques Applied to ASW"
White Paper for DIA, Secret
January 1982
January 1982
February 1982
March 1982
"Audiolinguistic Correlations with the Quality April 1982
of Remote Viewing Sessions"
Final Report to DIA, Secret
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WARNING NOTICE - Intelligence Sources
and Methods Involved
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