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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 11, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R001100440079-7.pdf78.98 KB
Approved For Release 2OO .Sl ET-RDP96-00788ROO 1100440079-7 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 Lot 11 DEC 1981 SG1J S-11,141/DT-1 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DEPUTY SECRETARY DEFENSE SG1J SUBJECT: GRILL FLAME - ACTION MEMORANDUM (U) (S/NOFORN) In FY 1981, a Memorandum of Understanding (enclosure. 1) established a jointly funded Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and U.S. Army three-year contractual effort known as GRILL FLAME. This effort has been investigating for the last year certain parapsychological phenomena, such as remote viewing (the ability of individuals to mentally collect data at a distance), that have potential military applications. Emphasis in FY 1981 was on evaluating potential applications and limitations of such phenomena, and to evaluate the significance of foreign work, particularly as it may pose a threat to the United States. (S/NOFORN) The U.S. Army has proposed that the FY 1982 joint contract with SRI International include the training of selected Army personnel who have had no prior experience in remote viewing. It has been determined by DoD General Counsel that this activity requires permission under Procedure 18 of DoD Directive 5240. 1-R. Accordingly, the Secretary of the Army has approved Army participation in the program. A copy of the approval is enclosure 2. (S/NOFORN) In compliance with this determination, all.contracts entered into and under the auspices of the DIA/Army GRILL FLAME program will contain the written requirement that the provisions of Procedure 18, DoD Directive 5240. 1-R will be followed. The contract monitor will ensure that the contracted party executes its Procedure 18 responsibilities. Informed consent of all subjects will be obtained in writing and only in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. These guidelines set conditions safeguarding the welfare of the subjects. (S/NOFORN) The Defense Intelligence Agency, as joint participant and con- tracting agent of the GRILL FLAME progam, requests permission to proceed with those portions of the joint DIA/Army GRILL FLAME program determined to consti- tute human experimentation pursuant to Procedure 18 of DoD Directive 5240. 1-R. - I - C, ~, 4 a, &J-: C, SG1J E. A. PUPIKHA - i,1R;" P~a~ ~~M~~~~ ISM SE ui, euwr GRILL FLAME MOU (S/NF), 1 Cy Memo for Sec of Army, 8 May 81, 14 1981 (S/NF). 1 Cv DEC SEC HAS SEEN Coordination: 'lox ASABLB TO FOREIGN NATIONAL-" OSD(GC)__ Ciassitl.d by r]t 1 Prepared by /09/16: CIA-RDP96-OPPB Review a-- 4 Deoexr~ber 3Z3~-'