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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001300010001-7
July 1972
Information Cut-off Date
31 January 1972
This is a Department of Defense Intelligence Document prepared by the
Medical Intelligence Office, Office of The Surgeon (;eneral, Department
of the Army, and approved by the Directorate for Scientific and Technical
Intelligence of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Classified by Chief, MIO, OTSG
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July 1972
(U) This report summarizes the information available on Soviet
research on human vulnerability as it relates to incapacitating
individuals or small groups. The information contained in this
study is a review and evaluation of Soviet research in the field of
revolutionary methods of influencing human behavior and is intended
as an aid in the development of countermeasures for the protection
of US or allied personnel. Due to the nature of the Soviet research
in the area of reorientation or incapacitation of human behavior,
this report emphasizes the individual as opposed to groups.
(U) It is not within the realm of this report to make an in-depth
study of research and utilization of the multitudinous aspects of
psychology and psychiatry. It is strongly suggested that these
subjects, and the military use thereof, should be established as
separate studies. The importance of basic and applied research in
these areas should not be overlooked.
(U) The information reported covers the period from 1874-1972 and
has been drawn from scientific, medical and military journals, intel-
ligence reports, magazines, news items, books, conferences, and other
reports as referenced. The information cut-off date for this report
was 31 January 1972.
(U) The author of this study is Captain John D. LaMothe, Medical
Intelligence Office, Office of The Surgeon General, Department of
the Army, Washington, DC 20314. Constructive criticism, comment
and suggested changes are invited from readers. These should be sent
to the author through the Defense Intelligence Agency, ATTN: DT-1A,
Washington, DC 20301.
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Preface ----.~-----------------------
July 1972
Page No.
----- iii
SECTION I - Background
SECTION II - Current Events ----------- ----_---------------- 2
Part A - Events in Northern Ireland 2
Part B - Events in the Soviet Union 3
Part C - Soviet Response to Events in the USSR --- -------- 8
SECTION III - Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry 9
Part A - A General Review ----- ----------------------- ---- 9
Part B - Soviet Military Psychology 13
Part C - Soviet Use of Psychology for Behavior Manipulation - 15
SECTION IV - Psychological Phenomena/Psychological Weapons ---- 15
Part A - Temperature 16
Part B - Atmospheric Conditions 16
Part C - Olfactory Phenomena 17
Part D - Light -------------------------------- - 17
Part E - Sound 18
Part F - Electromagnetic Energy 18
Part G - Deprivation 19
SECTION I - Background --------------------------- ----------- 21
SECTION II - Significance of Parapsychology in the USSR ------ 24
SECTION III - The Apport Technique 27
SECTION IV - ESP and Psychokinesis 31
SECTION V - Summary and Military Implications ----------- 39
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Page No.
- Hypnosis ------------------------------------------
A - The Use of Hypnosis in Medicine - USSR -------------
- Hypnosis and Controlled Behavior -------------------
- Artificial Reincarnation Through Hypnosis -----------
- Telepathic Hypnosis --------------------------------
I - Conditioning Through Suggestion ------------------
- Hypnopedia ------------------------------ --------
- Subliminal Perception -----------------------------
- Suggestology --------------------------------------
PART IV - PROPAGANDA AND MASS MEDIA ----------------------------- 59
PART V - PSYCHOPHAR ACOLOGY IN THE USSR ------------- ----------- 63
SECTION I - General ------------------------------------------- 63
SECTION II - Main Psychotropic Substances - USSR -------------- 64
SECTION III - Psycho-Warfare Agents --------------------------- 66
Part A - Diethylamide Lysergic Acid (LSD) and Psilocybin ---- 66
Part B - Piperidyl Benzilate and Piperidyl Glycolate ------- 69
Part C - Countermeasures ----------------------------------- 70
SECTION IV - Current Research Interest in Psychopharmacology -
USSR --------------------------------------------- 71
Part A - Bioamine Research ---------------------------------- 71
Part B - Other Areas of Soviet Research in Psychopharmacology 74
I - Psycho-Optics -------------------------------------
A - Background ----------------------------------------
B - Soviet Research in Photic-Flicker ------------------
SECTION II - Color and Light ---------------------------------- 82
SECTION III - Concluding Remarks and Countermeasures -- - ------ 84
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Page No.
SECTION I - Background
SECTION II - Behavioral Altering Possibilities -------
-- -----
SECTION I - General _______________________________ -
SECTION II - Infrasonic Noise --------------
-- ------- ------
SECTION III - Sonic Noise
SECTION IV - Ultrasonic Noise
SECTION V - Conclusion
Current Events
Part A - Affiliation Known --------------
- ---------- ---
Part B - Affili
tation Unknown ----------__-_ ___
art C - Important Institutes - No Personalities Available --
Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry - Research ------------- --
art A - Affiliation Known -------------- -_----------------
art B - Affiliation Unknown ------------------------------
Parapsychology - USSR ---------------
Part A - Affiliation K
nown ------------- ------- ---------- -
Part B - Affiliation Unknown (1972)
Mental Suggestion and Controlled Behavior
Part A - Affiliation Known -------
Part B - Affiliation Unknown ------------------
Psychopharmacology in the USSR
ffiliation Known -------_-__--_-
_------_-_ --
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Lights and Color as a Means of Altering Human Behavior -----~ 120
Affiliation Known ----------------------------------------- 120
Odors and the Altering of Human Behavior -------------------- 121
Part A - Affiliation Known ---------------------------------- 121
Part B - Affiliation Unknown ------------ - ________ - -------- 121
Sensory Deprivation (non-aerospace) ---------- ---------------- 121
Electromagnetic Effects --------------------------------------- 121
APPENDIX II - Intelligence Gaps -------------------------------- 123
APPENDIX III - Future Trends ------------------------------------ 125
APPENDIX IV - The "1961 Directives" - Hospitalization of
Mentally Ill -------------------------------------- 127
5 USC 552(b)(1)
APPENDIX VI - Milan Ryzl, Biographic Data ----------------------- 143
Bibliography --------------- ----------------------------------- 145
Non-Cited Bibliography ------------------------ ------ ---------- 169
Data Handling --------------------------------------------------- 175
Distribution List ------------------------------------------------ 177
Illustration One -,Photograph of Professor L.L. Vasilev ----- --- 31
Illustration Two - Photograph of Edward Naumov ------------------- 32
Illustration Three - Photograph of Kirlian Photography ----------- 34
Illustration Four - Photograph of Doctor G.A. Sergeyev ----------- 37
Illustration Five - Photograph of Mrs. N. Kulagina -------------- 37
Illustration Six - Photographic. Sequence of the PK Phenomenon ---- 38
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Page No.
Table I - Soviet Instruction Courses - Psychiatric
Specialization -----------------------
Table II - Soviet Psychiatrists - Comparison 1962 and 1967 ------ 13
Table III - Basic Types of B iocommuni cation Phenomena ----------- 21
Table IV - Relation of Psychoactive Drugs to Amine Activity ----- 73
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July 1972
(U) Controlled offensive behavior as defined within the scope
of this report includes Soviet research on human vulnerability as
it applies to methods of influencing or altering human behavior.
There is an ever increasing amount of information emanating from
the USSR (samizdat or underground press) that suggests that certain
authoritarian institutions in the USSR are engaged in the practice
of "mental reorientation" of numerous individuals who are classed
as political dissenters. The "mental reorientation" is being accom-
plished through various means including confinement, isolation and
psychopharmaceutical administration. This treatment of so-called
insane individuals is causing alarm among an international cross sec-
tion of psychiatrists. The literature contains sufficient data on
human mental manipulation and, therefore, warrants surveillance by
interested parties. It appears that the USSR stresses physical and
medical "treatment" of its political detainees under the guise of
psychiatric-care rehabilitation.
(U) The Soviet Union is well aware of the benefits and applications
of parapsychology research. The term parapsychology denotes a multi-
disciplinary field consisting of the sciences of bionics, biophysics,
psychophysics, psychology, physiology and neuropsychiatry. Many
scientists, US and Soviet, feel that parapsychology can be.harnessed
to create conditions where one can alter or manipulate the minds of
others. The major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the
possible capabilities of telepathic communication, telekinetics, and
bionics are said to come from the Soviet military and the KGB. Today,
it is reported that the USSR has twenty or more centers for the study
of parapsychological phenomena, with an annual budget estimated at
21 million dollars. Parapsychological research in the USSR began
in the 1920s and has continued to the present. Based on their "head
start" and financial support, it could be concluded that Soviet
knowledge in this field, is superior to that of the US.
(U) Methods for controlling behavior of the human being are
numerous. Not all
but an attempt was
intensive research
or odors have been
tation in order to
lights, usually in
actual "trials" by
of the possibilities were included in this report,
made to elaborate on those areas where there is
by the USSR. The use of sound, light and color,
determined to be possible means for Soviet exploi-
alter human behavior. In the area of color and
a flickering mode, there have been reports of
the Soviets (Air Force and Navy) on US or allied
personnel. The Soviets have shown an in-depth knowledge in the effects
of sound and light on biological systems. It appears that with their
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July 1972
knowledge, it would be a rather simple procedure to make the transfor-
mation (from scientific research to the applications phase). The area
of pheromone research has interested the Soviets; however, their data
is sketchy and it is conceivable that they are not yet aware of the
tremendous potentials that these substances provide for causing human
behavioral changes. It is also a possibility that the USSR has realized
the military benefits and are not publishing or conversing about their
research and development efforts concerning pheromone synthesis and
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July 1972
1. (U) Methods for manipulating or influencing the human mind
exist and are being thoroughly researched by members of the Soviet
scientific community. For background and introductory information
it would be best if some of these methods were briefly mentioned.
Techniques studied by the Soviets include biochemicals, sound, light,
color, odors, sensory deprivation, sleep, electronic and magnetic
fields, hypnosis, autosuggestion, and paranormal phenomena (psycho-
kinesis, extrasensory perception, astral projection, dream state,
clairvoyance, and precognition). Paranormal phenomena have caused great
excitement-in recent years in the Soviet Union; so much so, that it
has been reported (1) that the Soviets had 20 or more centers in
1967 for the study of this area. It was also reported that the
annual budget for 1967 for paranormal research was approximately
$20 million.
2. (U) The purpose of mind altering techniques is to create
one or more of several different possible states in the conscious
or unconscious area of the brain. The ultimate goal of controlled
offensive behavior might well be the total submission of one's
will to some outside force. It is more realistic to assume that
lesser degrees of mental aberration would be the purpose of Soviet
research in this field. Some areas of human mind manipulation
that apply to this report are morale lowering, confusion, anxiety,
loss of confidence, loss of self reliance, fatigue, persuasion,
disruption of social cohesion, or complete incapacitation. Since
the desired end product of this type of research is some change
in the human mind, only the non-lethal aspects are discussed
in this report. It should be remembered, however, that some
techniques have lethal thresholds.
3. (U) The purpose of this study is to portray the Soviet
research in mind manipulation and its possible use on US or allied
individuals (e.g. PW's) or troops. Controlled offensive behavior,
however, has other connotations. Certain methods of altering
mental or physical states of man may have application on one's
own individuals. The apport technique and astral projection are
examples which will be discussed in this report. These two methods
allow the enemy to impart certain behavioral characteristics on
its own people to the detriment of US or allied personnel or missions.
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July 19 72
1. (U) The following discussion is based on 1971 and 1972 literature
dealing with the manipulation of human behavior. The events that
have been reported to have occurred are not Soviet originated but
provide an excellent example of the type of efforts that this
report is expressing.
2. (U) Recently there has appeared in the press some discussion
elaborating on the techniques and procedures for detaining, treating,
and interrogating prisoners in Northern Ireland (2,3). According
to the report, once the detainees are in prison, they come under
three types of regime which create in men a state of great confusion,
suggestibility, and distress. The first regime contained various
methods to produce sensory isolation. The men were made to stand
still against a wall with their hands in the air for four to six
hours at a time. The total length was 43 1/2 hours. Hoods were
placed over the men's heads to further abolish visual input.
Sensory input was further decreased by having loud noise generators
turned on in order to mask meaningful sounds. The detainees were,
therefore, isolated from their sensory world.
3. (U) The second sensory regime has the effect of increasing
confusion and disorientation. Some men were rushed out, hooded
and doubled up, past barking dogs, loaded into a helicopter, doors
closed, engine revved up, then unloaded, then reloaded, with the
procedure repeated three times. In another incident, detainees
without shoes were made to move quickly over rough ground by
military police.
4. (U) The third type of treatment has the effect of increasing
stress and anxfaty and reducing resistance to the disorienting
effect on the two types described above. It appears that dietary
intake was restricted to bread and water at six hour intervals.
Maximum weight loss was achieved it appears. One detainee lost
eight pounds in seven days. To accompany the diet restrictions,
no sleep was allowed the first two or three days. Forty-eight
hours sleep deprivation, in certain individuals, has been known
to precipitate psychotic-like states.
5. (U) Psychological torture and physical abuse has been used
on Catholic detainees in Northern Ireland. High-frequency sound
waves (range not given in report) and sensory deprivation - research
methods that have been outlawed for use on humans by the American
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Psychological Association - were being used to undermine the
dignity and destroy the effectiveness of the Catholic minority
of Northern Ireland. The case of one 40-year old released
prisoner has been reported. Upon release, the man's mental and
physical condition suggested senility - a condition inconsistent
with his health at the time of his internment. The man walks
like he is 65, whimpers in the dark and has an attention span so
short he cannot carry on a conversation.
6. (U) The Northern Ireland procedure can be expected to greatly
increase the pliability of detainees to der interrogation since.
sensory deprivation increases suggestability and lowers intellectual
competence. Stress-isolation techniques can reach the extent of
eliciting false confessions where both prisoner and interrogator
are convinced the statements rendered are true. It is hoped
that the above examples impart to the reader a feeling for the
type of mind manipulating procedures that will he discussed later
in this report.
7. (U) Since it appears that the research behind sensory deprivation
has been put to current use on humans, the interested reader might
peruse Biderman and Zimnmer's 1961 publication entitled "The Manipulation
of Human Behavior" (4). The book represents a critical examination
of some of the conjectures about the application of scientific
knowledge to manipulation of human behavior. The problem is explored
within a particular frame of reference: the interrogation of an
unwilling subject. Attention has been focused on interrogation
because of the central position this topic has had in public
discussions of prisoner of war (PW) behavior.
PART B - Events In the Soviet Union
1. (U) The use of psychiatric detention to silence political
dissenters appears to he a method being utilized by the Soviet
Union. There is extensive documention from "s mnizdat" (self-
published) sources in the Soviet Union, notably "A Question of
Madness" by Soviet geneticist Zhores Medvedev, excerpts from
which were published In the Sunday New York Times Magazine of
November 7, 1971 (5). British Sovietologist Peter Reddaway asserts
that the number of such political detainees in the USSR has grown
sharply in the last two years, perhaps to several hundred (6).
Peter Reddaway has published several articles that give brief
accounts of several political detainees as well as publishing
letters received from the Soviet underground (7,8,9).
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July 1972
2. (U) On the surface, the fact that the Soviet Union has
been subjecting political dissenters to psychiatric institutions
may not appear relevant to this report. However, as one probes
into this area, he discovers that the medical and physical treatment
of these prisoners borders on the subject of controlled offensive
behavior. Since the techniques are reportedly being apnlied to
Soviet citizens, it is simple enough, as the researchers gain
knowledge and expertise in this area, to assume that alien personnel
could someday be subjected to it as well.
3. (U) From the many reports, some coming from the Soviet Union
underground press, the article that best relates some of the
medical and physical treatment to political detainees is discussed
below (10). The article was written about Vladimir Bukovsky who
is frequently quoted in the feature story. Bukovskv has spent
six of his 27 years in Soviet prisons, asylums and labor camps.
(On January 5, 1972, Bukovsky was sentenced to a 12-year confinement
to include prison, hard labor camp, and internal exile.) In 1962,
Bukovsky organized an illegal exhibition of paintings by abstract
artists not approved by state censors. In May 1963, Bukovsky was
arrested by the KGB. He was declared insane by the Serbsky Psychiatric
Institute. That December, he was transferred to a prison asylum
in Leningrad (name not mentioned) where he spent, in his own words,
"15 months of hell." "There were about 1,000 men in the asylum,
political prisoners and insane murderers," says Bukovsky. "The sick
raved, the healthy suffered." Doctors were technically in charge
of the inmates, but the real masters were brutal turnkeys and
prisoner trustees. "Only the crafty survived, you had to he nice
to the guards.... you had to bribe them. Otherwise, they can
beat you until you are nearly dead and tell the doctors you mis-
behaved. Or they could recommend medical punishment."
4. (U) The worst, according to Bukovsky, was medical punishment.
The three methods of medical punishment known to Bukovsky are
described as follows:
a. On the recommendation of a trustee or turnkey, doctors
would inject a drug (not mentioned) that produced severe. stomach
cramps, fever, intense pain, and a temperature of 104. The sickness
lasted two or three days and left the inmate very weak.
b. Another drug reserved for serious misbehavior induced
sleep and dulled the brain. Inmates were punished with ten days
of daily injections. They woke up as human vegetables. Some
regained their senses after; two months, others did not.
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July 1972
c. The third punishment was the canvas bandage. An inmate
would be tightly swathed in wet canvas from neck to toes while
others in his ward were forced to watch. "The canvas shrinks
as it dries. It is not a pretty sight. They usually only do it
for two or three hours. A nurse is always in attendance, and the
bandages are loosened when the pulse grows weak."
5. (U) A thousand-word telegram by Andrei D. Sakhaiov to Colonel
Nikolai A. Shchelokov, Minister of the Interior, relates further
information on the use of drugs to alter mental behavior (11).
Sakhaiov, a physicist and civil-rights champion, charged that a
violation of human rights and medical ethics is occurring in the
Soviet Union. The contention is that drugs are being administered
forcibly to inmates in an effort to have them change their political
beliefs. In addition', some prisoners are threatened with the possible
use of electrical-shock "therapy." According to Sakhaiov, medicine,
one of the most humane of the professions, is thus being turned
into a servile handmaiden of the regimes correction agencies.
It is further reported that with the help of medicine, an attempt
is being made to make people literally lose their minds by chemical
and physical means if they refuse to adapt their mind to the
standards of the regime.
6. (U) One of the few references that mention a drug by name
is a London Times feature by Richard Preston (12). In several
cases, Soviet authorities forced political prisoners to submit
to the use of mind-bending drugs, specifically aminazine and
haloperidol. Aminazine is the Soviet brand of a phenothiazine
derivative known as chlorpromazine. Haloperidol is a butyrophenone.
Both drugs are in the tranquilizer class of therapeutic agents.
An excellent discussion on both of these drugs has been prepared
by Goodman and Gilman (13).
7. (U) Information on the plight of political prisoners in mental
wards and other examples of internal Soviet repression is contained
in Issue 18 of "A Chronicle of Current Events." The chronicle
has just passed its third anniversary despite the increasing
efforts of the KGB to shut down this underground publication.
The last issue discusses the case of Vasily I. Che rnyshov who
was arrested in March of 1970. The chronicle quotes Chernyshov....
"I am terribly afraid of torture. But there is an even worse
torture - meddling with my brain with chemical substances. I
have now been informed of the decision that I shall be given
treatment. Farewell!" Chernyshov's compulsory "treatment" was
prescribed after only a five minute interview with the authorities.
The concluding statement from the panel of doctors was, "The main
thing for us is that you shouldn't think at all."
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July 1972
8. (U) A document that contains several case histories of political
detainees has been prepared by Abraham Brumberg (14). The article
summarizes the procedure that is used in the Soviet Union from arrest
to confession. According to the report, the KGB performs the search,
arrest, and initial investigation. The medical "experts" cooperate
in furnishing bogus diagnoses and the court confirms the findings
of the doctors. The victim is then sent off to a prison asylum to
languish until "cured" (which in most cases consists of the patient's
confession that he is indeed guilty of some form of mental aberration).
9. (U) The legal procedures involved in detaining an "undesirable"
have been drastically reduced by the "1961 Directives" (15). V.N.
Chalidze (16), in an underground document, explains how the "1961
Directives" allow for the immediate detention of a sane individual
who is not a criminal in the legal sense. Chalidze sums up his
argument by noting that the viciousness of the present-day practice,
not based on the law, of psychiatric preventive measures is due
to the absence of any public means of defense for the patient.
The "1961 Directives" are included in this report in Appendix IV.
10. (U) The office that prepared this study has copies of various
reports from the Soviet Union that deal with some of the more
celebrated political detainees. There are three reports available
that illustrate the forensic-psychiatric examinations of I. A.
Yakhimovich. Two of these documents list the names of the psy-
chiatric teams that carried out the examination (17-19). By
reading these reports, one can trace the fate of Yakhimovich
up to early 1970. No further reports were available so the ultimate
fate of the individual is unknown.
11. (U) A report is available on A. Volpin (20) that was apparently
prepared by the individual while in detention. There have been
several cases where these documents have been "smuggled" out of
the asylum. An outpatient report on V.E. Borosov is available (21).
This report condemns Borosov to compulsory psychiatric treatment.
Reports are available on the plight of N.E. Gorbanevskaya (22,23)
as well as several letters that she wrote while interned (24).
An appeal for human rights written by V. Fainberg while he was
incarcerated is on file (25) as well as documents relating to
the sanity proceedings for General P.G. Grigorenko (26-28).
12. (U) The possible use of drugs by Soviet psychiatrists in
order to manipulate behavior can be emphasized by an account
from Vladimir Gershuni, a Soviet idealist. The event that
follows occurred at the Oryol Hospital which is some 170 miles-
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southwest of Moscow. Mr. Gershuni gives a description of the
conditions in which mental patients (both genuine and political)
are held. "Eight people to a 16 or 17 meter cell. . . . (Comment:
This seems large enough for eight people if figure is correct.) There
is no room to move. One is allowed to go along the corridor, but
only if it's absolutely necessary - to the toilet, or to get some
food from the nurse. . . . The toilet is a cesspit: four holes
in the ground and two taps for 54 people. . . . From 7 to 8:30
in the evening we're allowed to use the dining room for writing
letters, or to play dominoes and chess. The bedlam is indescrib-
able." Mr. Gershuni talks about the use of drugs, one of which
is aminazine, a powerful substance, administered orally or by
intramuscular injections, which causes depressive shock reactions
and frequently malignant tumors. Sometimes drugs are given as
a form of punishment. "Any phrase spoken incautiously to a doctor
or nurse can serve as a pretext for a series of aminazine injections.
Sometimes these injections are prescribed without any pretext,
simply because of some doctor's whim . . . without any medical
examination. . . This medicine makes me feel more horrible
than anything I've ever experienced before; you no sooner lie
down than you want to get up, you no sooner take a step than
you're longing to sit down, and if you sit down, you want to walk
again - and there's nowhere to walk." Mr. Gershuni finishes
his account by describing the fate of a young man, once brilliantly
"alive and alert," who as a result of repeated doses of aminazine,
"and God only knows what else," had been reduced to a vegetable:
"his head on one side, his speech languid and indistinct, his eyes
glazed." "He was thus," concludes Mr. Gershuni, "cancelled out for
five whole months. Hail to Soviet 'special psychiatry'! I kiss
you all."
13. (U) To belabor this subject of political detention is not
the intention of this section. However, it is believed to be
of sufficient importance that this much material had to be presented.
It is difficult to judge the overall validity of much of the ref-
erenced material because of its source (primarily samizdat and
letters), but if true, it bears watching and possible investigation
for future developments. Portions of this material contain
sufficient data on human mental manipulation and therefore warrants
surveilance by interested agencies. From the information available
at this time, it appears that the Soviet Union stresses physical
and medical "treatment" of its political detainees under the
guise of psychiatric-care rehabilitation. No data is available
on the use of sound, lights, or hypnosis as methods of obtaining
confessions or reorientating the beliefs of these prisoners.
For a listing of personnel and institutes involved in political-
psychiatric care, see Appendix I. Many personalities involved
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in the maltreatment of detainees are not listed but can be found
in the references listed. An attempt was made to list only the
top professional personnel.
PART C - Soviet Response to Events in the USSR
1. (U) The Soviet government, quite naturally, has denied the
charges made in the USSR and abroad that mentally stable persons
were being detained in psychiatric hospitals because of dissident
activities. The Soviet authorities had said little about the
accusations until an article written by S.P. Pisarev was
obtained by Western sources from the Soviet underground (30).
Pisarev, 69, member of the Soviet Communist party since 1918
and minor party official, in 1970 directed a letter to the Soviet
Academy of Medical Sciences protesting the Soviet police practice
of sending political prisoners to "psychiatric institutions" such
as the infamous Serbsky Institute in Moscow.
2. (U) Disputing the type of charge mentioned by Pisarev, Soviet
authorities contended persons remanded by a legal psychiatric
commission to special mental institutions were those "who committed
socially dangerous acts while not responsible for their actions or
became ill during a pretrial investigation, during actual court
proceedings or after the passing of sentence." According to
the Soviet government, such cases are reviewed every six months
and committed persons are released if sufficient improvement is
found in their mental health (31).
3. (U) A.V. Snezhnevskiy (32), USSR Academy of Medical Sciences
academician and director of the USSR Academy of Medical-Sciences
Psychiatric Institute says:
"Yes, I, too, have read these absurd reports that in
the USSR healthy people are put into psychiatric
hospitals. Like all my colleagues, I cannot express
my feelings of profound indignation at this wild fan-
tasy. Soviet psychiatrists - a detachment of Soviet
medical workers consisting of many thousands - do not,
of course, need to be defended from insulting attacks
of this sort. In our country and abroad fame and
deserved authority are enjoyed by such psychiatrists
as A.D. Zurabasvili, V.M. Morozov
" etc.
(Snezhnevskiy mentions eight other psychiatrists).
Snezhnevskiy continues his argument by listing the members of a
US mission that toured Soviet psychiatric facilities. The mission
says in its conclusion . . . . "It appears that the Soviets are leading."
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The US guests stressed the high degree of effectiveness of the
Soviet psychiatric first aid centers, and the better quality of
their staffs compared with US centers. The US delegation did
visit the Serbsky Institute. As for compulsory treatment, the
mission stated . . . . "It is possible that people who need
treatment should be compulsorily hospitalized for their own good."
4. (U) Snezhnevskiy, in another document (33), said that when
mentioning "brainwashing" many absurd allegations have been made,
such as the talk of injecting a substance which paralyzes a person's
will. Snezhnevskiy contends that "brainwashing," from a scientific
point of view, is absurd. He further believes that the people
dedicated to this sort of propaganda have very few scruples and
direct the propaganda to laymen who know nothing about medicine.
Interviews with Snezhnevskiy and Lebeden, chief of psychiatry at
the Pavlov hospital in Leningrad, were obtained just prior to
the Fifth World Psychiatric Congress in Mexico City which was
held in early December 1971 (34).
5. (U) The literature from Soviet authorities denying the mal-
treatment of detainees or other charges does not mention any of
the more celebrated prisoners with the exception of Zhores Medvedev
who was released after a very short stay. One can draw some obvious
conjectures based on the avoidance of such personalities as Gershuni,
Grigorenko, Bukovsky, Fainberg, and Borisov in the Soviet statements.
The issue of inhumane treatment is usually responded to with the
use of platitudes and counter-propaganda. If the Soviets have
nothing to conceal, then it would seem that one could expect more
scientific and concrete responses as to the actual situation in
political detention and behavior manipulation with drugs.
1. (U) The past fifteen years have witnessed a definite
acceleration of growth in Soviet psychology (35). It has been observed
by some American psychologists that an upward trend in the quality and
quantity of Soviet published research began around the middle of the
1950's. Research designs improved, greater experimental controls
were employed, and the level of sophistication in laboratory techniques
started to rise perceptibly. Many new people are entering into the
area of psychology and the increase has been (1966) as much as a
factor of 2,3, or 4 (36). According to this source (36), Soviet
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psychology is in a growth stage which appears to have sprung up
coincident to the man-in-space program. Contrary to the reference
above (36), this source (36) believes that despite the growth and
acceptance by the Soviet scientific community, the Soviets are merely
duplicating or extending to some degree the research that is already
known. In the opinion of this source, there is definitely a tie-in
between the Soviet engineers, psychiatrists and psychologists. It must
be remembered that the Soviets are presently in a growth stage and,
therefore, are merely making their investments at this time. According
to this source, once they have reached the level off period then this
coordination of the disciplines will pay off handsomely in returns to
the Soviet psychological society. The source believes that in the area
of human engineering the Soviets are moving very rapidly and at least in
many respects are close to US levels. In behavior studies, the Soviets
are stagnant. They lean too heavily on the conditional response approach
of Pavlov. In the neurosensory areas, source believes that the Soviets
are considerably behind the US and accept the US as the leader in this
2. (U) According to one report, there is apparently
classified psychological research work going on in the area of cyber-
netics. One area that surveillance would appear fruitful is Soviet
research in the area of artificial intelligence. This report contains
a substantial number of institutes and personalities which is reflected
in Appendix I (37).
3. (U) It is concluded that, in spite of their ideological
resistance to theoretical psychology, Soviet behavior scientists
share a distinguished experimental tradition and possess the ability
to incorporate and combine the principles of biocybernetics, physiology,
learning, memory, and transfer under a common group of laws (38).
4. (U) The following brief discussion of Soviet psychiatry is
based primarily upon a report by Persic (39). The report contains
a brief history of psychiatry in the Soviet Union followed by a
section that relates to the scientific and investigative work in
psychiatry. Also included is a section on the organization of
psychiatric care including statistics on the number of patients,
beds, and medical personnel in the Soviet Union.
5. (U) According to Persic there are 94 medical institutes and
a greater number of medical. research institutes. The following
research institutes in psychiatry exist in Moscow: the Psychiatric
Institute at the Academy of Science; the Psychiatric Institute at
the Ministry of Health for the Russian Federation, and the Institute
for Forensic Psychiatry at the Institute of the Ministry of Health
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of the USSR (Serbsky Institute 5. The research institutes are either
of a general type or of -a specialized type which study certain
mental diseases e.g. schizophrenia, epilepsy, or alcoholism. The
psychiatric research institutes have similar organizational schemes:
clinical departments, laboratories, and methodics departments.
The Psychiatric Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow
is the post--graduate school for psychiatrists. At the Institute
for Forensic Psychiatry in Moscow (Serbsky) are clinics for schizo-
phrenia, psychoorganic disorders, and alcoholism. (Naturally
there is no discussion in this report of some of the more infamous
areas of the Serbsky Institute.)
6. (U) The task of psychiatric institutes is to deal with the
educational matters of students, and physicians specializing in
psychiatry. This work is conducted in the form of seminars and
in the form of continuous education. The psychiatric research
institutes are connected with psychiatric hospitals, departments
and dispensaries in advancing psychiatric work and the organizing
of psychiatric service. Great attention is devoted to health
education in the USSR. A great network of institutions devoted
to health instruction exist. They are affiliated with many groups
which dispense health advice. Included in the general health
education is also education concerning mental health. There are
360 health institutes in the USSR which are devoted to teaching
health. The Central Institute for Health Education in Moscow
is engaged in research in the field of health education, education
of experts, training in the methodology of health education and
organizing health training. This Institute employs a method of
providing health education for schools, students of medicine, for
workers in industry and hospitals. There is also cooperation
with physicians concerning public health and seminars are held
where practical matters are discussed. There is also a functional
connection with health agencies so that officials of these agencies
cooperate with the Institute and attend seminars. These health
agencies also receive support from the Institute in the form of
trained help and literature which the Institute publishes through
its own printing outlets. Table I depicts the instructional
requirements for psychiatric specialization. These figures were
prepared by Persic. Table II illustrates statistics on the number
of neurologists and psychiatrists in the USSR in
(Persic) and
The 1967 data was compiled by Fry (40). Fry, in
neurologists and psychiatrists into one figure.
report, combined
Isla A%IFIEfl
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Hours of theoretical Hours of practical
training training
Plan of Instruction and Stages in Psychiatric Specialization-USSR
Psychopathology 16 60
Clinical psychiatry
Schizophrenia 16
Manic depressive psychosis 6
Infectional psychosis 16
Toxic psychosis 6
Epilepsy 6
Noninfectional symptomatic 8
Brain trauma 4 400
Arteriosclerotic psychosis 6
Brain tumors 2
Presenile psychosis 4
Senile psychosis 4
Oligophrenia 2
Psychopathy 4
Psychogenic reaction 4
Organization of 4
Psychiatric Service
1 Cll -RDP96-00788R001300010001-7
108 460
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Comparison of the Number of Psychiatric Specialists in USSR-1962 and 1967
Combined Psychiatrists
and Neurologists total:
One physician per
520 people
480 people
One psychiatrist per
One neurologist per
35,835 people
22,335 people
Combined Psychiatrists
and Neurologists total:
20,000 people
7. (U) The figures in Table II, if valid, represent a substantial .
growth in the number of specialists in mental health care. The number
and quality of both psychology and psychiatry research reports is
increasing, especially in the behavioral fields. There appears to be
an ever increasing link between the psychology and psychiatry fields
with the pharmacology, human engineering, bioelectronics, physics, and
parapsychology disciplines. Some of the multidiscipline aspects of
Soviet research will become evident later in this study as it relates
to the subject of this report. The above information on psychology and
psychiatry was intended to be a review because it is believed that there
is a definite relationship between the two disciplines and mental manip-
ulation. It is not within the scope of this report to delve into basic
psychological research and discuss its military implications.
PART B - Soviet Military Psychology
1. (U) The purpose of this report is to make determinations and
report findings on methods of controlling human behavior. One aspect
of this subject is the possible use of certain novel techniques to
disrupt or confuse combat troops. Based on Soviet literature dealing
with military psychology, it appears that the Soviet military authorities
might well suspect their potential enemies as'already being able to do
this. The available Soviet literature on military psychology emphasizes
the protection of their troops against such possible attempts e.g.
demoralization and confusion.
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2. (U) In 1967, a book entitled "Military Psychology" was published
in the Soviet Union. The authors, Colonel Dyachenko and Major Fedenko,
are Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences (41). This book is primarily
intended for commanders and military doctors. The book deals with the
various aspects of the personality of the soldier including his cogni-
tive, emotional, and volitional processes, his fighting skill, and his
psychological readiness for battle. All of the psychic phenomena are
based on the service, training, and fighting activity of enlisted and.
commissioned personnel. One of the more interesting areas is found in
Chapter 8 which is entitled "Will Power." The chapter contains infor-
mation on will power as a psychic process. The chapter continues by
discussing the qualities of will power necessary to a soldier as'well
as methods of training will power. The discussion on will power appears
to be a very important topic because if one's will power is sufficiently
developed, the use of techniques to demoralize or confuse could well be
nullified. Part one of the book describes the general problems of
military psychology, followed by a discussion on psychic processes of
the soldier and concluding with the psychological analysis of the
activity of Soviet soldiers.
3. (U) The group of people most susceptible to offensive behavior
manipulation appear to be rear-zone troops and small patrol'groups.
The Soviets again seem to recognize the fallibility of such groups.
Lieutenant General Tyurnev (42) reports that the moral-psychological
training of administrative support troops in operations under
conditions of modern war is a quite urgent and complicated problem.
The report suggests training and propaganda methods to increase
the morale-psychological condition of rear-zone troops. The
training, to include evening seminars, propaganda sessions, political
indoctrination and field exercises is suggested in Tyurnev's report.
The word moral and morale seem to be interchanged frequently in the
report. It seems to be a problem in translation, because the author's
thoughts are still meaningful.
4. (U) Two further reports from the Soviets have appeared recently.
One report (43) discusses the role of medicine and military medical
personnel in the psychoprophylaxis in morale-psychological preparation.
A 1970 report by Stolyarenko (44) reinforces the thoughts of Tyurnev.
From the above discussion and a thorough perusal of the documents
referenced in this section, it could be stated: if the Soviets practice
what they preach, the psychological training of Soviet troops is as
good as or better than US soldiers. This does not include the'special
training afforded to US pilots on anti-interrogation methods.
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Properly classified in the
interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
(U) One of the purposes of this report is to evaluate
research in the field of influencing human behavior in order that
the US may be in a position to develop certain countermeasures.
Therefore, before beginning specific sections in this report on
Soviet research, it is desirable to review some of the more feasible
areas of exploitation in the development of a technique that might
alter human behavior. Some of these characteristics will be studied
in depth in later sections of this study.
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PART A - Temperature
1. (U) An increase in body temperature decreases the body water
level and creates a salt-water imbalance. With a large intake
of water, but little replacement of sodium chloride, painful spasms
of the skeletal and abdominal muscles may develop as may also
faintness, weakness, nausea, and vomiting. With an internal
temperature above 41 degrees C or below 31 degrees C, brain
function is usually impaired. Irreversible damage to the skin
occurs at about 44-45 degrees C (46,47).
2. (U) The sensitivity and tolerance for temperature changes
is different for certain races. Negroes have a greater tolerance
for humid heat than Caucasians, and conversely, Negroes are
more susceptible to injury from cold stress than Caucasians.
3. (UZ_ _ It is believed that the use of temperature manipulation
as a technique to influence human behavior is practical. In order to
he effective it would seem necessary to apply this technique to
individuals or small groups that are already under one's influence
such as prisoners'of war. The application of unnatural temperature
in field situations appear to be most difficult. Further, there
appears to be very little applicable research in the USSR in
this area other than some isolated work in the areospace field.
It may be concluded that temperature fluctuations could be used for
altering human behavior, but would probably not be as useful as other
available methods.
PART B - Atmospheric Conditions
1. (U) There has been some work reported on the physiological
or psychological effects of atmospheric or geophysical parameters
(48-51). The works referenced here are free world but there is
little doubt that the Soviet Union has investigated similar effects
especially in relation to their space program. The utilization of
any of the techniques to alter human behavior by changing atmospheric
conditions seems remote for field application. These techniques,
like temperature effects, are more suitable for controlled groups or
2. (U) An increase of 0.2 percent carbon dioxide doubles the
volume of air breathed. Breathing becomes deeper, more rapid,
and eventually violent. Depletion of oxygen or the increase
of carbon dioxide decreases auditory sensitivity as well as visual
sensitivity. Ten percent of oxygen for 15 to 30 minutes sometimes
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results in a,hearing deficit for several hours. With severe or
prolonged anoxia there may be nausea, vomiting, extreme weakness,
and eventually convulsions and cardiac failure (52). Perhaps
the applicable symptoms of anoxia to this report are the homeo-
static inbalances in the brain: loss of ability to carry on complex
activities, restlessness, loquacity, delirium, confusion, and
3. (U) Intermittent exposures to negatively ionized air produces
a sedating effect on humans. There are some researchers who believe
that positively ionized air causes irritation and anxiety which is
applicable to altering behavior.
PART C - Olfactory Phenomena
odors have been identified; they are campho-
minty, pungent, putrid, and ethereal
From the
odors, every known odor can be made by
mixing them in
2. (U) Man expresses pleasure or displeasure to various odors.
If the smell is foul or irritating enough, man will attempt to
avoid it. If escape is hindered or if odors are used with surprise
they may elicit certain behavioral changes in the individual.
Odors are suitable for use in controlled situations and in the
field. For these reasons odors will be discussed more fully
later in this report.
PART D - Light
1. (U) Although it is customary to specify the wavelength range of
visible light as lying between 400 and 750 millimicrons (mp), never-
theless, with sufficient energy, the eye can be stimulated up to
1050 m}1. Also, the fovea (phototopic vision) can be stimulated down
to about 320 mp? It is thought that 1150-1200 mu marks the limit
at which radiant energy would cease to be seen and would be
readily felt as heat (54).
2. (U) Yellow light has maximum effect on the retina and is
most effective in eliciting photophobia. Non-rhythmic bright
lights can interrupt or prevent sleep. It has been claimed that
if sensory stimulation is sufficient, sleep can be prevented even
if fatigue is carried to the point of death (52). The physiological
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and psychological effects of flashing lights (stable) and photic-
flicker appear to have raised interests in the Soviet Union.
Since lights can be utilized in the field or in controlled situations
and do cause certain behavioral changes in man, this subject will
be discussed in detail later in this report.
1. (U) Sound, from one source or another, has been used to elicit
behavioral changes in man in every war ever recorded. It may be
a simple bugle call or battle cry or a mechanical siren device;
but whatever is used there is normally a psychological response
by the receiver. Regardless of the absolute level, sounds of
enemy weapons with which one is unfamiliar is frightening provided
the sounds are associated with a feared weapon or the unknown.
2. (U) Auditory effects have been and still are researched.
Nerve deafness can certainly result from prolonged exposure to
loud sounds. For the purpose of this study it is believed that
the nonauditory effects are just as important when discussing
behavioral alterations. For example, exposure to a siren-generated
sound of 20 kilohertz at 1 watt per square centimeter kills a
variety of insect life in three to four minutes and larger animals
(mice) in about one minute. Human operators, with earplugs, experience
"cool sizzling sensations" in the mouth and an unpleasant tingling
in the nasal passages when near the siren.
3. _(U) Sound can be used on controlled groups or in the
field. Sound can produce behavioral changes and the effects of
sound on humans is being investigated in the Soviet Union. For
these reasons, a more detailed discussion can be found later in
this report.
PART F - Electromagnetic Energy
1? (U) Super-high frequency electromagnetic oscillations (SHF)
may have potential use as a technique for altering human behavior.
Soviet Union and other foreign literature sources contain over 500
studies devoted to the biological effect of SHF. Lethal and non-lethal
aspects have been shown to exist. In certain non-lethal exposures,
definite behavioral changes have occurred. There also appears
to be a change in mammals, when exposed to SHF, in the sensitivity
to sound, light, and,olfactory stimuli (55).
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2. U) Because of the possible behavioral changes and reactions
to other important stimuli and the emphasis the Soviet Union has
placed on SHF research, a more detailed discussion of this subject
appears later in this report.
PART G - Deprivation
(U) The behavior effects on man from the deprivation of food,
sleep, and sensory stimuli have been studied by the Soviet Union.
As mentioned in Section II of this report, certain forms of depri-
vation to humans is in current use. This area is very important
in the discussion of controlled offensive behavior and it is
clear that the Soviet Union is well aware of this potential. Because
one is able to apply deprivation techniques in controlled situations
as well as in the field, it will be discussed in detail in a later
section of this report. Hahn (56) provides further discussion
on the areas mentioned in this section to include fear phenomena,
anxiety and stress, and cultural background. These specific areas
are not mentioned specifically as separate sections in this report
because they become interlaced with the other areas of major concern.
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1. (U) The science of parapsychology includes special sensory bio-
physical activities, brain and mind control, telepathic communications
or bioinformation transceiving, bioluminescent and bioenergetic emissions,
and the effects of altered status of consciousness on the human psyche.
The Soviets prefer the term biocommunications instead of the term para-
psychology. Other terms that may appear in the Soviet literature that
normally mean parapsychology are: psycho-physiology, psychotronics,
psychoenergetics, or biophysical effects. The term parapsychology
(biocommunications) as used in this report denotes a multi-disciplinary
field consisting of the sciences of bionics, biophysics, psychophysics,
psychology, physiology, and neuropsychiatry (57,58).
2. (U) The broad area of biocommuni cations can be further subdivided
into two general classifications: Bioinformation and Bioenergetics.
Bioinformation Includes paranormal events between living organisms
(telepathy, precognition) and events between living organisms and the
inorganic world. Bioenergetics denotes those activities such as
biological location and indicator techniques, bioenergetic therapy
using electromagnetic fields, and psychokinesis, or the influence of
mind upon matter. The definitions of the terms Biocommunications,
Bioinformation, and Bioenergetics are given in Table III which appeared
in the Mankind Unlimited Research report. The basic definitions are
based on information provided by Ryzl (59). It should be mentioned that
parapsychology-was accepted in 1969 as a legitimate field of science
and scientific research by the American Association for the Advancement
of Science (AAAS).
A new branch of science involved with the human capability
of obtaining information from other than the normal senses
and the ability to respond to or reasonably interpret such
information. Biocommunications, also synonymous with para-
psychology, is, however, distinct from other sciences in
that it is primarily concerned with researching the exist-
ence of a definite group of natural phenomena controlled
by laws which are not based on any known energetic influence.
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Those phenomena associated with the obtaining of information through
means other than the normal sensory channels e.g. through extra-
sensory perception (ESP). There are several forms of ESP, including:
a. Telepathy, transmission or "reading" of thoughts refers
to the extrasensory reception of information about the mental
.processes of others.
b. Proscopy or precognition - While the above forms appear
to differ only in the nature of the object about which information
is received, numerous observations indicate that precognitive
ESP involves, under certain circumstances, trespassing the barrier
of time to obtain information about future events.
C. Paragnosia or clairvoyance refers to the extrasensory
reception of information about objective events in the outer world.
Those phenomena associated with the production of objectively
detectable effects through means other than the known energetic
influences. Seemingly incredible effects have been reported,
such as the movement of distant objects without any detectable
use of physical.force (telekinesis), antigravitational effects,
transformations of energy, electromagnetic effects arising without
adequate physical cause, and chemical reactions and biological
processes occurring through mental concentration.
3. (U) Scientists in pre-revolutionary Russia were studying the area
of parapsychology as did later such Soviet scientists as V.M. Bekhterev,
A.G. Ivanov-Smolensky and B.B. Kazhinsky in the twenties and thirties
(60,61). In 1922, a commission composed of psychologists, medical
hypnotists, physiologists, and physicists worked on parapsychology
problems at the Institute for Brain Research in Petrograd (Leningrad).
Work flourished throughout the thirties with research being reported
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in the literature in 1934, 1936, and 1937 (62). After 1937 further
experiments in the field of parapsychology were forbidden. During
Stalin's time, any attempt to study paranormal phenomena might have
been interpreted as a deliberate attempt to undermine the doctrines
of materialism.
4. (U) According to Dodge (63) in 1964, the Aerospace Technology
Division of the Library of Congress reviewed the Soviet literature
in an unpublished bibliography entitled, "Soviet Parapsychology"
(ATD Report U-64-77). At that time, academic opposition to para-
psychology in the USSR had reached its zenith which led ATD observers
to the reasonable conclusion that official Soviet support or funds
for parapsychological research were unlikely and that investigation
in this area might be terminated.
5. (U) The above conclusion was apparently misguided because
of events that occurred in 1959 and 1960. In 1959 a book entitled
_Mysterious Phenomena of the Human Psyche was published in the USSR.
Its author was Professor L.L. Vasilev, head of the Department of
Physiology of Leningrad University and a corresponding member of
the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (64). A year later,
Professor Vasilev was given state funds to establish at the
University appropriately equipped laboratories for the study of
telepathy. The published findings from this laboratory attracted
attention and began to find repercussions 'in the columns of the
non-specialized periodical press (65-70). This was followed by
a publication in 1962 by Kazhinskiy (71). Following the example
of Leningrad, other cities, including Moscow, Kiev, Novosibirsk
and Kharkov, established similiar laboratories and research centers,
at which not only the phenomena described in world literature
were examined, but a study was made of parapsychic features
displayed by Soviet citizens. The journal Science and Religion (72)
has published many articles on Soviet parapsychology, including
a discussion of whether it was worth while continuing research
in this field (1965). Affirmative, though extremely cautious,
replies to this question were given by Vice President of the
Academy of Sciences, N.N. Seminov, by Academicians M.A. Leontovich,
A.L. Mints and G.M. Frank, and by Professors A.N. Leontev and
V.F. Asmus (73). This brief survey brings the study of paranormal
phenomena up to the time when studies of a more pertinent nature
to this report have begun.
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1. (U) The Soviet Union is well aware of the benefits and applications
of parapsychology research. In 1963, a Kremlin edict apparently
gave top priority to biological research, which in Russia includes
parapsychology (74). The major impetus behind the Soviet drive
to harness the possible capabilities of telepathic communication,
telekinetics, and bionics is said to come from the Soviet military
and the KGB (57). Today it is reported that the USSR has twenty
or more centers for the study of parapsychological phenomena, with
an annual budget estimated in 1967 at over 12 million rubles
(13 million dollars) and reported to be as high as 21 million
dollars (1,57,75).
2. (U) According to a report by Velinov (76), Soviet interest
in biocommuni cations was clearly indicated in 1965 when the Depart-
ment of Bioinformation of the Scientific and Technical Society
of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications was established at
the Popov Institute in Moscow. Its stated objectives are to
discuss physical, biological, and philosophical aspects of bioinfor-
mation and to acquaint the Soviet scientific community with bio-
communications research conducted outside the Soviet Union.
3. (U) Soviet parapsychology research was actually stimulated
by the 1960 French story (77) concerning the US atomic submarine
Nautilus. The French journalists splashed the now rather infamous
Nautilus story in headlines "US Navy Uses ESP on Atomic Sub!"
Ship to shore telepathy, according to the French, blipped along
nicely even when the Nautilus was far under water. "Is telepathy
a new secret weapon? Will ESP be a deciding factor in future
warfare?" The speculating French sensationalized, "Has the
American military learned the secret of mind power?" In Leningrad
the Nautilus reports went off like a depth charge in the mind
of L.L. Vasilev. In April of 1960, Doctor Vasilev, while
addressing a group of top Soviet scientists stated:
"We carried out extensive and until now completely
unreported investigations under the Stalin regime.
Today the American Navy is testing telepathy on their
atomic submarines. Soviet scientists conducted a great
many successful telepathy tests over a quarter of a
century ago. It's urgent that we throw off our
prejudices. We must again plunge into the exploration
of this vital field." (78)
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Although the US Navy subsequently denied the reports of telepathic
testing on atomic submarines, the Soviet hierarchy apparently
heeded Doctor Vasilev's advice and gave support, both moral
and financial, to his dynamic view that: "The discovery of the
energy underlying telepathic communication will be equivalent
to the discovery of atomic energy (62).
4. (U) Since 1962, Doctor Vasilev has headed a special laboratory
for biocommunications research at the University of Leningrad.
Major aspects of the work of this laboratory are to conduct research
and to develop machines capable of monitoring, testing and studying
telepathic communication (79).
5. (U) In 1963, Doctor Vasilev claimed to have conducted successful
long-distance telepathic experiments between Leningrad and Sevastapol,
a distance of 1200 miles, with the aid of an ultra-short-wave
(UHF) radio transmitter. As a result, Doctor Vasilev was convinced
that his experiments, and those he conducted jointly with the
Moscow-based Bekhterev Brain Institute, offered scientific proof
of telepathic communications. His next goal was to identify
the nature of brain energy that produces it (59).
Theorizing on the above experiments, one Soviet scientist suggested
that telepathic impulses are radiated along the lines of bits of
information in a cybernetic system. Another scientist is known
to be working on the idea of time as energy, speculating that
telepathic transmissions may be propagated through a supposed
time-energy system, rather than through the electromagnetic field.
6. (U) Soviet research into biocommunications phenomena does not
appear to be earth-bound and limited to inner space, but apparently
extends to outer space as well. The so-called Father of Soviet
Rocketry, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, stated that:
"In the coming era of space flights, telepathic
abilities are necessary. While the space rocket
must bring men toward knowledge of the grand
secrets in the universe, the study of psychic
phenomena can lead us toward knowledge of the
mysteries of the human mind. It is precisely
the solution of this secret which promises the
greatest achievements." (80)
There are reports that the Soviets are training their cosmonauts
in telepathy to back-up their electronic equipment while in outer
space. One of these back-up schemes is known to involve coded
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telepathic messages. This method was previously demonstrated
in March 1967, when a coded telepathic message was flashed from
Moscow to Leningrad (81). The involvement of astronauts or cosmonauts
in telepathy experiments is not necessarily unprecedented. In
February 1971, during the Apollo 14 flight to the moon, astronaut
Edgar Mitchell made 150 separate attempts to project his thoughts
from inside the space capsule back to an individual on earth.
The results of the Apollo 14 experiments have been well-documented
in detail and are published in the Journal of Parasychology (82).
Further documentation of Mitchell's experiments can be found in
the University of California Newsletter (83).
7. (U) There are numerous reports on Soviet applications of;1
clairvoyance, hynotism, dowsing, etc., in military operations.
In the case of dowsing, this is also not unprecedented, since
US forces have employed dowsing in Vietnam for locating enemy
tunnels and caches. With respect to brain and mind control/
conditioning, a recent report indicates that the Soviet Union
has made great strides in emotional training and conditioning.
Soldiers are being taught to set their own emotional tone in
battle and stress situations. Further, astronauts are being taught
through such mental conditioning to distort time and to offset
boredom in''outer space (84).
8. (U) Man's sight and hearing are limited to a r lati vely
small range of wavelengths, other living beings often possess
much wider perceptive capabilities, both with regard to sharpness
of perception and range of stimuli. For example, dogs hear higher
sound frequencies than man; bats and dolphins orient themselves
by means of an ultra-sound radar; bees perceive colors even in the
ultraviolet part of the spectrum; some snakes perceive minute
differences in temperature and orient themselves by means of
thermoreceptors. Certain living beings even react to stimuli to
which man is absolutely insensitive. Some species of fish and
homing pigeons, for instance, react to changes of the electric or
magnetic field in their surroundings (59). In view of these
perceptive processes, it has been difficult to differentiate
between those sensory processes which ire merely sharpened or
highly honed and those that are extra or super-normal. Certain
military advantages would come from the application and control of
these perceptive processes. For example, such application an4
control could be used in the detection and identification of
animate objects or humans through brainwave interactions, mass
hypnosis or mind control through long-distance telepathy, thermal
receptors, and sensitivity to changes in magnetic/electrical/
gravitational fields.
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9. (U) According to observations made by Doctor Montague Ullman (M.D.)
during a trip to the Soviet bloc countries in the fall of 1970,
Soviet biocommunications investigations are effectively combining
the use of modern and sophisticated technology with basic pragmatic
approaches. This was evident, he states, in their approach to
long-distance telepathy experiments where the results were analyzed
in physiological (electroencephalographic data) as well as phycho-
logical task performance (transmission of data in Morse Code) (85).
Doctor Ullman further observed that the Soviet researchers seemed
intent on confirming the existence of a new form of energy, referred
to as bioplasma, which they maintain is characteristic of life
processes and represents matter in the form of an integrated system
of elementary charged particles. Such energy, through interaction
with other systems, is thought to provide the basis for biocommuni-
cations (86).
10. (U) The above commentary documents a clear case for
research in the Soviet Union in parapsychology. It is significant
because of the energy and resources being allotted for this work in
the Soviet Union and because of its military implications especially
in mind manipulation and controlled offensive behavior. The
more sinister aspects of paranormal research appear to be surfacing
in the Soviet Union. Why else would Soviet researchers make the
"Tell America that the psychic potential of man must
be used for good." (75)
1. (U) The following discussion on apports and astral projection
is not intended t9 be an endorsement for its scientific verification
or even its existence. However, reputable scientists in the USSR
and the US are keenly interested in this phenomenon. Areas that
appear to have potential must be discussed, even if only briefly.
2. (U) According to Welk (87), a costly weakness in our
intelligence system, to a large extent, is an inability to use
effectively the resources of the science of parapsychology (there
are some definite indicators that the Soviets realize the potential
of "psi" which will be reported later in this section). Whenever
parapsychology is mentioned, most people are likely to think of
ESP. However, there are other types of parapsychological phenomena
which are just as important militarily as ESP. Welk claims,
based on many Soviet sources, that the so-called "apport"
technique is likely to meet valuable intelligence needs. When
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fully developed, this technique would make possible the abduction
of actual objects (including documents) in enemy territory and
there transfer to friendly territory. Objects so abducted are
known as "apports." They could be returned to the point of origin
without the enemy becoming aware of this temporary abduction.
3. (U) Some of the world's most eminent scientists from the
late 1800's and early 1900's have claimed to have witnessed apport
phenomena. These include Sir William Crookes (1832-1919), British
chemist and physicist, discoverer of the element thallium and former
president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (88);
Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913), British naturalist and co-
discoverer, with Charles Darwin, of the theory of evolution (89);
Johann K.F. Zoellner (1834-1882), professor of physical astronomy
at the University of Leipzig, Germany (90).
4. (U) In the discussion of such an esoteric subject as apports,
it is deemed sufficient to relate only one experience claimed to
have occurred to Sir William Crookes. The interested reader can
consult the non-cited bibliography for further references. The
following account is taken from pp. 87 and 88 of reference 88:
"Class IX. The Appearance of Hands, either Self-
luminous or Visible by Ordinary Light."
."I (William Crookes) will here give no instances in which
the phenomenon has occurred in darkness, but will simply select
a few of the numerous instances in which I have seen the hands
in the light.
?????????????....I have more than once seen, first an object move,
then a luminous cloud appear to form about it, and lastly, the
cloud condense into shape and become a perfectly formed hand.... It
is not always a mere form, but sometimes appt?ars perfectly life-like
and graceful, the fingers moving and the flesh apparently as human as
that of any in the room. At the wrist, or arm, it becomes hazy,
and fades off into a luminous cloud. To the touch, the hand sometimes
appears icy cold and dead, at other times warm and life-like,
grasping my own with the firm pressure of an old friend. I have
retained one of these hands in my own, firmly resolved not to let
it escape. There was no struggle or effort made to get loose,
but it gradually seemed to resolve itself into vapor and faded
in that manner from my grasp."
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5. (U) It is a known fact that the Soviet Union takes the appearance
of luminous bodies very seriously as evidenced by the Kirlian
photography of the human body's aura (91).. It appears that the
Soviets may be considering that a hand which appears out of nowhere
and can grasp, "with the firm pressure of an old friend," another
person may have first-rate military possibilities. There has
been some discussion recently about the prospects of being able to
control the apport technique to a point of sophistication where
individuals could control these "luminous clouds." The individuals
who have studied these effects (real or otherwise) have suggested
that since these bodies can travel unlimited distances and are
able to pass through solid material (walls), they might well be
used to produce instant death in military and civilian officials.
It is further conjectured that these bodies could disable military
equipment or communication nets.
6. (U) If one reads the cases and experiments mentioned here,
as well as references two through nine under PART II of the non-cited
bibliography, he can make certain deductions. If any of this
highly questionable material is true then it can be inferred that
organic matter can be transformed into "ectoplasm," that this can
be rendered invisible and impalpable and thus converted into
something which, for all practical purposes, amounts to force.
If organic matter can be converted into such "force-matter," it
seems reasonable to assume that a physical object, if similarly
converted, could travel through space.
7. (U) Two things are certain: (1) that parapsychological
phenomena are due to the little-known faculties of the subconscious
mind; and (2) that the powers of the subconscious mind are vastly
superior to those of the normal consciousness. The fantastic
memory of the subconscious mind (sometimes referred to as
"photographic memory") is a well-established fact. So is its
extraordinary mathematical ability, which has baffled trained
mathematicians no end. It seems probable that some of these
little-understood faculties of the subconscious mind have some-
thing to do with its ability to put together again an object
which it had previously disintegrated, and to manipulate the
forces involved in this process. The only way one can learn
more about these little-understood processes is through intensive
study and experimentation. The stakes seem high enough.
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8. (U) While the process by which matter is converted into
"force-matter" (and vice versa) may not be understood, neverthe-
less, one is faced with the possibility that the human mind can
disintegrate and reintegrate organic matter - a feat which seems
far more complex than the disintegration and reintegration of,
say, a stone, a piece of wood, paper, etc. Experiments show
that a human body which has lost about half its weight can be
reintegrated without loss of normal functions. Since this is
possible, it does not seem safe to exclude - without further
investigation - the possibility that inorganic matter might undergo
a similar disintegration and reintegration. After all, apport
phenomena in which physical objects have passed through solid
walls have been observed and attested to by some of the world's
most eminent scientists as well as by a host of other responsi-
ble witnesses. In view of what the human mind has demonstrated
it can do with organic matter, and in view of the very real Soviet
threat in this sector, the science of parapsychology should be
investigated to its fullest potential, perhaps to the benefit
of national defense.
9. (U) According to Pullman (92), Director of the Southeast
Hypnosis Research Center in Dallas, Texas, before the end of the
1970s, Soviet diplomats will be able to sit in their foreign
embassies and use ESP (in this case a form of the apport technique)
to steal the secrets of their enemies. (See also reference 91,
p. 216) Pullman states that a spy would be hypnotized,. then
his invisible "spirit" would be ordered to leave his body, travel
across barriers of space and time to a foreign government's
security facility, and there read top-secret documents and relay
back their information. Such "astral projection" already has
been accomplished in laboratory settings, Pullman said, adding
that the Russians are probably now trying to perfect it. Pullman
further states that the Soviets are at least 25 years ahead of
the US in psychic research. According to Pullman, the Soviets
have realized the immense military advantage of the psychic ability
known as astral projection (out-of-the-body travel). In this
reference, details are given for some of Pullman's work in the
US with astral projection. Other scientists and mediums interested
in this work are professor H.A. Cahn of Northern Arizona University (92),
Doctor Charles Tart of the University of Southern California (91,92),
and Doctor V. Inyushin of Alma-ata (91). Sybil Leek, noted abtrologer
and author; states, "there is great danger that within the next ten
years the Soviets will be able to steal our top secrets by using
out-of-the-body spies." Further reading, although much older,
can be found in a book by Muldoon and Carrington (93). Suggested
background reading on astral projection can be found in an excellent
article by J. Fraser Nicol in Psychic (94).
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1. (U) The reader by this time has realized that it is very
difficult to speak of one area of psychic phenomenon without
overlapping into other areas. There really can be no distinct
separation, for example, between apports and certain aspects
of telepathy; hypnosis also enters into this area. In an attempt
to illustrate the various subjects in parapsychology, however,
artificial sections were established. This is the reason for
a separate part in apports and ESP. Some aspects of hypnosis,
depending on its ultimate use, falls within parapsychology, some
areas into medicine; therefore, hypnosis is presented as a separate
section outside of this parapsychology discussion.
2. (U) Soviet research in ESP was started in the 1920's at
Leningrad University by V.M. Bekhterev. In his early work,
Bekhterev collaborated with V.L. Durov to investigate the effects
of mental suggestion on a group of performing dogs (62). It was
believed that telepathic communication depended on electromagnetic
radiation. Doctor L.L. Vasilev (95-97), shown in Illustration
One, at the Bekhterev Brain Institute set out to identify these
electromagnetic waves that carry telepathy. By 1937, Vasilev
had amassed evidence that known electromagnetic waves do not
carry telepathy. Tests were conducted in electrically shielded
chambers and over extreme distances denying the passage of electro-
magnetic fields (98). Some of the long range telepathy experiments
have been published (63,99,100) explaining the various techniques
employed including classical tests with Zener cards and more
unique tests with strobe lights and codes.
Illustration One - Professor L.L. Vasilev, pioneer Soviet para-
psychologist considered the father of Soviet
psychical research.
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3. (U) Professor L. Vasilev died in late 1965 or early 1966
and the task of continuing telepathy research was taken by Doctor
1. Kogan. Doctor Kogan is chairman of the Bio-Information Section
of the Popov Radio and Technical Institute in Moscow. This individ-
ual is still trying to wed telepathy to the electromagnetic spectrum
(101,102). Discussion as to the existence of telepathy has been
bandied about the Soviet Union (103) and elsewhere (104) for some time.
For the sake of research the Soviet Union accepts the validity
of ESP even though the argument as to the mode of transmission
continues. Professor E.K. Naumov (105), Chairman of the Division
of Technical Parapsychology at the A.S. Popov Institute mentioned
above, conducted long range telepathy tests from Moscow to
several other cities. Illustration Two is a photograph of Naumov
with associates.
Illustration Two - Sender Y. Kamenshi (left), Soviet physicist, and
receiver K. Nikolaev, Soviet actor, with para-
psychologist Edward K. Naumov (far right).
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4. (U) In 1967, the Soviet Maritime News reported, "Cosmonauts,
when in orbit, seem to be able to communicate telepathically more
easily with each other than with people on earth. A psi (short
for psychic faculty) training system has been incorporated in
the cosmonaut training program," but the News provided no further
details. Some informal reports relayed to Ostrander and Schroeder (106)
indicate that the Soviets are working on psi systems for space
use, involving not just telepathy, but also precognition.
5. (U) Kogan's systematic parapsychology research (102)
could also be of potential value to the overall Soviet cybernetic
research and development program. Efforts being made to optimize
sensory inputs in the interest of controlling the quality of human
motor activity are well known, as is the ultimate Soviet goal of
achieving a perfect cybernetic man. It is of interest that both
conventional psychology and parapsychology programs are headquartered
in Moscow, although as depicted in the personnel and institute section
the trend is decentralization, is probably no coincidence and supports
the view that the latter program should not be taken lightly.
6. (U) As mentioned above, the Soviets seem preoccupied with
the search for the energy that carries or facilitates telepathy
transmission. Is it electromagnetic or not? The search for this
unknown energy has led the Soviets to Kirlian photography; named
after its inventors Semyon and Valentina Kirlian. The Kirlians
developed a technique of photographing with a high frequency
electrical field involving a specially constructed high frequency
spark generator, tuned up and down between 75,000 to 200,000
electrical oscillations per second. Their first photographs
showed turquoise and reddish-yellow patterns of flares coming
out of specific channels within leaves. A magnified picture
of a finger showed craters of light and flares (Illustration Three).
By the 1960s research on bioluminescence revealed by Kirlian photog-
raphy was going on in many Soviet universities. Perfected techniques
of photographing the play of high-frequency currents on humans,
plants and animals, as well as on inaminate matter have set the
Soviets on some striking discoveries about the energetical nature
of man. "Bio-plasma" is a term coined by the Soviets for bio-
luminescent phenomenon or energy. Scientists at the Kazakh State
University at Alma-ata have found that illnesses tend to show up
in advance as a disordered play of flares from the "bio-plasma"
long before they manifest in the physical body. According to
Ostrander and Schroeder, the Soviets may be attempting to link
Kirlian photography with computers, among other things, to
instantly analyze the spectra of colors appearing in the vari-colored
flares from the living body.
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Illustration Three - Upper photograph displays flares of energy from
fingers of the left and right hand of an individual by Kirlian
photography. Lower photograph shows the fingers of three different
people and how the aura of "energy" of each remains intact, yet
interplays in long thread like fibers in the open area between them.
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7. (U) It is believed that if there is any positive basis for
Kirlian photography and the "bio-Plasma" body of humans, the
Soviets may be closer than is thought. on the controlled use of
the apport techniques and possible astral projection phenomenon.
8. (U) Doctor A. Podshibyakin, an electrophysiologist at the
Institute of Clinical Physiology in Kiev, has found that by charting
acupuncture points a correlation exists between the "bio-plasma"
and changes on the surface of the sun. At the exact moment solar
flares (sun spots) occur, there are changes in the electrical
potential of the skin's acupuncture points. These electrical
charges are measured by a tobiscope (probably a simple wheatstone
bridge device). In some way, the "bio-plasma" of the body is
sensitive to these solar explosions the instant they occur even
though it takes about two days for the cosmic particles to reach
the earth.
9. (U) The most significant use of Kirlian photography is in the
area of psychokinesis or mind over matter (PK). Doctor Genady
Sergeyev (75) of the A.A. Uktomskii Military Institute in Leningrad
believes Kirlian photography may uncover the mechanism of PK.
Sergeyev is a prominent mathematician for the Soviet military
who works closely with an electrophysiologist from the University
of Leningrad, Doctor L. Pavlova. Sergeyev has devised important
mathematical and statistical methods for analyzing the EEG (107)
which allowed parapsychologists to follow and depict the actions
of telepathy in the brain (108). The type of work reported by
Sergeyev in 1967 and 1968 is just now beginning to appear in the
US efforts to understand the transmission of telepathy (109,110).
Sergeyev has conducted several years of intensive lab research
on the outstanding PK psychic in Leningrad, Nina Kulagina
(pseudonym Nelya Mikhailova). Illustration Four is a photograph of
Doctor G. Sergeyev and Illustration Five is a photograph of
Mrs. Kulagina. Sergeyev registered heightened biological lumi-
nescence radiating from Kulagina's eyes during the apparent movement
of objects by PK. Sergeyev postulates that the "bio-plasma" of
the human body must interact with the environment to produce PK.
Sergeyev emphasizes when target objects are placed in a vacuum,
Kulagina is unable to move them. Barcus (111) in the United
States reports some unusual occurrences during psychic photography
especially of the eyes. Reportedly, Kulagina has caused the
movement of a wide range of non-magnetic objects: (under strict
scientific control) large crystal bowls, clock pendulums, bread,
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matches, etc. In one test, a raw egg was placed in a salt solution
inside a sealed aquarium six feet away from her. Researchers
report she was able to use PK to separate the yoke from the white
of the egg. Observations by Western scientists of Mrs. Kulagina's
PK ability has been reported with verification of her authentic
ability (112,113). These same Western scientists have reported
that as of February 1971, they have not been able to visit or
observe Mrs. Kulagina. A veil of secrecy has been placed on
Sergeyev and Mrs. Kulagina for unknown reasons.
10. (U) Rather than simply observing PK, the Soviets typically
turned to instrumentation. Mrs. Kulagina was subjected to a
number of physiological electronic measuring devices and tested
for important body functions during her PK demonstrations. The
Soviets found that at the moment an object begins to move, all
of Mrs. Kulagina's body processes speed up drastically - heart,
breathing, brain activity - and the electromagnetic fields around
her body all begin to pulse in rhythm. Soviet researchers
postulate that it was these rhythmic "vibrations" that cause
objects to be attracted or repelled to her. Illustration Six
shows a photographic sequence of Kulagina's PK ability.
11. (U)__.+ Scientists report (113) that Kulagina has been able
to stop the beating of a frog's heart in solution and to re-activate
it! This is perhaps the most significant PK test done and its
military implications in controlled offensive behavior, if true,
are extremely important.
12. (U) Space does not permit a discussion on other important
parapsychological phenomena such as eyeless sight (75,114-129),
which appeared to be more of a fad than anything else. However
since the mid 1960s, the "eyeless sight" fad has subsided and
serious research has proceeded quietly at the State Pedagogical
Institute in Sverdlovsk, off bounds to foreigners (75). Space
in this report does not permit a discussion of psychotronic genera-
tors, devices which are reported to be able to store human bio-plasmic
forces for later use (75). For further reading on ESP, see the
non-cited bibliography; Section V, numbers 12-30.
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Illustration Four - Photograph
of G.A. Sergeyev, prominent
scientist at A.A. Uktomskii
Military Institute, Leningrad
with an assistant.
Illustration Five - Nina Kulagina,
who reportedly moves objects by
sheer will (PK).
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Illustration Six - This series of photos shows Nina Kulagina moving
a metallic cigar tube by PK. Scale in background
is in centimeters.
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1. (U) The following discussion is based on a report by
Ostrander and Schroeder (75). The authors ask the question,
"Is ESP a weapon of war?" All research on ESP in the USSR is
funded by the government. The authors claim that their sources
indicate that psi. research with military potential is well-financed
by the Soviet Army, KGB, and other paramilitary agencies. Soviet
scientists doing psi research in nonmilitary areas often have
trouble obtaining funds. Doctor Milan Ryzl (131) reports that secret
psi research associated with state'security and defense is going
on in the USSR. Communist state authorities, the military and
the KGB display an unusual, disproportionate interest in para-
psychology. The Soviets are attempting to apply ESP to both
police and military use (See appendix VI for biographic data
on Ryzl). According to Ryzl, some years ago a project was begun
in the USSR to apply telepathy to indoctrinate and re-educate
antisocial elements. It was hoped that suggestion at a distance
could induce individuals, without their being aware of it, to adopt
the officially desired political and social attitudes. Research
in this field of endeavor will hopefully become clearer in the section
on hypnosis later in this report. Reports of psi research in Soviet
submarines help confirm military involvement in parapsychology.
According to Stone (74), there is clandestine psi research going on at
the Pavlov Institute of Higher Nervous Activity in Moscow, the
Durov Institute, and certain areas in Sibera. Obviously, telepathy
and clairvoyance would make ideal additions to a spy arsenal and
such undercover groups are constantly said to be supporting ESP
research in the USSR. "One conclusion seems justified," says
Doctor Ryzl (130). "Parapsychology in Communist countries and
especially the USSR occupies a strong position. We can expect
it to be developed with determination." According to Ostrander
and Schroeder, the USSR is ahead of the US in certain areas of
technical psi research. The authors report that the USSR is
ahead of the US in discoveries about the physical essence of the
human being and how psi functions in and through us. They are
ahead of the US in uncovering the basic energy behind psi. They
are ahead of the US in attempts to control factors like the influence
of magnetic weather on psi tests. They appear to be ahead of the
US in seeking out and creating conditions that unlock the psi
potential present in every human being.
2. (U) In summary, what is the strategic threat posed by the
current "explosion" in Soviet parapsychological research? Soviet
efforts in the field of psi research, sooner or later, might
enable them to do some of the following:
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a. Know the contents of top secret US documents, the movements
of our troops and ships and the location and nature of our military
b. Mold the thoughts of key US military and civilian leaders,
at a distance.
c. Cause the instant death of any US official, at a distance.
d. Disable, at a distance, US military equipment of all types
including space craft.
3. (U) It is generally conceded that the above four areas
sound like science fiction, however, the literature appears-to
support (b) as being the most possible use of psi phenomena
during the time frame of this study. Again from Ostrander and
Schroeder who cite Oliver Caldwell, an expert on Soviet affairs
and past-acting commissioner for International Education in HEW,
as follows:
"I am amazed at the skepticism and sometimes hostility
which I encounter when I try to tell Americans about
some of the experimentation which is taking place in
the USSR in parapsychology and related fields. I find
this strange because there-is available documentation
in translation which substantiates most of the things
I saw in the*USSR. I am really disturbed, because if
the'United States does not make a serious effort to
move forward on this new frontier, in another ten
years it may be too late."
4. (U) In closing this section on parapsychology a quote from
astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell, Jr. is appropriate (131).
"Extrasensory perception is not a matter of belief.
There is a great deal of serious scientific work
being done in it, and it has been established over
the last thirty years that it is a matter of proba-
bility, and the probabilities have been established
beyond chance. I think it is an important work. I
happen to be curious about it, and thus have been pur-
suing it for many years. This happened to be an
opportunity (Apollo 14 lunar mission) to do another
little step - a piece in the scientific puzzle of
what man's all about."
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PART A - The Use of Hypnosis in Medicine - USSR
1. (U) In the latter half of the nineteenth century, many French
and German researchers began to use hypnosis as a therapeutic aid
and to study the way in which it worked. In the Soviet Union,
pioneer work in hypnosis was undertaken by V. Danilyevski, A. Tokarski,
and V. Bekhterev (see Part II, Section IV).
2. (U) V. Danilyevski discovered that the major characteristics
shown by man in a state of hypnosis, such as lower sensitivity,
"wax-like" flexibility of muscles and joints, and suppressed
movements, were. also typical of animals in a similar state. This
led him to assert that hypnosis in man was identical in nature
to hypnosis in animals. A. Tokarski proved that hypnosis and
suggestion, like other psychical phenomena were determined entirely
by the influence of the environment on man. He wholeheartedly
supported the view that hypnosis was an effective treatment for
a wide variety of disorders. V. Bekhterev applied hypnosis widely
for treatment. He maintained that verbal suggestion played a
big role in developing a state of hypnotic sleep; physical stimuli
merely facilitated the achievement of this state. I. Pavlov advanced
a scientifically based theory of the nature of hypnosis and its
potential use as a method of treatment. In 1935 he described
hypnosis as "the standard method in the physiological struggle
against the pathogenic agent." Pavlov's school gave experimental
support to the view that hypnosis was a specific variety of sleep,
long before that view had been arrived at empirically. This
view had already been advanced in the last century by most doctors
and scientists who were concerned with the theory of hypnosis
and its application to therapeutic practice. On the basis of
experiments on animals and later on humans, the phasic suppression
theory developed into a firm physiological foundation for under-
standing hypnosis and suggestion and the way in which they work.
The theory held that hypnotic sleep is a transitional stage between
wakefulness and sleep and that there is an active "watch" point
in the cerebral cortex of both hemispheres (rapport).
3. (U) The three generally recognized stages of hypnosis are
sleepiness, hypotaxia, and somnambulism or, respectively, light,
medium and deep hypnosis. At the first stage of hypnosis, the
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unconditioned responses in most cases hardly differ from the
responses in wakefulness. At the second stage, altered uncon-
ditioned vascular responses begin to prevail over normal vascular
responses to stimulation, and thus give evidence of hypnotic
phases in the cortex of both hemispheres. The suppression process
is most obvious with regard to extent and intensity at the third
stage, the deep stage of hypnosis known as somnambulism. Since
there is no vascular response to most of the unconditioned stimuli,
this means that complete suppression prevails. The rare unconditioned
vascular reflexes are of small magnitude, are extended in time and
are characterized by a prolonged latent period.
4. (U) Soviet psychotherapists believe that hypnosis is one of
the leading methods for the treatment of mental disorders. The
Soviets concentrate on the "word" as an adequate stimulus for the
development of the hypnotic state. The tremendous role played
by the emotional message carried by the word should not be over-
looked. The psychotherapist will achieve results depending on
the emotional content of the entire system of contact with the
patient. The greater the emotional content the better the results.
Soviets recommend that the psychotherapist takes into account not
only the meaning of what he is trying to achieve through suggestion,
but also the emotional content of his work, his contact with the
patient, his confidence in his own abilities, and the effectiveness
of psychotherapeutic treatment in general.
5. (U) The Soviets believe that the hypnotic state offers the
researcher the means of penetrating into the physiological fundamentals
of human thought and behavior. The Russians conceive of no other
state (hypnosis) which would enable the scientist to simplify
human thought by splitting it into its component parts thus permitting
him to get to the root of this most complex of nature's phenomena,
to control and subordinate it for purposes of research. K. Platonov,
the patriarch of Soviet psychotherapists said (132): "I still
maintain that hypnotherapy is the main stem of psychotherapy.
Hypnotherapy helps us understand better the mechanisms of all
other forms of psychotherapy and, therefore, to master them better."
6. (U) The Soviets stress the use of hypnosis in patients
suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract especially
if neurotic symptoms accompany such disorders. They further stress
the use of hypnotherapy in surgical cases thus providing for a decrease
in anesthetic and drug usage. Hypnosis is also being studied for its
effectiveness in treating alcohol addiction. At first they approached
this problem with the idea of developing an emotionally negative
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nauseous reflex to the taste and smell of alcoholic drinks; this
method was later abandoned for lack of positive 'results. The method
now employed is to instill in the patient the view that excessive
drinking will inevitably lead to physical and mental destruction.
The Soviets seek to change the patient's mental outlook on alcohol
and to convince them that drinking is impermissible for moral and
ethical reasons. In other words, mental manipulation or behavior
PART B - Hypnosis and Controlled Behavior
1. (U) The possible military uses of hypnotism has many rather
bizarre applications. Although there is no concrete proof that
hypnosis will play an important role in controlling behavior
in military situations, some uses will be mentioned. Biderman and
Zimmer (133) discuss hypnosis and other possible alternatives for
defense against brainwashing.
2. (U) The following discussion is based on a report by Estabrooks
(134). According to the author, the facts and ideas presented
are, so to speak, too true to be good, but no psychologist of
standing would deny the validity of the basic ideas involved.
Of interest-to this discussion are some of the more unfamiliar
facets of hypnotism which make it of use in warfare. If hypno-
tism can be used to advantage, we can rest assured that it will
be so employed.
3. (U) One in every five adult humans can be placed into the
hypnotic state - somnambulism - of which they will have no memory
whatsoever when they awaken. From the military viewpoint there
are a few facts which are of great interest. Can this prospective
subject be hypnotized against his will? Obviously no POW will
be cooperative if he knows that the hypnotist is looking for
military information, nor will any ordinary citizen if he suspects
that the operator will use him to blow up a munitions plant. The
answer to this vital question is yes though hypnotists prefer
to say "without his consent" instead of "against his will." There
are disguised techniques available for hypnotizing an unsuspecting
or unwilling subject. The Soviets believe that telepathy may be
one such method.
4. (U) Multiple personality can be caused by hypnotism. One
could deliberately set up a condition of multiple personality
to further the ends of military intelligence and in the develop-
ment of the "super spy." In his normal waking state which is called
Personality A, or PA, this individual will become a rabid communist.
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He will join the party, follow the party line and make himself as
objectionable as possible to the authorities. Note that he will
be acting in good faith. He is a communist, or rather his PA
is a communist and will behave as such. Then develop Personality B
(PB), the secondary personality, the unconscious personality.
This personality is rabidly American and anti-communist. It has
all the information possessed by PA, the normal personality, whereas
PA does not have this advantage. The proper training of a person
for this role would be long and tedious, but once he was trained,
one would have a super spy compared to any creation in a mystery
story. The super spy plays his role as a communist in his waking
state, aggressively, consistently, fearlessly. But his PB is a
loyal American, and PB has all the memories of PA. As a loyal
American, he will not hesitate to divulge those memories, but be
sure he has the opportunity to do so when occasion demands. Here
is how this technique would work. Let us choose the Cubans as
examples. One could easily secure, say, one hundred excellent
hypnotic subjects of Cuban stock, living in the United States, who
spoke their language fluently, and then work on these subjects.
In hypnotism one would build up their loyalty to our country; but
out of hypnotism, in the "waking" or normal state, one would do
the opposite, striving to convince them that they had a genuine
grievance against this country and encouraging them to engage in
fifth column activities. So one builds up a case of dual personality.
They would be urged in the waking state to become fifth columnist
enemies to the United States, but also point out to them in hypnotism
that this was really a pose, that their real loyalty lay with
this country, offering them protection and reward for their
activities. Through them one would hope to be kept informed of
the activities of their "friends," this information, of course,
being obtained in the trance state. They would also be very useful
as "plants" in concentration camps or in any other situations
where it was suspected their services might be of use to our
intelligence department. Once again these people would have a
great advantage over ordinary "informers." Convinced of their
own innocence, they would play the fifth column role with the
utmost sincerity. This conviction of innocence would probably
be their greatest protection. Again, if suspected, no one could
obtain from them, any useful information. Only a very few key
people could throw them into the trance and, without this, an!y
attempt to get information would be useless. There are some
difficulties that would be encountered in building up an organi-
zation of such personnel. Hardly one somnambulist in ten or even
a hundred according to Estabrooks would be suitable for such spy
work; and the determining of this suitability would be a difficult
task. But, Estabrooks reports, it could be done, and once accom-
plished would repay amply for all the trouble.
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5. (U) The possibility of creating assassins through hypnotic
techniques on POWs exists. As was pointed out above, the subject
does not need to be willing to enter into such a condition. Once
.the captive has been placed in a suitable hypnotic state then
one need only to establish the post-hypnotic suggestion or plan
for the assassination. After the prisoner is released and returned
to his organization, he will carry out his assignment through his
unconscious state, while appearing perfectly rehabilitated in his
wakeful state. The main problem in the assassin plan is in the
area of post-hypnotic reinforcement. There have been some ideas
mentioned that suggest one needs to establish the reinforcement
pattern during initial hypnosis; some object that will reinforce
his goal whenever he looks at it, hears a certain sound, etc.
The real problem for the friendly forces is the detection of
these mentally altered individuals. At the present time there
is no fool proof method of detection. There is no test by which
one can discover these agents. Blood pressure, heart rate, electro-
encephalograph, psychogalvanic reflex, all these devices which
one can use to detect the most subtle bodily changes are worthless
for there are no bodily changes. Drugs, at least for the present,
appear to be?of no value. Further, there are certain safeguards
that the hypnotic method provides for the enemy. Most important
is the conviction of innocence which the man himself has. He
would never "act guilty" and if ever accused of seeking information
would act quite honestly indignant, the conviction of.innocence
on the part of the agent is perhaps his greatest safeguard under
questioning by our authorities. The Soviets are aware of the
above mentioned possibilities and appear to be using certain aspects
of psi research in order to manipulate an individuals mental
behavior toward these activities.
PART C - Artificial Reincarnation Through Hypnosis
1. (U) Vladimir L. Raikov, M.D., a Soviet psychiatrist, has
claimed that hypnotic phenomenon can be utilized for what he claims
to be "artificial reincarnations." For example, Raikov claims
that it is possible to hypnotically suggest to a girl who studies
violin that she is the virtuoso violinist Fritz Kreisler. It
is interesting to note, says Raikov, that her manner of playing
at this time is reminescent to that of Kreisler. If so desired,
it is also possible to create this capacity in an awake state.
Raikov has converted persons who have no desire to paint, invent
complex machines, or to play music into masters through hypnosis.
Raikov reports, that he is able to evoke this mental alteration
only when the subject is in an exceedingly deep trance which is
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a new form of an active trance. Existence in a state of hypnosis
and simultaneous perception of individdal moments of reality is
usually characteristic of light, superficial hypnosis, however,
as mentioned above, Raikov claims that he uses deep hypnosis.
As opposed to normal hypnosis, the new found talents of Raikov's
subjects retain in part of their conscious equipment the ability
gained by this technique. Raikov explains, "The student is thinking,
forming relationships and judgments, acquiring his own experience
during reincarnation. Consequently the creative potential he
develops, draws out, becomes his own." (75)
2. (U) Raikov has used the EEG to prove his supposition that
the trance of reincarnation is a new phenomenon. The usual passive
trance of deep hypnosis shows via the EEG alpha rest rhythm. In
reincarnation the alpha disappears completely and the EEG shows
a pattern like that normally recorded in high wakefulness (135).
Reincarnation appears to be the antithesis of sleep.
3. (U) Raikov has worked closely with V. Adamenko, a physicist
who reportedly has itivented the CCAP (Conductivity of the Channels
of Acupuncture Points) device. This machine, it is claimed, registers
energy flow in the body using as check points for its electrodes
the acupuncture points of traditional Chinese medicine. Adamenko
reportedly detects changes in body energy caused by alterations
of consciousness and varying emotional states. With subjects
attached to the CCAP, Raikov put them through various forms of
hypnosis. At the end of many sessions the graphs from the CCAP
were checked by Raikov and Adamenko. They claim to have found a
pronounced difference between the different forms of hypnosis.
They now claim to be able to chart objectively the physical activity
of the mind in states of somnambulism and various. levels of hypnosis.
They report that these states are very hard to measure by any
other method. Apparently there is even more activity in the
mind during reincarnation than there is when a person is wide
awake. This corroborates the EEG findings that reincarnation
is a state of "super wakefulness" and that it is a very different
animal from regular, passive hypnosis, according to Raikov.
4. (U) Raikov's methods are thought co have great possibilities
for treating ailments such as alcoholism and certain neuroses.
His experiments are the subject of a film "Seven Steps Beyond the
Horizon." (136)
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5. (U) Where the Soviets are going to go with Raikov's work is
open to conjecture. There is some indication that the Soviets
believe that Raikov's work and the CCAP device may unlock many
of the mysteries behind ESP and other psi phenomena. If any
of the above is true, this work may be a new way of looking inside
and catching the subtle interplay between thought and body, psyche
and soma. The CCAP device may have a much wider use than charting
the mental states of reincarnated artists.
PART D - Telepathic Hypnosis
1. (U) According to Ost?ander and Schroeder (75), the ability
to put people to sleep and wake them up telepathically from a
distance of a few yards to over a thousand miles became the most
thoroughly tested and perfected contribution of the Soviets to
international parapsychology. It is reported that the ability
to control a person's consciousness with telepathy is being further
studied and tested in laboratories in Leningrad and Moscow. The
work was started in the early 1920s but was not publicized until
the early 1960s. The work was begun by K.O. Kotkov, a psychologist
from Kharkov University, in 1924. Kotkov could telepathically
obliterate an experimental subject's consciousness from short
distances or from the opposite side of town. The work was documented
by Vasilev (62) who conducted research of his own but could not
reveal it under Stalin's regime. The reality of telepathic sleep-
wake, backed by columns of data, might be the most astonishing
part of Vasilev's experiments in mental suggestion. See reference
62, pages 75 through 88.
2. (U) Parapsychologists in Leningrad and Moscow are involved
in the telepathic manipulation of consciousness, now recording
successes with the EEG. Doctor V. Raikov (see PART C of this
section) is involved in this EEG research as well as E. Naumov.
Naumov reports that mental telepathy woke up a hypnotized subject
(by telepathy) six of eight times. Naumov remarked that as soon
as the telepathic "wake up" is sent, trance becomes less and
less deep, full consciousness returning in twenty to thirty
seconds (137). In the Leningrad laboratory of Doctor Paul Gulyaiev
(Bekhterev Brain Institute), friends of subjects have been trained
to put them to sleep telepathically (138).
3. (U) Why are the Soviets again hard at work on the telepathic
control of consciousness? Doctor I. Kogan, like Vasilev, is
probably doing it for theoretical reasons; still trying mathe-
matically to prove that an electromagnetic carrier of telepathy
is possible. Why other scientists may be delving into control
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of consciousness by ESP is another question. During telepathic
sleep is an individual simply dreaming his own private dreams
or does someone else hold sway? The current Soviets have not
divulged the psychological details about their telepathic manipu-
lation of consciousness. Vasilev describes some revelations in
his book (62) but little else has been reported. Doctor Stefan
Manczarski of Poland predicts that this new field of telepathy-
will open up new avenues for spreading propaganda. He feels.
that the electromagnetic theory is valid and believes, therefore,
that telepathy can be amplified like radio waves. Telepathy would
then become a subtle new modus for the "influencers" of the world
(139). Doctor Manczerski's wave ideas are still very debatable,
but what about telepathy someday becoming a tool for influencing
4. (U) Hypnotizing someone telepathically probably comes over
as a more eerie, mystifying, almost diabolical act in the US
than it does in the Soviet Union. The US is really just becoming
adjusted to some of the aspects of hypnotism. Since the turn of
the century, the Soviets have been exploring and perfecting the
various advantages that hypnotism provides. In the Soviet Union,
hypnotism is a common tool like X-rays, used in medicine, psychotherapy,
physiology, psychology, and experimental pedagogy.
5. (U) The Soviets have been reportedly working on the effects
of drugs used in combination with psychic tests. Vasilev used
mescarine in the early days and more recently M.S. Smirnov, of
the Laboratory of Vision, Institute of Problems of Information
Transmission of the USSR Academy of Science, has been obtaining
psychic success with psilocybin (140).
6. (U) The tests that Vasilev had perfected may have a more
interesting future in them than the developer had imagined. Manipu-
lating someone else's consciousness with telepathy, guiding him
in trance..... colorful uses are too easy to conjure. The ability
to focus a mental whammy on an enemy through hypnotic telepathy
has surely occurred to the Soviets. In espionage, one could
telepathically hypnotize an individual with the post-hypnotic
suggestion to steal classified documents or detonate important
military equipment. The mission is accomplished and the individ-
ual does not even know that he has done anything. Ryzl (see
appendix VI) stated in Psychic (141), "The bulk of recent telepathy
research in the USSR is concerned with the transmission of behavior
impulses - or research to subliminally control an individual's
conduct." Visiting Soviet psi labs in 1967, Doctor Ryzl says
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he was told by a Soviet, "When suitable means of propaganda
are cleverly used, it is possible to mold any man's conscience
so that in the end he may misuse his abilities while remaining
convinced that he is serving an honest purpose." (140) Ryzl
continues, "The USSR has the means to keep the results of such
research secret from the rest of the world and, as practical
applications of these results become possible, there is no doubt
that the Soviet Union will do so." What will ESP be used for?
"To make money, and as a weapon," Ryzl states flatly.
PART A - Iypnopedia
1. (U) The subject of hypnopedia or sleep-learning has been
openly discussed in the Soviet literature for the past decade
(142-161). One of the most thorough Soviet reports has been
prepared by Bliznichenko (162) in 1966. Dodge and Lamont (163)
have published a report that covers the field of hypnopedia in
the Soviet Union through 1968. Further elucidation of this subject
in this report, with the exception of a discussion of possible
trends in this area since 1969, is believed to be redundant and
2. (U) The last decade of Soviet hypnopedia research has led
them into new concepts of memory improvement. It is believed
that areas such as subliminal perception and subconscious learning
with hypnosis were borne from the basic research involved in
hypnopedia training. The most recent indication of new Soviet
interest in utilizing the subconscious as a reserve for the retention
of facts is a booklet written by L.I. Kuproyanovich (164). This
book describes the equipment and technical means used for improving
memory as well as the prospective uses of cybernetics for memory
retention. One of the more interesting features of this book
is a discussion on subliminal acquisition of facts. This is an
area of concern when one is speaking of conditioned behavior or
mental alteration. It is also an area seldom discussed in open
Soviet literature. PART B of this section will briefly discuss
some Soviet work in subliminal perception and possible uses for
this technique.
3. (U) The following discussion on memory and hypnopedia is based
on Kuproyanovich's report. The author states that the subconscious
is one of the unused reserves for the retention of facts. Memory
operation on the subconscious level takes place without our realizing
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it, and a man - without noticing it - has better retention or proceeds
to a solution of a complex problem even when he does not specifically
think of it, such as when he is out for a stroll. And, 'although
information processing on the subconscious level is widely separated
from the process that takes place in the conscious state, the
transfer from the subconscious to the conscious is carried out
instantaneously'. This is why a solution or recollection occurs
unexpectedly after the memory operates on the subconscious level.
There is one other interesting property that is characteristic of
the subconscious: the simultaneous processing of several parallel
streams of information. This fact is extremely important, because
when it occurs, there is a wider circle of associations and analogies
that can become the stimuli and sources of new, unexpected recollec-
tions and decisions. And, finally, the subconscious operation of
memory is more subject to the influence of emotions and feelings.
Hypnopedia with automatic tracking (biological feedback as with
the use of an electroencephalogram), in which - with the aid of
the brains biocurrents - information transmission is carried out
at the most favorable moment for retention and the sleep level
is regulated by the biocurrents, is, in the opinion of the author
more promising than the generally accepted methods of sleep learning.
Experiments in instructing while in a semisleep state artifically
induced in the daytime show good results. These methods have
begun to be used both in the USSR and in non-US countries (Bulgaria,
for example). Before each training session, a suggestion is
received from the tape recorder that puts the student into a semi
sleeping state. After this, as in hypnopedia sessions, the information
to be retained is given. The new method is as effective as hypnopedia,
insofar as the quantity of information retained is concerned, but
has the advantageous difference that it can be used in the daytime.
4. (U) Hypnosis 'is an effective means for improving perception
and retention of information. However, hypnosis can be used only
by people with medical training, and under certain conditions.
The use of equipment that automatically induces and regulates
hypnosis has made the problem of using it somewhat simpler. The
most advantageous use of it will be made by an automatic device
for hypnosis during the simultaneous instruction of a large number
of students in hypnotic training classes specially created for
this purpose. Some institutes in Japan and the United States
are already instructing students under hypnosis according to
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5. (U) The important feature of Soviet hypnopedia research is
believed to be the conclusions that the Soviets are now arriving
at in regards to the manipulation of the subconscious area of
the brain. Much of the early work that is described by Dodge
and Lamont (163) provide the foundation for a much broader under-
standing of the various methods available for conditioning the
human mind. Hypnopedia research has produced an interest in
the Soviet Union for the use of the psychology of memory and the
subconscious in order to create conditions and functional states
for improving memory operation. The areas that grew out of basic
hypnopedic research include hypnosis, autogenic training and
subliminal perception. It is believed that these newer areas
of endeavor bear more scrutiny than the more mundane area of
PART B - Subliminal Perception
1. (U) The use of subliminal perception in the advertising
industry gained some notoriety in 1958 when an article appeared
in the New York Times uncovering the technique developed by the
New York firm known as the Subliminal Projection Company, Inc (165).
Subliminal perception is a psychological belief that persons can
be stimulated below (sub) the threshold (limen) of consciousness.
Another interpretation, more commonly used, is that persons can
supposedly be stimulated without being aware of it. Hypnopedia,
for example, might be considered a form of subliminal perception.
2. (U) In the late 1950s there was much deb ate as to the moral
and ethical use of subliminal advertising. There was in the US
a strong moral repugnance to the use of subliminal perception
in TV advertising. The furor raised by the public and the press
concluded when the Federal Communications Commission entered the
picture in 1957. An excellent overview on the subject of subliminal
stimulation was prepared by McConnell et al in 1958 (166). The
authors attempt to clarify the issues surrounding the application
of subliminal perception. The article examines the levels of
behavior that may be influenced by subliminal stimulation as well
as the ethical questions that naturally arise. The article contains
an extensive bibliography.
3. (U) The distinction between subliminal and supraliminal
perception cannot always be clearly made. Because of the statis-
tical nature of thresholds, it is possible that many subjects
may receive some cues from stimuli even though they are supposedly
below threshold. Also, what may for one person, at a particular
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time with a particular stimulus, be below threshold may for another
person, or the same person in another situation, be above threshold.
Insofar as subliminality is crucial for motivational or security
reasons, stimuli of such low intensity may be required that little
effect could be obtained. As one review of literature in this
area concluded: "There does not appear to be substantial evidence
for subception (subliminal perception) as a distinct phenomenon." (167)
Another review of literature in this area (168) concluded that
most effects that suggest discrimination without awareness can be
attributed to imperfections in measurement techniques or other
shortcomings of experimental methodology and cannot be clearly
demonstrated to be related to perceptual variables. Other research
in the communications field suggests that research on reactions
to propaganda might more profitably focus upon other factors than
upon intensity of stimulation.
4. (U) There is strong moral repugnance to the use of subliminal
perception in propaganda. This was made evident a few years ago
when some efforts were made (169) to introduce subliminal stimulation
into TV as an advertising technique. Insofar as the US is trying
to project abroad an image of itself as a nation encouraging indi-
vidual freedom, it would seem extremely inappropriate to risk being
detected employing propaganda techniques which appear to invade
human privacy. It is highly doubtful that the American public
would condone such use abroad, just as broadcasters have been
reluctant to use this technique for fear of hostile reactions on
the part of their audiences. While the risks of national public
and international condemnation may be run for worthwhile objectives,
if no great advantage accrues the risky approach would be inappro-
5. (U) The possibility of utilizing subliminal perception for
military purposes may have been realized by the Soviets. As
mentioned earlier, there is a distinct lack of open literature
from the USSR dealing with this subject. However, there is mention
of it in Kuproyanovich's recent book (164). The author states
that the showing of movie films and.slides, along with being
an additional retention source, has yet another important value
that aids in revealing the subconscious reserves of memory. Earlier
in the author's text he describes the showing of movies where
additional frames, of an advertising nature, were inserted between
the film's basic frames. It was shown that, because of their
brief but sufficiently frequent appearance, this technique acted
on the subconscious ( US work in the 1950s). The Soviet
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technique, when it is necessary to strengthen memory or to create
an emotion, utilizes supplemental frames at the rate of one per
25 basic frames. These supplemental frames, according to the
Soviets, should contain explanations amplifying the memory of the
basic film or creating some mood. Thus whether the movie watcher
wishes it or not, the information filtering through his subconscious
will create an overall background mood supplementing the basic one.
According to Kuproyanovich, these films, which enlist both the
conscious and subconscious memory functions, are very promising.
6. (U) According to a French expert in the field of
electrosleep and electroanesthesia, the Soviets used a motion
picture technique to interrogate prisoners (170). The French
expert described the method as follows:
"A movie film which shows what you want the
individual to do is flashed on a screen at
double the normal running speed. A speed of 24
frames per second was considered critical to the
success of the method. While the movie is being
shown, a 35mm slide projector is used to flash a
written statement of what you want the person to
do.'The slide is interposed between each frame
of the movie projection. The net effect of the
operation is that neither the movie scene nor
the slide can be read, but the subconscious picks
up the information. As the individual becomes
disorientated, he then responds to questions.
Apparently there are no long term or residual
effects as a result of the procedure. It was
described as being particularly useful for
interrogating hostile prisoners."
With the above description, Kuproyanovich's work and the Soviets
knowledge in all areas of human behavior, it is not unlikely
that they may be in a position to militarily threaten their
enemies with sophisticated mind manipulation techniques in
controlled situations or in the field.
PART C - Suggestology
1. (U) Suggestology is a new "ology" defined by the communist
countries as the scientific study of suggestion. It is reported
to be a method of reaching and making use of the unknown reserves,
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powers, and abilities of the human mind. In some areas it over-
laps with parapsychology. One individual responsible for
many of the claims for success in the field of suggestology is
Doctor George Lozanov, head of the Institute of Suggestology and
Parapsychology in Sofia, Bulgaria. Through extensive research
he has discovered laws of suggestion which he has applied in
many fields from medicine to education. The Bulgarian methods
of suggestion are mentioned in this report because some of the
theories have been adopted by the Soviets in their work on auto-
2. (U) Suggestology is not hypnosis. With this method of
conditioning, the individual is always in the waking state. It
has been reported that suggestology has been used successfully
in medicine especially in functional disorders of the nervous
system. The healing is based on the positive suggestion that
nothing is wrong; it is a type of mind over body phenomenon.
Sanatorium officials in Bulgaria testify that many patients are
cured after a few sessions of positive thought patterning (171).
Suggestology has been reported to be successful in replacing
anesthetics in surgical cases as well as aiding the patient in
decreasing his own blood flow. It is further claimed that with
suggestology the incisions from surgical operations heal much
faster than usual (172). The Bulgarians believe the technique
of waking suggestion (not hypnosis) will continue to find a wider
and very useful place in the practice of medicine (173).
3. (U) The possibility for upgrading the memorizing process and
for accelerating the automation of habits, discovered through
suggestological experimentation, offers possibilities for the
development of a new science: suggestopedagogy (suggestopedy).
The suggestopedic method of mastering a foreign language is not a
variety of the current methods (audio-visual, audio-linguistic,
conscious-practical, hypnopedic, etc.), but a qualitatively nhw
training process in terms of its content, structure, and results.
This method uses suggestion not as a means for some kind of mystical
influence, not as some kind of abstract, "vague" factor, but as
a specific method for directly influencing the emotional world and
intellectual activities, the entire personality, of the student.
Practical experience has revealed that a suggestion is not a sort
of "third grade, marginal factor." Controlled and used purposefully,
it creates conditions for upgrading considerably the capacity to
memorize and to assimilate knowledge faster. In the training process
usually suggestive, methods are used spontaneously, intuitively.
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of pain and in the treatment of neuroses and other functional
disturbances (177). Professor Svyadoshch believes that autosuggestion
may be used with success in cosmonaut training. In his opinion,
autosuggestion can be of great value to those whose occupation
makes particularly great demands on self-control, in particular,
space crews. Svyadoshch reports that it takes five or six months
of special exercises to master the autosuggestion technique. This
makes a person "immune" to fear, worry, and emotional instability (178).
6. (U) The Soviets have shown interest in the ability of humans
to alter their psychophysiological state by autogenous and exogenous
suggestion. A study was conducted to determine the possibility
of changing the activity of individual organs and systems of the
human body by autogenous and exogenous suggestion. Six test
subjects were exposed to 70-day bed rest. Three of the subjects
served as controls, and the other three were trained for the
first ten days to arbitrarily strain or relax individual muscular
groups, with subsequent sleep. Myotonometric data showed that different
muscle tonus indices could be reduced 5-25%. ECG, EEG, myotonometric,
and actographic data showed that sleep occurred by the 7 to 15th
minute during the second to third weeks of the experiment. By the
fourth week the test subjects were able to arbitrarily achieve a
state of relaxation and sleep at any time, regardless of the emo-
tional reaction background. At such times arterial pressure and
pulse rate were significantly lowered. By the fifth week the
test subjects attained similar results, although somewhat less
effectively, by self-suggestion. Thus it is possible, by auto-
genous conditioning, for a subject to attain deep refreshing
sleep at a scheduled time even with a background of different
stress factors. Most effective changes in the psychophysical
state occurred during direct contact of the test subject with
the instructor, but exogenous suggestion was performed almost
as well by means of a radio or tape-recorder (179).
7. (U) The possibility of being able to predict suggestibility
in man prior to engaging him in long term trials has intrigued
the Russians. E.F. Mordinov and A.A. Genkin (180) have shown
that the electroencephalogram may serve as one of the objective
quantitative measures of suggestibility in man in the wakeful
state. Thirty-nine subjects in quiet wakefulness were subjected
to two EEG parameters: (1) average level of asymmetry of
oscillations and (2) average period of activity. Significant
differences were reported in the average level of asymmetry of
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oscillations in the readily suggestible group (20 subjects) com-
pared to the resistant group (19 subjects). Suggestibility
difference effects existed in the hypnotic state and during wake-
fulness. The test of suggestibility was the classical one wherein
the inability to unlock interlocked fingers of the two hands is
8. (U) The field of suggestion provides a further means
for controlling or altering mental behavior. From the available
Soviet literature it can not be determined to what extent it might
be used for changing or manipulating behavior of their enemies.
A possible application for US military forces is in the area of
establishing defenses against hostile interrogation. The ability
to control one's own emotions through autogenous suggestion might
be most useful in PW situations. This, in turn, might provide
the US with a clue as to why the Soviets seem so interested in the
field of suggestion. On the other hand, the Soviets may have the
ability to directly influence the emotional and intellectual
activity of a prisoner, without his knowledge, by using Lozanov's
techniques employing subtle conditions of seemingly relaxing
and unmolesting environments.
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1. (U) It is difficult, if not impossible, to assess the Soviet's
potential for controlling or manipulating the behavior of their
enemies through the use of propaganda. One can survey the Western
literature and be able to make some rational judgments on the
effects of mass media, for example, on the mental behavior of
its audiences. Walter Weiss of Hunter College in New York has
published an excellent study (181) on the relationships between
mass media of communication and social change. The author also
reports on the roles of the mass media in the development of
modernized countries. In another report (182), Weiss surveys
the significant literature on the mass media from January 1967-
December 1969. Unfortunately these surveys deal primarily with
the free world.
Properly classified in the
interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
3. (U) A report prepared by Goure (183) further depicts the
emphasis that Soviet authorities place on propaganda. The report
relates the all out effort that Soviet authorities are using in
order to indoctrinate their own people on the importance of civil
defense. Included in their attempts to create fear of nuclear,
chemical, and biological attack are direct assaults on the US.
This certainly represents a method of behavior change or control.
In an effort to propagandize civil defense in the Soviet Union inten-
sive use is being made of all media of mass communication: the press,
television, radio, movies, exhibits, and lectures. Pamphlets and books
are published and disseminated on a wide scale. All the national
and major provincial newspapers, including Pravda, Izvestiya,
and Red Star, have published articles on civil defense, often
by prominent party or government officials (184). The basic
pamphlet for the instruction of the general public, Everyone
Should Know This, first published in 1968 has been issued to
most families. The following are a few select examples of the
intensity and scope of Soviet civil defense propaganda activities:
In 1969, the Belorussian SSR local newspapers printed 1,200
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articles on civil defense, one district (rayon) alone publishing
700 of them, and there were 45 television broadcasts and over
1,000 radio talks and reports on civil defense (185,186). In
Novosibirsk, 2,000 lectures were given on civil defense subjects
by the "Znaniya" (Knowledge) Society (187). In the Georgian SSR
over 7,000 propagandists of the Ministry-of Culture are promoting
information on civil defense (188). Forty civil defense movies
are being shown throughout the country in regular movie theaters
and in various clubs, which were said to have been seen in 1969
by about 90 million persons (185). In the town of Orel, one city
district alone had 179 civil defense exhibits (189). In the
Azerbaidzhan SSR, in one month there were nine television broadcasts
and 300 items in the local press dealing with civil defense, while
in a district in Belorussia in one month there were held 120
public lecture sessions, 75 showings of civil defense movies and
numerous broadcasts (190,186). Many factories broadcast weekly
or biweekly talks on civil defense over their public address
systems. Soviet civil defense authorities also have tried to
expand civil defense propaganda by bringing to it writers,
journalists, painters, movie producers and other persons from tie
creative arts. As part of this effort, arrangements were made with
the Union of Writers to send groups of their members to attend two-
week seminars at the Higher Central Officer Course on Civil Defense
of the USSR. Meetings and conferences of writers and other artists
with civil defense officials were also held in a number of the
major cities (191,192). Soviet civil defense leaders argue that
the population must be well prepared in a morale-psychological
sense if it is to withstand the shock of a nuclear war and its
aftermath. Consequently, in addition to reassuring the population
about the effectiveness of civil defense measures and the strength
of the Soviet Armed Forces, the propaganda and training programs
are also used to instill in the population "hatred for the enemies."
It is noted that:
A rise in the importance of indoctrinating hatred of
the imperialist aggressors is also due to the objec-
tive pattern of a further rise in the role of morale
in modern war (M).
This is accomplished by stressing the alleged US plans to attack
the Soviet Union and other "peace-loving" peoples. It is noted
with some satisfaction that Soviet soldiers "like all honest
people in the world, detest Americans and all other imperialists."
The literature emphasizes the importance of teaching the youth
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to hate all enemies of the Soviet Union, since unlike its elders
it has not passed through the harsh experience of revolution and war.
This indoctrination, of course, also serves the political purposes
of the Soviet leadership and tends to facilitate its control over
the population. In this respect the civil defense program con-
tributes to strengthening the Soviet citizen's loyalty to the
leaders and the Communist system.
4. (U) It is evident from the information provided above and
in Appendix V that the Soviet Union has a well polished and sophis-
ticated system of utilizing propaganda and the mass medium for its
own advantage. It is thought to be very possible that with the
knowledge gained in utilizing their system on their own people,
and other communist countries, this system of control could be un-
leashed on military forces confronting Soviet or allied Soviet
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1. (U) Since ancient times, men have been aware of the fact
that plant and animal products can induce desirable or undesirable
psychological effects. For example, a primitive faith in the
psychological effects of drugs is evident in the continued use
of philters and potions to induce love and hate. Hippocrates
proclaimed that the brain was the organ of the mind, a view
still not held by those of dualistic persuasion.
2. (U) Before the twentieth century, when little was known
about the pathophysiology of somatic disease and even less about
mental disease, remedies were largely effective on a psychological
basis. However, substances long known to have true psychophar-
macological actions were opium and wine. These were employed
not only to treat disease but also to make life more bearable.
During the nineteenth century, the development of the science
of chemistry made possible the discovery of agents with relatively
selective effects upon the central nervous system. The nineteenth
century saw the development of nitrous oxide, diethyl ether, sedatives,
and hypnotics. However, until the mid-1950s there was little
real progress in clinical psychopharmacology. The development of
the phenothiazine drugs in the 1950s saw the augmentation of
synthetic agents for therapy in psychotic disorders. The pheno-
thiazines as a class, and especially chlorpromazine (Thorazine),
are among the most widely used drugs in the practice of medicine
today. From 1955 to 1965 at least 50 million patients received
chlorpromazine and more than 10,000 publications have dealt with
its actions (195).
3. (U) The use of psychopharmacologic agents is of keen interest
throughout the world including the Soviet Union. Investigations
on psychotherapeutic agents can no longer be overlooked in the
Soviet literature. In the pharmaco-therapeutic reference work
by Aronovich (196), four phenothiazines - aminazine (chlorpromazine),
propazine, dinezin, and mepazine - and also reserpine (serpasil)
are listed: but reports of clinical experience with phenothiazines
(Rauwolfia derivatives play a smaller role altogether) refer almost
exclusively to aminazine (approximately 127 references available-
USSR). Most of the aminazine studies follow standard clinical
research techniques however, some uses as mentioned in PART I
of this report appear to be for more sinister purposes. Based
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on the wealth of Soviet literature, the popularity, for whatever
reasons, of aminazine therapy in the Soviet Union cannot be disputed.
(114 references available on psychopharmacology-USSR).
1. (U) According to Guseynov (197), modern Soviet medicine
is devoting special attention to the development of psychopharma-
cology. At the present time (1971), Soviet scientists are conducting
intensive investigative work on the study and introduction into
medical practice of new psychotropic substances. The most important
Soviet psychotropic agents are as follows:
(1) Diethylamide lysergic acid -- LSD-25
Disrupts the psyche, causes hallucinations, but consciousness
is maintained. Used to diagnose schizophrenia, and also to create
a model of psychosis in animals.
(2) Mescaline -- Mescalinum
Under its influence a dimming of consciousness takes place,
and hallucinations and psychosis develop. Used to diagnose certain
mental illnesses and to create a model of experimental psychosis.
(3) Harmine -- Harminum
Calms the central nervous system, disrupts the psyche, causes
hallucinations, eliminates spasms. Used in parkinsonism. Pre-
scribed for internal use.
(4) Indian 'cannabis
The active ingredient is a tar used under various names --
hashish, marijuana, bhang, dagga, and others. This tar is smoked,
chewed, and added to food and drink as a stupefacient. Cannabis
disrupts the psyche, causes hallucinations and euphoria, and
subsequently psychoses and schizophrenia develop. It has no
medicinal significance.
(5) Iprazide -- Iprazidum (Marsilid)
Stimulates the mental sphere, eliminates states of depression.
The effect comes on gradually over 12 to 16 hours and lasts 7
days. It is used for schizophrenia, psychoses, states of depression,
and hypertonia.
(6) Imizine -- (Tofranil)
Has a thymoleptic effect, eliminates states of depression.
Used in cyclophrenia and other mental disorders. Prescribed for
internal use or is introduced intramuscularly.
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(7) Transamine - (Parnate)
By blocking the enzyme monoaminoxidase (MAO), it increases
the content of biogenic amines in the brain and by so doing
eliminates states of depression. Used for mental disorders accom-
panied by severe depression. Prescribed for internal use.
(8) Phenamine - (Benzedrine)
Sharply stimulates the central ,and sympathetic nervous systems.
Increases blood pressure, dilates the pupils, quickens pulse,
relieves fatigue and somnolence. Perception is facilitated in
people who have taken phenamine, thinking and memory are improved,
motor activity and speech are increased, and mental and physical
efficiency are improved. Used in narcolepsy, alcoholic psychoses,
psychogenic depression, and poisonings by narcotics and somni-
facients. Prescribed for internal use.
(9) Phenamine -- (Nicotinamide)
Stimulates the central nervous system; in contrast to phenamine,
it does not increase, but rather lowers blood pressure. Used for
mental and physical fatigue, and also for hypertonia. Prescribed
for internal use, and is introduced subcutaneously.
(10) Piridrol -- (Meratran)
Intensifies higher nervous activity, eliminates states of
depression. Used in narcolepsy and psychoses accompanied by
depression and apathy. Prescribed for internal use.
(11) Meridil -- (Ritalin)
Stimulates the central nervous system, eliminates states of
depression. Used in psychoses and states of depression. Prescribed
for internal use.
(12) Aminazine -- (Chlorpromazine)
Calms the central nervous system, lowers blood pressure and
body temperature, halts vomiting, slows down pulse, eliminates
the effect of histamine. Successfully used in schizophrenia,
psychoses, neuroses, delirium tremens, and hypertonia, toxicoses
of pregnancy, dermatoses, and in surgery to create artificial
hypothermy.? Prescribed for internal use or introduced intra-
(13) Meprotan -- (Equanil)
Eliminates internal anxieties and feelings of fear and alarm,
calms the central nervous system. Used in physchoses, neuroses,
epilepsy, insomnia, and moderate hypertonia. Prescribed for
internal use.
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(14) Amizil -- (Diazil)
Calms the nervous system, eliminates spasms and the effect of
histamine, restores disrupted pulse. Used in psychoses, neuroses,
and states of depression and phobia. Prescribed for internal use.
(15) Reserpine -- (Serpasil)
Main alkaloid of the plant Rauwolfia serpentina. Calms the
central nervous system, eliminates feelings of fear, longing,
and alarm, lowers blood pressure, and slows down pulse. Widely
used in schizophrenia,,psychoses, neuroses, hypertonia, tachy-
cardia, thyrotoxicoses, and others. Prescribed for internal use
or introduced intramuscularly.
PART A - Diethylamide Lysergic Acid (LSD) and Psilocybin
1. (U) Psycho-warfare agents may be defined as those chemical
warfare agents whose effects rest on changes of the psyche (198).
These materials have the advantage over-other warfare agents in
that the efficiency of the victim is impaired even with minimal
doses. Ordinary methods applicable in combat cannot afford detec-
tion of these agents, and for this reason warning cannot be sent
out in time when these psychotropic poisons are used. Only the
abnormal behavior of the victim may afford the first indication
that such compounds have been given. In effective concentrations,
these agents are odorless and tasteless and they can be utilized
both on the battlefield and in sabotage for contamination of
drinking water and food. For this reason the military medical
team needs to inform themselves on the effect of these weapons
and their symptoms.
2. (U) Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is almost a "classic"
representative of psycho-warfare agents. A. Hofmann synthesized
this compound in the course of his investigations on the composi-
tion of the ergot alkaloids. Even minimal amounts of this substance,
about 30 to 60 micrograms, are evidenced by psychological-emotional
changes in man, which may last from six to eight hours. There is an
association of motor uncertainty, unsure and swaggering walk, poor
prehension and dragging speech with vivid color hallucinations,
disturbances of spatial and temporal sense, attacks of crying and
laughing, fear and delusions and sometimes severe phenomena of
depersonalization. The behavior of the victim is comparable to
that of the schizophrenic. 'LSD-is effective in doses that are
one-ten thousandth of mescaline doses, and it is much more readily
handled in the form of easily water-soluble tartrate. After the
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LSD psychosis wears off, the victim experiences no after effects,
however it has been reported that part of the hallucinations are
subject to recall and flashback reactions have occurred. Psilocybin
exerts a qualitatively similar effect in man, but about 100 times
weaker than LSD. This material is known as the psychotropic subtance
of the Mexican magic mushroom (Psilocybe mex. Heim). The more effec-
tive compound is psilozine which occurs in the organism through
dephosphorylation of psilocybin. As shown by animal experiment,
just 20 minutes after i.p. injection of psilocybin, dephosphory-
lation is observed, indicating a rather high content of psilozine
in brain and other organs of the animals. The two substances
are identical with respect to their psychotropic effect, and at
the start of the psychosis there are changes in physical feelings
(weakness, dizziness) as predominant symptoms. Only later do the
optical and acoustic hallucinations start. Anxiety, restlessness,
nausea and difficulty in speech are characteristic of the further
symptoms of intoxication. In the later course of-the psychosis
there is extensive loss of ability to concentrate or think, and
there is also loss of sense of space and time. After the psychosis
wears off the victim complains of exhaustion, fatigue and headache,
but these symptoms disappear after a while. LSD, psilozine and
psilocybin are biochemically correlated to serotonin. .It is
not yet clear to what extent this correlation is based in enzyme
chemistry. However, similar structures in the molecules of these
substances suggest pharmacodynamic interpretations. Since brain
function is closely related to serotonin metabolism it can be
assumed that this substance is replaced by structurally very
similar psychotoxins that are built up, namely by substances of
the tryptamine group, e.g., LSD. These poisons do not take over
the functions of the serotonin, however, and this leads to dis-
turbances in the CNS. The comparison of the above named materials
with other tryptamine derivatives such as dimethyltryptamine
and bufotenine, which is an isomer of psilozine, also. fits into
the framework of pharmacodynamic interpretation. Both deriva-
tives are psychotropically active substances, effective in man
in doses of about 70 mg.
3. (U) Several institutes in the Soviet Union have been
identified where LSD research has taken place since 1969. The
Institute of Physiology in Tbilisi was reported to be doing work
on the effects of LSD on baboon behavior. No specific experimental
work is known (199). A group at the Institute of Molecular Biology,
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, has been working with LSD in experi-
ments with inhibitors (200). It is difficult to judge what the
Soviets are doing, but the work with inhibitors might indicate
research efforts in the area of medical defense against the use
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of LSD on Soviet troops. There is a group at the Institute of
Physiology in Novosibirsk. No details on their work is available.
The relationship between LSD, serotonin, and motor components
of behavior reactions is being studied at the Donetsk Medical
Institute (201). The Soviet research in the area concerned with
the action of bioamines, e.g., adrenaline, serotonin, and nor-
adrenaline, which the Donetsk group is studying, will be discussed
later in this report. Studies concerned with the reversibility
of pathomorphological changes in the brain of rats after chronic
administration of LSD were going on in 1971 at the Moscow Medical
Stomatological Institute (202). The First Medical Institute
imeni I.M. Sechenov has reported their work on the search for
antagonists for hashish and LSD (203). Kudrin reported that
Haloperidol (a butyrophenone tranquilizer) injection in combina-
tion with Phenitron (a propiophenone adrenolytic) prevents cats
from the development of LSD-induced psychosis and catatonia. This
is an important aspect of Soviet LSD research as it indicates
their possible interest in military medical defense against psycho-
warfare agents. Popova,has reported on the effect of LSD on the
structure of neurons and interneuronal connections. The author
states that her observations suggest that the central effects
of LSD may be related to changes both in synapses and in the
cell body (204).
4. (U) This study has attempted to establish the possibility
that the Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry in Moscow may
be one of the main Soviet facilities for studying controlled
offensive behavior (see PART I). I.P. Anokhina of the Serbsky
Institute reported in 1970 on the effect of LSD on the neuro-
transmitter systems of the brain. The experiments brought
evidence that the site of action of LSD is in the midbrain reticular
formation and in the limbic system. Anokhina also believes that
LSD inhibits monoamineoxidase (MAO) activity (205). The experi-
ment reported in the open literature is scientifically genuine,
of course, but the important fact is that the Institute is studying
LSD and other psychotropic agents. Since most of the Soviet
LSD literature is from institutes in Moscow, it might be conjec-
tured that there is a concentrated effort in the USSR to determine
the basis of action and uses for LSD and other possible psycho-
warfare agents.
5. (U) Until March of 1968, there were three chemical
plants located in Czechoslovakia conducting independent research
on CW compounds. As late as March 1968, they were working on
super-active compounds based on materials such as LSD and mescaline.
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At that time, the work was supported by the Soviet Union but
conducted by the Czechs, with the final product going into
Czechoslovakian stockpile. The Soviets furnished formulas, speci-
fications, production guidance, test procedures, and animal data.
They may have also provided some precursor chemicals. The Czechs
were working on aerosols as one method of applying the gaseous
materials developed from this program. It is stated that LSD
experiments had been disappointing but that other materials
similar to LSD had been quite successful. The compounds were
being developed to be dispersed over a wide area from the air.
The agents were designed to make the population lose its will
to resist for anywhere from two hours to two days, depending on
the compound used and the nature of the mission. Damage would
be limited to the brain (206).
PART B - Piperidyl Benzilate and Piperidyl Glycolate
1. (U) In the course of the search for anticholinergic substances,
it was found that methylpiperidyl benzilate and its derivatives
are extremely active hallucinogens. If we start from the general
formula for piperidyl benzilate and piperi.dyl glycolate, a series
of highly active psychotropic compounds can be derived from it.
The radicals of the formula below are involved as substituents.
From the piperidyl benzilate series we can mention N-methylpiperidyl
benzilate as a highly active psychotoxin (R1=CH3; R2 and R3=C6H5).
From the piperidyl glycolate series, Ditran (Rl= -C2H5; R2= -C6H5;
R3= -C5H9) can be described as an extremely active compound.
0 R2
0 -c--c-011
N R3
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2. (U) Poisoning with piperidyl glycolates is hardly to be-
distinguished from LSD poisoning at the beginning, because also
in the first mentioned class of materials the first psychic effects
occur after 45 to 60 minutes. They consist of confusion, speech
difficulty, disorientation and hallucination of optical and
acoustic type. It is to be noted that in piperidyl glycolate
psychosis the victim can still describe his condition relatively
clearly after a dose of 0.5 to 2.0 mg. At doses of 1.0 mg and above,
however, contact with the environment and insight into the arti-
ficiality of the condition is lost. The victims react only to
their hallucinations, or they present a stupor syndrome. At
still higher doses (15 mg) there is generally a severe disturbance
of consciousness with almost complete lack of consciousness. The
effect of Ditran, for example, lasts for about 24 hours, and some-
times as long as 36 hours. Other toxic phenomena are not to be
anticipated at the indicated doses, -- at the most nausea and emesis.
1. (U) In the use of psychotropic warfare agents, the enemy
sets himself the task of weakening the will and fighting capability
of the opponent, or to bring about his complete inability to act
or fight. For this reason, only well-timed application of pro-
tective equipment and measures for guaranteeing indubitably uncon-
taminated drinking water and food can afford flawless protection.
This condition in this case has so much the greater significance
because a timed alarm is questionable in dealing with psychotropic
agents. Certain medicaments are available to the physician for
the treatment of those already poisoned to offset the worst effects.
As antidotes there are:
(1) Azacyclonol (Frenquel) in an i.v. or oral dose of 200 mg
(2) Succinic acid, infusion in a 5% phosphate buffered solution
(3) Tetrahydroaminacrin, 30 mg-i.v. within 5 minutes
(4) Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) 25 mg i.m. or orally larger
2. (U) The medicaments under one and two are indicated in poisoning
with LSD, psilozine and psilocybin. The medicament under three is to
be given in poisoning with piperidyl benzilate or piperidyl glycolate.
Chlorpromazine has a favorable effect on most model psychoses
induced by known psychotropic warfare agents.
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PART A - Bioamine Research
1. (U) Space in this report limits this discussion on bioamine
research. There is a vast quantity of literature available on bio-
amine research, e.g., serotonin, dopamine, adrenalin, and noradrenalin.
2. (U) Discarding some elements of sensationalism, acade-
mician P.K. Anokhin (relationship to I.P. Anokina unknown; see
reference 205) maintains that today's knowledge of the human
brain gives grounds to believe that in the next decade some
artificial means will be found to influence the intellectual
capacities of man (207). Doctor Anokhin is with the Institute
of Normal and Pathological Physiology in Moscow (208).
3. (U) A small group of little-known amines, commonly referred
to as the biogenic amines, seemed to provide links between behavior
and such fields of brain research as neuroanatomy, neurochemistry,
and neurophysiology. It seemed possible that advances in the
neurochemistry of these amines would greatly enrich one's knowledge
of a variety of processes related to brain and mind. This has
indeed happened. Although the surface has still barely been
scratched, research in the interim has broadened the ideas con-
cerning such phenomena as mood, sleep, sexual desires, and appetite and such neurological disorders as parkinsonism and chorea. More-
over, the whole field of psychopharmacology has become rationalized
as relationships between the major psychoactive drugs and amine
action have been revealed.
4. (U) It has now been established beyond reasonable doubt that
communication between neurons in the mammalian nervous system is by
means of chemical agents, or neurotransmitters, which are released
from the nerve terminal of one neuron and which cross the synaptic
cleft, or interneuronal space, to influence the excitability of
the next neuron. The alternative possibility of electrical trans-
mission has been ruled out. The existence of these chemical
messengers provides a possible way of influencing behavior and
mental performance while leaving other aspects of brain function
almost completely unaffected. If the transmitters governing the
cells associated with such functions as sex, appetite, sleep, or
mood turn out to be specific and if chemical methods can be found
for selectively interfering with their metabolism, then fairly
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precise behavioral modifications might be brought about. Unfor-
tunately, the identity of neurotransmitters associated with most
cells is unknown. However, a few neurotransmitters have been
identified, and an exciting flood of research has always accom-
panied their discovery. Bridges are built between the often
separated fields of pharmacology, physiology, and biochemistry,
and a new level of understanding of the nervous system is achieved.
So it was when acetylcholine and noradrenaline wer.r, found many
years ago to be the transmitter substances for the parasympathetic
and sympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system. And so
it has been in the past few years as evidence has built up in
favor of dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin, and acetylcholine
playing neurotransmitter roles in the visceral brain.
5. (U) Two groups of workers have recently reported that
cholinomimetic stimulation of the brain produces aggressive
behavior and killing in rats. Cholinergic blocking agents
reverse the effect. The areas involved are the lateral hypo-
thalamus (Smith, King, and Hoebel 1970), septal area and
amygdala (Igic, Stern, and Basagic 1970). Pathological aggressive-
ness is probably the most disagreeable of all human traits. The
precise identification of circuits of violence and a definition
of their means of control would be of inestimable social value.
That pathologically agressive behavior can be triggered without
discernible provocation in susceptible individuals is as well
known to the courts as it is to the medical profession (209).
6. (U) The discussion above was included as important back-
ground information on the brain, biogenic amines and theories
for controlling behavior. The author mentions that the precise
identification of the mental pathways for aggression in humans
would be of inestimable social value. However, if one does
learn and identify these pathways and ways of initiating aggres-
sive behavior as in the rat experiment above, it may be used
for antisocial effects as well.
7. (U) A.R. Luria of the University of Moscow has been studying
the functional organization of the brain for several years. In
a recent article, Doctor Luria describes some recent Soviet advances
in the mapping of the brain (210). The lengthy article is con-
cluded by Luria stating that neuropsychology has put us (the
Soviets) on a new path in the investigation of how the brain
functions. Luria feels that this is likely to lead the way to
substantial changes in the design of psychological research in
the future.
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8. (U) An interesting research report in 1968 appeared in the
Soviet press which related biogenic amines with psychotropic
drugs (211). The type of mental disturbance psycho-
pharmaceuticals was investigated in human volunteers. The volun-
teers received a variety of compounds (not named) in 20-150 mg
doses. Psychic disturbances were of two types: anxiety depressive
and deep depressive. The first group reported more phobias,
while the second group exhibited general lassitude, and hypochon-
driac symptoms. Adrenalin and noradrenalin were given by injection.
DOPA and serotonin were also given. Creatine levels in the urine
were determined after treatment. Other metabolites were detected
chromatographically or by paper electrophoresis. Before treatment,
group I patients excreted higher than normal levels of creatines,
their metabolites and precursors. In the second group, excretion
of catecholamines, precursors and metabolites was higher (up to
2 times) than In the controls. The administration of tranquilizers
(Librium) accompanied the reduction in excretion of abnormal
metabolites. This study is important because it illustrates
Soviet interest in not only biogenic amines, but also in the
mode of action of psychotropic substances. Once the parameters
are understood, then the development of highly sophisticated
mood altering chemicals should follow.
9. (U) Of interest was the symposium on Mechanisms of Regulation
of the Biogenic Amines Level in the Tissues held in Lodz, Poland
in August of 1971. No data is available but the abstracts of the
papers is to be published in Acta Medica Polonica in April of 1972.
The main aim of the symposium was for the comparison of data
on the mechanisms of regulation of the biogenic amines level
in the tissues with special emphasis on the role of enzymes respon-
sible for synthesis, catalysis., and storage of amines.
10. (U) The relationship of psychoactive drugs to amine activity
is shown in Table IV below.
Relation of Psychoactive Drugs to Amine Activity (209)
synaptic activit
1. Tranquilizers
a. Inhibitors of vesicle binding: rauwolfia alkaloids--
e.g. reserpine
b. Blockers of receptor sites: phenothiazines,
butyrophenones--e.g. chlorpromazine and halo-
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2. Amine synthesis inhibitors
a. Inhibitors of catecholamine synthesis: e.g.
b. Inhibitors of serotonin synthesis: e.g. p-
B. Drubs which enhance amine synaptic activity
1. Psychic energizers
a. Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase: hydrazines
and monoamine analogs--e.g. iproniazide,
tranylcypromine, amphetamine
b. Inhibitors of amine uptake: dibenzazepines
and miscellaneous derivatives--e.g. imipra-
mine, amitriptyline, cocaine, amphetamine
c. Amine releasers: amine analogs-e.g. amphe-
tamine, tyramine
2. Amine synthesis stimulators
a. For dopamine and noradrenaline: L-dopa
b. For noradrenaline: L-dihydroxyphenylserine
c. For serotonin: L-S-hydroxytryptophan
PART B - Other Areas of Soviet Research in Psychopharmacology
1. (U) Barkov and Gurovich (212) reported on the effects of
tripthazine (stelazine) and aminazine (thorazine) on emotional
behavior. The compounds were found to inhibit aggression but
prolong the fear reaction in rats.
2. (U) The Soviets have conducted experiments which use an
automatic, multichannel register of motor activity. The instrument
independently records all the movements of the animals located in a
special chamber and transmits the signal to 40 counters. Kruglov is
using a modern radio-electronic device which can record the -ignals,
of milli-second duration, by which neurons transmit information
to each other. Kruglov and his colleagues have established that
morphine, aminazine, and similar substances inhibit the signaling
rhythm of nerve cells. These experiments yielded many new tran-
quilizers and stimulants. None of these "new" substances were
described. The Soviets claim that neurotropic drugs are now
making it possible to intervene in the most important processes
taking place in the organism. No description of what important
processes taking place is mentioned (213).
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3. (U) Controlling group behavior with drugs has been reported
by I.P. Lapin (214). The study dealt with animals but may have
some bearing on human behavior reorientation. According to Lapin,
in order to change the behavior of a large group of animals, it
is sufficient to use drugs to control the behavior of the most
active animals (leaders). The article discusses the use of amphe-
tamines and aminazine. Further reference to Lapin can be found
in an article of 23 September 1968 (215).
4. (U) One of the most interesting areas of research into finding
new psychotropic substances may be associated with the gonionemous
jellyfish. Research into the nervous and pychic disorders resulting
from lesions caused by the jellyfish has been reported by the
aforementioned Serbsky Institute (216). It appears that literature
on Soviet research in this field is extremely limited. Mikhalev
and Vatskov studied 260 cases of lesions by poisonous gonionemous
jellyfish. General and local disturbances are distinguished
according to their severity and symptoms of intoxication in the
clinical picture. In cases of a severe course of the affection
(18 patients), except for polymorphic somatic symptoms, there
were distinct neuropsychiatric deviations. They were expressed
in tormenting headaches, convulsions, paresis, disturbances of
statics, sacral posterior radicular pains. Vegetative symptoms
were in the form of hyperhydrosis, acrocyanosis, hypersalivation,
and red demographism. Mental disturbances proceeded with an
increasing fear of death, sometimes with speech and fugiform
excitation, altered consciousness of the delirio-amentive or
oneiroid type with illusions, hallucinations, psychosenory and
delusional symptoms. The psychotic symptoms of an acute exogenous
reaction subsided during the following two to five days. This research
might have significance in the Soviets attempts to arrive at suitable
means for controlling or altering behavior.
5. (U) A noteworthy book from Czechoslovakia that discusses
some of the present problems of some militarily important psychoactive
substances has been published (217). The book discusses the history
of natural psychotomimetics used in religious rituals. There are
mentioned two possibilities for the application of presently known
psychoactive drugs for the purpose of military gain:
a. Controlling stress situations in special military units
in combat to include means for treating mass psychoses in extra-
ordinary situations.
b. The use of temporary incapacitating agents for disrupting
and capturing enemy personnel.
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The problems associated with military misuse of drugs is discussed.
The classification of psychotomimetic drugs relating to their
effects, either on higher nervous activity or in producing temporary
disorders, mainly in somatic functions is outlined. The authors
also mention some characteristics of the pipe`ridyl glycolate group
of psycho-warfare agents. Structural analogy of psychotomimetic
derivates to the particular neurotransmitters is considered together
with a hypothesis of competitive antagonism on receptors. The
authors state that competitive antagonism seems to be one of the
most acceptable possibilities of hallucinogenic effect mechanisms
as well as a good base for the investigation of potential means
for the effective prevention and treatment of hallucinogen intoxi-
cations. The influence of stress and conventional weapons on
the eventual result of pschotomimetic drugs effect in exceptional
situations is taken into account.
6. It must be concluded, based on the Soviet literature
on psychopharmacological research, that the USSR has the ability
and knowledge to develop and produce a sophisticated arsenal of
incapacitating or mind altering weapons in the form of chemical
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PART A - Background
1. (U) According to Dodge (218), there have been persistent
reports of unusual flashing or bright lights emanating from Soviet
naval vessels and long range aircraft (BEAR, BADGER, BISON).
Such activities have coincided with US and NATO surveillance
operations conducted from interceptor aircraft and naval vessels.
In some cases, surveillance personnel have been temporarily blinded
and disoriented by various intensities and colors of continuous
or intermittently flashing lights during nocturnal missions.
2. (U) Dodge further relates that in 1968, a night watch
officer aboard the HISS Valiant was temporarily blinded by what
appeared to be a bright blue light situated slightly, below the
mast of a KOTLIN destroyer. When his night vision recovered,
he reported perceiving red lights which appeared to be situated
above and behind the blue light. Both sources of light appeared
to be portable. In 1970, an aircraft was tracked by a spotlight
trained from a Soviet naval vessel. Several pinpoint bursts of
amber and amber-green light were noted aft of the spotlight and
shined in concert with it.
Properly classified in the
interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
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Properly classified in the
interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
4. (U) Again in 1968, another F-102 pilot reported that a
steady brilliant white light was shined from a hand-held aldis-
type lantern situated in the tail blister of a BEAR B aircraft.
In late 1968, still another F-102 pilot reported a blinding 'light
in concert with a pulsating (1.5 flashes/second) red strobe light
from a BEAR aircraft. In 1970, an F-102 pilot reported that a
BEAR C aircraft shined a hand-held light of brilliant intensity
from its left rear tail blister. The light, was trained on the
pilot from 15 to 20 times with a flash duration of two to seven
seconds (218).
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5. (U) A report that appeared in 1971 discusses some US air personnel
problems when encountering Soviet aircraft over the Mediterranean
Sea (220). "By far, the most dangerous encounters occur after
dark. For safety's sake, both the BADGERS and the PHANTOMS usually
turn on their navigation lights (which they would never do in
a combat situation ), but sometimes the Russians come in blacked
out, or shine searchlights in the eyes of the PHANTOM pilots -
causing a temporary loss of night vision - or trickily switch
their navigation lights on and off."
6. (U) Some of the nocturnal incidents described above
suggest that the Soviets have not overlooked the possibility of
utilizing bright and flashing lights as a means of altering
behavior. It is interesting to note that the period of active
research in Soviet laboratories, as will be discussed in PART B
below, coincides with the reports of their employment of unusual
flashing lights against US and NATO personnel.
PART B - Soviet Research in Photic-Flicker
1. (U) A series of conclusions were drawn on the effects of
flicker at a symposium held in the US in 1957 (221). Although
the meeting and papers presented are fifteen years old, the facts
presented appear to be relevant to this discussion. The conclu-
sion5 reached by the group at Tulane were as follows:
(1) There appears to be general agreement that flicker has
the potentiality of causing considerable interruption of the normal
functions of the human nervous system.
(2) One manifestation of such interruption may take the form
of sleep, unconsciousness, hypnotic states, or other forms of
interference with consciousness. Another manifestation of inter-
ference consists of annoying or irritating sensations such as
queasiness, discomfort referable to the eyeball and caused by
excessive pupillomotor activity, headaches, or general sensations
of apprehension. A third type of manifestation concerns visual
illusions including color sensations, patterns of movement and
development of odd shapes. These may interfere with visual recog-
nition of any objects which actually are in the visual field.
(3) Those flicker effects which interfere with consciousness
appear at frequencies related to the alpha rhythm of the EEC,
or at 10 Hz. Annoying or irritating sensations seem to occur
with aperiodic flashes or with rhythmic flashes at 3-5 Hz. Visual
illusions appear to be produced by frequencies above 10-12 Hz.
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(4) The EEG appears to be a reliable indicator of consciousness
but not of sleep or wakefulness...
(5) Not every subject shows truly periodic EEG activity....
(6) Photic? driving of the EEG by periodic flicker is a well
known phenomenon although many subjects do not show the effect...
(7) The ease with which photic driving can be produced has not
yet been correlated with emotional patterns or with sleep-wakefulness
cycles. However, the visual illusions which result from flicker
may be the basis for a highly predictable method of measuring
(8) The production of flicker effects is not limited by the
retina but appears to be limited by some process in the central
nervous system which converts discontinuous activity to continuous
activity (i.e. flicker to fusion)...
(9) Flickering of other sensory modalities may influence
the ease of production of the desired effects of visual flicker.
Auditory flicker is particularly promising in this regard.
(10) Stress, comparable to that produced in actual combat,
may be needed to 'completely elucidate the practical effects of
flicker as far as military applications are concerned.
(11) It appears likely that high intensities of light will
be more effective in producing the desired effects of flicker
although much remains to be done to determine the optimum light
and dark intervals, background contrasts, and effects of stray
As will be depicted later, the areas above where no definite
conclusions were drawn (4,7, and 10) is the exact area of high
Soviet interest. L.I. Kuproyanovich (164) describes in some
detail Soviet efforts in relating EEG with sleep and memory as
well as the areas of photic drive and the synchronization of
flicker frequency and alpha wave rhythm. At the University of
Leningrad work has been done on the effects of strobe lights
flashing at a different rate for each eye. One rhythm for the
left eye and another for the right eye brings on measurable brain
wave patterns. Lights flickering at different rates on each eye
cause a sensation of rotation and a very unpleasant feeling in
the viewer. It might be mentioned that the Soviets are thinking
of using the "seasickness" application of flashing lights in a
telepathic mode (222).
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2. (U) c
The most recent conference on flashing lights
was held during the period of 19 through 22 April 1971 in London.
It was the "International Symposium on the Perception and Appli-
cation of Flashing Lights." From the sources available, it has
been determined that no Soviet or East European personnel attended;
further, no one at the conference discussed the possible use of
flashing lights for military purposes (223).
3. (U) Among the varied research interests in the Soviet Union
dealing with flashing lights is the relationship of the vestibular
to the visual systems. Electrophysiological data on the effect
of the vestibular apparatus on the optical system has been published
in the Soviet Union (224,225). It has been reported that stimula-
lation of the vestibular apparatus (polarization of the labyrinth
by a direct current) causes an increase in neuron reaction to
light stimulation and an increase in the critical frequency of
flashes. The Soviets also conclude that the interactions of
visual and vestibular analyzers is brought about mainly because
of their cortical levels. Studies were carried out with deaf
individuals to provide further evidence of this. If these studies
are all valid, this could lead to the possible development of
systems that combine vestibular stimuli with photic-flicker capa-
bility in order to achieve a degree of, mental disorientation and
confusion. The Soviets conclude by stating that functional varia-
tions of the cortex of normal subjects caused by vestibular stimula-
tions result in a disruption of cortical-s ubcortical relationships,
which in turn alters the functional states of the retina. Further
work in the relationship of visual perception, auditory stimuli,
and the cerebral cortex have been reported (226-228). Studies
have been conducted on rabbits, cats, and Moscow school children.
It was found that repeated stimulation with sound resulted in a
complete extinction of neuronal response.
4. (U) The reaction to prolonged rhythmic photic stimulation
has interested the Soviets. In experiments with rhythmic light
flashes at different frequencies, monkeys exhibited individual
sensitivity to certain rhythms. Some animals recruited and trans-
formed the lower frequencies better (7.9 flashes per second),
while others responded to the higher frequencies (18 and 25 per
second). The following variations in the cortical and subcortical
responses to the stimuli were distinguished: (a) simultaneous
recruitment of the given rhythm by cells of the motor and visual
cortex and subcortex; (b) recruitment of the rhythm only by the
visual cortex; (c) recruitment of the rhythm by the visual cortex
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and its transformation in the subcortical structures (d) recruit-
ment only by the subcortex and motor cortex; (e) transformation
in the visual cortex and recruitment by the deeper structures of
the brain and motor cortex; (f) simultaneous transformation of
the rhythm by all the structures recorded; (g) transformation
by the visual cortex. All or a combination of these variations
in brain activity could occur in the same experiment (30 to 60 min)
(229). A study was reported on non-rhythmic prolonged photo stimu-
lation (230) and on the characteristics of sensory afterdischarge
of the human brain to photic stimulation (231). A conclusion was
drawn that the specificity of processes in the upper parts of
the visual analyzer under a prolonged action of light depends
on the inhibitory influences from the visual cortex.
5. (U) The Soviet literature contains reference to experimental
work in the effect of high brightness on the rate of eye adapta-
tion to darkness. Kartsev (232) reports that the rate of
adaptation of central vision of both eyes to the darkness after
light exposures of various durations (1.5,3,6 minutes) after
illumination (20,000 to 80,000 lux) was studied in four test
subjects in the age group 18-30. A white barium screen illumi-
nated by direct sunlight was used as a light source. During
adaptation to the darkness the central vision response time was
proportional to the quantity of illumination during disadapta-
tion. A value of. approximately 8 x 106 lux per sec was used.
Apparently the Soviets feel that they have determined the upper
limits to the effects of brightness because Kartsev reports that
central vision response remained unchanged with any further
stimulus increase. Other researches have prepared curves for
the computation of restoration to light sensitivity after exposure
to superbright light flashes (233-235). Visual perception in
aircraft pilots has also been studied (236).
1. (U) The Soviets have reported that low intensity red light
creates an irregular alpha rhythm in humans (237). Another study
was conducted on the effects of low intensity red, green, and
yellow light on humans (238). Physiological tests were adminis-
tered to 412 females working in a film processing plant under red,
green, or yellow light of low intensity 25 watt bulbs. Complex
shifts were found in the central and autonomic nervous system
which included marked increases in optical rheobase and chronaxy
and lengthening of the latent period of visual and motor reactions
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during the course of the day. The EEG was characterized by an
irregular alpha rhythm, frequently followed by more rapid low-
amplitude oscillations, an indication of decreased reactivity
of the cortical processes. The condition of the autonomic nervous
system was judged from shifts in skin temperature and arterial
pressure, both of which were much lower at the end of a work shift
than at the beginning. The physiological data were supported by
the results of a neurological examination which showed a large
number of functional shifts. In general, the adverse effects
were most pronounced in those who worked in soft red light. Yellow
light was less irritating than green.
2. (U) Further evidence of Soviet interest, especially in red
light, is provided by research emanating from Soviet military
institutes. The dynamics of work capacity of healthy human subjects
during adaptation to colored, lights was evaluated from the rate
and quality of sensorimotor reactions of varying complexity. The
subjects, seated at a specially designed control board, were required
to press buttons to switch off the lights at appropriate signals during
a two hour adaptation period. Adaptation resulted in changes in
the rate and quality of the reactions in relation to the color
of the light source and the adaptation time. An increase in wave-
length increased reaction speed but impaired quality, while a
decrease in wavelength had the opposite effects. Red light produced
tension and irritability. Yellow light induced a good mood charac-
terized by "increased motor readiness" and sustained attentiveness.
Sluggishness and sleepiness were the characteristic reactions to
blue light. Green light did not seem to produce any emotional
reaction (239).
3. (U) The effect of colored illumination on monkeys has been
studied at the Kirov Military Academy. The work reported above
also was done at the Kirov Academy. The work as one can see
involves not only monkeys but humans. The relationship between
agressiveness and color type is of interest especially since the
work comes from a known military establishment. An abstract
of the work on monkeys follows:
"In order to determine the psychophysiological specifi-
city and the emotional working capacity as influenced
by different colors-of the visible spectrum -- so
important in technical esthetics in submarines, mines,
planes, and light and heavy industries -- the authors
used two rhesus monkeys. Sultan, four years old, was rather
immobile and aggressive with a big appetite. Generally
he sat at the screen and in the case of a mistaken choice
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became aggressive and chewed on the screen. Kahn, three
years old, was lively, emotionally responsive but suspi-
cious, was roused by food less than Sultan, and was con-
ditioned by surroundings. He ran about the cage almost
continously and seldom sat at the screen to wait for
the signal. Food was placed in sight of the monkeys in
one of two feeding troughs shut off from the cage.
After 30-60 minutes of adaptation to light (red, yellow,
green and blue) at different periods, the monkeys were
tested for delayed reaction. After red light the ani-
mals were restless, they made many wrong choices, and
emotionally they were tense. After yellow light there
were fewer mistakes. The optimum was green light.
Blue light produced definite sedative effects on the
body and thought, especially so with Kahn, who sat
quietly in the corner and responded to signals with
deliberation or indifference." (240)
4. (U) Other research on color thresholds of lights (241), color
vision (242-243) and the development of visual color perception
(244) have been published. One final paper is of separate interest
because it gives an indication of possible Soviet interest in the
relationship of anticholinergic drugs and photic stimulation with
colored light. The effect of amino glycolates, hydroxypiperedyl-
benzylate, benactyzine, and glypin (unknown), in doses of 0.1 to 5 mg.
per kg., and of the amino acetates, adiphenine and tropacin, in doses
of 1 to 10 mg. per kg. on discrimination of light flashes by
the retina was studied in intact rabbits. In photostimulation
with white, yellow, green, and blue light, 1 to 25 flashes per
second were percieved both before and after the administration
of all doses of the anticholinergic drugs. S.A. Kalning (245)
reports that rhythm perception proceeded undisturbed even when
the intensity of the light was increased after the introduction
of the drugs. It is not known if the Soviets have done similar
studies employing red light; it would appear to be of interest
since it has been shown that red light tends to increase aggres-
siveness and produce EEG alterations.
Properly classified in the
interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
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2. (U) The use of flashing lights to alter or affect
human behavior or one's mental state has not received very much
research attention. Laboratory tests, however, have revealed
some interesting effects which might be worthy of further investi-
gation. At close distances, light of high intensity can alter
the alpha rhythm of the brain to bring it into phase with the
lights (see Kuproyanovich - 164). It has been noted that a person
in hypnosis is more likely to be in the alpha state. Laboratory
tests have been devised so that a subject's brain waves can be
visually displayed on a wall thus teaching him when he is genera-
ting alpha waves. These tests have all been conducted in darkened
laboratories. To reproduce such conditions in the field would
require lights of very high intensity. The tests could probably
only be conducted at night. Such a test would probably require
high intensity lights flashing at about ten cycles per second
(cps), which is the approximate cvcl.e rate for the aloha waves-
Properly classified in the
interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1). Observa-
tion of flashing lights operating at ten cps could indicate experi-
ments (218, 219) intended to alter or control alpha waves or
could merely indicate coincidence. The color of the lights would
seem to be of no importance or significance. Another explanation
for flashing tungsten filament lights could be linked to an attempt
to interfere with an observers perception of motion (218,219).
Short intense light flashes tend to impede the ability to detect
motion. The eye detects motion by observing an object traveling
from one position to another. If flashing lights were present,
the observer would only be able to observe the object for such
a short period of time between flashes so it would appear to be
stationary. Only prolonged observation and comparison to other
objects would enable the detection of movement. Even a short
period of indecision could be of importance in the detection of
a torpedo for example. Experiments have been conducted in the
laboratory which demonstrate that high intensity flashing lights
operating at ten cps and conducted for a prolonged period of time
result in nausea on the part of the observer. Such flashes could
be particularly effective against someone feeling the effects of
3. (U) It is interesting to note that the expert above
mentioned that color would seem to be of no importance or signi-
ficance. The Soviets have shown a high interest in the effects
of color on human behavior, especially red colored lights. The
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reports from US Air Force personnel also describe the use of
bright red strobe lights that pulsate so rapidly that it almost
gave a stop-motion appearance that one of the Soviet's aircraft
engines was feathered. It might be concluded that, at least
to the Soviets, color is a very important consideration.
4. (U) The following information is based on a discussion
by Two
Canadian scientists who are long standing psycho-optic researchers
of the highest rank and who also are oriented towards their military
establishments are Doctor Douglas Pearce and Doctor C.E. Mackinnon.
The two doctors have specialized in psycho-optic research dating
back to the early 1950s. About 1962, they became associated with
the Canadian Ministry of Defense in Toronto, Canada. Doctor Pearce
and Doctor Mackinnon have been experimenting with human subjects
since 1952. Some of their work includes studies on the effects
of light and other stimuli on aircraft pilots; it is believed
that this research was military oriented. It is felt that their
work (and future work) should be studied and watched because of
their expertise in the area of light stimuli.
5. (U) Very little literature has appeared on counter-
measures or defense against flashing lights. One US expert (246)
suggests that perhaps the most simple means of protecting against
the adverse effects of flickering light would be a series of
filters fitted to eye glasses or goggles, but the wearer would
have to be absolutely cognizant of the exact wavelength employed
against him to get the desired results. A variable and selective
filter for eye glasses could be manufactured. Also, there is
optical glass that would limit the field of vision to a few degrees.
Based on the discussion of the use of a tungsten light to conceal
a laser source, it would be of interest to see if any discernable
eye damage had occurred to any of the air crew that was subjected
to Soviet red strobe lights. It appears to be imperative that
eye examinations must be given to all personnel who report exposure
to Soviet flickering lights.
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1. (U) Man has just begun to research the areas of odor and
olfactory phenomena. An increasing amount of evidence implicates
olfactory mechanisms in communication between the sexes in prosi-
mians and also in their social organization, but to date there
is only scant information that olfaction plays a similar role
in higher primates (247).
2. (U) Do pheromones operate also in people? There is no evidence
that they do not, and some evidence that they do. Many psychiatrists
have believed that odor is among the "cues" which operate in the
transference situation, while schizophrenic patients, who are
receptive to unorthodox ideas and have their sensory gain-control
turned right up, claim to "smell" hostility. Some psychiatrists
themselves have long claimed to be able to "smell" schizophrenia--
the substance involved has now been identified as trans-3-methylhexanoic
acid. Olfactory sensitivity varies greatly in humans--a perfumer
can smell the differences between skin and hair colors, and many.
unskilled observers have noted the unique, pleasant skin odor of
redheaded women (248).
3. (U) Pheromones control ant behavior and much insect mating.
An artificial pheromone (gyplure) can be synthesized to attract
gypsy moth males into an insecticidal trap. They are also wide-
spread in mammals. Some mammalian odors, like the n-butylmercaptan
of the skunk, or the labeling of territory with urine, are straight-
forward signals. These influence behavior in the same way as a
display of threat, dominance or attraction. The action of a true
pheromone is more direct; it is a signal, but its action is more
like that of a hormone--the distinction is not total, but it is
perceptible, in that many pheromonal odors, at least in mammals,
have a chemical shape rather like that of a steroid molecule,
and might have been derived from one.
4. (U) Insects take advantage of their keen, specialized olfactory
organs (usually the antennae) to guide them to food, the opposite
sex, or mark the place to lay eggs. Sense of smell is particularly
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important to the social insects, which manufacture a variety of
scents to coordinate the activities of their colonies; they employ
odors to warn their kind of impending danger, to recognize intruders,
to mark trails leading to food, to move their nests, and to enlist
the help of other colony members. Because of this phenomenon,
man may be able to control insects through the use of different
chemical attractants (249). It may some day be possible for men to
control other men by using pheromones.
SECTION II - Behavioral Altering Possibilities
1. (U) A paper presented at the Cib a Foundation Symposium
on Mechanisms of Taste and Smell in Vertebrates by M.G.J. Beets
is of interest because of the implications of possible chemical
warfare use (250). The paper by Beets reports a new line of syn-
thetic odor producing substances with odors closely related to
those of some of the steroids. The steroids are very complex,
expensive to produce, naturally-occurring substances with strong
odors which are quite important in controlling behavior, particu-
larly in lower animals. Steroids are used in contraceptive medica-
ments, and perfumers have been looking among them for years for
a substance to insert into perfumes as an aphrodisiac. Beets and
his group have come up with a very simple artificial product
which is easy to synthesize chemically and which has the identi-
cal smell of the natural substance it mimics. Instead of having
a large, complicated chemical structure with, say four rings,
Beets has produced a structure with a single ring but with so many
groups attached to it chemically that it is the same shape of
molecule as the natural substance. The accomplishment supports
the theory that odors of chemicals depend upon the shapes of
their molecules (251).
2. (U) Beets' paper reports an innocent development, but
the principle of the development applies in chemical warfare with
regard to the search for "mind benders." In fact, Beets observed
that the basic idea of his accomplishment could be extended to drugs,
hormones and some other substances, making their synthesis much
easier by simplifying the steps of production while retaining
the overall shape of the molecule (251).
3. (U) There are at least two problems in using this
synthetic mimicry for a placating or confusing effect in chemical
warfare. One is getting the substances sufficiently volatile for
dispersal in the air. The natural substances are generally not
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volatile, but a way may be found to make them so. Moreover, we
are just at the beginning of a knowledge of the chemical contro-
lers that are produced in the body, and it is not unlikely that
some of these substances are small-moleculed and thus replaceable
by a synthetic substance which could be readily distributed through
the air. There is also the possibility of distributing the non-
volatile substances through the water system, which is probably
more efficient-for some purposes.
4. (U) The second problem has to do with whether odor--
that is, the chemical traces entering the body which produce the
effect we call odor--can have a substantial behavioral effect upon
human beings. There is the ancient idea of the aphrodisiacal
odor in perfume. Certain food odors can start one to salivate and
make one hungry. Certainly, most of the lower animals and insects
do have strong odor-responsive systems. A bitch in heat will
attract male dogs from half a mile or a mile around. Many insects
use similar systems for attracting a mate or for knowing where
to lay their eggs. Ants produce a smell warning other ants of
danger. In the animal world the phenomenon of pheromone--of
odorous signaling substances--can be powerfully controlling, and
it would be very surprising if the human being is exempt from this.
5. (U) Many of the secretions of the endocrine glands
have profound effects in signaling changes in the basal metabolism
and changes in the whole operation of the body. It is probable
that more and more substances will be found that are put into
the blood stream by the endocrine glands, or by the brain, which
control whether we feel awake, or sleepy, or active, or sexy,
or hungry or whatever else. So there is a very definite possi-
bility of an eventual chemical warfare application of these substances
synthetically reproduced or mimicked. And just conceivably, Beets'
principle is the way to go (251).
6. (U) There appears to be a very definite lack of Soviet literature
on the subject of pheromones and odor. However, in 1968, Klimenko (252)
authored a book entitled "Live Radio Electronics." There are
some enticing chapter titles but unfortunately no translation was
available at the time of this report. The titles are as follows:
a. Organs of Sense, Special Devices and Analyzers in
Animate Organisms.
b. Olfactory and Gustatory Organs
c. Use of Odors
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It is further believed that the book, since it contq[ins a chapter
on biocommunication, deals with parapsychological phenomena.
7. (U) Suffice it to say that the Soviets have been working with
the synthesis of various mercaptan compounds. Apparently they
are looking for oil and water soluble mercaptan compounds with
sharp odors (253). The only reason this is mentioned is because
the work comes from a pharmacology and toxicology laboratory
and not a pure chemistry or industrial laboratory. This suggests
that the Soviets are interested in the effects of these compounds
on living organisms.
8. (U) Another area of interest is the Soviet work on the
influence of carbon tetrachloride on the human body. Belkov (254)
reports that small concentrations (8 mg. per cubic meter) decreases
the light sensitivity of the eye. The threshold of reflex'action
of this sensitivity was 6 mg. per cubic meter. Thus concentrations
of carbon tetrachloride undetectable by its odor can change the
light sensitivity of the eye. This fact has possible application
in chemical warfare use as a behavioral control mechanism.
9. (U) Pheromone phenomena has interested researchers in Poland.
A 1969 review article with 88 references was written by J. Kwiatkowska.
The article deals with pheromones and dommunication in the animal
kingdom (304). A 1970 review by Malicki discusses physical and
chemical attractants for insects (305).
10. (U) One approach to behavior alteration in humans is
through the possible use of the olfactory sensitivity of insects
or animals. - One can use a pheromone or other odor-producing
agent to create a condition that will cause insects for example
to gather to a specific location, e.g. on an enemy troop camp. Another
pheromone could be released that could cause aggressive behavior
in the insects, this in turn would disrupt the military unit
and render them ineffective. The Soviets have been working with
attractants for the Aedes mosquitoes. They have shown that solutions
of lysine and alanine are useful as Aedes attractants (306). It
might be mentioned that these aqueous solutions would probably
be adaptable to aerosol dissemination.
11. (U) Shamshurin et al have claimed that they are able to
synthesize the sex attractant of Pectinophora gossypielZa (307).
Burtsev and Giadilin have reported on the isolation and testing
for biological activity of the attractant for the butterfly Danus
gilippus (308).
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1. (U) The psychological and behavioral effects of infrasound
and the low ranges of audible sound (those frequencies in the
range of 1 to 100 cycles per second, i.e. Hertz (Hz) are poorly
documented, especially Soviet work. There is some sketchy data
available on sonic (20 to 20,000 Hz) and ultrasound (usually
any frequency greater than 20,000 Hz).
2. (U) The Soviets are, however, aware of the biological effects
of sound and seem to be interested in establishing protective measures
for humans. The Soviets believe that the fact that human beings
are not biologically adapted to the rapid tempo, noise, and pressures
of an urban industrial society accounts for the increase in cardio-
vascular and nervous disturbances. Therefore, the Soviets are
experimenting with a concept they call "The Zone of Health." One
such zone has been established in Baku. The facility includes
parks and seashore with provisions for 28 kinds of natural therapy
including climatotherapy, kinestherapy,-diet therapy, phototherapy,
psychotherapy, etc. During 1969, 142,000 "patients" were treated
with some 98 percent going home "healthy" (255). Apparently the
zone is a form of rest and relaxation with complete absence from
excessive sound stimuli. This would appear to be an expensive
project and therefore illustrates the Soviet concern for the
effects of excessive noxious stimuli on its people.
3. (U) A 1964 book written by G.N. Krivitskaya (256) appears
to be of extreme interest; unfortunately only the preface and
the table of contents is available in translated form. For readers
interested in behavior modifications through sound, it seems that
a full translation is a must. Below is described the purpose
and coverage of the text and the abridged form of the table of
contents. The book is entitled "Effect of Intense Noise on the
Brain; Experimental Research." This book covers the problem of
change in morphological structures (nerve cells, fibers, synapses,
ganglia and vessels) in the neuron systems using different analyzers
for the effect of noise stimulants such as an electric bell with
a strength of 80-130 decibels (db) of mixed frequency used from one
to 44 times. The material is divided into three parts. The
first part describes the harmful effect of sound irritants on
living organisms. The second deals with experimental data
(producing convulsive attacks in a rat in response to sound
irritants). In both chapters, further references are cited.
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In the third chapter results of studies are compared with. data
from references. This book is recommended for neuropathologist?,
otolaryngologists, therapeutists and pathomorphologists.
Foreword -- 3
Introduction -- 5
Harmful effects of sounds and noises on the organism - 8
Producing attacks caused by sound. -- 70
Morphological principles of functional changes in the central
nervous system caused by sound -- 112
Bibliography -- 138 references
1. (U) The following discussion on the effects of infrasound
is based on a report by Maire (257). Due to the lack of appropriate
Soviet, literature, this discussion is based upon references from
other countries.
2. (U) Observed psychological and physiological effects have
included significant impairment of compensatory tracking ability,
choice-reaction time, foot pressure constancy and peripheral
vision. Other effects were greater error increases in reaction
times and performance at 5 Hz than at 2 Hz, increased initial
reaction time and an increasingly detrimental effect on visual
performance as frequencies were increased above 8 Hz, with maximum
effect occuring between 40 and 50 Hz... Gavreau (258) observed that
high intensity infrasound caused sensations of panic and the
impression that the head would burst. Infrasound at a frequency
of 7 Hz (emitted by a faulty industrial ventilator) caused diffi-
culty in the performance of.mental activities and precision work.
Other studies (259, 260) have shown that at exposures to stimuli
of 15-17 Hz, at SPL's (sound pressure level) of approximately 104 dB,
subjects experienced feelings of apprehension. During initial
exposures to intense sound fields, many individuals presented symptoms
typical of generalized stress reactions, particularly in cases where
sufficiently effective ear protectors were not in use. Severe storm
activity in North America was compared with the automobile accident
rate and the rate of absenteeism among school children in the'
area of Chicago, Illinois during May 1967. The results suggested
that a correlation may exist between the presence of infrasonic
disturbances in the area and changes in selected patterns of
human behavior (261).
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3. (U) Very little information is available on animal reactions
to infrasound at this time. According to Maire, it has been
reported that a frequency of 7 Hz caused "epileptic fits" and
the subsequent death of rats at some distance from the laboratory
in which the generator was located. There is a newspaper article
claiming that during experiments with a frequency of 7 Hz, all
dogs in a nearby apartment building 'went completely insane with
fear" (262).
1. (U) There have been several pertinent Soviet reports on the
psychological effects of noise in the 20 to 20,000 Hz range.
Among these was a report by Korotkin et al (263) that showed
changes in auditory thresholds as a result of suggestion during
hypnosis. In 14 of 16 subjects, the deterioration or improvement
in audibility of sound signals suggested during hypnosis produced
a significant change in auditory sensitivity in accordance with
the suggestion of the hypnotist. More substantial changes in
auditory sensitivity (up to 60 db) followed the suggestion of
poor audibility. The range of changes in sensitivity following
the suggestion of good audibility was narrower (up to 21.4 db).
The lowering of the auditory thresholds in response to a suggestion
of good audibility was largely dependent on their level on the day
of the experiment. The higher the original levels, the more they
dropped as a result of suggestion. The considerable individual
variations in auditory sensitivity caused by suggestion were
obviously related to the degree of suggestibility of the subjects.
2. (U) Rudenko reports that canine death can be caused by strong
acoustic stimulation (264). Prolonged attempts (for six weeks)
to evoke neurosis in a dog possessing exceptional strength and
equilibrance of nervous processes by using super-strong acoustic
stimuli failed to produce any appreciable,disturb ances of its
nervous activity. Then to increase the excitability of the dog's
nervous system and raise its working capacity to the limit, a
loud tone (120 decibels) was combined with the administration
of caffeine in 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 grams doses 30 minutes before
the experiment. Ten minutes after a 1.5 gram dose of caffeine
was administered, there was a drastic tonic convulsion of the
entire body and a few seconds later the animal died. This indicates
that this type of animal has strongly pronounced protective mecha-
nisms and that destruction of these mechanism may lead to a break-
down of higher nervous activity or to even graver consequences.
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3. (U) Alekseyev and Suvarov (265) studied the speed and intensity
of acoustic and visual reactions in subjects exposed to~noise from
thirty minutes to four hours. Using 70 to 90 db noise intensities
in a soundproof chamber, the investigators recorded vocal and motor'
reaction response times after varying exposure durations. Prolonged
(3-4 hour) testing at either db level caused fatigue of the central
nervous system, reduced effective response, and disturbed relation-
ships between motor responses and strength of stimulus. Noise of
70 db produced no essential changes in responses within the first
hour of testing, while 90 db noise caused changes in vision dependent
reactions and slowing of reaction times.
4. (U) Strakhov (267) has investigated the effect of high intensity
noise (95-100 db, 1500-3000 Hz) on EEG patterns. In human subjects
a gradually' increasing desynchronization of cortical rhythms was
noted together with the appearance of slow waves. In rabbits and
cats, both desynchronized and synchronized rhythms occurred. The
general character of noise induced changes, the considerable after
effect of noise, accompanying changes in respiratory function, and
the presence of a cardiovascular reaction suggested that s ub cortical
brain structures (especially the reticular formation of the medulla
oblongata) were primarily responsible for the genesis and development
of these changes. This hypothesis was confirmed by electrophysio-
logical studies with potentials taken directly from subcortical
structures. In addition, histological examination showed pronounced
changes in medullary nerve cells. In a later report (267), Strakhov
reported that a generalized alpha rhythm depression develops during
a period of several minutes as a result of exposure to 95-100 db
noise, but that if photic stimulation were applied at the beginning
of the noise, alpha rhythm bursts appeared which weakened, then
completely disappeared as the noise action continued. Discontinuation
of the noise first brought about new bursts of alpha rhythm in response
to photic stimulation, and subsequently led to its complete restoration.
The administration of scopolamine delayed the development of the
changes. The results were regarded to be due to development of an
inhibitory state in the cerebral cortex due to the activation by
noise of the reticular structures of the inferior parts of the brain
stem and the release of inhibitory mechanisms of the nonspecific
thalamus. Other EEG work has been reported by Korzh (268) and by
Doroshenko et al (269).
5. (U) On a more subjective psychological level, Vogel (270),
classifies effects.into three categories: gross, annoyance, and
subtle, arranged roughly according to decreasing sound intensity.
Subtle involves sounds used to instill fear, anxiety, confusion,
panic, etc., examples of which would be the bugles played by
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the Communist Chinese in the Korean War and the Confederate "yell"
of the Civil War. Annoyance sounds would be sounds used to interfere
with work performance such as the ability to learn and retain.
Gross psychologic;tl damage would be the complete loss of the ability
to function, destroying or "muddling" of the conscious to such a
degree that the ability of all but involuntary actions (breathing,
heart beat) would be destroyed. Vogel states that nowhere in the
scientific literature could there be found a documented incident
where high intensity sound caused a gross psychological effect,
or any closely related effect, on a man.
6. (U) The intense noises associated with aircarft may in many
ways be similar to those that might b purposely generated under
combat conditions. In this respect, the work of Terent'yev, Sheludyakov
and Sviridova (271) may be quite relevant to assessment of the psycho-
logical effects of noise on highly motivated, trained personnel. These
investigators observed 90 people from an aviation engineering techni-
cal staff, who, in the course of their work, were subjected to the
influence of noise with an intensity of 100-102, 110-112, 118-120,
and 130-136 db daily, or two to three times a week for one to six
hours at a time. The majority of the technicians exposed to 130 db
and more, complained of general fatigue, reduced work capability,
headache, unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart, noise
and ringing in the ears after each day's work, less frequently of
itching over the entire body, pains in the front wall of the abdomen,
and sometimes nausea and vomiting. In some, sleep was irregular and
appetite lowered. In a majority, these phenomena disappeared after
a nights sleep; in others after 2-3 days if work under noise condi-
tions was.not repeated. Analysis of case data showed that the
frequency, expression and duration of unfavorable sensations were
determined by both intensity and noise duration. Individual charac-
teristics of those examined were also important. The symptom complexes
described developed more frequently and earlier in people in whom
head trauma, hyperthyroid, neurocirculatory dystony and other
illnesses had been noted. In order to validate the observations
made under work noise conditions, fifteen healthy volunteers were
tested under laboratory conditions. After exposure to noise with
an intensity of 100-102 db for one hour, some subjects complained
of noise in the head and sleepiness; after three hours, five of
eleven complained of general fatigue and one, of sleepiness; after
six hours, all examinees complained of noise and ringing in the
ears, headache and general fatigue, reduced appetite, nausea,
sleepiness and general irritability. After exposure to an intensity
of 110-112 db for up to three hours, all subjects complained of
headache, fatigue, sleepiness, and a sensation of deposits in the
ears; one subject complained of nausea and reduction of work capability.
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Under daily six hour exposure to noise of 110-112 db 'for five days,
the changes increased from day to day: fatigue, headache and general
malaise. After the third day the symptoms did not disappear by the
beginning of the following work day. With noise of 118-120 db,
a single exposure elicited the same changes as at lower levels, but
the degree of expression increased significantly and the aftereffects
lasted longer. Especially strong reactions were observed in three
and six hour exposures. All volunteers complained of noise and
ringing in the ears, general fatigue and heaviness of the head. In
some subjects, paleness of the skin, involuntary twitching of face
muscles, apathy or irritability, perspiration, or tremors of the
eyelids and fingers appeared. One general observation of considera-
ble significance was that the effects. of prolonged noise exposure
are cumulative.
7. (U) Mikhaylova and Byshevskiy report that 2000 Hz for various
periods of time (from 30 minutes to 10 days) on exposed rats may
contribute to inhibition of the anticoagulation process (272).
Further studies on rats exposed to 2000 Hz for various time limits
showed a reduced transketolase activity (273).
8. (U) Yuganov et al (274) have suggested that there. be a standardi-
zation for admissible limits for. high intensity sound. The effect
exerted on humans by noise of 114-116 and 125-126 db with an acoustic
energy of 500 Hz was studied. The auditory thresholds, blood
pressure values and time of response to light stimuli were measured.
Sixty-four healthy male test subjects were used in 152 experiments.
Adverse changes in the acoustic analyzer, cardiovascular system
and locomotor analyzer were detected during an exposure to 125-126
db noise. Taking into account the changes in the thresholds of
skin vibrosensitivity when the ear was protected, it is concluded
that the skin becomes a second gauge for acoustic energy beginning
with 125-126 db. Noise of 114-116 db is considered admissible during
powered stages of spaceflight.
1. (U) .Various psychological effects to exposure to ultrasound
(greater than 20,000 Hz) has been reported in the Soviet literature.
Mel'kumova and Koroleva (275) reported psychological-subjective
findings based on clinical observations of 104 individuals exposed
to ultrasound in an industrial environment. The main complaints
of the examinees were headache, extremely pronounced fatigability,
tiredness and a general weakness. The onset of fatigue in most
of the subjects began as early as two to three hours after starting
work with simultaneous development of headache, with the latter
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increasing progressively in intensity until the midday break.
For some, the 30 minute break at noon restored work capacity and
lessened the severity of the headache. Considerable exhaustion
was experienced by most subjects by the end of the workday. Besides
the marked fatigability and tiredness the examinees complained of
a constant feeling of general weakness and vertigo with dimming of
vision occurring by noon, at the end of the workday, under physical
or mental strain and in stuffy rooms. These sensations caused loss
of consciousness in some individuals.
2. (U) Another effect of ultrasound was disturbances in sleeping
patterns. The need for sleep Was- felt by one group during actual
work, before the noon break, or towa#l the end of the work day.
Some individuals were overcome by drowsiness during short pauses
in work and in longer pauses fell asleep standing up or in other
normally uncomfortable positions. In rare cases daytime drowsiness
was of the nature of a hypnagogic state, during which the individuals
continued to be oriented in their surroundings, hear speech, follow
the industrial process, and at the same time, sleep with clear
dreams. Changes in nocturnal sleep were also reported. Thirty-
eight per cent of the workers complained of drug-like heavy, dream-
less sleep, while another group (18%) slept superficially and inter-
mittently with difficulty in falling asleep and, in some cases, with
oppressive dreams.
3. (U) Other reported effects were morbidly sharpened perception
of ordinary sounds during off-duty hours, leading to sleeplessness
and the opposite extreme, in which one worker reported the sensa-
tion of "wanting to sleep day and night," even during the workday.
Heightened irritability was detected in 30 persons, while in 15
others, intellectual impairments were found. These included pro-
nounced loss of memory (especially for current events), decreased
perception, and inability to master new material.
4. (U) During clinical examination of this group of workers the
investigators noted lassitude, apathy and retardation of movements
and reactions. The examinees rarely expressed their complaints
themselves, but more often had to be prodded verbally in order to
elicit information. Replies to questions were monsyllabic and
conversational initiative was lacking.
5. (U) .In other studies conducted by the Institute of Hygiene
imeni Erisman, Yefimov (276) reported findings including weakening
of the sense of smell and decreased taste sensations as well as
certain disturbances in digestion. Of the gastrointestinal symp-
toms, the most frequently noted were poor appetite, nausea and a
tendency toward constipation. In some cases these symptoms we re
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combined with pains in the stomach which radiated into the right
subcostal region. Menstrual disturbances (dysmenorrhea and prolonged
amenorrhea) were detected in several women workers, but gynecological
examination revealed no inflammatory or proliferative disease in
any of them. Many men among the examinees complained of reduced
sexual capacity. Two men, aged 46 and 48, with long work exposure
on ultrasonic installations displayed sexual impotence.
6. (U) The organ and cellular effects of ultrasound have also
been documented. Gorshkov (277) cites studies by Wolf in which.
small aquatic animals were exposed to varied durations and intensities
of 800 kHz ultrasound. The results suggested that a species specific
relationship may exist for sensitivity to ultrasonic irradiation.
Gorshkov also cites experiments by'Buetala, who described spon-
taneous bone fracture in a young dog after ultrasonic irradiation,
and Majnr,, who exposed the extremities of a rabbit to ultrasound
at 960 kHz, 6 watts/cm2, for 30-120 minutes. Edemas of soft tissues,
ulceration, periosteal separation from the bone, and subendosteal
hemorrhages resulted. Necrotization of the bone eventually followed,
although the joint cartilage and epiphyseal growth plates remained
completely unchanged.
7. (U) Klupp (278) et al exposed the kidney region of animals
to 2 MHz ultrasound at intensities greater than 5 watts/cm2. Morpho-
logical changes were found in the primary convoluted tubules, the
loops of Henle, the secondary convoluted tubules, and the descending
arms of the loops of Henle. The connective tissue elements and
collecting tubules of the medullary layer were found to be more
resistant to ultrasound. Other investigators. .have observed dila-
tation of the renal blood vessels, hemorrhages in the medullary
and cortical layers, and degenerative changes in the epithelium of
the urinary tubules following exposure to high intensity sonic waves.
8. (U) The behavioral effects of ultrasound on animals have been
examined to a limited extent.
9. (U) Wood and Loomis (279) exposed fish to ultrasound. The
fish showed initial disquietude, then rushed from side to side in
the tank, swam to the surface and.attempted to gulp greedily for
air. Some, after as little as one minute of exposure, became.
sluggish, motionless, or showed symptoms of disturbed equilibrium
and weak, irregular respiration. At times, sporadic attacks of
renewed frenzied activity followed, with rapid respiration and
cardiac activity. Subsequent increase in intensity killed the fish.
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10. (U) In chronic experiments with ultrasound of moderate
intensity, Onanov (280) observed changes in animal behavior (apathy,
lassitude, refusal of food, emaciation, trophic ulcers and loss
of fur). Death due to stress with adrenal failure has been reported
in sheep subjected to ultrasonic irradiation at high intensities
similar to those used in the treatment of human auditory disease.
Stress due to ultrasound' of lower intensities has also been claimed (281).
1. (U)__r. Although the above discussion on Soviet research in
the areas of biological (psychological) properties of sound was
brief, it expresses an awareness on t?e part of the Soviets of
the potential harmful effects on humans. Some Soviet research
has indicated that the behavioral changes in man and animal are
of prime importance.
2. (U) According to Maire (257) scientists from Warsa,
Pact countries have evinced interest in French sonic and ultra-
sonic sirens and pneumatic. compressors for acoustic wave generation.
Therefore, the Soviets may be expected to continue research on small
siren powered emitters for mob control and on larger acoustic arrays
for area denial and anti-infiltration application.
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1. (U) A relatively recent development in experimental psycho-
logy ha* been the study of the effects upon human behavior of
a severe reduction in the level and variability of visual, auditory,
and tactual-kinesthetic stimulation. The experimental attempts
to achieve such a non-changing sensory environment are often
referred to by such terms as stimulus deprivation, sensory or
perceptual deprivation, or sensory and perceptual isolation. What-
ever the terminology, this condition can produce marked behavioral
and physiological changes. It has" btren demonstrated that a varied
and patterned sensory environment is essential to the maintenance
of normal human behavior. If a person is required to live for
many days in a monotonous, non-changing sensory and perceptual
environment, his physiological and psychological processes may
operate in extraordinary ways (282).
2. (U) The following discussion is excerpted from a report by
Zubek (282). According to Zubek, the first experimental work on
perceptual deprivation began in 1951 at McGill University. Its
purpose was to further the understanding of the mechanisms under-
lying "brainwashing" (e.g. Korean War) and of the lapses of atten-
tion noted under monotonous environmental conditions, such as
watching a radar screen for a prolonged period of time. The
results of the McGill research were very enlightening. The subjects,
who were paid to do nothing except lie alone in a semi-soundproofed
chamber for several days, wear translucent goggles and listen to
a constant masking sound of low intensity, reported a variety of
unusual subjective phenomena e.g. vivid and highly structured
hallucinations, delusions, and gross changes in the appearance
of the perceptual environment upon emerging from isolation. In
addition to these introspective reports, objective test data
were obtained which indicated an increased susceptibility to
propaganda material, impairments in cognitive and perceptual
functioning, and a progressive slowing of occipital alpha fre-
quencies with increasing duration of isolation.
3. (U) The results described above, together with several other
post-World War II developments, soon started worldwide interest in
the effects of sensory isolation and confinement. One source of
interest came from the highly publicized "confessions" extracted
by communist interrogators (e.g. the Cardinal Mindzenty case).
What little information was available suggested that the results
were obtained by techniques which often employed solitary confinement
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and the deliberate impoverishment of the prisoner's perceptual
environment (283). Drugs and physical torture were apparently
not used. Another development was the arrival of the space age
in 1967. Other advances, as reflected in increased use of sub-
marines, isolated radar and meteorological stations, and of auto-
mated equipment in general, also provided considerable impetus
to the initiation of research programs dealing with reactions to
restricted sensory and social environments.
4. (U) Despite the recounts of the Mindzenty case, the Soviets
did not publish reports on sensory deprivation until the mid 1960s.
The Soviet data is usually published in their aerospace or related
literature. Hinkle in 1969, however, has reported that under
prison isolation, as this has been''carsied out by Soviet and
Eastern European state police, most prisoners developed symptoms
of disorganization within three to six weeks; but some have been
known to endure this for many months, and some have succumbed
within days (284). Based on Hinkle's statement and numerous
other accounts on the treatment of prisoners in the Soviet Union
and other communist countries, it seems safe to say that they have
had some experience with the effects of sensory deprivation prior
to their acknowledgment of actual research in this field.
5. (U) The Soviets are quick to point out that the Canadians
and the Americans were the first to report and maintain research
efforts in the field of isolation and sensory deprivation (SD). Perhaps
to detract attention from the prison reports, Kosmolinskiy reports
that from the mid-fifties, sensory deprivation experiments attracted
increasingly greater attention in scientific investigation centers
of the Army, Air Force, and Navy of the United States and Canada (285).
In another section of Kosmolinskiy's report, he mentions, however,
that the question of sensory deprivation was already established in
the USSR in the twenties by I.P. Pavlov. The distinction between
Pavlov's work and research by Galkin in 1932 (286) as compared to
Western work is that the Soviet efforts were more humane. Kosma-
linskiy states that abroad, crueler forms of isolation were imposed
and that sensory limitations were created by the most severe means
e.g. plaster cast usage.
6. (U) Western literature on sensory deprivation deals with many
of the psychic manifestations that appear during or after the
experiment. Many-investigators noted significant changes in the
emotional sphere of subjects in sensory deprivation (50) experi-
ments: the appearance of varying degrees of apathy, melancholy,
anxiety and fear (287). Sometimes, apathy and dulled consciousness
of the subjects become so profound that one of the most important
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instincts is destroyed - the instinct of self-preservation - and
the person contemplates suicide (288). The Soviets contend that
serious psychological disorders in subjects as described above
are evidently related to the exessive burden of the severe experi-
mental conditions on the physiology of the subjects. The Soviets
continue by stating that in the above studies it is not only a
matter of the action of isolation and SD factors, but also a
number of supplementary factors complicating the circumstances
of the experiment (restraint with straps, plaster casts, uncom-
fortable postures, and occasional painful sensations). The Soviets
further believe that Western experimental work does not appear to
be a true model of human life and-work conditions, especially in
space flight simulation SD studies; =
7. (U) According to Kosmolinskiy, experiments on the limitation
of stimuli and conditions of isolation carried out by Soviet
scientists showed that a healthy person with greater will power
can remain in a soundproof chamber for an extended period of time
without any psychic changes threatening the condition of his
health. The various specific sensory illusions which appear are
not of a morbid nature. This form of sensory illusion pertains
to illusions associated with incorrect perception of stimuli,
the information characteristic of which is insufficient (289).
The illusions themselves do not appear to be a sign of psychic
disease and often are encountered in healthy persons, especially
in those instances when something interferes with the distinct
perception of visual and auditory
images; for example, poor
lighting. Baseline psychological status, fatigue, distraction,
states of expectation and fear are of great significance. O.N..
Kuznetsov and V.I. Lebedev (289) in describing the presence of
illusions involving recognition errors in subjects under investi-
gation in the soundproof chamber as a consequence of insufficient
information, of a feeling of the extraneous presence of eidetic
images, ideas of relationship and over evaluations, do not consider
these phenomena to be pathological, and propose calling them
pseudopsychopathological. According to the data of F.D. Gorbov
(290), psychopathological phenomena were absent in the experiments
of Soviet cosmonauts in a soundproof chamber.
8. (U) Soviet scientists assume that the isolation factor must
be studied in conformity with conditions which can occur on space
flights. In this regard, the most important factor appears to
be that a person believe in the necessity of the work which he is
to accomplish, and that he have a clear conception of the objects
of a given experiment. Each experiment in the soundproof chamber
is a moral and volitional examination for future cosmonauts, for
example, which prepares them for the performance of complex tasks.
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9. (U) Most Soviet literature, as was mentioned previously,
dealing with SD experiments is related to the space effort. The
purpose for discussing some of the Soviet views above was to
illustrate the rather mundane work that they report in the open
literature. The more interesting aspect is their awareness and
apparent concentration on Western literature as is evidenced by the
Kosmolinskiy report. The Soviets don't go so far as to condemn
the Western approach, but seem to be quick to point out the
differences from their approach which is reported to be not as
severe. Based on early reports on "confessions" and "brainwashing"
in communist countries, it would be naive not to assume that the
Soviets do not have a clear conception of the effects of sensory
deprivation. Based also on their worL in certain areas such as
the biological and mental effects of light and sound it should be
assumed that the capability for the application of SD in field
situations exists. Perhaps Kosmolinskiy gave himself away when
he stated that experiments show that isolation and sensory depri-
vation create complex physiological and psychological reactions
in the human organism. Measures must be developed to prevent
these disorders, which can involve several physiological systems
and lead to a decrease in his capacity for work and other psycho-
logical manifestations. Zubek's (282) work of 1969 indicated
thata prolonged period of perceptual deprivation and confinement
can produce, inmost cases, a considerable disturbance of brain-
wave activity. Zubek in concluding his report said, "In the
light of these results, one can only wonder about the possible
physiological and psychological state of prisoners of war and
others who, in the past, have been isolated for months or even
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1. (U) Over a span of years which exceeds that of a century,
numerous researches and observations have been conducted and
published on the physiological and psychological effects of elec-
tric fields. As Davis (293) has stated in his exhaustive review
of the subject, not much of substance has derived from all the
attention which has been paid to the physiological effects on
living organisms of placing them in environments which have been
changed by manipulating one or more electromagnetic parameters.
Somewhat more in the way of positive= findings has been published
as they relate to the psychological effects. There appears to
be more literature from Soviet sources than from Western sources
concerning the effects of electromagnetic fields on the central
nervous system.
2. (U) A question was raised concerning the possible hazard
to personnel working with a device which generated very high field
density electromagnetic pulses. Of particular concern was the
possibility that people working on an object which was to be sub-
jected to the pulse might themselves receive the energy by virtue
of a premature triggering or some other mischance. The generator
created an electromagnetic field in the form of a pulse which
had a duration of 3 x 10-9 sec, at a voltage of 1.0 megavolt. In
essence, a Van de Graaf generator was used to charge a bank of
high capacity condensers. The condensers were discharged into
a load consisting of an array of aerial wires so that a high
potential difference was caused to exist between them and a grounded
metal mesh plate-beneath. With the breakdown of the air dielec-
tric an intense pulsed field was created. On one occasion when
the generator was being tested after its erection, a bird flew
under the aerial wires just as it was pulsed. The bird fell from
the sky and flopped about in a rather disorganized way for a
minute or so. It then appeared to regroup all those things which
birds must have in order to fly, and flew off about its avian
business apparently none the worse for the experience. This inci-
dent was unsettling to those working with the generator, so a search
was made in the literature for something germane which would indicate
whether or not a hazard to operating personnel existed. This
literature search was reported by Hirsch et al (294). According
to Hirsch, not very much was found except for a paper by Salvingnac
et al (1967) which related to the psychomotor disturbances in air
crews-when their airplanes were struck by lightning. The density
of the electromagnetic fields to which these people were exposed
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was probably of the same order of magnitude and duration as was
that associated with the EMP generator, since a lightning bolt
generates a cylindrical electromagnetic field of about 10 mega-
volts at its center with the density decreasing toward the periphery..
The duration is about 6 microseconds. Salvingnac described the
psychomotor disturbances as a "slowing of thought processes and
psychomotor reactions" from which the people recovered within a
brief period apparently without permanent damage.
3. (U) The above information concerning pulsed electromagnetic
energy could have behavior implications just as the photic-flicker
"experiments" described in PART VI could have. The "slowing of
thought processes and psychomotor -reactions" could lead to behavioral
changes effecting the ability of ai1? i=dividual to perform a critical
task such as piloting an aircraft. It cannot be determined if
the report mentioned above initiated or accelerated Soviet
research in the area of the psychological or behavior effects of
electromagnetic energy. Since the early 1960s, the Soviets have
been publishing reports on the effects of electromagnetic and
magnetic fields on the central nervous system of animals. Although
the Soviet reports do not contain specific reference to effects
on humans, the data would give one the impression that they have
extensive knowledge of the subject as it might apply to humans.
4. (U) One of the more outstanding publications from the Soviet Union
is a book prepared by Yu. Kholodov (295). The book is a compilation
of Soviet and Western work in the area of electromagnetic effects
on the central nervous system. The bibliography to the book contains
455 entries. A large portion of the text directs itself to the
subject of -the changes in conditioned reflexes and sensitivity
to light in birds, rabbits, and fish. The effects of ultrahigh
and superhigh frequencies on the electrical activity of the rabbit
brain is extensively discussed. A report on constant magnetic
fields is also presented. Although the book addresses physiological
responses, it points out that the Soviets have considerable knowledge
and a keen interest in the field of electromagnetic energies.
5. (U) The UCLA Brain Information Service in Los Angeles is
a bibliographic collector of information which is pertinent to
this discussion. The service has compiled an extensive biblio-
graphic list on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields.
(below visible frequencies) especially' on the central nervous system..
The list contains many Soviet references. However, the list is
constructed around research that addresses the physiological
aspects and not the psychological or behavior effects (296).
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6. (U) A Soviet review article concerning the effects of superhigh
frequency (wavelength of from one millimeter to one meter) on the
central nervous system is worth incorporation into this report.
Although the work is primarily physiological, it is meaningful
because it contains some of the important areas of interest to the
Soviets and could be correlated to Soviet work with other frequen-
cies. Kholodov (297) reports that the effect of SHF on the functions
of the central nervous system is of particular interest. So far,
few studies have dealt with this subject. Kholodov contends that
foreign investigators (chiefly American) use an SHF field with an
intensity on the order of tens of watts/sq cm, which results in
a considerable heating of the brain (above 40 degrees C). Depending
upon the duration of the radiation, mice and rabbits have stopped
eating for some time, or have made spasmodic movements, and even
died. Post-mortem examination of the animals have shown that the
action of the powerful SHF field has resulted in destruction of
the brain cells. Especially extensive destruction has been observed
in the inter-brain and mid-brain. When the head of a monkey is
exposed to a strong SHF field, the animal behaves normally for
the first minute or two, and then covers his eyes and starts to
go to sleep. But a minute later he wakes up; the rate of respira-
tion increases; the pupils dilate despite the bright illumination;
and there is a heavy secretion of saliva. After some time the
monkey begins to shake with convulsions and utter cries. If the
radiation is discontinued,' by the following day the monkey in no
way differs from other monkeys who have not been exposed to radiation.
If exposure is continued, the animal dies after a few minutes.
Experiments have shown that when men or animals are exposed to
radiation, there is a change in the sensitivity to sound, light,
and olfactory stimuli. A study of the receptors in the skin, the
gastrointestinal system, and the circulatory system has shown
slight changes in them after exposure to the action of SHF. Conse-
quently, the SHF field can act on the first link in the reflex
arc. At the same time, SHF may act directly on the central nervous
system. On the other hand, the appearance of slow waves in the
record of the biological currents of the cerebral cortex, the
inhibition of reflex activity, and the appearance of various
vegetative reactions indicate action of the SHF field on the inter-
brain, where the higher vegetative centers are located. The data
from physiological experiments check very well with the results
from morphological investigations. After exposure to SHF, rever-
sible structural changes were observed in the cerebral cortex and
in the inter-brain. It may be assumed that those areas of the
brain are the most sensitive to the action of an SHF field, although
if the intensity or duration of the action is increased, other
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parts of the central nervous system will also part4cipate in the
reaction. Kholodov concludes by stating that only further experi-
ments will help us to explain the mechanism of the direct action
of an SHF field of nonthermal intensity. But it can already be
stated that these effects can be produced by an electromagnetic
field other than one of super-high frequency.
7. (U) Although Kholodov's article is early 1960, it points out
the interests the Soviets had over a decade ago; for that matter,
Vasilev was working with electromagnetic radiation in the 1930s
in his investigations of the transport methods for ESP. It is
evident that the effects of electromagnetic frequencies below
visible light on man are of interest to the Soviets. Kholodov
states that there is a change in the sensitivity in man to sound,
light, and olfactory stimuli. One can only make certain guesses
as to the possible relationship in Soviet research between electro-
magnetic radiation effects and behavioral responses to other
stimuli that they are working with.
8. (U) Christian (298) reports that the Soviet use of infrared
to cause gross damage to human targets is conjectural. However,
Christian in his report states that studies are being conducted
in the USSR which would lead one to conclude that infrared is
being considered as an anti-personnel weapon. Temporary blindness,
even of long duration, does not endanger the eye and yet is quite
serious when it alters the behavioral response of pilots or sentries
to their mission. Despite an extensive review of Soviet literature
on the effect of infrared radiation on humans, Christian could
find no reports on psychological effects. There was only one
report on behavior effects of infrared radiation. A report by
Dul'dier (299) states that a temporary loss of work capacity among
workers in hot shops, such as foundries, is directly related to
the dose of infrared received. He found somewhat surprisingly,
that temporary loss in working capacity is found more frequently
with younger workers, those on the job less than five years, than
the more experienced workers.
9. (U) One report has appeared in the Soviet literature relating
to the behavior effects of ultraviolet radiation. A study by
Al'bitskaya (300) seems to show that ultraviolet radiation can
show a decrease in the latent period of speech reaction during
association testing. Al'bitskaya studied the effect of 136-400nm
ultraviolet radiation on 15-16 year-old technical school students
as measured by their response in a conditioned reflex situation
and the length of the latent period in motor and speech reactions.
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She concludes that the response system based on speech is more
excitable than the response system based on sensory perception
since it can be stimulated by ultraviolet radiation.
10. (U) Low frequency electromagnetic fields have been found
by Kevanishvili and Zhgenti to generate sonic and ultrasonic
oscillations in living organisms (301). These oscillations produce
elastic deformations in the organism. If the frequency of the
outside field corresponds to the oscillation frequency of the
cells, the latter deteriorate as the result of the mechanical
11. (U) More recently, research"'at=the Riga Medical Institute
has shown that high-tension static electrical fields affect the
neurohumoral regulatory systems (301). Work is now apparently
underway that is investigating the possibility of an effect of
strong electrical fields as the energy balance of living objects
at this institute.
12. (U) Sweeney (302) has prepared a study on the biological
effects of electromagnetic radiation in the range of 3 to 300,000
mHz. The study covers research in the Eurasian communist countries.
This exhaustive report again contains primarily information on the
effects of electromagnetic radiation as it applies to physiological
responses, not psychological or behavioral.
13. (U) Since almost all of the Soviet data on electromagnetic
radiation (below visible) applies to physiological response, one
can only-imply that they have substantial knowledge of the psycho-
logical effects. Even if psychological or behavioral research is
under way in the USSR, it is doubtful that they would publish it.
There have been certain indications in the past that the Soviets
may be actively engaged in weapons research employing electro-
magnetic radiation. Doctor V.V. Meriakri, the Director of the
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Soviet
Academy of Sciences stated during an early 1969 visit to the
United States, that he is studying the radiation absorption proper-
ties of biological fluids.-
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pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
ilt is impossible to assess the truth of
this assertion on the basis of the information alone. Much more
information about Meriakri and hisresearch organization is needed.
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PART A - Affiliation Known
Serbsky Central Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry,
Moscow, USSR
LUNTS, D.R. (possible KGB--Colonel)
HDROZOV, G.V. (Director)
TALTSE (fnu)
The Republican Hospital of the City of Riga, Latvian SSR
Skvortsov-Stepanov Psycho-Neurological Hospital Number Three,
Leningrad, USSR
Chernyakhovsk Hospital (Chernyakhovsk, formerly the East Prussian
town of Insterburg)
BELOKOPYTOV (MAJOR) Prison Commandant (fnu)
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July 1972
PART B - Affiliation Unknown
DETENGOF, F.F. (Tashkent, Uzbek SSR)
PART C - Important Institutes - No Personalities Available
VLADIMIR PRISON ( 100 miles east of Moscow)
ORYOL PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL (170 miles southwest of Moscow)
BUTYRKA PRISON (Hospital Section), Moscow, USSR
PART A - Affiliation Known
Department of Psychology, Moscow State University
Military Medical Academy (Leningrad)
Naval Medical Academy
Sechenov Institute (Leningrad)
Pavlov Institute of Physiology (Leningrad)
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-OQIB8RQQ1300010001-7
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Leningrad State University
USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (Leningrad)
July 1972
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology (Moscow)
LIVANOV, M.N. (Chief)
USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Institute of Psychology, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (Moscow) '
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July 1972
Pavlov Hospital (Leningrad)
Soviet Academy of Medicine, Institute of Psychiatric Research
PART B - Affiliation Unknown
SVYADOSHCH, A.M. (Karaganda)
Department of Physics, State Instrument Engineering College of Moscow
Bio-Information Section, A.S. Popov All-Union Scientific and Technical
Society of Radio Technology and Electrical Communications, Moscow
Physiology of Labor Laboratory, University of Leningrad
A.A. Uktomskii Physiological Institute, Leningrad
._ Approved ForRelease2003/09109: CIA-RDP96-00788R0G1300010001-7
Approved For Release 2003/09/0J l7 - ti~R00788R001300010001-7
July 1972
Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow University
Bekhterev Brain Institute, University of Leningrad
Research Institute of Psychology, Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences
Moscow Institute of Aviation
Laboratory of Vision, Institute of Problems of Information Transmission
of the USSR Academy of Science
Pavlov Institute, Moscow
Pulkovo Observatory, Leningrad
Filatov Institute, Laboratory of the Physiology of Vision, Odessa
Geology Department of Moscow State University
Kazakh University, Alma-ata
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001300010001-7
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July 1972
Institute of Clinical Physiology, Kiev
PART B - Affiliation Unknown (1972)
ADAMENKO, V. (Moscow)
ARLASHIN, A.G. (telepathic tests vs distance)
DOBRONRAVOV, S.N. (Sverdlovsk)
KAMENSKIY, Yu.I. (Physicist - ESP)
MONIN, A.I. (telepathic tests vs distance)
PRESMAN, A.S. (Physicist - ESP)
RAIKOV, V.L. (Moscow)
SEROV, S. (Sverdlovsk)
SOCHEVANOV, N. (Leningrad)
TROSKIN, A. (Sverdlovsk)
.ZAKAROV (Leningrad)
Serbsky Central Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Psychiatry,
Moscow, USSR
The Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology, Sofia, Bulgaria
Psychiatry Department, Karaganda Medical Institute
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Approved For Release 2003/09/09NQ"i PU00788ROO1300010001-7
July 1972
Affiliation Known
Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Moscow
Institute of the Brain, Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow
First Medical Institute imeni I.M. Sechenov, Moscow
Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute, Moscow
Donetsk Medical Institute
Institute of Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences, Moscow
SEVERIN (fnu) (son of Severin, S.Ye.)
,Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001300010001-7
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July 1972
Institute of Physiology, Tbilisi
BACKURADZE, A. (Director)
Laboratory of Psychopharmacology, Bekhterev Scientific Research
Psychoneurological Institute, Leningrad
Laboratory of Pharmacology of the Nervous System, Institute of
Pharmacology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences
Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Moscow
Affiliation Known
Military-Medical Academy imeni S.M. Kirov, Leningrad
Medical Institute imeni S.V. Kurashov, Kazan
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, USSR
Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Approved For Release-2663/09/09: CIA-RDP96-0078'8R001300010001-7
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 *k`- Uq_ 788R001300010001-7
July 1972
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences,
USSR, Leningrad
Institute of Child and Juvenile Physiology, USSR Academy of
Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow
PART A -'Affiliation Known
Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Kiev
Institute of Medical and Biological Problems, Moscow
Laboratory of Sensory Processes, Scientific Research Institute
of Psychology, Moscow
Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Riga
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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001300010001-7
July 1972
Division of Clinical Biophysics, Medical Institute, R'
Ivanovo-Frankovsk Medical Institute
Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy
of Sciences USSR, Moscow
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Soviet Academy
of Sciences
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July 1972
1. (U) It is now apparent that the ideological stigmas
attached to parapsychological phenomena have been breached in
the Soviet Union. Although serious studies of psi have been
going on in the USSR since the 1920s, it has only been since
1962 that researchers such as L. Vasilev have been allowed to
publish their work. In 1971, however, the open literature and
the open exchange of ideas between the USSR and the West
halted. During the next fifteen years it is expected that the
Soviets will energetically pursue all aspects of parapsychology.
With party approval and with the large sums of money allocated
in the late 1960s, it is inconceivable that the work has stopped.
It is believed that certain military applications have been dis-
covered and that by 1980, the Soviets will have mastered some
aspects of psi phenomena in order to alter human behavior.
2. __(U) The Soviets are concentrating on the development
of psycho-warfare agents. One of the more recent areas appear
to lie in the development or isolation of marine toxins. The
Serbsky Institute of Forensic Psychiatry in Moscow is one such
facility shown to have interest in psychotropic substances to
include LSD, tranquilizers, and marine toxins. It is believed
that the search for new "mindbending" agents will continue in
the USSR. Close scrutiny of the literature, etc., especially
in marine toxin research is imperative.
3. (U) _ Based on exhaustive searches of Soviet literature,
it is now apparent that the USSR has initiated research into the
behavior of insects and animals (possibly human) that is related
to pheromones. The technological base is available in the USSR
(and elsewhere) which could allow immediate behavioral exploitation
of certain insect and animal populations. The use of certain
pheromones that cause a gathering of animals to a certain location
and release of their aggressive behavior would cause immediate
disruption and confusion, and depending on the insect or animal,
even death to military units at the focal points of infestation.
It is extremely likely that given five to ten years of further
research, the Soviets will have the means as well as countermeasures
for the military employment of pheromones.
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July 1972
4. (U) The Soviets, it appears, have already experimented
with the use of flashing lights and colored lights for the
purpose of eliciting bet avioral change in human targets. There
is literature available that reports on Soviet work involved in
the interactions of sound, light, and olfactory stimuli in humans.
The possibility already'exists that the USSR has systems for the
use of flickering lights in the field. It can now be assessed
that in the next 15 years, they may develop a system that alters
behavior by combining 1 o or more systems e.g. sound and light
together, to mask the use of the principal weapon e.g. the admini-
stration of a pheromone or a psychgtropic compound.
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July 1972
Directives on the Immediate Hospitalization of Persons Mentally
Ill Who are a Social Dander, Practice of Forensic Psychiatric
Diagnosis, Research Handbook No. 6, under the editorship of G.V.
Morozov, Ministry of Health of the USSR, Serbsky Central Research
Institute of Forensic Psychiatry of the USSR, Moscow, 1962.
Confirmed by the deputy minister of health of the USSR,
I Kochergin, October 10, 1961. Number 04-14 32.
Affirmed for Procurator of the USSR, by Deputy General Procu-
rator of the USSR, A. Mishutin, October 10, 1961.
Affirmed for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR,
by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR,
P. Romashkov, October 9, 1961.
In a number of instances the necessity for prevention of dangerous
actions of persons mentally ill requires their immediate hospita-
lization in psychiatric institutions. In accordance with this:
1. If there is a clear danger from a person mentally ill to
those around him or to himself the health organs have the right
(by way of immediate psychiatric assistance) to place him in
a psychiatric hospital without the consent of the person who
is ill or his relatives or guardians.
2. In the psychiatric institution within 24 hours the sick
person hospitalized must be examined by a special committee composed
of three doctor-psychiatrists, which considers the question of
correctness of hospitalization and determines the necessity for
further presence in the hospital. The closest relatives are
informed of the hospitalization of the sick person.
3. The basic indication for obligatory hospitalization is
the social danger of the sick person as conditioned by the following
particular features of his sick condition:
a. Psychomotor excitation with a tendency towards aggressive
b. Deviant conduct accompanied by psychiatric disorder
(hallucinations, deliriums, a syndrome of mental automatism,
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July 1972
syndromes of disordered consciousness, and pathological impulsiveness),
if it occurs in a condition of sharply expressed affective tension
and a tendency to pass into action;
c. Systematic delirious syndromes with a chronic deteriorating
course, if they determine the socially dangerous conduct of the
sick person;
d. Hypochondriac delirious conditions causing incorrect,
aggressive attitudes of the sick person towards particular persons,
organizations and institutions.
The morbid conditions enumerated-aboxe, tending within themselves
to undoubted social danger, may occur with externally correct
conduct and dissimulation. In this connection special care must
be used when assessing the mental condition of such persons, so
that the indications for immediate hospitalization are not
stretched to fit the case, and, at the same time, the possibility
of socially dangerous behavior on the part of the mentally sick
can be prevented by means of timely hospitalization. The indica-
tions for immediate hospitalization enumerated above are not
exhaustive, but are only a list of the more frequently occurring
illnesses which present a social danger.
4. Simple, although acute, alcoholic intoxication is not
an indication for immediate hospitalization in a mental institu-
tion, as is not also intoxication brought about by other narcotic
compounds (except serious intoxicational psychosis and psychotic
variations of abstential conditions), and affective reactions
of persons who are not suffering from mental illness.
5. Doctor-psychiatrists effect the immediate hospitalization
directly, but in districts where there are no psychiatric institu-
tions doctors belonging to the general medical service do so,
as the ill person must be immediately conveyed to the nearest
psychiatric hospital.
6. When immediate hospitalization is indicated, the doctor
committing the sick person to the hospital is under obligation to
give full details of the medical and social grounds for his
decision, and in the conclusion of his report on the case, to
mention his place of work, the post he occupies, his name, and
the time when the decision on immediate hospitalization had been
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July 19 72
7. Local organs of the police in cases of necessity (if
relatives or guardians of the ill person object or offer resis-
tance) are obliged to offer assistance to medical workers in the
hospitalization of persons mentally ill upon the request of the
persons mentioned in paragraph five of the present Directives.
8. Sick persons hospitalized in psychiatric institutions
are placed in the department appropriate to their mental condition
for carrying out actual treatment, and are subject without excep-
tion (no less than once a month) to examination by a special
commission composed of three doctor-psychiatrists for consideration
of the question of further stay in the hospital. Upon improvement
of the mental condition of the-sick person, or such changes in
the clinical picture of the illness as to eliminate the social danger
on the part of the sick person, the commission of doctors issues
an opinion on the possible release of the sick person. Release
of such an ill person is carred out by handing him over to rela-
tives or guardians.
9. If a sick person who is due, according to medical indica-
tions to be released from the hospital, is in a condition where
he may not be left on his own and does not have a permanent place
of residence or persons able to take care of him, he may be
released from the hospital only through transfer to patronage.
In cases of necessity the hospital takes measures for the offi-
cial registration of guardianship over the sick person.
10. Upon release of the sick person the psychiatric hospital
informs the relatives of the sick person and the psychoneurological
clinician as to where such sick persons must attend for particular
check-ups, if they are subject to regular prophylactic treatment.
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July 1972
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interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) M.
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July 19 72
Properly classified in the
interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
The science of mass manipulation plays a major role in modern
warfare - at least theoretically. In past wars, a hostile con-
frontation between two parties was a diplomatic duel, or a military
battle which was based on and regulated, in general, by classical
concepts of acceptable military conduct (e.g., international
agreements on the status of POWs, unarmed civilians, etc.). But
this concept has changed. In modern warfare, there is a powerful
third force which has, perhaps, the most decisive bearing on
the outcome of any diplomatic and/or military confrontation today.
This third force is the manipulated mass - individuals who, by
modern mass communications media, have been welded into a solid
front, holding the same, or very similar, opinions. This third
force conflicts with, and ultimately controls the hostile con-
frontation by appling its criteria rather than the older criteria
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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001300010001-7.
July 1972
of acceptable diplomatic and military conduct. The study of these
criteria is also the task of opinionology. Source again cited, as
a case in point, the war in Vietnam. According to older, classical
concepts of warfare, the Vietnamese (including the North Vietnamese),
should have sided with the Americans who are fighting in Vietnam to
liberate the Vietnamese from the threat of Communist oppression and
mass terror. Instead, the Vietnamese masses have been welded
opinionologically (i.e., deceived by Communist manipulation), into
believing that they are fighting for their freedom and national
independence against a "foreign (American) invader, whereas-in
reality they are fighting the Americans to be eventually enslaved
by the Communists. Source believes that this situation is an
obvious result of American ignorance in manipulating mass media.
By ignoring mass opinion (both American and world), the Americans
have maneuvered themselves into the position of an "invading
foreign power," in the eyes of the opinionologically indoctrinated
The study of the pattern of mass manipulation and mass resonance
is based on the new scientific approach to psychology known as
structural' psychology. This psychology, which is also taught in
the West, rejects the classical psychology which devotes itself
exclusively to the individual. According to structural psychology,
the individual is conceived as a derivative of the hierarchic groups
which condition and mold his existence. These groups are:
The Intimate micro-group (family);
The social micro-group (environment);
The social molding group (LORENZ, Praegungsgruppe); and
The basic structuring group (ethnic group).
According to structural psychology, the phenomenology of the individual
is considered to be a reflection of the phenomenology of these four
groups. The study of mass resonance is concerned with the fourth
group. Of the different methods of investigating the pattern of
this group, opinionology is one of the most rewarding and most
commonly used.
a. Glossary of Terms
Source furnished the following glossary to define the
psychological and psychiatric terminology used in this report:
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July 1972
(1) Opinionology: This term is understood as the theory
dealing with the unstructured reaction of the masses, and/or
the reaction of the unstructured masses. NOTE: Opinionology is
not identical with cemoscopy; i.e., PO (public opinion) research
which represents statistical evaluations of social data (mainly
pseudo data).
(2) Unstructured mass: An unstructured mass consists
of large numbers of individuals whose standards of value have
been disturbed to a point approaching disintegration, so that
the values have become ambiguous as a result. In other words,
the reactions governing individuals are not homogeneous to the
mass and, therefore, cannot weld the mass into an integrated whole.
(3) Structured mass:, A structured mass is one in which
certain affective behavior manifestations are constant based on
certain laws governing the individuals comprising the mass.
(4) Mental structure of an individual: The mental structure
of an individual is composed of certain affective behavior manifes-
tations which remain constant; hence the mental structure of the
individual is a repetitive phenomenology.
(5) Structuralization: This is the process of persuading
individuals comprising a mass to accept a certain system of values
(i.e., a "structure").
(6) Unstructuration: This term has the same definition
as item (2) above (unstructured mass).
(7) Structuration: Defined under item (3) above (structured
mass). This term can also be defined as the structural form of a
mass; i.e., of the individuals comprising the mass.
(8) .De-structuration: This is the process of depriving
a mass of individuals (structured or structurized), of its values
(i.e., its structure).
(9) Engrammation: A permanent effect produced in the
psyche as a result of stimulation. It serves as the basis for
(10) Chronaxia: The mimimum time necessary to excite.
(11) Cybernetics: A science dealing with the comparative
study of complex electronic calculating machines and the human
nervous system in an attempt to explain the nature of the brain.
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pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
July 1972
(1) The factors of mass de-structuration and of unstruc-
turation; that is, the circumstances under which groups of individuals
(masses), become unorientated (not disorientated) masses. Studies
show that these masses can be manipulated 100 percent, as a result
of de-structuration.
(2) The factors governing the unstructured mass resonance;
i.e., public opinion (P0); the excitement threshold of public opinion,
its latency period and, as a link between the two, its chronaxia
(latency period of the double excitement threshold). See Figure 1.
(3) The types of unstructured mass resonance (public opinion),
which range from latent undemonstrated sympathy and/or antipathy,
to extreme turbulence and, in the final degree, to massive demonstra-
tions of violence.
(4) The short-term and long-term memory of public opinion
(P0), in relation to events, and its engrammation.
Properly classified in the
interests of national security
pursuant to 5 USC 552(b) (1).
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July 1972
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July 1972 -
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July 1972
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July 19 72 c
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July 1972
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July 1972
Figure 1 (C) Chart of Public Opinion ReAonAnce
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July 1972
Biocummunications (Parapsychology) Scientist
1. (U) Doctor Milan Ryzl is an international authority on para-
psychology, who has lectured widely both in the United States
and in Europe. Doctor Ryzl, educated in Czechoslovakia, was a
member of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague and
was a leading figure in the application of scientific methods
to the study of parapsychology. After he arrived in the United
States, he worked with Doctor J.B. Rhine at the Institute of
Parapsychology in Durham, North Carolina. There Doctor Ryzl
was especially noted for his original research on the influence
of hypnosis on ESP.
2. (U) Doctor Ryzl has taught parapsychology at San Diego State
College and is currently a professor of parapsychology at San
Jose State University. Ile is a member of and has founded para-
psychological and psychical research groups in Europe and in the
United States. Doctor Ryzl's primary efforts in this field have
been to document a case for parapsychology by means of highly
refined and systematized scientific methods. He published his
results in, Parapsychology: A Scientific Approach (Hawthorn Books,
1970). In his work, Doctor Ryzl presents indisputable and thoroughly
documented evidence that psychic phenomena exist and scientifically
examines the full range of psychic phenomena by evaluating experi-
mental evidence derived from laboratory controlled testing.
3. (U) Doctor Ryzl is also well-known as a reviewer and analyst
of parapsychology developments and trends in Eastern Europe. He
has frequently published reviews and commentaries on parapsycho-
logical works from behind the Iron Curtain. One such is Telepatie
A Jasnovidnost (Telepathy and Clairvoyance), by Doctor Z. Rejdak.
Doctor Ryzl's review of this book was published in the July-August
1971 edition of the Parapsychology Review.
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July 1972
1. Congressional Record, 92nd Congress of the United States,
Volume 117, Number 176, 17 November 1971, Washington, DC. (U)
2. Shallice, T. and Wall, P., Interrogation Question, New Scientist,
UK, Volume 52, Number 773, p. 67, 9 December 1971. (U)
3. Psychologist Says Detainees in Ulster Undergo Torture, The
New York Times, 9 January 1972. (U)
4. Biderman, A.D. and Zimmer, H., The Manipulation of Human Behavior,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York-London, 323 pp., 1961. (U)
5. Medvedev, Z.A. and Medvedev, R.A., A Question of Madness,
The New York Times Magazine, 7 November 1971. (U)
6. Department of State Airgram, CA-5185, 15 November 1971. (C)
7. Reddaway, P., Plea to West on Soviet "Mad-house" Jails, The
London Times, 12 March 1971. (U)
8. Ibid, Save Ex-Soviet General, The London Times, 2 May 1971. (U)
9. Ibid, Soviet Group's Plea to Psychiatrists, The London Times,
23 October 1971. (U)
10. Jensen, H., Soviet Dissenter Speaks Out, The Washington Post
17 May 1970. (U)
11. Shabad, T., Two Dissidents in Soviet Prison Hospital Charge
Drugs are Used to Change Beliefs of Political Prisoners, The
New York Times, 18 March 1971. (U)
12. Reston, R., Russian Use of Drugs to Curb Dissent Told, The
London Times (no date). (U)
13. Goodman, L.S. and Gilman, A., The Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics, 4th edition, The Macmillian Company, New York, pp.
155-170, 1970. (U)
14. Brumberg, A., How Russia Uses Asylums to Kill Dissent, The
Washington Post, 18 October 1971. (U)
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July 1972
15. Directives on the Immediate Hospitalization of Persons Mentally
Ill Who are a Social Danger, Practice of Forensic Psychiatric
Diagnosis, Research Handbook Number Six, Morozov, G.V., Editor
Ministry of Health, USSR, Serbsky Central Research Institute of
Forensic Psychiatry of the USSR, 1962. (U)
16. Chalidze, V.N., Concerning Compulsory Commitment to Psychiatric
Hospitals, Moscow (in samizdat), May-June 1970, MI0 Number Five,
ST-CS-01-169-72. (U)
17. Outpatient Forenic-Psychiatric Examination of Yakhimovich,
I.A., The Neurological Center of the City of Riga, 1 April 1969,
MIO Number Three, ST-CS-O1-169-72. (U)
18. Report Number 96, Inpatient Forensic-Psychiatric Examination
of Yakhimovich, I.A., Psychiatric Section of Investigation Department,
Number One, City of Riga, 3 June 1969. (U)
19. Report Number 33, Inpatient Forensic-Psychiatric Examination
of Yakhimovich, I.A., Central Scientific Research Institute (Serbsky
Institute) of Forensic Psychiatry, 12 January 1970. (U)
20. Volpin, A., Novoye Russkoye Slovo, New York, 10 June 1968. (U)
21. Report Number 575, Skvortsov-Stepanov Psycho-Neurological
Hospital,-Leningrad, 14 October 1969. (U)
22. Conclusion of a Commission Presided Over by the (Moscow)
City Psychiatrist I.K. Yanushevsky, 19 November 1969, MIO Number
Two, ST-CS-O1-169-72. (U)
23. Report Number 28/S, The Forensic-Psychiatric Examination
of N.E. Gorbanevskaya, 6 April 1970. (U)
24. Gorbanevskaya, N.E., Letters from the Butyrka Prison (Moscow),
1970, MIO Number One, ST-CS-O1-169-72. (U)
25. Fainberg, V., Appeal to Human Rights Organization, July 1970,
MIO Number Four, ST-CS-O1-169-72. (U)
26. Report Numbe 40, The Outpatient Forensic-Psychiatric Diagnosis
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July 19 72
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143. Zavalova, N.D., Zukhar, V.P., and Petrov, Yu9A_, The1ProProblem
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147. Zukhar, V.P., Kaplan, Ye.Ya., Maksimov, Yu.A., and Pushkina,
I.P., An Experiment on Collective Hypnopedia, Voprosy Psikhologii,
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157. Balkhashov, I., Concerning Hypnopedia and the Rapid Learning
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July 1972
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July 1972 C.
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July 1972
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225. Gorgiladze, G.I. and Smirnov, C.D., Electrophysiological
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5. Alexander, U.S. and Chiles, W.D., Prolonged Intermittent
Photic Stimulation, U.S. Armed Forces Medical Journal, Volume 2,
pp. 1156-1161, 1960. (U)
1. Barrett, A.M., Personality Characteristics Under the Stress
of High Intensity Sound, Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 1950,
Penn State College, State College, Pennsylvania. (U)
2. Broadbent, D.E., Effects of Noise in Behavior, Handbook of
Noise Control, Harris (Ed.), Chapter 10, McGraw-Hill, New York,
1957. (U)
3. Plutchik, R., The Effects of High Intensity Intermittent Sound
on Performance, Feeling, and Physiology, Psychol. Bull., Volume 56,
pp. 133-151, 1959. (U)
(Reverse Blank)
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001300010001-7
welt:., c e 2003/09/09: CIA-RDP96-00788 R001300010001-7
(Security cfartllicafion of llfle, body of abstract and inds=inpt annolatio n must be entered when the overall report is classiDed)
1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corpovale author)
Medical Scientific and Technical Branch
Medical Intelligence Office
Office of The Surgeon General, Department of the Army
Controlled Offensive Behavior - USSR (U)
a. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (7)rpe of report and Inclusive dales)
Trend Study 1874-1987
S? AUTHOR(S) (First nom e, middle inlflai, last name)
John D. LaMothe
76. N. OF REFS
July 1972
Sb. OTHER REPORT NOIS) (Any other numbers that may be "*lined
Chia report)
d DIA Task No. T72-O1-14
Defense Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20301
(U) _ Controlled offensive behavior as defined within the scope of this report
includes Soviet research on human vulnerability as it applies to methods of
influencing or altering human behavior. Emphasis in this report is placed on
influencing individuals as opposed to groups. The use of parapsychological
phenomena, light, color, sound, pheromones, and biochemicals are included and
discussed as it is applicable to altering human behavior.
(U) This report is a trend study and, therefore, contains statements pre-
dicting Soviet knowledge and capabilities for influencing human behavior for the
period up to + 15 years.
ro" I Nov ..'[ 4 / 3 EPLAC S FORPONMVI 73. I JAN WHICH I
DD AM USK. 175
st-s.Iri C7a.Sift e.tfoo
Approved For-Retease 2003/09/09--C1A-RDP96lt88R001300010001=7
Approved FdY dT6?ff J 2003/09/09: CIA-RDP96 I
Astral Projection
Biogenic Amine
Electromagnetic Effect
Light Perception
Mind Manipulation
Offensive Behavior
Psychological Warfare
Sensory Deprivation
Sound Perception
Subliminal Perception
Security laas icatlop
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001300010001-7
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001300010001-7
July 1972
FSTC (3)
DASG-MI (20)
SGRD (10)
0001 SA
C030 CH R/D
(TOTAL 72)
Approved For Release 2003/(Y9/0'9-- CIA-RDP96-00788R0013D0010001=T__
Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001300010001-7