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October 4, 1978
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SECRETN IY ?? DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INTELLIGENCE WASF-IINGTON, D.C. 20310 4 OCT 1973 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200410024-9 SUBJECT: DoD Program on Remote Viewing (S/ORCON) Dr. Jack Verona Deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence Defense Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20301 1. (S/ORCON) Reference your letter (copy inclosed) of 6 September 1978 concerning above subject with minutes of the DoD Committee on Remote Viewing Activities. 2. (S/ORCON) Concur in the concept of a DoD coordinated effort concerning above subject. The term Remote Viewing may be more correctly replaced with Parapsychology as I believe our efforts should. include other critical aspects of the Psychoenergetics, such as Telepathic Communications and Psychokinesis. 3. (S/ORCON) I suggest that the Advisory Committee be composed of personnel like yourself from DIA, me from Army, and equivalent personnel from Air Force, Navy and NSA if each of those agencies become or con- tinue to be actively involved. For Army's involvement the Working Group should consist of representatives from my staff, INSCOM, and DARCOM. Other actively involved agencies should be represented accordingly. Army Intelligence obligated $75K, this past. week, of year-end funds to support an SRI Subject selection and training program for INSCOM personnel over the next year. I suggest the Working Group be established and begin developing funding levels for the next five year period. Our position is that both basic and applied research be funded; organizations other than SRI be examined for their potential to contribute to the achievement of proper military related goals; and there be a comprehensive DoD in- house effort to concentrate on application of parapsychology techniques as they are developed. SECRET ACSI, DA < t d 1~f I N" IInri ?>; I L C'F L~ CC.11'l iVL ~)l,i---:at 2Ii .2 r>I:'._LA:.,;IFY 014 .. Notificat.ipn by Originator Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200410024-9 1\ Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200410024-9 SECRET NOFCRN DAMI-ISU SUBJECT: DoD Program on Remote Viewing (S/ORCON) 4. (S/ORCON) In paragraph 8 of the minutes of the 24 August meeting, a statement is made that "the goal of the Working Group will be to develop sound, relevant experiments in order to gain a firmer understanding of the underlying physics." That seems to be a more narrow scope than we perceive; that is certainly "a" goal, but not "the" only goal of the Working Group. We feel that actual application of psychoenergetic "technology" is a reasonable, immediate goal toward which we should strive. -~ 5. (S/ORCON) There are occasional, but persistent indications that the Navy has maintained its research into Parapsychology. On a casual basis it is not possible to confirm the existence of any Navy programs, but if there is to be a real DoD effort it is essential that someone in a position of central authority, i.e., DIA, examine the situation thoroughly in writing. 6. (U) I recommend early establishment of the Advisory Committee and Working Group in order for us to begin to draw together the DoD framework and begin to move in a positive manner. 1 Incl (S/ORCON) as I r, ?'~.'f""A?4 rid SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001200410024-9